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I would like to know which of the current lighting options you use when you play VSR, so I can mod and improve the not used ones. Also I want to try something out and need to know if I could utilize 1-2 of the existing lighting buttons. 

You can make as much selections as you want to. I will make a start with the lightings I use myself.

P.S. The default lighting, just after the scene is loaded is "L1"



Yeah, mostly just the default (L1) for me. Imo, the others options are 'interesting', but tend to make the char's skin look a bit weird for me (or I just lack the savvy to make them look good, idk ...). I could be talking out my ass, but I think that what is needed most for "nonconventional" lighting to work well is lots of SHADOW - and I'd guess that's pretty hard to achieve in that cozy-cuddly dormroom setting? Vamurai's scenes are what I'd think of in terms of 'good unconventional lighting' - but otoh, Vamurai's scenes are WAY less flexible than yours in terms of choice of positions etc.


I like L2, but i think all of them are missing backlighting / lighting by the bed.The back of the character is too dark. I usually end up turning on the bed scene light, even though it's only meant to be turned on for the bed scenes.


Well basically yes. The tricky part for me was to find a balance so the whole room and the models are evenly illuminated. For better shadows on the models I would need to move the lights closer to them and reduce the range/intensity, otherwise the models become too bright compared to the environment. But reducing the lighting power makes the room darker, which is fine though since it would be just 1 or 2 of the 8 lighting options. That’s what I want to try to add btw and wanted to know if I could use one or two of the existing lighting buttons for that :) Also good that you mentioned Vamurai. He has great intimate lighting in his scenes for sure. Gonna recheck them and see what I can learn from there :D


I use L2 sometomes too :D And yeah there are always only 2 lights active, which come from the front left and right, so the back is dark. One reason for 2 lights only is because I had very weird shadow effect (like here https://imgur.com/Sf6toGy) when I add 3rd lighting. With time I figured out that it has something to do with the amount of pixel lights active in the options. I am not sure how it would impact performance, when this is activated and 3rd light is added. I will add 3rd dimensional light to the scene though and make a toggle to turn it on/off. Have already experimented with this and it looks not so bad :)