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Hello everybody,

I have decided to pause the billing cycle once again out of several reasons.

Sweetheart ReLoaded is coming to the finished state. Mainly because the loading times are getting, well actually already are abysmal. Also I can imagine you getting slowly, but surely bit bored with the same scene. So it is time to wrap it up! 

Final big addition I want to include is the voice commission, which I am waiting for. I had a response from Emma Fielder recently. She has been moving and had lots of stuff to do, but now she has time for the commission, which I want to include in the current billing cycle! But for this I obviously need bigger time span. 

Also depending on when I get the audio files I will consider to pause October billing aswell, cause I will probably need like 1-2 weeks to cut, mod and add them into the scene. I am planning to rework the current voice system aswell, so the girl says more fitting stuff regarding the situation.

Another reason for the pause, is that I have been already slower this month, then I planned and will be on vacation for a week at the end of August. 

I will release one more update until then with some fixes and additions though, including some requests/suggestions I got from you!

All in all I want to take this wrapping up procedure slow paced and think everything properly through without rushing and have also bit of time for some other stuff.

This is it for now, have a nice weekend!



U da man! Take my MONEY!!!! You'll only lose it back on the golf range...;)


Cant see why you pause if you still working on stuff. Just keep it on


Nah its good. I don't come to do as much as I plan this month and kinda want to take some pressure off of me rushing some update, which isnt completely thought through.


I rather you don't rush and still take money i do the same as an artist that is on another site cant rush quality.


Thanks for informing us TGC, have fun during your vacation :)


Yepp quality can't be rushed thats for sure :) But this month its more about that I can not invest as much time as I want to into progressing the scene. So I just pause when this happens. I appretiate your attitude very much though!


Sounds good. Happy vacation!


I really appreciate this. Kind of funny: I think, you and vihper are the vam creators with the best content in general. And both of you have much higher work ethics - even when it comes to billings - than most of the other creators. Did you guys ever think about a collab?


Oh thank you! Thats pretty cool to hear :D Hmm your question about a collab with Vihper is a tough one. I have chatted with him couple of times and noticed that we have often similarish way of thinking, which would make a collab very enjoyable. But our skillsets and limitations are kinda samey aswell. So I think that it would make more sense for both of us to collab with someone who makes mocaps for example.


Collab: XRWIzard. Both you and Vihper. Actually, go grab his latest scene simply to nab all his secrets about how he manages to make such a big scene perform so well. Not saying I prefer any of you over the other - I'm a long-haul subscriber to you, Vihper, SlamT and XRWizard. I think I've been with you for ... is it two years now? I've never regretted a single dime I sent to either of you. I love all your unique, crazily creative, fun, sexy styles. But ze Wizard really hit a home-run this time. Plus he knows someone with pretty awesome poledance-chops ... ;)


Hey Case! Oh yeah you have been subbed for a very long time! Pretty much since I started patreon and not only sticked around, but also been very helpful with tips, ideas and motivational words! I am very grateful for all this :D Actually if it wasn't you who asked me about the cowgirl part in VSR, I would not bother adding it :P (Had slightly to fight my OCD not to mix up parts which are made for standing mode with part which should better be played layed down) Retrospectively it is a good addition though I think, cause it gives the scene more variety :) Just checked XR's new poledance scene! Its very good and well made (his gf knows how to move for sure :D), but I don't see any big secrets from technical point of view. Its pretty much pose presets with attached loop animation/mocap each. This is basically how Kinky Pleasures was made minus mocapped animations. If I remove all the randomized stuff from VSR it would definitely have much better performance and would also load faster. Simply because there would be much less plugins/logic bricks running at the same time and the scene would not need as much "programming" as it has right now. But I really would like to stick to the randomization path and improve on that :D There is only one big thing I can think of right now, which would help me with improving the scene quality by a lot and these are mocaps!