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A slut contest

For what seemed like an eternity Rose kept on sucking licking and kissing Bernice’s sweaty foot in it’s well worn nylons all while continuing to hump this other girl’s leg. Slowly but surely the taste and smell of Bernice’s feet was becoming better. Rose couldn’t quite tell whether that was because she was getting used to it, or just because she had by now licked and sucked so much sweat from them that there just wasn’t much left to smell or taste.

What she did know for sure though was that if all of this didn’t stop soon then she wouldn’t be able to keep herself from cumming. The wet spot she had made on Madison’s thigh had grown a lot by now. Her moans were frequent and completely unforce, in fact she couldn’t even force herself to stop them anymore. Rose was terribly ashamed of how turned on she had gotten in this horrid perverted situation and she didn’t know if she would ever be able to look at herself in the mirror ever again if she ended up cumming this way.

Much to her relief it didn’t come to that, instead Bernice pulled her feet off of the girl’s hands and set them back on the ground. Her own arousal had grown to the point where she could really use some relief and with two such gorgeous sluts at her disposal she wasn’t about to use her hand. “Alright sluts, that’s enough for now. You can stop humping.” She said watching on with a smirk as both women sighed in relief, finally able to relax their tired arms which had been supporting her legs all this time. Even better was the look of disappointment that flashed on Rose’s face for a moment as she stopped humping.

While Rose was insanely glad that she could stop the humping and avoid her pending orgasm, she had gotten so very turned on that it was hard to force herself to stop. She wanted to, but her pussy was begging her for more. Unlike her Madison in front of her didn’t hide how much she wanted to continue, the girl was squirming a little on her leg to get at least some stimulation.

Leaning forward Bernice proceeded to remove the nipple clamps from both nipples making the girls wince in pain the moment the pressure released and blood came rushing back to them. It made Bernice laugh the way both women’s hands went up to their sore nipples, but quickly back to their sides as they were obviously to sensitive and sore to touch. The best thing about nipple clamps was that them being gone was always the worst part. Something both women at her feet now knew as well.

“There there girls, you can stop whining now. In fact I insist you do as I have a game for the both of you and I want you to listen carefully while I explain. While I am sure it’s nothing compared to how stimulating the privilege of worshipping my feet must have been to the two of you, I have grown quite aroused myself and one of you will have the privilege of helping me take care of that arousal by licking my superior pussy.” Bernice said as a look of horror crossed Rose’s flustered face.

A privilege? Bernice was clearly sick if she thought anyone wanted to get her tongue anywhere near there. The only reason any of this had happened was because she had no other viable option. One thing was for sure it was a privilege she would very much like to give over to this girl she only knew as slut two. At least that’s what she thought until she heard the rest of what Bernice had to say.

“I know that you are both eager to receive that honour, but I only have one pussy for you two to worship. With that in mind I propose a contest. Putting the pleasure of your superiors above your own is an important quality for a good slut. I know how hard that is with all the excitement of being allowed to worship my feet just now and so I won’t blame you if you fail and cum, over your excitement and the exciting prospect of worshipping my pussy.” Bernice carried on.

“The contest is simple. The both of you will lick each other’s pussy in a 69 position and the one to hold of on her orgasm the longest, the one who shows she can putt her Mistress’s pleasure above her own the best will get the privilege of licking my pussy. In short the first to cum is the loser.” That was easy enough Rose thought she was close enough to an orgasm to be able to cum and avoid the horrid fate of worshipping Bernice’s pussy which she still remembered from the car ride here smelled horrid. Definitely not something she wanted to taste. She knew her fellow slut must be close as well though so she would have to try and do a bad job of licking her pussy. It was a plan that quickly changed with Bernice’s next words though.

“Of course it would be cruel not to let the loser take part in the fun now wouldn’t it? I do have two holes to worship after all. One might be a little harder to stimulate, but I know from experience that it feels great as well. Combined with the stimulation of my pussy at the same time I’m sure it will feel like heaven. A way for the loser to redeem herself and to help her fellow slut please Mistress. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?” Bernice asked with a cruel smile as Rose could instantly imagine which hole she was referring to. Suddenly her whole perspective on the situation changed. She had to win this contest, as horrid as the thought of licking Bernice’s pussy was it was nothing compared to licking her butthole. How could she be into something so gross?

Bernice just smiled down on both of her horrified sluts. This contest was perfect, she imagined that Rose would want to win no matter what and that Madison after yesterday’s powerful orgasm, realising how she got off would want to lose. Both women had a goal that was perfectly symbiotic with the other but thanks to Madison’s hang-ups and the very specific conditions she needed to cum neither of them would be able achieve their desired goal. They would both lose in their own way no matter what would happen. Bernice would get what she always wanted a great orgasm, and that haughty yet gorgeous trophy wife not only literally kissing her ass but licking it as well.

“May the best slut win, although the both of you are winners no matter what isn’t that right? You both get to worship me one way or another after all. Slut one you get to lay on your back and slut two you get to be on top of her your legs on either side of her face your face between her legs go!” Bernice instructed as she herself leaned back on the couch.

With a sinking feeling Madison got down on her back, but she was pushed in position by Rose who didn’t want to waste any time whatsoever. She needed to make this girl cum as fast as possible, she needed to avoid Bernice’s ass at all costs. It was all the motivation she needed to overcome her reluctance of engaging in such a sexual act with this girl young enough to be her daughter. Wasting no time she pressed her lips against the girl’s already sopping wet pussy and started licking for all she was worth.

It might be mean of her to do this, to doom this girl, but she couldn’t forgive herself is she lost. While going full force at this girl’s pussy she made sure to keep her own hips a bit higher up making them harder to reach for the girl underneath her in the hope that it would buy her enough time to make this girl cum before she did. It shouldn’t be too hard right? From what she had been able to tell this girl had been on edge for what seemed like ages, a little push was all she would need to tip over it right? Even with Rose’s inexperienced tongue.

Underneath her Madison was moaning loudly. God she was so very turned on herself and while she could tell that this woman she knew as slut two was quite new to eating pussy, her very eager tongue felt amazing. She herself in the meantime had a hard time even reaching Rose’s pussy, something she was rather grateful for. It provided her with the perfect excuse to only lightly lick her pussy with the very tip of her tongue, using as little effort as she felt she could get away with. She knew it was pretty much impossible for her to lose this, but as gross as the prospect of licking her new owner’s ass was she desperately needed such a mind blowing orgasm once again, she was horny beyond thinking about anything else after all that humping she had gotten up to.

Seeing both of her sluts try their hardest to achieve their own goal in a subtle way pleased Bernice, she could easily see that Rose was cheating and she could easily see that Madison was holding back. Knowing that it wouldn’t help them one bit however made this whole show and desperate attempt such a treat to watch. She loved how she had gotten Rose so far as to eat pussy for all she was worth without hesitation, obviously trying to avoid having to eat her ass. Especially knowing that’s where her tongue would be going next.

The show was just too good not to gather some video’s and pictures of it all of which she instantly sent to Sally who’s need to get her own pussy eaten was growing with every new pic and video. God she was looking forward to using her stepmother for her own sexual pleasure after school, pleasure she needed more and more urgently. Bernice was definitely putting the bitch to work which was exactly what she deserved as far as Sally was concerned.

Now that she had snapped enough pictures and video all that was left to do was wait on Rose to lose. The whole show only helped her get worked up even more. While she waited Bernice decided she might as well get herself comfortable which was exactly what she did as she propped her feet up on Rose’s back, using the in a 69 engaged sluts as her personal foot rest.

Rose groaned feeling Bernice’s warm nylon feet on her back, another sign of complete disrespect. It was nothing compared to having to lick the woman’s butthole however. She couldn’t let herself get distracted by it. Especially not with how she was slowly but surely growing closer and closer to an orgasm. The girl beneath her could barely reach and stimulate her pussy as was her plan. It was the only reason she hadn’t came just yet, but the closer she grew to her own orgasm the more desperate she grew.

This girl’s pussy tasted somewhat tangy and sweet, a lot subtler and better than Sally’s did or Bernice she imagined after having smelled it. With how wet this girl was it was a surprise to Rose that she hadn’t managed to make her cum just yet. Was she really this bad at eating pussy? By the way Sally had seemed to enjoy her tongue action that couldn’t be it right? No matter how hard she tried the girl simply didn’t cum. It must be because she was very good at controlling her orgasms. That was the only explanation Rose could come up with as she was sure she wanted to avoid licking Bernice’s ass as well.

In the end what seemed like an eternity to Rose but in reality was more like ten minutes. Ten minutes of eating pussy for all she was worth to avoid the loser’s fate in Bernice’s bizarre challenge it was she who ended up cumming. Despite her efforts and even cheating she was still the one to cum first and that with a miserable whimper mixed in with her loud moans.

The moment she had felt her orgasm approach she had lifted her butt in the air, moving her pussy out of reach of further touch, but it was no use. She had been pushed just over the edge and there was no stopping it now, not anymore. Without further stimulation her orgasm faded quickly into something more frustrating than satisfying, a ruined orgasm but an orgasm nonetheless.

Smirking broadly Bernice got her feet off of Rose’s back and back on the ground. “Looks like we have a winner. At least one slut knows how to put her Mistress’s pleasure before her own and while I don’t want to take away from slut one’s victory it seemed an awful lot like you wanted to lose slut two. I mean slut one clearly was the most aroused after your little foot worshipping session. It looked like she needed the smallest little push to be made to cum and yet you seemed to have failed to make that happen for ten minutes straight. To be honest that’s quite impressive. For it to be kept up ten minutes at the point slut one was at you must have really wanted to get that tongue of yours up my shitter.” Bernice grinned using the most unflattering language she could. She loved what had just happened, how Rose had even denied herself a decent orgasm, it was more perfect than she could have hoped for and she loved taunting the woman with her skewed logic.

Complete horrified shock was the only look Rose could manage. Her face was still dripping with this other girl’s juices. She had tried her damn hardest and this was Bernice’s conclusion. She couldn’t believe the woman was serious about her having to get her tongue anywhere near her butthole let alone think this was what she wanted. She simply had to clarify this. She couldn’t let anyone think that she was actually enjoying any of this. Much less that she wanted something so depraved.

“Excuse me Miss Oakley, but I assure you that isn’t true, I tried my best to win your contest I really did. I didn’t want to be the one licking your ass at all.” Rose said keeping her eyes cast down, trying her damn best to remain respectful, to not anger this woman who held so much control over her. After all she had put her through in this short time however it was insanely hard to keep her temper in check.

“What exactly are you saying slut two? Are you ungrateful for the privilege of licking my ass? Is there something wrong with my ass? Are you insulting me? If I were you I would tread very carefully. I can think of a few punishments myself and I’m sure Sally will love to hear about this. So what is it going to be? Are you really insulting me, or are you just trying to hide your secret desires? In that last case I want a clear apology as well as you admitting you lost just to get your tongue up my ass.” Bernice spoke firmly in a tone that shook Rose to her core.

Bernice had the haughty trophy wife exactly where she wanted, with what was on the line she doubted Rose would dare stand up to her. She would have to confess and in doing so she would make Bernice’s faulty conclusions a reality. The woman might not realise it, but admitting to such a thing would have it’s impact. In either case it was something she could taunt the woman even further with.

A long silence followed as Rose didn’t know how to react. She couldn’t admit to something so horrid and untrue now could she? At the same time she couldn’t face a punishment whatever form it would take, the word punishment instantly gave her flashbacks to that encounter with the hot sauce. Just thinking back to it Rose could already feel her pussy burn. Then there was still the threat of Sally finding out. The consequences that could have were disastrous. In the best case she would just be punished twice.

Just like Bernice had predicted she ended up giving in to her demands. “I’m sorry if it felt as an insult Miss Oakley. I was just insecure about admitting that I wanted to lick your amazing ass. I didn’t want you to know that I cheated just to get to do this out of fear that you would be mad and deny me the privilege.” Rose grovelled hoping it would satisfy that bitch of a Bernice to avoid punishment. She had kept her head down all this time, but when she looked up near the end she was horrified. Bernice’s phone was pointed right at her. This bitch had recorded everything.

“There we go slut two, doesn’t admitting it feel so much better? I should punish you for cheating you know, but I feel for you so I won’t take this privilege away from you. You can still lick my ass. If you had just said so from the start though that tongue of yours could have been up my shitter already. In any case I’m sure your Mistress will be pleased to see just how much you love giving a good rimjob.” Bernice said with a smirk sending this latest video Sally’s way as well.

Rose just kept looking at her in absolute horror. There was no way out of this, in fact it was even worse now. Like Bernice had said Sally would be very pleased to hear about this meaning that she would find herself with her tongue up her stepdaughter’s ass frequently going forward. This couldn’t be happening and yet it was, she felt so powerless not being able to stop any of it.

With a big self-satisfied smile Bernice got up from the couch. In no time at all she had unzipped and dropped her skirt to the floor. Rose’s horror just grew looking upon this heavy woman old enough to be her mother, and at her age that was saying a lot, in nothing but her sturdy white satin garter belt her shiny tan stockings and her obviously soaked white satin granny panties. She felt sick knowing that she would soon get acquittanced with this woman’s backside rather well.

Following the skirt Bernice then dropped her panties revealing her shimmering wet greying hairy pubic area. Her bush was so thick that it was hard to really see her pussy, but she could smell it very well even with her face coated in this other girl’s juices. Seeing Rose’s horrified look Bernice commented. “I see you like what you’re seeing slut two, if you’re a good slut I might even let you take my panties so you can still worship me when you are back at home.”

“In any case I know that’s not what you really want right now is it? You really want to get that tongue of yours as deep up my butthole as you possibly can don’t you? Well I have one tasty ass coming right up. Just relax lay back and put your head right here.” Bernice said with a broad smile patting the surface of the couch right behind her, indicating where she wanted Rose’s head. It didn’t take the horrified woman much to figure out what this bitch was planning to do to her.

Taking as much time as she felt she could get away with without angering Bernice too much Rose slowly got into place, sitting down on the floor, her body stretched out while her head leaned back on the seating of the couch. Unlike her Bernice didn’t waste a moment. Without hesitation the woman stepped over her, giving the woman a good and terrifying view up her backside. Her huge fat ass was perfectly framed by the garter straps, the bottom of her garter belt and the tops of her shiny full fashioned tan stockings. A big square of bare skin that would soon be coming down on Rose’s face.

Things only got worse when Bernice proceeded to pull her cheeks apart, opening up her butt crack right before Rose’s eyes. The dark puckered hole she would soon have to lick sat in the middle, surrounded by a couple of hairs. It looked absolutely disgusting. Disgusting enough to overpower Rose’s fear of punishment as right now she wanted nothing more than to get as far away from that hole as possible. She was just starting to attempt to get back up from her awkward position on the couch, but it was too late. Bernice’s ass came down rapidly and before she could get a real move on Bernice’s hole made contact with her lips which in a split second got followed by the rest of the woman’s weight, pressing her head down hard into the couch cushion. There was no way in which Rose would get her head away from Bernice’s butt without the woman allowing her to.

Sighing satisfied Bernice released her spread cheeks who under the law of gravity moved back down in place as far as they could, resting against the sides of Rose’s face, her head completely swallowed by Bernice’s butt crack. With a soft moan Bernice wiggled side to side a little, really settling into place, her wrinkled hole rubbing over Rose’s lips as the woman whimpered in disgust.

Her nose and eyes were the only things left to barely stick out the back of Bernice’s fat butt. There was not much more she could see than the huge fleshy curve of Bernice’s back side though and while her nose was just free enough to breath it was just another horror. Every breath she took reeked of Bernice’s sweaty butt crack. A nasty mix of sweat, musk and something she didn’t even dare think off. She was completely stuck, the rest of her naked body laying vulnerable between Bernice’s spread legs.

It was a wonderful sight the woman couldn’t help but take advantage of. Moving her hand between her legs Bernice started groping Rose’s breasts which remained surprisingly perky for a woman her age. It was such for to play with them, especially given the groans and whimpers it brought out of Rose, completely muffled by her butt. All they did was provide a very subtle yet pleasurable vibrating sensation to her puckered hole.

From the woman’s breasts Bernice moved on to her very sore nipples which she gave a quick pinch without regard to how that might hurt. She did find out however as Rose instantly let out a loud pained outcry, but it was completely muffled by Bernice’s fat ass. The only reason Bernice noticed the girl’s cry was because of the sudden way stronger vibrating sensations against her butthole. In audible all Rose’s pained cried managed was to make Bernice moan.

A wicked grin quickly spread on Bernice’s face. “If your nipples are still a bit too sore and painful for me to play with them just tell me to stop and I will stop right away. If not I’ll just assume you love this just as much as I do.” Bernice said giving Rose’s nipples another sharp pinch and laughing as she felt the woman scream against her butthole. It felt so amazing that Bernice just couldn’t help but carry on as Rose helplessly squirmed underneath her.

Rose hated Bernice now more than ever, her nipples were still so very sensitive and sore. No matter how hard she tried though she couldn’t make a sound. Instead she was doomed at Bernice’s mercy for however long the woman pleased to do this. Forced to listen how this torment made Bernice moan, nauseated as each moan made the woman’s hole pulse against her lips all while being able to smell nothing but Bernice’s ass.

Making matters even worse Rose suddenly felt something wet against her chest, slowly sliding in between her breasts down her stomach. Although she couldn’t see what it was, giving Bernice’s moans and the position the drop had first hit her she could only conclude it had to be Bernice’s pussy which was literally leaking.

Noticing exactly how wet this whole situation had gotten her Bernice finally stopped. It was time to get her pussy eaten and her ass as well for that matter cause all this time Rose’s lips had remained firmly sealed.

Shifting slightly Bernice moved one of her legs square across Rose’s torso, her shift twisting the woman’s face just a little. Her thick nylon covered thigh rested right in between Rose’s breasts, her calf on the woman’s stomach and the sole of her foot against Rose’s pussy, still wet and sensitive after the ruined orgasm hadn’t really taken the edge off.

In this very specific position Bernice turned her attention to her other slut. “Slut one, time for you to claim your prize eating my pussy. Just lay down right here.” Bernice said with a wicked smile as she patted the top of her stocking covered leg resting straight across Rose’s torso.

Unlike Rose Madison didn’t hesitate when she was ordered to get in position. Obeying her Mistress the girl laid right on top of Bernice’s leg, her face only a few inches removed from Bernice’s sopping wet pussy, her breasts settling on either side of Bernice’s thick thigh, the woman’s knee a little uncomfortable but not all to painfully settling against her belly and her pussy settling right on top of her Mistress’s nylon covered foot.

Very pleased with the result of her instructions Bernice grabbed started wiggling her stocking covered leg, now sandwiched between her two gorgeous sluts back and forth a little. As a result her foot slid back and forth against the pussies of both her sluts, stimulating them both at once and getting a moan out of them as a reward. It was all she had hoped for. She always loved making her sluts moan in the most embarrassing positions possible, moan of getting masturbated by her foot. Her sole rubbing over Rose’s pussy while the top rubbed against Madison’s pussy at the very same time, it felt amazing.

Satisfied and more turned on than ever Bernice grabbed the base of Madison’s ponytail and forcefully moved the girl’s head sideways just a little, mashing her pretty face in her sopping wet hairy pussy. “Get licking and that goes for the both of you!” Bernice ordered loudly. Without hesitation Madison stuck out her tongue, searching out Bernice’s warm wet pussy through her thick push. The taste was horrid compared to Rose’s pussy, but it didn’t make her hold back. She just stared licking and pleasing her Mistress for all she was worth, moaning a her Mistress’s foot rubbed her pussy. If anything she was jealous not to be the one to get her tongue up her Mistress’s butt and thus unable to have an orgasm.

While Madison was doing a spectacular job licking her pussy she still hadn’t felt even the tip of Rose’s tongue. Bernice’s orgasm was fast approaching and she really didn’t want to cum without a tongue in both holes. She had to take action which she did by subtly moving just an inch back, her huge butt swallowing Rose’s nose as well, completely cutting off her air supply.

After a few seconds while Rose was starting to slightly panic already Bernice spoke up. “Here’s the deal slut two. You either lick and breath, or don’t lick and don’t breath. I don’t care either way, but I am not moving forward to let you breath until I am convinced that tongue of yours can’t go any further up my butt. The choice is yours of course, just how much do you need to breath anyways?” She laughed.

Running out of oxygen Rose was really starting to panic. Bernice wouldn’t really suffocate her right? This couldn’t be how she ended, smothered underneath Bernice’s fat ass. The longer this went on the less sure she started to grow that Bernice wouldn’t do this, that she wouldn’t dare get Sally and her husband’s wrath upon her. Would Sally even care? Would her husband care if Sally covered for Bernice showing that initial video? The more light headed she was growing the better Bernice’s foot on her pussy was starting to feel for some reason. It felt near delirious.

Rose kept strong to the point where she nearly passed out, but eventually she did as she had been demanded and stuck her tongue out as far as she could, having a little difficulty pushing past Bernice’s sphincter, but succeeding as her tongue was slippery enough with her saliva. It got an extra loud moan out of Bernice, a tongue up her ass and one worshipping her pussy at the same time felt amazing even better knowing it was Rose’s tongue up her ass. She knew she had been pushing this little scheme taking Rose’s breath away a little too far so quickly she scooted forward freeing up Rose’s nose again.

Instantly Rose sucked in as much air as she could through her nose, air heavily laced with the stench of Bernice’s sweaty butt, but air nonetheless. Would Bernice really have done in? The fact that she had already pushed it to far scared her beyond believe. A fear that only grew stronger as Bernice smugly said. “Let that be a lesson slut.” Of course she wouldn’t have really pushed Rose too far, but she couldn’t yield to easily either, in any case she had gotten exactly what she had wanted.

With the air rushing back in the fog cleared from Rose’s head as only then the full extend of her latest situation started to set in. With the priority on breathing the disgust and horrid embarrassment of the situation had moved to the background but now it was back full force. The horrid smell of Bernice’s ass and the even worse bitter earthy taste that now invade her mouth, all she could see, smell and taste was Bernice’s ass.

Despite her absolutely horrified disgust Rose didn’t dare pull her tongue out of Bernice’s ass, not after what had just happened. Obediently she just kept wiggling it around deep inside Bernice’s ass. Fighting it was no use, there was no way she would get rid of the taste after all, or get her dignity back for that matter. In fact her shame only kept growing as the rubbing of Bernice’s sole on her pussy only kept turning her on more and more to the point where she feared an orgasm would be unavoidable. There was nothing she could do about it though, no way away from Bernice’s foot which sadly felt so good rubbing her already excited pussy.

Getting rubbed to an orgasm by the sole of this woman’s foot would have been a devastating blow to her ego. Cumming like this while she had her tongue deep into this very woman’s butthole would be so much worse though, how could she ever look in a mirror again after that. She had but one choice which was to keep herself from cumming like this. She just hoped she would succeed.

Bernice ended up being the first one to have an orgasm, with a tongue simulating both her pussy and butt it was the best orgasm she ever had. Especially since both sluts were moaning along with her. This was like heaven, catching Rose and actually convincing Sally to slut sit for her as well as winning Madison from the salon had been two of the best things to ever happen to her, all coming together in this amazing climax.

While Bernice was having the best orgasm ever, both of her sluts were having a hard time dealing with it. Madison had a hard time containing Bernice’s squirting orgasm with her mouth, swallowing whatever her Mistress gave her in order to try and avoid a huge mess. She managed for a big part yet getting her face coated was inevitable, so was a part of it leaking down, down onto Bernice’s stocking covered legs and eventually onto Rose’s torso.

At the bottom of the slut stack Rose was having her own problems. The contractions that came from the waves of orgasm crashing through Bernice’s body made her butt clench, squeezing her tongue hard. It was as if her butt was trying to suck her tongue in even further. As gross as that was it also filled her with hope, surely this was the end of it right? Surely she had made it not tipping over the edge of her own orgasm, finally this torment would be over right?

It was a hope that got dashed when even after Bernice’s orgasm faded out the woman remained firmly seated on her face. With no sign that she would move even an inch. A feeling that got confirmed when Bernice spoke up. “Let’s go onto the next one sluts.” She smiled as her last fading orgasm seamlessly went over into the build up to the next one, both tongues still doing their job as they should.

Determined not to let herself succumb under the stimulation of Bernice’s foot Rose kept holding out. She held out long enough for Bernice to have a second orgasm, but with the woman still not showing a sign of attempting to get up Rose couldn’t hold it for much longer. Eventually she was tipped over the edge by the non-stop rubbing of Bernice’s stockinged sole, her body shaking as she soaked the foot on her pussy all while her tongue remained up this woman’s ass.

The shame she felt afterwards was indescribable and only made worse when Bernice was right on her case with another taunt. “I take it that means what you said earlier about cheating to get to eat my ass was right slut? Or is it my foot you like so much? I could swear the thighs on you both were sopping wet with the other’s cum after I allowed you to worship my feet. Whatever it is, my feet or ass, you’re clearly smitten with me, well don’t you worry slut we still have a lot more hours in our day.” Bernice laughed as she remained seated, her foot keeping up the rubbing prolonging Rose’s shameful orgasm to the maximum.

While everyone else was cumming Madison just kept up her pussy eating duties, jealous of the rest. Everyone got their relief while she was kept right on that frustrated edge, horny beyond believe yet unable to cum. She had spent so long so horny that she had really turned into the perverted slut she was so horrified with when she first arrived at Leila’s salon. This was her life now, all she wanted was for Bernice to fart in her face again so she could cum. Maybe if her Mistress was very pleased with her she would be granted one of her farts. With that in mind she doubled her pussy munching efforts.


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