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Chapter 5

Hannah woke up the following morning without really thinking back to what had happened last morning. All she thought about was how she should shower after her breakfast as she was a clumsy eater. Getting ready before breakfast would just ruin her clothes and require her to get ready again anyways. Stripping out of her pyjama’s Hannah walked to the kitchen and prepared her breakfast, she didn’t once think of Nerissa as she just sat down and started eating, zoning out completely as had become her new reality.

When Nerissa woke up a while later she instantly had a huge smile on her face. From Hannah’s back she could instantly see that she was still naked. Catching Hannah naked was more than worth getting up early for even on a Saturday. Making herself a coffee Nerissa sat down in front of her roommate in nothing but her pyjamas. There was no need to get fully dressed before 10 am on the weekend. At least not as far as she was concerned.

While Hannah was chewing her last bite Nerissa leaned over the table and gave one of her nipples which had stiffened under the cool morning air a flick making Hannah yelp in surprise. It took a moment for her to snap out of her daze, and a moment longer to grasp the situation. She was naked at the table faced with her roommate yet again, her roommate who had just given her nipple a flick out of nowhere. She hadn’t even seen Nerissa before.

“What the hell Nerissa! You can’t do that, that’s assault. What’s wrong with you?” Hannah blurted out angrily. As she moved an arm to cover up her naked breasts. Her anger towards her roommate for just touching her in such a private place, overruling her embarrassment.

It didn’t take long for the embarrassment to take the upper hand though as Nerissa countered her. “I’ll just claim an uncontrollable urge then I guess.” She smirked then carried on. “Besides, I thought it was an invite. I told you yesterday what I thought was the reason you were exposing yourself to me in such a way. You may have denied it, but you couldn’t tell me why you did so.”

“The fact that you knew what I thought and did it again I was pretty certain it had to be an invite. Whatever your reason for waiting for me naked was yesterday, I am convinced that today it was just to seduce me. Hell I even bet you shaved your pussy as I suggested yesterday, It’s just so obvious you want me.” Nerissa said with a grin, already knowing she was right. There was no way Hannah would argue her way out of this.

Hannah was shocked and taken a back by Nerissa’s bluntness. Worst of all was the fact that she was right. She did know about Nerissa’s assumption and she couldn’t even deny to herself that she wasn’t into her, or didn’t desire her. Not after she had deliberately masturbated to her pictures. God what was happening to her? Why did she do all those things? Nerissa was right, to her it must have looked like an invite although that hadn’t been Hannah’s intention, all of this was so very wrong, none of this was supposed to happen.

Worse even was the realisation that she had in fact also shaven her pussy on Nerissa’s suggestion. There was no way she could let her roommate find out about that, but what was she supposed to do about it? She was sitting here butt naked at the table and Nerissa clearly was in no hurry to go anywhere.

Seeing how nervous and embarrassed Hannah was Nerissa’s smile only grew wider. Her silence and unease were more telling than anything she could have said and she had a very good idea why Hannah was suddenly so fidgety. Oh toying with the woman was so much fun when you held all the information you could ever need.

“You really did shave your pussy for me didn’t you? That’s just too fucking great. Well what are you waiting for? Show me!” Nerissa said, her voice filled with excitement. This was just too fucking great, the look on Hannah’s face when she told her to show it was precious.

“N…no I didn’t, and I won’t show you my pussy that’s insane. Just leave alone please.” Hannah whimpered, lying about shaving her pussy simply because she didn’t want Nerissa to find out. God what had she gotten into?

Nerissa just laughed loudly for about a minute before turning a little more serious again. “So you mean to tell me you waited here all naked for me to catch you only to then go all prudish on me and refuse me a look at your pussy? That’s absurd. I want to see it either way shaven or not. Just standing up will do, or did you put on panties? Because you only wanted me to see your tits?” Nerissa asked already knowing that wasn’t the case.

“I uhm no, please Nerissa, just stop. I don’t know what’s happening to me, just please leave me alone. I didn’t want this, nothing of this.” Hannah said yet she had to admit it just sounded odd and unbelievable after everything she had done to prove otherwise. In her mind this was all purely her own doing. She didn’t know about the mushrooms and how Nerissa had used them to manipulate her.

“Yeah yeah, you say so now, but actions speak louder than words you know? If you wouldn’t want me to see your pussy you shouldn’t sit naked in the kitchen where you can fully expect me to show up first thing in the morning. What was you plan? Just sitting here until I went to bed tonight so you wouldn’t have to get up and reveal your pussy to me? What if I need to lets say scratch my foot and bend down under the table. What would you do then? I imagine I would be able to catch a look no?” Nerissa retorted pushing Hannah even further.

Hannah just stared at her roommate. Everything she was saying made so much more sense than her own version of what was happening, and yet showing Nerissa her pussy was the last thing she wanted to do despite having made it nearly impossible for Nerissa not to see it given how she would need to get up at some point. From their conversation so far she doubted she could convince Nerissa to look away when she got up. If she did get up she would also have to show that she did in fact shave her pussy which she already knew would lend further credit to what Nerissa was saying.

“So Hannah, what is it going to be? Are you going to get up and give me a look? Or do I need to lean down and scratch my foot?” Nerissa asked, giving two options while in essence she gave Hannah no choice at all. She was going to see her pussy whether Hannah decided to show it to her or not.

Much to her dismay Hannah realised the situation she was in as well. With a sigh she decided to just give in. If she got up and showed Nerissa she could quickly run to her room and hopefully prevent further humiliation. Although at this point that was pretty much wishful thinking. Sliding her chair back Hannah got up blushing brightly as she knew Nerissa could now see her neatly shaven pussy.

“You did shave your pussy for me after all. Naughty girl, I don’t know whether I should punish you for lying to me, or reward you for shaving your pussy for me. What do you think Hannah, want me to flick your clit or would you rather have me give you a spanking? Do you deserve to be rewarded or punished.” Nerissa asked with a teasing smirk as she watched Hannah’s face turn to horror.

“Neither of the two!” Hannah said firmly shocked and disgusted by Nerissa’s bluntness. She couldn’t believe it, her roommate really was into girls and seemingly into her. She already had trouble with the masturbating, let alone taking part in such perverted acts with another woman. There was no ways she would agree to that. Turning around Hannah made a dash for her room accompanied by Nerissa’s laughter as she saw that nice firm butt run from her.

“You don’t have to choose you know, I can give you a spanking then flick your clit or the other way around as well. In any case if you change your mind just let me know. Or you know, just let me catch you again if you’re too afraid to give in to your obvious desires.” Nerissa shouted towards Hannah as she disappeared into her room.

A few moments later Nerissa heard Hannah rush to the bathroom and when she came back in the kitchen she had cleaned the yoghurt from her breasts and was dressed in one of her many workout outfits. “I’m going for my Saturday run with my friends. Bye.” Hannah said nervous to face Nerissa again after this morning before quickly heading out the door before Nerissa could reply. It was a huge relief to be gone from that place.

Nerissa didn’t bother stopping her either, she just slowly finished her coffee, very pleased with how this morning had gone. Oh the weekend already promised to bring her so much fun. Hannah’s run didn’t really fit with her plan of her fattening up, but she trusted that yesterday’s commands would do their work, if not during the weekend then certainly during the week. Her Saturday morning run was also more of a social gathering and she didn’t want to alienate Hannah from her friends, not just yet at least.

After finishing her breakfast Nerissa got ready for the gym herself. Friday was her cheat day, but on other days she still worked to her own goal of getting in the shape she wanted to. She was proud of herself as her current workout outfit was starting to get a little on the big side. Only two more sizes down and she would be there.

By the time Hannah came home from her 10 mile run Nerissa was nowhere to be seen. Hannah took a quick shower changed into a simple white cotton panty in combination with a bathrobe, her hair wrapped in a towel to dry. She always enjoyed weekends. On weekdays she didn’t have much time to do things she loved with her work and workouts, well she loved working out, but she had also always loved reading which she couldn’t get to during the week.

Grabbing her book she had started last weekend Hannah installed herself on the couch and started reading. It was still a few hours till lunch so she had all the time in the world. The only thing ruining her reading pleasure was the sudden headache that had started to come up again after about an hour of reading.

Sighing deeply Hannah let her hand slide in between the slit in her bathrobe, gently lowering it into her panties and started rubbing herself in that sweet special spot. It was what she had to do to stop the headache and by now she didn’t even hesitate about doing it. Sliding a hand down her panties was her first reflex when the headache started to rise. The fact that she was in plain sight in the middle of the living room didn’t even bother her all that much. The thought that Nerissa could walk in on her didn’t even occur to her as she masturbated away.

As had become second nature while masturbating, Hannah grabbed her phone and started scrolling through social media once more. It was so very wrong to masturbate to the pictures all these girls posted, but she just couldn’t help herself. It might be wrong, but it felt so great and none of these girls would be any wiser.

At least that’s what Hannah thought as she was getting close to her orgasm. Deciding to treat herself she pulled up Nerissa’s profile. She didn’t know why, but looking at her pictures always made her cum the hardest. Any girl resembling her body type worked, but there was something about Nerissa that provided that little bit extra.

Hannah moaned loudly as she pulled up Nerissa’s profile, she was ecstatic to see that Nerissa had posted a new selfie. A sweaty post workout selfie, it was strange, Hannah couldn’t stand sweat. It was one of the reasons she showered so often, but for some reason it was acceptable and a turn on when in a picture of Nerissa. The time stamp read that the post had been uploaded 33 minutes ago at Nerissa’s gym.

Not even that fact got to Hannah as she just masturbated away unconcerned. At least for a little while as soon after the door flew open and Nerissa entered the apartment. Her earlier commands still hid her presence as she walked over to the couch with a big smile. Oh this was great, she hadn’t thought she would be able to catch Hannah masturbating this soon since the headaches pretty much only seemed to appear when she worked, but this accelerated her plans big time.

Walking up behind Hannah Nerissa’s smile only grew bigger not only was she masturbating, but to one of her pictures, and considering which picture it was Hannah just got herself in so much more trouble. From the sound of it she was also very close to her orgasm which Nerissa delighted in. She guessed she could wait a minute longer to ‘catch’ her roommate.

Mere moments later Hannah erupted in a series of loud moans as a powerful orgasm coursed through her body. It felt absolutely fantastic as she kept rubbing herself to ride this amazing feeling out to the max.

At least she did at the start as Nerissa soon stopped her right in her tracks. “Hannah, what the fuck are you doing. Oh my god is that my pic? Are you masturbating to pictures of me? And I thought you were prudish this morning, hell your masturbating to my pictures in the middle of the fucking living room. God you’re such a pervert and I thought you just had an innocent crush on me, from the looks of it you’re simply obsessed with me.” Nerissa cried out in feigned shock as Hannah froze in place, her hand stopping, but her orgasm taking a few more seconds to fade out until nothing but shocked horror at being caught in this extremely compromising position took hold of her.

“You wanted me to catch you didn’t you? Why else would you be masturbating here in the middle of the living room to a pic I posted a little over thirty minutes ago calling it my post workout selfie? You knew that I had to come home soon if I so recently ended my work out. God now I see it you want me to take advantage of you don’t you? Well that’s it, you’ve dropped enough hints you can start by stripping for me.” Nerissa exclaimed.

Hannah just looked up in horror. She couldn’t strip for her roommate, she couldn’t just deliberately get naked for her now could she? Worse of all was the fact that as horrible as this whole situation was her mind mainly went to how she needed a snack badly. All her thoughts of coming up with some excuse were blocked by the urgent need for a snack. Not that those needs were the only thing to blame. There simply was no way in which she would be able to change Nerissa’s mind and she knew it. There simply was no explaining this.

“Well what’s the matter? What are you waiting for? Are you going to strip or what? Do I need to tear the clothes from you or what? Maybe is should tell your friends what I just caught you doing. I bet they’d love to hear all about what a pervert you are. So what is it going to be? Are you going to strip for me or do I need to tell your friends? Maybe they can convince you of how you should just let me take charge since that’s what you so obviously want.” Nerissa said impatiently.

Hannah didn’t answer, at least not directly as her stomach answered for her rumbling loudly. Nerissa instantly realised what was happening. She almost forgot about that command, Hannah obviously needed something to snack on. She needed it to function after her orgasm. “Oh you’re hungry is that it? Well don’t worry, I got you covered.” Nerissa said before disappearing to the kitchen for a minute, throwing a big package of Oreo’s Hannah’s way.

“Here you go, stuff your face and strip for me or is there something else you need before?” Nerissa asked. Hannah was mortified, the last thing she should do now was eat something, this wasn’t the time, but an all over powering urge to snack on something took hold of her as she tore open that package of Oreo’s and stuffed two in her mouth at once. The moment she did, her dark brown eyes zoned out, staring emptily in the distance as she chewed with her mouth open.

It ended up taking a minute or five for her to finish devouring those Oreo’s, after she had finished the last one intense shame took hold of her once more. She hadn’t even said a word yet, she had just been caught masturbating to pictures of her roommate by her roommate and all she had done was eaten a package of Oreo’s. She never ate sweets yet she had so desperately needed one at such an inopportune time.

“Nerissa, please just leave me be.” Was all Hannah managed to whimper out, no excuses, no nothing, just a plea. There was nothing she could say to make this right and she knew it. God even she had a hard time convincing herself that this wasn’t what she secretly wanted given how she had been acting.

“No, that isn’t one of the options, god knows what you’ll do next to grab my attention. You managed to grab it now and I won’t let this slide again. Each time I let it slide you just try the exact same thing, but I see how it is, you want me to lose my patience and be stern with you. Is that it? Do you secretly want me to be your Mistress, to push my will forth? Well in that case I’ll accept your offer slut. Now strip naked for your new Mistress.” Nerissa said with a smirk. She was enjoying this way too much and she was really getting carried away by now.

That was not what Hannah wanted at all, yet at the same time she couldn’t point out any errors in Nerissa’s deduction. Maybe it was just best if she gave in, if she obeyed. It wasn’t like she was getting much of a choice and the longer she waited the more this seemed to get out of hand. With a deep sigh Hannah dropped her bathrobe to the floor, stepped out of her soaked panties which had become see through after her orgasm, and last but not least she unwrapped her now nearly dry hair out of it’s towel. Sheepishly she just stood there, totally embarrassed, looking down at the floor while trying to cover her breasts and pussy with her hands.

“Much better, now stop trying to cover up slut, you’re not hiding anything I haven’t seen before. In fact you showed me pretty much everything this morning.” Nerissa said as she walked up to Hannah, taking her wrists and forcing them to her sides. There wasn’t all that much resistance as Hannah realised it was useless. The scent of Nerissa’s fresh sweat, and the fact that their bodies were nearly pressed together was so overpowering.

“In fact I know a better use for those hands. You can help me strip naked from the waist down. Although indirectly I did help you cum, and so you should repay the favour, fair is fair right? Since you obviously like to eat so much I think we can figure something out to keep us both happy.” Nerissa said with a smirk as she gently pushed Hannah down to her knees.

All Hannah could do was look up in shock. A combination of the two? She had a pretty good idea of what that meant and she was none too happy about it. Yet after what she had done could she really refuse? It didn’t look like Nerissa would accept her refusal and she seemed more than willing to share this dark perverted side of her with the rest of the world if she didn’t obey.

Maybe she could just obey now and get this over with, show Nerissa that she in fact didn’t like this, that she was just a perverted exhibitionist. The thought of being seen as such was disturbing, but better than Nerissa thinking she should be her Mistress. In fact it might be better still to just admit to that now. Then she might get out of this situation after all.

“Uhm Nerissa, I am just a perverted exhibitionist and a voyeur who likes masturbating to pictures on social media.” Hannah confessed, her face beet red after calling herself such terrible things. This was the worst, but if it could prevent this from escalating then it was more than worth it.

“That much is obvious slut, but I don’t think it quite covers it all, you are obsessed with me, why else would you have chosen to share your exhibitionism with me and not with your friends? Why else would you masturbate to me and let me catch you doing so. So unless you want me to share how much of an exhibitionist you are and feed into that kink of yours I suggest you get to work. Oh and it’s Mistress to you from now on.” Nerissa smirked broadly.

Hannah could feel her stomach turn to knots. No one could find out this side of her, no one. Shit, she had to do as Nerissa said, her roommate was forcing her hand. Reluctantly Hannah untied Nerissa’s sneakers and helped her out of them and her socks, they felt damp and a cheesy foot odour instantly hit her in the face.

It was disgusting, but she had to get through this, the sooner the better. Hooking her fingers into the waist band of Nerissa’s leggings and panties both at the same time, right underneath Nerissa’s tummy fold, she started sliding them down to her ankles as Nerissa happily stepped out of them, now naked from the waist down in front of her naked kneeling roommate. The scent of her wet sweaty pussy wafting straight in Hannah’s face which was only a few inches away from it.

“Do you like what you see slut? No need to answer that, I know you’re just going to lie. In any case, you may follow me to the couch now. Remain on your knees though. I’d like to see you crawl.” Nerissa commanded, she was having way too much fun with this as she got to the couch and took place.

Completely embarrassed Hannah followed her roommates command and crawled around to where Nerissa was sitting, her legs spread wide, her most pussy fully exposed on eye level for Hannah, sitting right beneath a neat triangle of trimmed black hair. The scent the look, it was all enough to make Hannah shudder in disgust despite having just masturbated to a picture of Nerissa. It was so confusing. Right now earning her roommate’s silence was all that mattered though.

“Good slut, since I want you to at least try to have fun instead of trying to keep on denying how obsessed you are with me I want you to masturbate. Chop chop, start rubbing that pussy, or should I snap a pic and send it to your friends? I bet they’d love to see it and I bet a real exhibitionist would love for them to see it.” Nerissa said instantly threatening as she could no longer contain herself. She couldn’t wait to get this show going.

Hesitant Hannah reached a hand down to her pussy, the one she had just masturbated to an orgasm to Nerissa’s pictures, the one she had shaven for Nerissa and yet masturbating in front of her, allowing her to see it felt so very wrong. She didn’t want a potentially incriminating picture to be made of her though and so she started touching herself. Her pussy still sensitive from her earlier orgasm. It felt amazing, she wanted to stop, this was wrong, but she couldn’t it just felt too good to stop. Torn between wanting to stop and needing to continue Hannah carried on rubbing her pussy, a first soft moan escaping her lips.

“So much more fun to masturbate to the real thing isn’t it? That from a perspective and in a state of undress you could have only dreamed off. You’re one lucky slut aren’t you?” Nerissa taunted, knowing that her commands prevented Hannah from stopping until she came. She imagined it must be hard on her already confused mind.

“In any case, you shouldn’t get all the fun now should you? You can perfectly masturbate while eating my pussy so get to it.” Nerissa said as she didn’t even wait for Hannah to do it on her own, she just grabbed the girls hair and pulled her face down to her pussy. Hannah gave it a first hesitant lap, then a second lazy one and a third lazy one followed by more of the same.

Nerissa wanted to scold Hannah for doing such a poor job, but then she noticed exactly what was happening. The look in Hannah’s dark brown eyes was no longer one of embarrassment, it was an empty stare looking up at her, the same one Hannah had like when she was eating breakfast. Apparently that command about day dreaming while eating applied to eating pussy as well. While the stimulation wasn’t all that great, the sheer power this gave Nerissa felt simply intoxicating. She really wondered how this would turn out, but the situation was so hot that she was quickly approaching an orgasm.

“If you really want to you can stop now Hannah, you can stop masturbating and eating my pussy. If you continue however I’ll take that as you accepting your position as my slut.” Nerissa said wondering if her words even made it through to Hannah, if they did she had the perfect excuse to keep pushing this situation though. She might know it was a false option, but Hannah couldn’t.

Just like she expected Hannah just kept lazily licking her pussy. Nerissa had been keeping count and she had licked more than twenty times, meaning that Hannah would probably keep on licking until she was stopped. This was just to precious. The stimulation might not be as good as from real cunninglingus, but the fact that it was persistent and indefinite certainly helped. Right now Nerissa was hot enough to be cumming in the near future, but even if she wasn’t turned on this licking would eventually get her there.

It was hard imagining this would ever not turn her on though, just the way Hannah was looking up at her with that empty cow like stare was pure gold. Even better was the fact that Hannah was bound to fatten up like a cow as well, maybe she could make her wear a couple of accessories to make her look even more cow like. Maybe a set of horns or black and white ears to put in her hair.

The thought alone was enough to turn Nerissa on even more and combined with the lazily licking tongue it caused her to moan loudly. All those things were things to be considered in the future, for now Nerissa just wanted to enjoy the moment. A moment that became greater and greater as Hannah started to moan as well, her own rubbing obviously getting to her.

Further turned on by Hannah’s moans Nerissa’s moans grew louder and more frequent. She was really starting to get close now. It took but a few more moments for Nerissa to end up having an orgasm of her own, and a powerful one at that, her moans grew to a climax as she grabbed Hannah’s head, keeping it in place while bucking her hips against the girl’s face, humping her face for added stimulation as her juices sprayed all over it, baptising Hannah as her slut and soon to be cow.

While Nerissa was going crazy with pleasure Hannah was unbothered by it all, she just mindlessly kept licking like she had all this time, swallowing all of Nerissa’s squirting that ended up making it into her mouth. It helped Nerissa prolong the duration of her orgasm.

When the orgasm slowly faded Nerissa slowly got back to her normal relaxed sitting position, dragging Hannah’s face along. Looking down she couldn’t help but smirk. Hannah looked like a wreck. Her face was plastered in pussy juices, her recently washed hair soaked once more yet she maintained that same glazy eyed look as she kept on licking, kept on rubbing and kept on moaning.

It was clear to Nerissa that there was nothing going to stop Hannah from eating her pussy short of she pulling her pussy away from Hannah’s mouth. It was more than Nerissa could have hoped for, and with a slight tingle announcing the build up of yet another orgasm she didn’t bother pulling her pussy away from Hannah just yet. This was just too good to stop.


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