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Welcome worthy of a Mistress

Rose was nervously shifting on her knees waiting for Sally to arrive. She knew her stepdaughter would love the entrance Bernice had demanded they’d give her. Sally’s arrival would mean that this horrid day was nearly over, but with both Sally and Bernice here at the same time she feared the worst was yet to come. In any case she dreaded the arrival of her stepdaughter. The girl next to her seemingly had no worries, she just looked zoned out horny.

They ended up sitting there just short of fifteen minutes until finally the doorbell rang, the moment Rose had been dreading and waiting for. In an instant Bernice got up from the couch, walking right in between her sluts taking their leashes from the doorknob as she quickly opened the door revealing a bright smiling Sally standing there in her school uniform, her smile only grew larger as she saw her stepmother kneeling next to this Bernice and the girl dressed and made up just like her.

“Welcome Mistress Sally, we hope you had a good day at class and we hope we can make your day even better. Your wish is our command.” Both Rose and Madison said in union, only Madison called Sally Miss. While Rose’s tone was filled with dread Madison’s was dripping with arousal. After delivering their welcome speech both women crawled forward and planted a kiss on Sally’s foot in front of them before just looking up at the girl sitting on their knees.

Bernice smiled as both sluts performed as expected of them. “Welcome Sally, let me officially hand over the leashes as these two sluts are yours to play with until you need to leave. I’ve named them slut one and two after their number of tails, I’m sure you know slut two, slut one is my personal and newly acquired slut Madison. Please forgive her if she’s a bit slow, the poor girl is horny out of her mind. She hasn’t came all day unlike your stepmother who was so excited serving me that she came numerous times.” Bernice taunted rubbing in the fact that Rose had came despite all of this.

“Typical, just comes to prove what a filthy slut she is, it’s probably her only redeeming quality and the only reason my dad took her over my mom because she’s good at spreading her legs. Luckily that tongue of hers is okay as well so she isn’t all bad.” Sally laughed as she walked past the two gorgeous kneeling women and gave a firm tug on the leash to make them follow into the house. Walking these women on a leash like proper bitches gave her such a rush. It was a pity that they only had about an hour to have some fun. The day after tomorrow however she would be able to have some real long fun with her stepmother and after that weekend with her break starting everyday would be amazing.

“After your splendid review of her tongue skills on your butthole I really can’t wait to try that out for myself. I’ve never had anything up my butt before, but you got me curious, and a slippery tongue seems like a very nice start, well lubricated and none too big. Doesn’t that just sound lovely slut two? I bet you’re dying to get ass kissing again. You’re so good at it when it comes to my father aren’t you? Spreading your legs and kissing ass.” Sally sneered down at her crawling stepmother when she walked into the living room, plopping herself down on the couch.

Lifting her butt slightly Sally wiggled out of her big white panties and hiked her skirt up around her waist, sitting her naked ass down on the couch before lifting her legs up. “Support my calves slut’s, you may each take one of my shoes off and take a minute to worship my feet before sliding my socks off.” Sally barked as Madison, quickly followed by a more reluctant Rose rushed to support one leg each.

As the women slipped Sally’s flat of her feet the instant intense foot scent slapped them in the face. Nevertheless Madison didn’t hesitate even a moment as she instantly moved her face to Sally’s damp soles and started kissing like her life depended on it. Rose was a lot more reluctant to get close to the now slightly grey socked sole which still had her faint lipstick mark on it from this morning. Knowing the consequences disobedience could have she too started kissing Sally’s damp smelly feet although a lot less passionate than Madison did.

They kept showering Sally’s socked foot with kisses until she demanded them to take her socks off. “That’s enough worshipping for now sluts, now take them off slut one, you can hand your sock to slut two. Slut two you may put one of my socks on each arm, wearing them like gloves, gloves blessed by your Goddess and Mistress now isn’t that exciting?” Sally smirked as Rose stared back at her in horror. She had no idea what Sally was playing at, why she was giving such an odd command, then again, just wearing those dirty socks on her arms was cause for embarrassment.

Rose looked ridiculous when she slid the white knee high socks up her arms, they were long enough to reach a little past her elbows yet without fingers they looked awkward. That was the least of her worries though, having no fingers, not even a thumb to work with in these socks was highly impractical. The damp fabric, soaked in Sally’s foot sweat felt horrid on her hands.

“Why the long face slut? Are you this upset because I have you put on more clothes? I know a slut like you likes to be as naked as possible, but I like this new look. In any case. I will lift my butt from the couch for a few seconds, when I sit back down I want to feel your face underneath it. Is that clear? Good, you better hurry as well, cause I don’t know how long I will keep my ass lifted.” Sally warned with a grin, loving the embarrassment on her stepmother’s face as she taunted her about the socks.

The way Sally had formulated her command left no room for hesitation, it was do or die as the time frame in which Rose could move her head in place was very limited. Once Sally lifted her fat bottom of the couch Rose nearly jumped to move her back against the couch and throw her head back on the cushion in a matter of seconds. Giggling loudly at her stepmother’s panicked actions Sally quickly sat down on the woman’s face not hesitating either. The grunt it got out of her stepmother only made her giggle louder.

It took a bit of wiggling around, but eventually Sally had her stepmother pinned just the way she wanted. Her big butt cheeks on either side of Rose’s face, her stepmother’s nose only just peaking out of her butt crack and her lips pressed right against her puckered hole. “I think I just discovered another one of your talents slut, you make an excellent pillow, now get that tongue to work, I want to feel it as far up my butt as it goes.” Sally said laughing at her own joke.

Rose groaned as her head got mashed into the couch by Sally’s entire weight. After spending a huge part of her day stuck under Bernice’s fat butt she couldn’t believe her world was reduced to ass yet again, this time her stepdaughters. Sally was much younger than Bernice and it showed as he skin felt a lot suppler and less saggy than Bernice’s did. It smelled distinctively different as well, not worse, but definitely no better either Sally’s scent was just wildly different.

Wiggling her tongue up another butt was the last thing she wanted to do, but nevertheless she gave in to Sally’s demand. With her head stuck underneath Sally’s bottom there was no use to protesting either, she couldn’t get away from her stepdaughter under any circumstance. Disobeying wouldn’t improve her situation and Sally was sure to make her regret it.

Reluctantly Rose pushed her tongue past her lips instantly encountering Sally’s puckered hole, the taste was somewhat salty, somewhat earthy, and strong enough to make her gag as she pushed through to slip her tongue past Sally’s tight butthole where the taste only intensified. It got a squeal and a giggle out of Sally who experienced this weird sensation of something invading her ass for the very first time. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before, but overall quite pleasurable.

Hearing Sally squeal had made Rose stop, terrified she was doing something wrong, but she instantly got a sharp pinch to her nipple in reply, to the sudden stop, making her scream against Sally’s ass, a scream which was mostly muffled. “Don’t stop now slut, that feels good, wiggle that tongue around some. I want it to feel like you want to explore my ass as much as you possibly can with that tongue of yours and don’t you dare cheat me out of giving more of that tongue, I know from you licking my pussy how long that tongue of yours is.” Sally commanded.

Winching from the pain radiating from her nipple Rose started licking again as fast as she possibly could. She wiggled her tongue as far up Sally’s butt as possible, scared she wouldn’t be happy with her efforts. This time Sally’s squeal stayed out in favour of a moan, there was no sudden invader leaving only that weird but pleasant feeling behind. It wasn’t enough to cum, but she certainly liked it, a nice consistent sort of pleasure with the added bonus that her stepmother had to do something so embarrassing.

“There we go slut, Bernice was right, this does feel amazing, no wonder coming from such a kiss ass. Now while you’re down there enjoying your task I want you to cum at least once. If you don’t I will be sorely disappointed and you don’t want that do you? It shouldn’t be too hard, I know from Bernice’s texts that you came eating her ass so you obviously love it, surely you love your Mistress above all else don’t you slut? I mean I would be very offended if you came eating Bernice’s ass, but not eating mine. Of course I don’t expect you to just cum on the sheer pleasure of eating my ass alone, you have my permission to masturbate.” Sally said with a grin soft moans lacing her speech.

Her stepmother in the meantime couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Masturbating was pretty much a requirement, and while it had been verry shameful cumming while eating Bernice’s ass, especially getting tipped over the edge by Bernice’s foot. It was a process she had been able to disassociate from, it was something she couldn’t stop, something that just happened. This was so much worse though, she would have to actively get herself off while eating her stepdaughters rancid ass and that by rubbing the girls dirty socks on her pussy, an odd request that now made so much more sense. Sally was just out to humiliate her as much as she possibly could.

Up until now Bernice who was sitting right next to Sally had mostly remained quiet just observing the way Sally handled Rose but now that Rose didn’t start masturbating right away, she couldn’t help but speak up. “Hmmm it looks like she isn’t as excited to eat your ass as she was to eat mine, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I was quite gassy. I mean she seemed to love when I farted right in her mouth. Isn’t that right Rose?” She asked giving the woman’s nipple a hard pinch making her scream in Sally’s ass. The badly muffled sound that was heard could have been anything though.

“You might be right Bernice, the slut surely seems to agree. I didn’t know she was this dirty, but alright I will try my best to fart as much as I possibly can.” Sally giggled just as Rose started furiously masturbating in an attempt to let her stepdaughter know that she was going to masturbate and that this wasn’t necessary at all. Without her mouth to protest it was all she could do.

“Hahaha Thanks for the tip Bernice, it seems you were right, look at how excited the prospect of a fart got this slut. She has probably never masturbated as hard in her life as she does right now.” Sally laughed as Rose tried to disprove this claim by slowing down all of a sudden. They were making the wrong assumptions and it was so frustrating not being able to tell them so.

“Oh look she’s slowing down, I’m sorry that I can’t fart on command as disappointing as that might be, but trust me, I vow to always try my best to fart when you are eating my ass, now chop chop, start rubbing again so you are ready for when I do fart.” Sally laughed, just continuing to misunderstand Rose’s signals to the point where the woman realised it was deliberate. Groaning loudly she started rubbing again. The pleasure only building slowly despite the intense masturbation. The disgust and shame over what she was doing were a lot for Rose to overcome, but eventually she managed to get to the point where she started moaning.

While Sally had directed all her attention to her stepmother, she now turned towards the pretty college girl still kneeling at her feet. She was just a bit older than her, about her stepsister’s age. “So now that slut two knows what to do, it’s time for you to make yourself useful as well gorgeous. Why don’t you give my pussy a nice licking, that would be nice as I don’t think I can cum from a tongue up my ass alone. Go lay across your Mistress’s lap and put your face in my lap, after all your Mistress should have something to toy with as well.” Sally grinned as she instructed the girl. She had nothing against this girl and so her aim wasn’t to make things as humiliating as possible for her then again she wasn’t exactly planning on sparing her either.

Not even hesitating Madison crawled stomach down over her Owner’s thighs, too horny to even think about what she was doing. Sally was just one of the so many women she had served since that fateful day she confronted Savannah, a day she didn’t even remember. Since then her life was a horny daze with but one goal, chasing relief, relief only Bernice had been able to give her so far making her instantly bond with her new owner.

As her face hovered between Sally’s wide open legs searching for the pussy she was ordered to lick Sally grew impatient and just grabbed hold of the ponytail. With a considerable amount of force driven by her own arrival Sally promptly guided the girl’s face to her hairy pussy, pressing her lips square over her warm wet folds, letting out a gasp of sheer pleasure as the girl’s tongue wiggled it’s way inside. Unlike her stepmother’s tongue Madison’s was eager, and very skilled. When she wasn’t too horny to really think Madison still considered herself straight despite having eaten pussy on a daily basis for what seemed like forever by now.

While Sally was enjoying the tongues of both slut’s Bernice occupied herself by toying with Madison’s holes. She never could resist a cute girl’s butt, and pretty pussy and she was very pleased to feel just how horny Madison was after a day of worshipping her. Bernice had played with many fun toys over the years, but none as fun as Madison. Unable to resist she plunged two fingers into the girl’s already overly aroused pussy making matters only worse as Madison started moaning loudly while munching on Sally’s pussy.

Bernice was very pleased with her slut and the way she made Sally orgasm within minutes. Sure Sally’s arousal from the pictures she received during her school day as well as getting her stepmother underneath her ass were at least partially behind it, but she also knew how good Madison was with her tongue. Good enough to make Sally wanting more which was what Bernice hoped for. She quite liked this double domming despite not having been the most active participant so far, sharing her perversions and toys was a new and exciting experience so was getting to play with one of the neighbourhood’s trophy wives, her favourite at that.

Sally was in heaven feeling eager tongues on both her holes with the additional pleasure of hearing her stepmother moan and even cum in this most embarrassing situation. She herself came numerous times on Madison’s face, making her lose track of time completely. It wasn’t until the alarm on her phone went off that she was brought back to reality. “Shit! It’s time to go.” She exclaimed with a loud moan as yet another orgasm kicked in. When it finally settled down she pulled Madison’s face off her pussy, despite wanting to keep it there for hours to come, but she couldn’t risk losing all of this by letting her dad find out what she had been up to.

Reluctantly she got off of her stepmother’s face. The pop sound her tongue made as it left her butt did bring a smile back to Sally’s face however, as did the defeated flustered look on her stepmother’s face. Sally had managed to fart once and she had saved it right until she felt her stepmother cumming to make the shame of her orgasm hit that much harder. “Chop chop, up on all fours slut, it’s time for us to go.” Sally said firmly as she jumped up, and gave a tug on her stepmother’s leash not even allowing a moment of reprieve as Rose forced herself on her stockinged knees and sock covered hands.

Sliding into her shoes Sally didn’t bother to put her panties back on or to ask her socks back. Bernice in the mean time had carefully guided Madison to the floor, her face dripping, her pussy dripping and even her ass dripping as she had used her pussy juice lubed finger’s to toy with her toy’s tight butthole, using her other hand to play with her pussy. Standing up Bernice moved to Sally’s side. “Let me give you a lift home, I doubt my slut will be going anywhere as aroused as she is, she can get her reward when I’m home.” Bernice said with a smirk.

“Thank you Bernice, I appreciate it, and I’m sure my slut does to. Isn’t that right slut? Aren’t you going to thank her or would your rather have me walk you home through the neighbourhood?” Sally asked with a smirk as she looked down on her horrified Stepmother.

“No Mistress, a lift sounds great, thank you so much Miss Oakley. Thank you for your amazing company and for offering a ride home. Thank you very much.” Rose quickly said, nothing terrified her more than the prospect of anyone else seeing her like this dressed in nothing but stockings and Sally’s socks, her face reeking of Sally’s ass. She knew very well that she shouldn’t upset either of these women.

“Hahaha you hear that Bernice, I think she likes you. Speaking of which are you free to slut sit her tomorrow as well? I’m sure she’ll be happy to thank you with more than words then.” Sally said with a smirk, loving the idea of filling her stepmother’s days as much as she possibly could, that and she had loved getting to know Bernice and her slut better, the woman was a perverted genius judging from the pictures she had gotten and what she had seen now.

“That would be lovely Sally, you and your slut are always welcome here and it will be my joy to slut sit her. If I have to go for whatever reason I’m sure I can think of ways to keep her occupied. Now would you please follow me.” Bernice said with a wink as she led Sally to the garage, with the leash clipped on Rose had no other choice but to follow closely, groaning as it looked like she would be spending another day with Bernice.

Once in the garage Sally walked to the passenger door of the car and patted the seat. “Here are your options, either you kneel in the foot compartment and rest your head on the seat so I can use you as a pillow again, or you ride sitting on my lap. If you don’t have your face ready for me to sit on in twenty seconds then I’ll just assume you want to sit on your Mistress’s lap.” Sally ordered.

The choice was an easy but horrid one for Rose as she knelt in the foot compartment resting the back of her head on the seat. She wanted nothing more than to stay as far from Sally’s stinking ass as she possibly could, but riding on her lap would put her in plain view of the entire neighbourhood. Riding with Bernice no matter how she was dressed would raise eyebrows, but doing it naked sitting on her stepdaughters lap would be a social death sentence. She couldn’t get caught in the car with these two under any circumstance and sadly there was no better hiding place than underneath Sally’s bottom.

“I knew you couldn’t get enough of my ass you dirty kiss ass. Lucky you, I feel another fart coming up.” Sally laughed as she sat back down on her stepmother’s face before the woman could answer, quickly wiggling herself in place and shutting the door. Bernice just smirked as she got in the driver’s seat and opened the garage.

“By the way while you’re down there you better get licking and masturbating again cause I won’t get off your face until you came once more, even if that takes until dad gets home.” Sally said with a smile as she farted the moment her stepmother’s tongue slipped up her ass. Rose couldn’t help but gag as she choked on the fart nevertheless she masturbated like her life depended on it, desperate for another orgasm in this horrid situation. It was made all the scarier as she felt the car moving.

“You are one lucky slut you know that Rose? Getting so many orgasms both from me and your Mistress. My Madison has been way better behaved yet she hasn’t had an orgasm since yesterday night.” Bernice said while Rose couldn’t figure out what she preferred. She was deeply ashamed about all of her orgasms yet at the same time she didn’t want to be as horny as Madison had looked. It remained inexplainable to her how that girl hadn’t came while she had had so many shameful orgasms.

“Awww, poor girl, she really looked like she desperately needed an orgasm. I was surprised when she didn’t cum on your lap seeing that horny out of her mind look when I arrived. I mean she looked like she could cum with a single touch yet when you went ham on her pussy she only moaned.” Sally said to Bernice then spoke down on her stepmother.

“Do you hear that slut? You are one spoiled bitch, don’t say I never do anything for you, you’ve probably had more orgasms than ever before in your life.” Sally said as she gave both of Rose’s nipples a hard pinch, moaning loudly as the woman screamed in her ass.

“She sure is horny, but she’s very picky about how she can achieve an orgasm. I plan to give her one when I get back home cause she surely deserves it with how flawlessly obedient she is. In fact I do want to test something out, but I’ll need your help. Would you mind coming back home with me? We can still have some fun with my slut and you can help me get her off. I bet it’ll be spectacular with all this pent up arousal.

“Well schools over so I should be home, but I can always stay over at a friend. Let’s ask my stepmother. Hey Rose, can I stay over at a friend for a while?” Sally asked giving both of her stepmother’s nipples another hard pinch making her scream yet again.

“Did no one teach you not to talk with your mouth full? I could hardly understand what you said, but I think that was a yes, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.” Sally scolded her stepmother wiggling her butt some more to make sure the woman couldn’t make a sound as both she and Bernice laughed at the joke. It was clear Rose’s opinion didn’t count although in fact she was happy to have her stepdaughter as far away as possible, she would just play along with the ruse and say Sally was staying with a friend for a bit if her husband asked.

Before too long Bernice pulled up in the driveway of Sally’s house, but since Rose hadn’t came just yet they just talked a bit more. It enervated Rose as she started rubbing her pussy harder with Sally’s socks. She had no idea how late it was and she was stressed that her husband might be coming home any time, that while she still had so much work to do cleaning herself up.

Sally and Bernice just had a good laugh when Rose started masturbating faster, but otherwise ignored her as they talked about what Bernice had done with her two sluts all day. It was horrible for Rose having to hear such a vivid recount of today’s activities while having her tongue up her stepdaughter’s ass, but eventually she did end up cumming.

“It looks like the slut finally came.” Sally laughed as she opened the door and got off Rose’s face. Her stepmother’s face was beaded with sweat and she couldn’t really tell whether it was her butt sweat or it was just her face that had perspired. Eager for some fresh air and to finally stretch her limbs Rose jumped out of the foot compartment of the passenger’s seat, standing in her driveway nearly naked, praying her husband wouldn’t come home just now. At least the front of the house was shielded relatively well from the street so she didn’t have to worry about passer-by’s or neighbours.

Smirking broadly Sally unlocked the collar from her stepmother’s neck and took it with her, giving the woman a quick smack on her butt as she started rushing for the door. “Remember slut, if dad asks I’m off to a friend until later this evening. Oh and remember to brush your teeth, I don’t want my dad to taste my ass, that would just be weird and wrong.” Sally shouted as she got back in the car and drove off with Bernice.

Rose was shaking as she opened up the front door and instantly dashed for the bathroom, wanting to get cleaned up as fast as she possibly could. She was desperate to get cleaned up before her husband would be home. Then again she was desperate to be able to smell and taste something other than her stepdaughter’s ass how could Sally even think she would forget to brush her teeth after this ordeal? Despite her orgasms she didn’t really like the taste off ass, more worrying however was the fact that Sally called it weird and wrong would her dad taste a hint of her ass yet she had no qualms about farting down her mouth.

As nerve wrecking as hiding all of this from her husband was she couldn’t help but feel pity for Madison. Unlike her that girl didn’t get a break, living with Bernice 24/7 and now having to deal with both her and Sally. She wondered what they would do to her, but at the same time she wondered if Madison really minded. She had been awfully obedient, instantly putting up with all of Bernice’s demands and by the time she left she looked so horny and desperate for an orgasm that Rose thought she would do anything just to get off. She really wondered what that very specific way was Bernice had talked about. Whatever it was she had her own troubles.

Back in the car Bernice and Sally were eagerly talking on their way to their evening’s entertainment. Bernice hadn’t wanted to spoil Madison’s predicament in front of Rose just because she wanted Rose to take an example to Madison’s obedience, and because it was way too fun to have Rose participated in her rigged games, games she would never win yet always blame herself for the losses.

In the car she explained all she knew about Madison’s condition, that she could only get off while she had her tongue up the ass of her owner and that owner farted. Not even Bernice knew why or how Madison could get off on that and only that, it was something she had never encountered before unlike Madison’s other trait that she seemed to grow aroused when humiliated. A lot of people got off on humiliation although in Madison’s case that was rather extreme as well, she got turned on faster by humiliation than by stimulation.

Madison was a real catch, stunning and absolutely loyal, Bernice gushed as she explained how Madison had never said no to her. She carried on explaining the experiment she wanted to try. She Wanted to see whether Madison could cum with another person farting down her throat, or if only she as the girl’s owner could make that happen. She was also excited about giving Sally a proper tour of the house now that she wouldn’t have to waste any of the precious time she had with her stepmother, oh it was bound to be a fun evening.


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