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Hello everybody!

First of all I want to wish you happy and healthy 2023! Couples of days late, cause I wanted to accompany it with a fresh update. I hope you don't mind muaahahah :P

So here you go ----> https://www.patreon.com/posts/virtual-reloaded-59323869 

Whats New

- 2 New Positions (Missi4 & Doggy4)

Missy4 is selectable from the default Table position and from Missi3. 

Doggy4 is accessible from Doggy1 and Doggy3 positions. It also has some automated position changes and Anal option.

- Toggle to turn off the lights (https://imgur.com/hz9CK61)

This one is helpful when you want to add your own lighting setup/rigs.


- Modded vertical offset parameters on Gaze plugin

The Gaze(Not RealGaze) plugin is only active on the standing part before bed (at start). It is responcible for counterbalancing the vertical head tilt. Especially in VR when you move close to the girl she looked slightly more upwards then necessary imho. Now she looks more straight.

- Disabled head lean back on table missi 1&2

The head leaning kinda looked a bit off, so I disabled the plugins responsible for the tilt.

For the next update I will try to setup spank buttons for desktop mode (had several requests on that), fiddle a bit more with lighting (L7 and L8 seems kinda a bit crappy imho but I will make a voting regarding what lighting you use, so I can mod the ones which are not that popular).

Also I had another pretty cool suggestion in my ghost discord channel xD which should not take very much time to add and would give the scene more variations.

This is all for now. Enjoy the update!



Tried redownlading. Still not visible. Is anyone else facing the problem?


I remember that someone had similar issue. The problem was that VAM was installed on the C: drive inside like "Windows" or "Temp" folder. Another thing which comes to mind is that you could have pressed "deny always" when this prompt appear during loading https://imgur.com/9Esme5D . In that case delete the "TGC.Scene_VirtualSweetheartReLoaded.44.prefs" file. You can find it inside "AddonPackagesUserPrefs" folder in your main VAM directory. Last thing which I can think of is that you have old VAM version. These are the only things which come to mind. I also could check whats wrong via Teamviewer. That would help me identify the issue pretty quick. Or you stream me your VAM via discord which may help me to spot whats wrong aswell.


did it again and it worked. Thanks for the help