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Bernice’s dream, Rose’s nightmare

While her sluts diligently worked both of her holes with their tongues Bernice eventually gave up her taunts. It had been fun to taunt Rose with her new position as her pillow, even more so with the fact that she couldn’t keep herself from orgasming in this position. Oh those embarrassed moans and whimpers had been a delight, but with both slut’s mouths busy with something else it eventually became a little bit dull, there was no feedback, not that Rose could say anything or would even be allowed to say anything if she could.

As Bernice stopped looking for new ways in which to taunt Rose she just decided to relax to enjoy these sensations to their full extend. Having two gorgeous sluts service her like this had always been a dream of her and now that she had the pleasure she was addicted. After a few minutes yet another new orgasm rolled through her body giving her another huge surge of pleasure and power, having achieved it by her neighbourhood crush’s tongue up her ass.

Basking in the after math of her orgasm she decided to just close her eyes for a little bit. All these orgasms were really starting to take their toll on Bernice. She had been the one being serviced yet she was exhausted. Probably for a big part because she hadn’t slept all that well out of sheer excitement. What had initially been just closing her eyes for a moment quickly turned into a deep sleep of sheer satisfaction.

It took until the moment Bernice started snoring before Rose realised what was happening above her. She couldn’t believe Bernice had actually started sleeping, worse even was the fact that it didn’t change anything for her. In any other situation she would have been grateful if Bernice just took a nap as it would have meant a reprieve for her, but right now that wasn’t the case. It didn’t change how the full weight of Bernice’s ass was pinning her face into the cushions just like when she was awake. Hell Rose was even scared of pulling her tongue out afraid that it would wake Bernice and lead to her punishment.

In fact Bernice falling asleep right here and now was her worst nightmare now that she thought of it. This could mean she was stuck like this for potentially many more hours to come, a prospect she didn’t like one bit. She could wake Bernice up, but she was nearly certain that would only make things worse for her so with a muffled whimper she decided to just deal with it, her jaw sore, her tongue deep up Bernice’s ass, her face very sweaty stuck in Bernice’s warm butt crack. Rose couldn’t even distinguish if the sweat was hers or Bernice. All she knew was that some cool air would feel so good right about now.

Madison on her turn was sorely disappointed that her Mistress had fallen asleep. This way she didn’t notice how good a job she was doing keeping up with licking Bernice’s pussy, a job she thought was certainly deserving of a reward. God she needed a reward so badly, she needed to cum and although she knew it wouldn’t help a bit she was so horny that she simply couldn’t stop herself from humping the top of Bernice’s stocking covered foot. An action that in turn made Bernice’s foot rub rose’s pussy so even though the woman was asleep she didn’t even get a reprieve from the stimulation.

While both of her sluts were struggling with what Bernice’s nap meant for them Bernice herself was having an incredibly hot dream about all the things she wanted to do with her two sluts. Dreams fuelled by the stimulation which simply carried on. Even while sleeping Bernice managed to have an occasional orgasm.

As Bernice’s nap carried on things only up getting worse for her two sluts. Bernice had deliberately started eating foods that got her gassy in order to be able to give her bitch and orgasm whenever she thought she deserved it. The results of all those gas inducing foods she had consumed was really starting to kick in now while she was out cold with no qualms or ability to hold back, not that she would have wanted to hold back to begin with. With the slightest of sounds a fart passed straight over Rose’s tongue which was logged deep up her butthole.

Rose was horrified starting to gag violently as the fart inevitably enter her mouth making her swallow part of it and while that in and of its own was terrible. Debatably worse was the fact that she ended up inhaling the gasses that made it out of her mouth, giving her a lung full of those noxious smelling fumes. While being stuck in Bernice’s sweaty butt crack had been a terrible predicament, her farts had just made it considerably worse.

Not only Rose suffered underneath Bernice’s farts, so did Madison. Whatever gas Rose didn’t swallow or inhale ended up escaping up between Bernice’s meaty thighs giving Madison a good whiff as well. It was so very frustrating if she had been in Rose’s place right now she could have had so many amazing orgasms, instead she was only able to take in the stinking smell of Bernice’s farts without the rewards they brought, this was so unfair. At this point she was so horny that she didn’t even realise just how low she had fallen, getting mad because it wasn’t her face that got farted on.

This horrid predicament ended up going on for about three long hours and nearly twenty farts. The farts had only urged Madison to hump the top of Bernice’s foot more aggressively which in turn much to her unyielding shame had made Rose cum once more. How could she have stooped so low? It was the question that kept ringing through her head constantly.

Finally after what seemed like forever Bernice stopped snoring and began to move a little once more. It translated in a slight wiggling of her fat bottom received with groans from Rose as it made her face settle deeper into Bernice’s butt crack. A loud yawn was heard above followed by a panicked shout. “Dear lord, would you look at the time. I can’t believe I slept this long. It’s already two thirty and we haven’t even had lunch yet.” Bernice said somewhat pissed at herself that she had wasted so many hours with Rose.

At the same time she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of her nap Rose’s tongue was still up her butt so it had been there all this time. The thought of that was just delicious. She wondered how the woman’s face would smell once she got up. Madison was also still going although at a considerably slower pace as her jaw was extremely sore from the constant licking she had done. Her face was simply soaked and she looked out of this world in horniness, which got confirmed by how aggressively she was humping her foot.

Taking a hold off Madison’s ponytail she guided the girl off of her pussy. “You’ve done a great job Madison, Mistress is very pleased with you. Now please kneel next to me so I can get up. I promised Sally I would take good care of Rose and she hasn’t even had lunch yet.” Bernice exclaimed. She was very proud of her own slut and there was definitely a rewarding orgasm in her future, at least once Rose and Sally were back home.

While Madison quickly did as she was told getting off Bernice’s leg and Rose to kneel at her Mistress’s side, a feeling of relief washed over Rose. No longer was Bernice’s foot pressing down on her pussy as harshly, taking away the stimulation it provided. It also meant a huge decrease in weight on her body which was very welcome as well. It only got better as Bernice then moved her leg off of her and finally the pressure on her head was starting to lift a little as Bernice started getting up. After hours of being stuck underneath Bernice’s ass the relief was simply huge. She would finally get to see something other than the up close view of Bernice’s ass cheeks.

Just before Bernice’s butt was to break contact with Rose’s face however the woman suddenly sat back down with her full weight. She felt the need to fart and she took great pleasure in the thought of doing it straight on Rose’s face, not knowing that she had done so countless of times already. “Slut two, before I get up I want to feel your tongue up my butt as far as it goes one last time.” Bernice said feeling her pussy throb in anticipation.

With a muffled groan Rose just did as was asked of her. After all this time being stuck underneath Bernice’s bottom with her tongue up her bum doing it one last time wasn’t that big of a deal. If it could mean the end of this torment then she was all for it. Without hesitation Rose wiggled her tongue as far up Bernice’s bottom as possible, only to be rewarded with another loud horrid fart. It was something she just couldn’t get used to, not even after having subjected to it so many times before. Her gagging and squirming remained as violent as with the first fart.

Feeling her crush wiggle underneath her bottom in such dire circumstances instantly made Bernice laugh loudly. This was the ultimate power move and she simply loved it. It only got better as well as she heard the jealous whimper of her own slut witnessing this. This was so great, being able to torment the both of them with one action.

After waiting a little for the fart to fully air out Bernice quickly stood up without warning. She loved the way the rapid removal of Rose’s tongue which was still stuck deep upside her butt made a loud popping noise. Rose was shocked a little as she felt the pull of Bernice’s ass on her tongue, but in the end she mainly felt a huge sense of relief. Relief over the cool air that washed over her sweat soaked face as well as the fact that she could see more than Bernice’s ass once more. Sadly for her the horrid smell and taste of ass largely remained.

“It’s a shame we lost so much time to do all kinds of fun stuff together, but napping is so refreshing wouldn’t you sluts agree? Now slut two why don’t you kneel next to slut one and rest a hand on her shoulder and pose like two friends who just finished a job?” Bernice suggested as she picked up her phone standing tall still pretty much naked with no intentions of covering herself up.

Rose on the other hand was very embarrassed in her own nakedness and she certainly didn’t want to be further confronted by the naked Bernice. Nevertheless she quickly got in place next to slut one wrapping an arm around her shoulder. If anything she was glad to get a move on again after all that time being stuck underneath Bernice. While the scent of ass was still all over powering, sitting so close to slut one she also caught a strong whiff of Bernice’s pussy of her face.

Wasting no time Bernice snapped a quick picture to send Sally’s way with a small message. “I might have fallen asleep sitting on your stepmother’s face, oops.” The image was just perfect. Madison’s face was flushed with arousal, here eyes a little distant as her whole face, especially the area around her mouth was soaked in pussy juices. Rose’s face on the other hand looked wet with transpiration, she looked disgusted and her whole face was beet red from both the warmth and the pressure of Bernice’s ass.

“Nice one sluts, now why don’t you give each other a passionate kiss just so you can give the other a bit of an idea what your task was like?” Bernice suggested with a smile although both Rose and Madison knew it was no real suggestion. After how exhausting Bernice’s nap had been for her Rose didn’t have the energy left to resist and Madison simply did what her Mistress told her to, still hoping for that orgasms. Without hesitation or delay both women kissed each other on the lips.

After spending this mornings car ride sniffing Bernice’s pussy through her panties and hating it Rose couldn’t believe how she was now actually enjoying the smell and taste of it off of slut one’s lips. It was a very disturbing thought, but it was so much better than the smell and taste of ass she was stuck with. While Rose would definitely prefer another smell and taste to get rid of the ass, fresh air didn’t really smell strong enough.

For Madison on the other hand the strong smell and taste off ass she got off of Rose’s lips were a serious downgrade. Despite Bernice’s farts being her only ways to orgasm she didn’t like the taste or smell of her Mistress’s ass. Off of Rose’s face it also just reminded her of all the orgasms she had missed out on when her Mistress was asleep. Nevertheless she gave it her all, not holding back one bit when making out with Rose.

Bernice eagerly snapped a few more pictures before speaking up with her next command. “There we go sluts, you can stop now. I promised Sally I would take care of you so it’s time I got you some lunch slut two. After that we’ll get you two cleaned up so you are presentable for when Sally comes over. I’m sure she’ll appreciate that which I hope will convince her to let me slut sit you more often. Now follow me.” Bernice said with A mean glint in her eyes as she turned on her heels and headed into the kitchen.

Madison was the first to get on her hands and knees to crawl behind her Mistress with Rose quickly following suit. Rose gulped as she crawled behind her panty less older neighbour. She wasn’t really hungry at all after all of Bernice’s farts. It had completely destroyed any shred of appetite she had, but Bernice was right, she had to eat something. She couldn’t get by on eating ass or pussy alone.

While Rose was definitely looking forward to the prospect of getting cleaned up she really didn’t like the reason why. She had been very reluctant to come here to begin with. Now that she had experience first hand what it was like to have Bernice slut sitting her she was even more reluctant to ever come back. Dealing with Sally was hard enough as it was. At least Sally was somewhat easy to please being so inexperienced. Bernice was a lot more demanding and devious. She really hoped Sally would never have her come here again.

Rose doubted it though, while it was certain that Sally would never give up her own pleasure, she would probably lend her out to Bernice whenever she herself wasn’t around if only to spite her. Then again, maybe after spending a full day with Sally which hadn’t happened yet she would change her mind and prefer Bernice. The fact remained that she didn’t like either, most of all she just wished for things to go back to how they were before Sally had drugged and screwed her over.

All the crawling got a little awkward as the two women followed Bernice as she moved around the kitchen, to the fridge, the oven, the sink the table,… Bernice had never been the best cook or even interested in cooking. She disliked doing groceries, coming up with meals or cooking. To her they were all wastes of time. In her previous professional life they were wastes of time better spend making money, but not they were wastes of time better spend having fun with her bitches. All meals for both her and her now live in slut were prepared by a catering service who always prepared the best fresh meals which only required a quick heat up. For her there was a plate of noodles with fresh beans, onions and beef, a perfect meal to get gassy on. It was always delicious.

For the sluts on the other hand she had something special prepared. Both of their mouths were watering from the nice smells coming from the oven, finally something that truly smelled good in contrast to their faces. They ended up being sorely disappointed however when Bernice set the table along with four hot pink dog bowls with the word slut printed on them in pairs at her feet. One was filled with water, the other with something wet brown and chunky looking. Rose nearly gagged from the sight alone. It looked exactly like she imagined dog food looking. Wet dog food at that.

“There you go, a bowl of food and water each so you can eat at Mistress’s feet like proper bitches. Now here are some rules, neither of you can use your hands and both bowls are to look absolutely spotless when you are done with them. If I were you I would make sure you’re done before I am or you will sorely regret it.” Bernice said frighting both of her sluts into crawling under the table and mashing their faces in the nasty looking chunky mess.

Once they managed to overcome their disgust they were actually pleasantly surprised. As revolting as the food looked especially presented like this, it actually turned out to be quite a delicious stew. Afterall Bernice didn’t want her sluts to be unhealthy. Their food was specifically selected on being stews with a healthy balance of meats, vegetables and carbs. Bernice took great delight in the aesthetic of their food and the way she required her sluts to eat it.

As good as the stew might taste it pretty much remained repulsive to Rose. She couldn’t believe she was really eating like a dog out of a bowl and that with a close up view of Bernice’s stocking covered foot right in front of her. Nevertheless she ate as fast as she possibly could not wanting to find out what Bernice’s punishment was Besides the smell and taste of the stew which was getting everywhere was so much better than the smell and taste of ass that still dominated.

While the image of Bernice’s foot while eating was disturbing, at least it didn’t smell anymore after all the licking she and that other woman got up to. Since Bernice had demanded the bowls to look spotless, Madison started licking it clean after she was done eating. Rose who didn’t know if Bernice had meant it that literal quickly followed suit, not wanting to find out the hard way. Once they were done they just uneasily remained on their knees while Bernice carried on eating.

Eventually though Bernice looked down under the table with a big smile to see both of her sluts had a mouth somewhat dirty from the stew yet immaculately clean hands and a clean bowl. They were definitely in need for a thorough cleaning up. “There are my two good sluts. In dire need of a clean-up. Stack your bowls and hand them to me.” Bernice said as she quickly cleared the table, her sluts crawling behind her once more.

Done in the kitchen Bernice made her way up the stairs and into the guest bathroom where she started running a warm bath with some heavily scented lavender bubble bath solution. “Alright sluts, time to strip and hop in you can find sponges, soap, shampoo and conditioner there I don’t want you touching your own body, your duty is to wash your fellow slut. Make sure to do a good job and make it sexy as I’ll be watching.” Bernice said as she took place on the closed toilet seat spreading her legs only to move a hand to her pussy to lazily start rubbing.

Rose was shocked at the insatiability of this woman as she was playing with her pussy once more. Although she had spend all day naked she still felt put on the spot and embarrassed. Somehow some way letting someone watch as she washed herself and worse, letting someone else wash her felt more intimate than everything that had happened before. It was absurd, she realised that very well, but she still couldn’t shake the feeling. Even stripping despite the fact that she was wearing practically nothing felt wrong. It took a mere twenty seconds for them to take off their powder pink stockings and the matching satin ribbons. Bernice got up for another minute to unlock their collars getting them completely naked.

Naked as they were both women got into the tub, the warm water feeling amazing on their sore bodies. Not only that, but so did the intense smell of lavender. It wasn’t really Rose’s preferential scent, but damn it beat everything she had smelled here so far. It would be so nice to smell of lavender instead of stew and ass.

Rose was just taking a moment to enjoy the warmth of the water a little as Madison surprised her with a soap covered sponge. The girl clearly didn’t want to waste anytime not even to relax a little after all they had been through. Dipping a sponge in the water Madison first carefully wiped the visible dirty off of Rose’s face. Only to then latter it up with soap and carefully trace her body with it. Rose wanted to object as Madison didn’t hold back at all, moving behind Rose’s back, pushing her body into Rose’s a little harder than necessary forcing Rose to stick out her chest. Seeing Bernice’s gaze on them, busily rubbing her pussy as she looked at the both of them hungrily Rose just blushed and swallowed her objections. It would mean trouble for the both of them otherwise.

While Rose was forced to stick out her chest Madison grabbed this opportunity to carefully rub and grope Rose’s breasts to put on a show of for her Mistress. Acting this sensually inevitably turned the so horny Madison on even more. She had had to service may women but none so sexy as Rose and while she had never thought of herself as a lesbian the young sex starved woman was certainly getting into it. Her nipples were rock hard digging into Rose’s back as she started gently kissing the woman’s neck.

From her breasts Madison moved her hand down Rose’s belly to her pussy where she gently started rubbing but quickly picked up the pace, turning Rose’s shocked expression into moans of pleasure. Madison just whimpered in return, god she really wished she could give herself such pleasure as she was giving Rose, but rubbing her own pussy was just a source for further frustrations. She just hoped that she could feel as she was making Rose feel now in the near future.

For Rose this gentle sensual treatment came as a bit of a shock, but as Madison carried on rubbing she couldn’t help but moan and eventually even grind against Madison’s hand a little in return. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, but she was working to an orgasm yet again. It was embarrassing to cum under the touch of another woman, especially one around her daughters age, but considering the many orgasms she had had under both Bernice and Sally’s touch this was most definitely her least shameful orgasm, in fact she was actually enjoying it, a gentle sensual touch instead of the rough and humiliating touch from her Mistresses.

Bernice momentarily considered putting a stop to Madison’s obvious attempts to get Rose off, wanting the woman to cum only from either her or Sally’s touch. In the end the sight of the two pretty blondes making out in the tub was simply too hot to put an end to. God she was loving the show.

Once Rose came Madison thankfully stopped the attention to her pussy, leaving Rose to cool down, a bit embarrassed over what had just happened, but nowhere near as embarrassed as she had been over the numerous other orgasms she had had over her day so far. As she was slowly coming down from her orgasmic high Madison pressed down on her shoulders forcing her to sink lower and lower into the water until her head was resting in her lap, getting her hair all wet before making her rise again only to thoroughly wash her hair with strong smelling shampoo.

The scalp massage felt great as for a moment Rose was able to forget all about her troubles. With her hair completely washed she was pushed down to Madison’s lap again for a rinse only to get the same process repeated for the conditioner. After rinsing out the conditioner Rose was once again squeaky clean even if she didn’t feel that way. She could swear she could still smell Bernice’s ass.

Opening her eyes again after the brief moment of relaxation reality came crashing down hard once more. The first thing she saw was Bernice staring right at her while fingering her hairy pussy. “There you go, that was a very good job of you slut one, Mistress is very pleased. Slut two, I expect at least the same level of sensuality from you, I’m getting close and it’s your job to make this hot enough so I can cum again.” Bernice said putting the emphasis back on her pleasure making Rose very conscious about the fact that she was watching and her actions were meant for her viewing pleasure.

It made Rose very self-conscious about what she was doing, but she had no choice. If Bernice wasn’t staring so obnoxiously she might even have enjoyed this somewhere, to reciprocate the effort this girl had put into watching her. As she started washing her however she simply couldn’t help but look at the masturbating moaning Bernice every so often as she mimicked the treatment Madison had given her as good as she could.

Rose’s effort lacked conviction however. Unlike Madison she simply couldn’t get carried away, feelings of embarrassment overwhelming her as she realised full well she was doing this for Bernice’s viewing pleasure. It made her terrified, of a potential punishment she might get for screwing up, especially when she had to move on from masturbating Madison as the girl simply didn’t cum for some reason.

She still couldn’t believe she was doing this all in front of Bernice. Back when Bernice’s perversion was just a neighbourhood rumour, Rose had often enjoyed calling her out whenever she looked at her even a little strangely. Now Bernice was openly masturbating to her washing another young woman and there was nothing Rose could do about it. Today, she had sadly realised that even the most extreme rumours that had been circulating concerning Bernice’s perversion, didn’t do the full extend of her depravity justice, not even close. Bernice had proven to be a way bigger perv than Rose could have ever imagined.

Bernice ended up cumming nevertheless, if anything Rose’s awkwardness and embarrassment had only made things that much hotter for her. God she loved seeing Rose embarrassed for her pleasure. Eventually the show came to an end though, luckily so as time was running short. Nevertheless Bernice simply couldn’t pass up the chance to heap yet another indignity on Rose.

Getting up off the close lidded toilet Bernice headed straight to the tub, the two dripping wet fingers that had been in her pussy held out in front of her. “You did well slut two, so well in fact that as a reward you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Here you go, suck my fingers clean and taste how hot you made me.” Bernice smirked heaping on further confrontations with exactly what Rose had done.

Rose was mortified, just when she was clean once more, the taste of stew still in her mouth she had to do this. She had barely been an hour without the taste of Bernice in her mouth, but as the woman pressed her wet fingers against her lips the tangy musky scent of her pussy invading Rose’s nostrils it was already too late. Reluctantly she opened up her lips and sucked Bernice’s fingers clean whimpering as the taste of pussy was once again overpowering in her mouth.

Pulling her fingers out with a loud popping sound Bernice smirked. “Delicious isn’t it? In any case, you slut’s sensual washing took up a bit more time than anticipated. You two are going to need to hurry, you can start by drying each other off, next you may help the other with their hair so remember, one tail for slut one, two for slut two. After that just get dressed again and do your makeup, I know it sucks that I don’t have a fresh set of clothes for you sluts, but look at it from the bright side, those stockings didn’t get all that dirty.” Bernice grinned as she sat back down.

More than ever today Rose felt a sense of urgency, while she dreaded Sally’s return she was also somewhat glad for it. It meant that this whole ordeal that was today was nearly over. She was however way more scared of Sally than she was of Bernice and it showed. She really didn’t want to be late out of fear of angering her stepdaughter. Sally was really the one she needed to keep happy after all, she only needed to keep Bernice happy because Sally had told her so.

While her sluts were preparing themselves Bernice gave them detailed instructions on how she wanted them to greet Sally once she got back. While she would always have her slut one, keeping Sally happy was in her best interest, she had loved spending time with Rose and she was definitely craving more of it. Once both sluts were collared up and ready, Bernice took them down again and had them wait on their knees at the door while she herself went back to the couch for a moment. Sally could arrive any minute now.


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