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Violet Swann was smirking big time in her home office. She had just found the perfect subject for a project Linda had invited her to work on. Given the help Linda had provided on a project of hers this was bound to be fun. The project was highly unethical, especially given her position as a college professor and a psychologist. Despite her young age of 32 she had managed to become the psychology department head thanks to her nation wide fame for her ground-breaking work regarding hypnotherapy.

Her eye had fallen on Luke Doyle, a rather average guy, and a second year student here at college. His face looked rather soft for a guy and he wasn’t extremely tall at about 5’8” he wasn’t skinny, nor fat, but definitely not muscular either. His hair was worn rather long on top and shaven up on the sides, a popular hairstyle, but no matter how he would wear his hair he would always stand out due to it’s bright ginger colour. Like with a lot of redhaired people his skin was as pale as snow and littered with freckles. A pair of very intense green eyes that looked very lively gave his face something really characteristic.

Unlike some of the girls with these looks Luke wasn’t at all popular with the opposite sex. His ginger hair had caused him a lot of grief when he was younger and as a result he was rather shy. He only really had two close friends. In the hope of scoring some girls he had tried to start working out blaming his lack of success on his all too average body. At least that’s what the goal had been he had gotten a membership at the college gym, but his buddies weren’t interested in working out and he lacked the motivation to regularly go on his own.

It was all too evident from his social media, a bunch of workout pics at the start of the year, but quickly dropping in frequency as time went on. Desperate to find the motivation to stuck with his workouts Luke had subscribed to various accounts and pages that promised to help with that motivation, but none actually helped unless you subscribed to the various online programmes they offered. Programs which were way too expensive for his small student budget.

Luke had pretty much given up on finding the motivation to get in shape when he got a strange an hopeful message on one of his social media accounts. “Hey man, I’m Connor Clarke and I would love to get you on board to be one of the testers of my new app. It’s a mix between a workout app and a social media one. The app is designed to help people achieve their dream bodies by offering personalised workout tasks with rewards once completed and connecting all users to the supportive community we try to build so we can keep each other motivate.”

“The app is still in the developing stage and we could use your feedback. In return you get to be one of the first to try it out and get a lifelong free subscription with the full reward perks. Maybe there’s even an influencer deal in your future. All you need to do is click the link down below it will take you right to the download page.” The message read, it was a bit random, but it sounded legit and above all else it was exactly what Luke needed. He was fully expecting to be redirected to a website where he would need to put in his credit card information, then again it was worth checking out at least.

This Connor Clarke’s profile looked rather legit already, a buff dude with a rather impressive following. His bio reading that he was a certified personal trainer and entrepreneur. A profile carefully crafted by Violet herself to set the trap. It wasn’t a waste of time either if this test run worked as well as it should she could always use this profile to recruit more users. A perfect front to hide the real intentions of the app.

Clicking on the link Luke was directed to a professional looking website called “The Connor Clark App” A community fuelled workout platform with a whole list of benefits and credentials explaining this new concept. At the bottom of the page there was a download button for the app itself. Pressing it the download started and a few moments later Luke had the new app on his phone. The “CC’s app” As it was called, obviously the initials for Connor Clarke or so Luke believed. The logo itself were two fat C’s in dark blue on a red background inspiring manliness.

Opening the app Luke was initially faced with a video presented by Connor Clarke himself, or at least the man Linda had paid for this video and to use his pictures to set up that profile. It was just another explanation of the app, with a run down of it’s perks and credentials. Layered underneath the audio however was a set of powerful neurotic sounds getting Luke into a deep trance. The video only served as a front not to raise suspicion and to drag his initial attention.

Once the trance took effect it was time for the fun to begin. Time for the commands Violet had prepared to start taking hold of him. It was a pity that she couldn’t be there to witness it herself, but there were more than a few parameters in place so she would be able to tell whether or not it had worked.

“The CC’s app is your life now. You love the app, everything about the app is amazing. You will do as the app says, you will accept every permission request the app requires. Obeying the app is so satisfying. You love obeying the app and carrying out its tasks. Completing a task fills you with joy. Completing tasks is so satisfying. You are proud when you obey the app.” Was put on repeat like a mantra followed by a series of instructions to forget all about this trance and setting things up for the next trance to come easier.

It took about an hour, but eventually the video ended. Luke was completely unaware that so much time had passed. He just looked down at his screen as a notification popped up. “Do you want to give this app access to your camera and micro phone?” Luke didn’t even think about it he just pressed yes, time and time again basically giving full access of his phone to this app. It didn’t bother him, not even the excessive access this app needed. He just clicked through it like he mostly did when these authorisations were asked.

After all authorisations were given the screen just lit up in soft pink, a black elegant cursive text appeared. “Thank you for your cooperation. This is all for now, you will get a notification whenever new content is available.” It read. The pink was a big change from the logo, it looked not at all as what Luke was expecting from this app, but he kind of liked it. There was something just right about it all.

Violet’s smile grew as she saw the notifications on her side of the app stream in. The commands had worked as intended. An initial seed of control had been planted withing Luke’s subconscious. On it’s own it wasn’t a strong hold at all, it was a hold that would have to grow through repetition. For now no bold tasks or changes were in order just yet. What mattered now was growing Luke’s addiction to the app while slowly easing him in the direction of the app’s real intentions. Pressing a confirmation button Violet started a countdown timer to the next step before giving Linda a call with the good news.

Late that evening Luke was shaken up by a loud ping coming from his phone. It was a notification coming from the CC app. “A new survey is available in the app go ahead and fill it in to complete your CC profile and introduce you to the community.” It read, without hesitation Luke went to the app, looking a bit confused as the app’s logo had apparently changed to the CC boutique’s logo. Two big Cursive C’s in hot pink on a soft pink background.

Shrugging his shoulders Luke didn’t think much of it. If anything he quite liked the change for some reason. Clicking the app he was instantly directed to the survey. A rather intrusive one at that. It asked about his height, weight, measurements, address,… It didn’t stop there though. The survey also asked about his relationship status, sexuality and even the status of his virginity.

Clearly this survey was more than what was relevant for a workout app, it was weird, and some questions were a bit embarrassing to answer, especially the ones delving deeper into his sexuality. Despite answering that he was straight the app asked questions like. “Have you ever thought about another man in a sexual way.” Or “Have you ever fantasised about putting on female clothes.” Or “Do you think you are the dominant or submissive partner in a relationship.”

The app for some reason seemed more interested in his sexuality and even some weird fetish fantasies that he might have than how he had been keeping in shape or eating so far. As weird as it was Luke was more than happy to answer all questions truthfully. It was hard to explain, but answering even these embarrassing weird questions felt so satisfying.

Upon conclusion the app asked for a selfie as a profile pic, then a frontal picture in his underwear, a picture from his back in his underwear and from both sides also in his underwear. It brought back a sense of normality to this workout app as he had seen these kind of pictures for before and after results pop up numerous times. His pictures show cased his body from all angles including the moderate amount of body hair, not to noticeable due to its ginger colour.

With the pictures snapped and uploaded a new video started to play. “Thank you for filling out the survey. Together we will achieve greatness. With the help of our app your life will change in ways you never imagined…” A very hot redhaired woman in her thirties on the screen spoke but like before the video was layered with neurotic audio, sending him right back in a trance nearly instantly.

This time the video was way shorter though, the underlying commands focusing on the satisfaction. “Obeying the app is so satisfying. You love obeying the app and carrying out its tasks. Completing a task fills you with joy. Completing tasks is so satisfying. You are proud when you obey the app. You just completed your first task and you feel better than ever.” It only repeated a few short times, but it did help increase Luke’s feelings of satisfaction as he did feel better than ever when heading off to bed.

While he went of to sleep both Linda and Violet went over the results of the survey, satisfied that they were dealing with a completely straight vanilla virgin. It would only make this whole project that much more satisfying for them.

Chapter 1

In the morning Luke was woken up by a loud alarm blaring from his phone in the form of a tacky pop song he would never listen to. Looking at his phone he groaned. It was only 6:30 am his alarm was always set for 7:30 am, how did this happen and why that song? He thought as he shut of the alarm, his somewhat spoiled mood instantly brightening as he saw new notifications from the CC app.

Apparently while he had been sleeping his pictures and some of the more standard info for a public profile had been merged into a feed. He was very surprised to see that he had more followers on this app straight from the get go than on any other social media. All of his pictures had numerous likes and even a bunch of supportive comments welcoming him to the community, and saying how much potential they saw in him. Even without the help of the subconscious commands this was amazing to see. What he didn’t know though was that for now he was alone on the app and all these things were generated by the AI behind it.

He had just been scrolling through these comments, answering as many as he could as a new message showed up on his screen. “Good morning. It’s time for a morning run. We have established a route for you. Just follow the lead and have fun.” When he clicked away the message his screen had changed into a map, pretty much looking like a standard GPS app with a lap around campus highlighted on it.

Feeling absolutely amazing Luke jumped into a pair of loose black shorts, a baggy grey t-shirt and his black sneakers. An outfit he had bought to go to the gym back when he had intended to work out regularly. Strapping his phone into the armguard he had bought he went out on his run, following the exact route laid out for him by the app. It wasn’t that long of a route. Yet with his lack of condition he was pretty out of breath and sweaty by the time he arrived back in front of his dorm.

Luke was about to head back inside when he was stopped in his tracks by a new notification of the CC’s app on his phone. “Congratulations on finishing your run. Why don’t you show others what you achieved and snap a post workout selfie? Your followers will love it.” The message read as Luke quickly snapped that picture, his face red and sweaty yet a big smile was plastered across his face.

The moment the picture was done uploading a new notification popped up on the screen. “No run is completed without its stretches. Follow the instructions on screen for the best results.” It read along with a picture series of this gorgeous bombshell of a woman showing various stretch poses he recognised yet his focus lay more on how nice her shiny black spandex covered ass looked doing these poses. He didn’t even stop to think about how every single one of these stretches seemed to show off this woman’s bottom in various ways.

Following through on what the app said Luke just repeated the stretches like he had seen on screen before heading back up to his dorm with a hardon. He was liking this app more and more, especially when he saw his post run picture had already been liked multiple times along with some congratulating comments under it.

He was just about to put his phone away to go and take a shower when the screen lit up with another video of this redhaired woman. This time she congratulated him on completing his first workout before rambling on about the benefits of a run first thin in the morning. Just like yesterday after the survey this video was layered over top of the very same audio focusing on the satisfaction he got out of carrying out these tasks.

Snapping out of his short trance Luke just went on with his morning as if he had never been in a trance to begin with. He felt amazing as he had a quick shower followed by a quick breakfast were the app asked about the specifics for his meal which he happily gave before getting dressed and heading out to class.

During the day the app mostly remained inactive with the exception of pinging him for another selfie at lunch and information about his meal which he happily provided. His friend didn’t really question him being on his phone or about the selfie. They often played with their phones themselves and besides Luke seemed happier than they had ever seen him which was a good thing.

As classes ended for the day and the app’s location tracker noticed he was back at his dorm it was promptly there with a new notification. “Welcome home, hopefully you had a good day. Your next workout is all ready and waiting for you. Press continue whenever you are ready. For research and feedback reasons you’ll need to film yourself doing this workout. A correctly performed workout is the most effective and to insure that we’d like to introduce you to another perk of our app, the user evaluation. Thanks to this tool all our users can help each other out so you can improve together.”

Pressing continue another text message got displayed on the screen. “Your evening workout consists of a series of three times ten squats. Follow the video instructions on the screen to learn how a good squat is performed. This video is brought to you by another user who has perfected the technique.” Under the text message there was a play button which Luke eagerly pressed. Turning to full screen his phone played a video of a pretty slender girl around his age with a red bob cut standing in front of a soft pink wall.

This girl was dressed like what he imagined was barbie attending an eighties aerobics class. She had a pair of hot pink sweatbands on her wrists and another one on her head. The main part of her outfit consisted of a hot pink leotard that clung to her figure like a second skin and a pair of lavender coloured opaque tights. On her feet there were a pair of hot pink legwarmers sitting above lavender coloured sneakers with hot pink laces. The whole outfit looked a bit outdated and overly pink, but Luke didn’t judge. This community was so supportive and he wasn’t about to be an asshole about this. Besides he appreciated this user sharing her workout with him and he really appreciated how hot she looked.

What followed was a slow demonstration with pointers and tips spoken over the top of it, explaining and showing how to perform a correct squat. As helpful as it was, it was also very distracting. This girl was hot and despite not being very curvy she had a nice butt which was perfectly displayed by the squats.

After watching the video a couple of times and taking a break to will his erection into going down, Luke changed back into his workout clothes, and set his phone on his desk to record as he carried out three sets of ten squats as well as he could. The exercise really gave the muscles in his legs and bottom a very tough time. In the end he was quite pleased with the results though as the video started uploading straight to his feed.

Right after the video was done uploading another congratulating video with this more voluptuous redhead started. “Congratulations, did you know the most effective way of keeping in shape isn’t the intensity of the workouts, but the frequency?...” The video started explaining the importance of frequent workouts, a cover for yet another repeat of this mornings neural audio putting him back in trance and reinforcing the satisfaction he felt for doing what the app said.

Just as before Luke snapped out of it with no recollection of ever being in a trance. All he knew was that he felt better than ever. The remainder of his evening was filled with school work and gaming. It was how he liked to spend most of his evenings although this time he was often distracted by notifications he was getting from the app, notifications of other users giving him constructive feedback on how to squat even better, on how he could improve. All comments were wonderfully supportive. This app really was amazing and Luke was already looking forward to his next task set by the app. A new excuse to post another picture to his feed. Reporting about his diner didn’t exactly give him that excuse either.

He did get another excuse later on that night however. Just like yesterday he got another survey. It started off rather normal once more with questions about how his experience had been so far, how he was feeling, how he liked the app? All of those were answered really positively, but just like yesterday the questions quickly went to the weird sexual side.

This time these seemed focused on the ass of all things. Questions about whether or not he could appreciate a good ass, if he had ever taken or wanted to take anything up his ass, his stance on the sexual kind of spankings, and so on. After the two beautiful butts he had seen today on his app it was hard denying an attraction to them. He was not at all interested in spankings or putting anything up his own butt however, just thinking about it made him blush.

With the survey finished the app asked for another picture set in his underwear from all angles as well as another weigh in. All things Luke was all too happy to provide. His weight hadn’t changed all that much and neither had the pictures, but he was happy for an excuse to upload them anyways. It gave him such satisfaction and seeing all those likes and comments was exhilarating.

Then again, just completing this survey gave him such satisfaction already. A feeling that was further enhanced when he was once again shown a video congratulating him on completing his first day with the app, another excuse to get him in a trance and reinforce the suggestions.

Although it was late Luke stayed up for a while just to read some more of the amazing comments put under his latest picture set. Eventually he went off to bed though, feeling better than ever. He had not really achieved anything big just yet, but he was more he was more than eager to keep going with this app. In fact he was already looking forward to his next workout, something that had never happened before.

While Luke was sleeping Linda and Violet had a wonderful chat. The app as far as they could tell was working wonders. Violet did warn about taking this too fast though. So far so good, but then again Luke hadn’t been confronted by anything too far out of his comfort zone just yet. Her firm advice was to be patient so far everything was still a sterile controlled environment. All comments and videos were made and monitored by them. It was still a little too early to add in real other users Violet thought.

Chapter 2

Things carried on like this for the whole week. Morning runs became a habitual thing and so did his evening workouts just like the daily surveys and video’s he was shown. During this week his desires to complete the tasks set by the app had only grown. Every morning he was eager to see where the run set out by the app would take him this time. He had passed by places he had never even known where there and the survey’s while remaining somewhat embarrassing. Did make him think about all these devious sexual things it asked about.

Not even once did Luke question the kind of workouts he was getting. All of his evening workouts consisted of squats, lunges, one leg kick backs, bridges,… Workouts mainly aimed at the muscle groups around his bottom and the runs were just cardio. The results also showed this one sided workout routine. He had lost a little weight and while the overall picture didn’t show much difference at all, compared to the very first set his bottom looked a little firmer.

It was on Monday heading into the second week the first changes to his routine started to happen. After his morning run and his stretches Luke normally went on to have breakfast and a shower. This time however the app showed another message before he had a chance to head up stairs. “Dear user. We have delivered a package in your post bus. Over the last week we have kept an eye on an analysed your eating behaviour. With the eye on the best possible results regarding your dream body in mind we have put together a diet for you. Just follow the steps inside and most importantly enjoy.”

A diet to go with his workout routine did make sense so Luke didn’t even question it as he pulled the box out of his mailbox. In fact he was more than happy for this additional support. This app really was amazing, going above and beyond to help him achieve his goals. That and being able to cut back on food expenses was pretty great as well. This app was the best thing that had ever happened to him, or so he believed.

Once up in his room he opened the box only to find it was mainly filled with fruits and veggies. On top of all the products there was an instruction sheet that had his week menu completely laid out for him along with detailed info on how to prepare everything. A big warning sat on top of the sheet, a warning to put the box into the fridge immediately.

Luke did so without question after taking out all ingredients he needed. His breakfast apparently was an avocado apple smoothie, a preparation that was very simple. All he needed to do was remove all pits, remove the skin and put it into the blender with some almond milk and one of the protein supplements provided for him in the form of a small glass vial with a thick white liquid in it.

When he opened the vial it had a weird yet familiar smell to it, something he couldn’t quite place yet for some reason grossed him out a little. The again he had been instructed by the app to follow the instruction sheet and this vial was part of the menu so without further questioning he added it to his smoothie and started to blend. Besides protein were part of a lot of workout diets so he didn’t question it too much.

Drinking his smoothie Luke recognised the taste of the avocado and the apple as well as the almond milk, but there was also something different he couldn’t quite place in there. A subtle salty bitter taste. A taste he didn’t like all that much, but one that wasn’t bothersome enough to avoid either.

If Luke had known what exactly that flavour was, a generous donation of sperm by some donors who got a kick out of knowing their donations would go straight towards feeding a sissy. There were always plenty of perverts online who were more than happy to donate to the cause.

After breakfast Luke was confronted with another video, once again to congratulate him with his morning run. This time there was a completely different messaged layered underneath however. With his subconscious so used to thy hypnosis by now he nearly instantly went into a trance. “You crave your protein supplements, their smell, their taste. You have an insatiable craving for it whether you like them or not, you need them and always crave more.” The message to his subconscious said.

With the video over Luke snapped out of his trance and went on with his morning routine like nothing had happened. He took a shower then returned to the main room remembering that the info sheet said he needed to pack his lunch. Apparently a wrap with salad, shrimps and another vial of his protein supplements was on the menu. Just like the smoothie it was quick, easy and most of all healthy. This time however he couldn’t help but sniff the air a little harder when he opened the vial, drawing in the scent of his protein supplement as he spread it evenly inside the wrap. There was something familiar and fascinating about that scent, something he couldn’t get enough of for some reason.

Showered, dressed and with his cum filled wrap packed Luke headed out to class following his normal schedule. At lunch he didn’t even think twice about fishing out his special wrap sitting among his friends in a packed dining hall. He simply wasn’t aware of exactly what he was eating, he was very aware of that same unusual taste like he had found in his smoothie this morning however. The taste of what he knew had to be his protein supplement.

While he still didn’t really like the taste he also ate his wrap way quicker than he would have usually. There was just something about this taste that made him want to experience it over and over again. It was down right addictive as he took bite after bite until finally his wrap was completely gone. Covered up by the smell of all kinds of different meals, hot and cold hanging in the dining room no one nearby really picked up on the smell of Luke’s special ingredient.

Now that lunch was over he was already weirdly looking forward to dinner. He hadn’t remembered whether or not he would get to use another one of his protein vials, but he certainly hoped so. Maybe it was just the interesting familiarity he couldn’t quite place that he liked so much. Whatever it was he was loving his new diet. If it helped him get results faster, it would be so worth it and then again those protein supplements were weirdly addictive.

His evening passed by like usual, he did his workout, made his dinner grateful to be able to use his new protein supplements again, then worked for school some. Like always just before going to bed he had another weigh in and uploaded another picture set only to move onto his daily survey. This time the questions were mainly aimed towards his diet and what his opinions on it were.

If he had been given this questionnaire this morning he would have asked for a replacement of the protein supplements. Now it came forth as his favourite ingredient so far as he wrote a splendid review for the diet and all its products. Thanking the app for the amazing experience so far.



Wow, it's an awesome chapter


When will there be another Vickie installment?


Really enjoyed this first part, excited to see the story continue! 😀


I like this story and like where it's going as well


Like the story hope it continues