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Kimberly was pissed as she stormed out the school which she guessed was her old school now. Today had been the last day before summer break, the last day of highschool and not even now she could be left alone, not even for one day. She had been bullied throughout, every day she had been bullied and while she had hoped to at least end on a positive note today had just been the same as always.

She had never really fit in at school, which she had always blamed on her rather unconventional choice of outfits her shoulder length dark purple bob cut, the way she loved wearing leather pants and heavy boots to school combined with emo band shirts and her favourite leather jacket. The entirety of her wardrobe consisted pretty much of black clothes, and so did her makeup, the most colour her outfits ever had was either dark purple, a dark red colour or dark blue. It was just the way she liked to dress.

Although if she was honest with herself she knew that wasn’t the real reason for all the bullying, it didn’t help, but she was pretty certain the main reason was that she was fat. Nothing to bad as far as she was concerned, but she was the largest girl in her year and her fellow students were quite ruthless over it.

Standing at about 5’10” she was quite large in every way, her breasts were large, so were her bottom, thighs and her belly. Not overly so, but definitely too much to fall under the term curvy or even chubby. Despite being 18 for nearly half a year already she had never had a boyfriend, not that she had cared much she hated all guys at her school, but one in particular, Luke.

Luke had literally everything going for him, he was the most popular guy in their year, the school’s star football player. He stood about 5’10” tall, with wild semi long dirty blonde hair, brown eyes and a muscular body. Luke had gotten every girl he had ever set his mind to and still he was a huge asshole, bullying her despite his good fortune.

What he had said today during gym class was still stuck in her mind. She always hated gym, but today was so much worse after he had called her a fat pig in front of the entire class who just laughed at her. It was the worst moment of her day and all she could think of was revenge, revenge against Luke, the school’s favourite. Getting back at him would be like getting back at the entire school as he was their star.

Unable to think about anything other than revenge and feel anything but self-pity, Kimberly rushed off to the place that had basically become a second home to her. A place she always went to when she wanted to be alone. A place no one knew off, one she had once accidentally stumbled upon herself. A bunker in the forest, probably built by some survivalist or someone who thought the world would cease to exist.

It didn’t really matter, it had obviously been abandoned for a very long time and probably forgotten. Hell the original owner if he or she still lived might have even forgotten about it with a hatch this well concealed. She had only discovered it by accident when she had angerly kicked a non-discrepant rock on one of her trips in the forest, one that made a weird metallic sound.

Over time she had smuggled a bit of everything down here to the point where it had become a pretty comfortable hide out. The decent sized room had a mattress on the iron frame that had been here. The cupboards which were filled with conserves also held some decorative trinkets. A couple of beanbags at on the floor. An old laptop and some boxes served as a television. Sure there was no connection to the internet or even cell reception down here, but that didn’t really matter. Most importantly the place even had a toilet which was luckily still working. If she wanted she could stay here for days.

Chilling on the bed listening to her favourite band to calm her mind and distract her from what had happened an idea suddenly hit her. While this place was the perfect place to escape from everyone so no one could find her, it was also a perfect place to keep someone where no one could find them. If she managed to get Luke down here then he was hers to do with what she wished. It was the perfect place for revenge, but how would she get him here and what then?

Those were the questions that played through Kimberly’s mind over the next week as a plan slowly started to form. A plan she meticulously prepared for during this time. As the old saying went, never judge someone until you walked a mile in their shoes, Kimberly planned to go for exactly that. Let’s see how though and well loved Luke would be if he was basically her twin. Given how different they were that would be a lot of hard work, but she had all summer, besides whether she succeeded or not at making him look as her twin it would be sweet revenge nonetheless.

She should at least succeed at transforming Luke drastically over such a time, that and getting him under her complete control to the point where he’d do everything she said. In any case it would be perfect for when they attended college next year. They had the luck that one of the bigger universities was in the city their small village was neighbouring to so nearly all of their class mates would attend that college, she couldn’t wait to show the new Luke off there, but first she needed to kickstart her plan.

Chapter 1

Today was the day, she had carefully studied Luke’s routines. As the star football player a lot of his summer break was spent working out and keeping in shape, preparing for the next season. A workout that consisted of a near daily morning run through the forest and that pretty close to Kimberly’s hideout, perfectly playing into her cards. She might not be an early riser, but today was an exception. She was excited enough about what she was about to do that rising early hadn’t been a problem.

Hidden behind a big tree along Luke’s running route she stood at attention with a simple blowpipe loaded with a tranquiliser dart. She had but one shot at this which was a lot of pressure considering how she wasn’t the best at aiming. It was why she chose a spot so close to where Luke would pass by. If she missed Luke would notice and considering the graveness of what it entailed she knew he’d be angry. Still this remained her safest bet as she would certainly lose in a fight and if he ran away there was no chance she’d be able to catch up with him.

Kimberly’s heart started beating in her chest as she heard fast steps approaching, disrupting the tranquil morning sounds of the forest. Time ticked by very slowly as Kimberly waited for the right moment. Seeing Luke dash by the tree Kimberly jumped out of hiding and blew hard on the pipe making the dart fly out. It nearly missed Luke but just hit him on his upper arm. Shocked the guy turned around looking down at his arm then straight at Kimberly who panicked. Did it not work? Shit she was so screwed, but just when she feared Luke would lunge at her he collapsed on the forest floor.

Her panic quickly turned to a grin as she watched her knocked out victim. Perfect, according to the manual she now had about two hours, two hours to make sure Luke wouldn’t go anywhere or be able to do anything against her. Of course she had to take care of his tracks as well. She had to remove all evidence around this spot, Luke’s run was a long one and the forest was even bigger. If they didn’t know where he was taken from the search would be pretty much hopeless.

Getting Luke to the hatch and into bunker proved to be rather hard but she managed. With him down there she first cleaned up all tracks then headed into the bunker herself. Grinning broadly she bowed over her victim, ready to prepare him for his stay here.

She started out by stripping Luke completely naked, his naked body not at all turning her on. He might have a body many girls dreamed and crushed on, but Kimberly’s hatred for him ran deep. His cock while average was smaller than a lot of dildo’s Kimberly owned. Getting him naked was all about getting him vulnerable, that and the fact that she took great pleasure knowing these would be the last male clothes he would ever wear. She would make sure of that as she stashed them away in a locked chest.

With that taken care of Kimberly proceeded to put the equipment she had bought for him on. A sturdy black leather mono glove which she forced both of his hands in behind his back, lacing it shut tightly and a matching black leather posture collar taking away all mobility in his neck. Taking a heavy chain she locked one end to the ring at the centre of his collar and proceeded to lock the other end to the bedframe which was bolted to the floor, the chain was long enough for him to move about the room but not nearly long enough to reach the hatch in the far corner of the room.

Both measures combined should be enough to keep Luke safely detained in the bunker and make him harmless to her. He could probably overpower her and beat her up, but with his arms locked behind his back he couldn’t even really try to pull such a stunt. Now all that rested was waiting for him to wake up. Kicking off her boots Kimberly got comfortable on the bed, her naked victim laying next to it on the floor as she put on a movie to ease the wait. Very satisfied with how things had gone so far. It would be a shame to carry on with her plan without Luke being awake so she could see his reaction after all.

Chapter 2

It had been about an hour since she had been done securing Luke as her prisoner when he finally started stirring awake with a loud groan. The first thing he noticed upon waking up was a gross sour smell of feet. It made him gag loudly notifying Kimberly that he had woken up. Just in time to see him come to the realisation that his arms were trapped as he tried pushing himself up but couldn’t put his hands on the floor or even move them.

The flair of panic this cause woke him wide up. In no time at all he suddenly realised his head was stuck in place looking straight ahead of him, that he was completely naked and in some sort of weird windowless room. “What the fuck?! Where the hell am I? what is this place?! Is this some kind of a sick joke?” He exclaimed shocked and confused.

Kimberly just started to laugh at that, not bothering to get off the bed. Instead she ruffled Luke’s hair with her foot, taking great delight in being able to do such a demeaning thing. “Well well, good morning Kim. You’re finally awake.” Kimberly grinned only to go to full blown laugher once more as a shocked Luke turned around to trying to see who that somewhat familiar voice came from. It resulted in him involuntarily planting his face against Kimberly’s socked sole which had been ruffling his hair, immediately making him recoil in horror and gag loudly.

“What the hell you fat pig?! What have you done to me? What is this place? Why did you call me Kim? What the hell is wrong with you? Get those stinking feet far away from me and let me go this instant or I swear you’re going to be so fucking sorry! I’ll have your head for this.” Luke raged.

While she knew Luke would rage and while his distraught was hilarious to her. Him calling her a fat pig once again instantly soured her mood. She was going to show him his place and teach him some humility. From now on he’d show her some respect or suffer the consequences. Getting up on her feet she easily walked over to Luke who was trying to move back. Effortless she stepped on his chain stopping his attempts to get away dead in his tracks. Stooping down she gave him a hard slap across his cheek leaving a bright red handprint. It felt so very good to do so.

“Shut your trap Kim and show me some respect. I am your world now, your Goddess, your role model with the emphasis on role” Kimberly laughed as she patted her belly. “So either you kiss my feet now and apologise or you get a spanking the choice is yours.”

“As to why I called you Kim, well that reason is very simple, it’s because from now on you are Kim. At least you are going to become my inferior twin sister and submissive lover Kim, not even worthy of my full name. Now isn’t that amazing? You get to be an albeit inferior twin version of your idol, me!” Kimberly laughed wickedly explaining her plan for him, loving the look of absolute horror on his face.

“You crazy bitch, I’m Luke and you’re going to be so fucking sorry. Soon the police will bust in here and you’ll go to jail for a very long time, never ever will I resemble anything even close to such a fat disgusting pig like you! I won’t allow you to do anything to me!” Luke screamed only earning him another hard slap across his other cheek this time.

“I wouldn’t count on anyone finding you here, but you’re right you will never be as pretty as me. Now you had your chance to apologise, clearly you want a spanking instead.” Kimberly said sitting down into one of her beanbags and pulling a squirming Luke over her broad leather pants covered lap. Without his arms he simply couldn’t fight it.

“What the hell, you can’t do this to me. You can’t spank me you fucking bitch. Let me go right fucking now.” Luke screamed while kicking his legs wildly. It didn’t really matter much as all he did was squirm on Kimberly’s lap, his bare cock rubbing over her leather pants.

His futile attempts were making Kimberly laugh. What was he even trying to accomplish here? Even if he managed to somehow squirm off her lap, what then? He wasn’t going anywhere and Kimberly loved it. He was hers until she decided she was done with him. This opportunity was simply begging for a taunt. “Oh really? I can’t spank you? Want to bet on that?” She grinned.

Her joking taunt managed to catch him completely off guard. It was just a figure off speech, what the hell was he even supposed to say to that? Had this bitch really lost it?

Luke’s silence was only received with more laughter. “That’s what I thought Kim, you don’t want to bet because you know I’d win. Not that it matters, you don’t have anything I want anyways since you will give me everything I want. Still let me prove to you that I can and will spank you.” Kimberly laughed as she started raining down harsh blow after blow on Luke’s bare bottom, colouring it light pink, then dark pink, then red. Twenty spanks total.

The first spanks had been painful, but with his bottom growing more and more sore it only got worse. Luke tried his best not to scream or even flinch, not wanting to give this bitch the satisfaction of knowing she was hurting him, but around the fifteenth spank he was failing. He could keep his shouts in, but he couldn’t stop his body from trying to pull away from the last five spanks.

“So Kim, are you ready to apologise to your Goddess now or do you want to go for spanking round two. If you’re ready to apologise just politely ask permission to get off my lap so you can kiss my feet and properly apologise.” Kimberly grinned loving this way too much.

“Never I’ll never do such a thing, you can go to hell.” Luke spit viciously through girthed teeth, there was no way he was going to give in to this bitch. No matter how much his bottom hurt.

“As you wish Kim.” Kimberly laughed simply shoving the guy off her lap to the ground without a care in the world. Besides the beanbag wasn’t particularly high to fall from. Without hands to break his fall Luke landed right on his face making it hurt anyways. It confused him he thought he wasn’t going to be let go, but now he was?

His question soon got answered when Kimberly returned after rummaging around out of view for a moment. She was carrying a black leather paddle with the word slut written in it in dark purple letters. “Here we are Kim, my hand was starting to feel a little sore so I thought why not grab something to help out a little?” Kimberly laughed down at a frightened Luke who was trying to squirm away. A process quickly halted by Kimberly who drug him right back over her lap.

Not even giving him a moment to let him process being back over her lap Kimberly rained down the first harsh blow with the paddle. Instantly Luke hissed in pain. This was so much worse than her hand was. He didn’t know if he could take another twenty of this. “If you want it to stop just politely ask me to be allowed to apologise and I will stop, but only after I reach a nice round number so you better make your mind up a bit before.” Kimberly laughed before cruelly landing another blow.

This time Luke couldn’t hold back screams and squirms as he tried to move back from the pain setting his bottom on fire, a pain that was unavoidable yet he couldn’t allow himself to give in to Kimberly’s outrageous request. It took till blow seventeen till he really couldn’t take it anymore. Sobbing he cried out. “Please Goddess, please allow me to get off your lap so I may kiss your feet and apologise for earlier.” Luke pleaded.

Kimberly just laughed landing another blow, with Luke repeating his pleading. This happened two more times until she finished twenty blows. After that Kimberly just shoved him off her lap once again but remained seated herself. All she said was. “I’m waiting Kim.”

Looking up with red teary eyes, trying his best not to sob Luke moved onto his knees in front of this girl who he had bullied so much and now had full control over him. Lowering his head he kissed both her black socked feet, their smell just as bad as before, but he didn’t dare gag. He simply couldn’t believe he was actually doing this, but he certainly couldn’t take another hit. “I’m sorry for being so rude and disrespectful towards you Goddess.” He whimpered in defeat.

“Much better, I believe we can leave the strong words and nasty language behind now Kim, you are forgive, but if you ever disrespect me again in any way we’ll just do this all over again. Understood? No where were we? Oh yeah, you claimed you wouldn’t allow me to turn you in my twin Kim, well here’s what’s going to happen. You are going to beg me to help you look as pretty as me.” Kimberly grinned with a predatory look in her eyes before pulling out a carton of something.

“The first step to becoming my twin is getting rid of all that nasty pesky body hair of yours and what better way to do so than with some ready to use wax strips? So Kim, are you going to beg me to wax you so you can look prettier, more like me?” Kimberly asked with a grin.

With his ass beaten raw Luke didn’t dare afront her, yet he couldn’t beg Kimberly to do such a thing either. While being waxed didn’t change all that much the sheer knowledge of what the reason to get waxed was and what it was working towards was simply too much for Luke to accept let alone beg for. Instead of saying no he frightenedly shook his head.

Much to his surprise Kimberly didn’t look mad, she didn’t look like she was about to lash out. Instead she grinned at him with that same predatory grin she had had all this time. “That’s okay Kim, If you don’t beg me to help you look like my twin then I won’t do it. Instead we can pass our time with some Goddess worship.” She said with a sinister smile that left him both puzzled and scared for what she meant.

Getting up from her beanbag Kimberly moved out of sight again. When she returned she held something that looked like a small soft pink egg, a roll of tape and another small soft pink thing. It only puzzled Luke more. None to gentle Kimberly leaned down and grabbed hold of his limp cock. It shocked him as he instantly lashed out. “What…!” But one stern look from Kimberly silenced him and made him retake his words. Trying to appease her in fear of another round with the paddle he took a softer tone. “What are you doing Goddess?”

Kimberly smirked, that was so much better already. Clearly her spanking had gone through to him and he was starting to act more like she wanted already. When she had first done her research she had of course known that Luke wouldn’t go along with this. She could easily force all of this on him in his current position, but above all else she wanted him to want it. She wanted to get him to the point where he genuinely idolised her and desired to be her. It would take more time, but it would be so much more satisfying.

One method she had found to achieve such a thing was to coerce him, to twist his desires and fears till they aligned with her goal for him. Just like Pavlov with his dogs back in the day she planned to condition Luke to want this and already it was working. He had been superficially conditioned to call her Goddess and not to disrespect her. Probably only till the pain of this spanking faded, but over time that conditioning would grow.

“Don’t you worry Kim, I’m not going to hurt you, not unless I have a reason. In fact I think you are going to love this bit. You’ll see.” Kimberly smirked as Luke’s confusion only grew. It became a bit more clear and all the more horrible when this fat pig of a girl suddenly grabbed his limp cock. Was this what this was all about? Just a fucked up way to lose what he imagined could only be her virginity? Was it sex she was after? He guessed if she wanted sex kidnapping was her only option. He just hoped that was the case not that he looked forward to it, but if it was she would let him go after right? If it was the case he didn’t know how he was going to manage getting it up for Kimberly though.

Instead of trying to mount him or anything she just grabbed a firm hold of his cock and moved that egg like thing to the underside of his cock head. There she simply taped it in place without wasting time, only confusing him more. They couldn’t have sex like this right? Confused Luke looked up at the smirking Kimberly standing above him. For some reason she pointed that other pink thing towards him and all of a sudden the egg taped to his cock started vibrating for a short moment with such vigour that he couldn’t suppress a moan.

It felt weirdly pleasurable, much different than anything he had ever felt before. It only puzzled him more. What was the meaning of this. Kimberly just carried on with a very self-satisfied smirk. Everything was working exactly like she needed it to. After some negative reinforcement came positive reinforcement and what better way than to link that to worshipping her?

“Alright Kim, time to look at me, your Goddess. Don’t you dare look away or I will be pissed understood?” Kimberly asked with her ever present smirk as Luke just nodded his head in agreement. What else could he do? He couldn’t defy Kimberly, his burning bottom surely couldn’t take that. Somewhat disgusted he forced himself to look up at the fat emo girl.

Then much to his shock Kimberly started to strip, first out of her leather jacket which was somewhat okay, but it got so much worse when she took off her band shirt revealing her chubby belly and huge breasts held up by a heavy duty bra. The moment she stripped out of her t-shirt the vibrating egg kicked in again. This time Luke fought the urge to moan even harder. He was disgusted by Kimberly, he couldn’t let her think he liked any of this, he simply wouldn’t be able to live down the shame.

Kimberly couldn’t be further removed from the girls he fell for. He liked tan girls in great shape, girly girls who liked to dress up pretty for him. Not a fat, pale, butch emo like Kimberly. All his past conquests could probably fit twice into Kimberly. Yet as she lowered her leather pants revealing her plain black panties, nearly swallowed by her thick thighs and her belly Luke couldn’t suppress a moan anymore much to his undying shame.

She had to give it to him, he had held out longer than she had thought after testing the egg, but now that he had moaned she wouldn’t let this opportunity to tease him with it pass. “Like what you are seeing Kim? What is it you like most, my wonderful tits? My delicious belly? Or do you like my sexy pussy so much” She asked, cupping each part she named. After his first moan Luke had a much harder time holding back making him moan throughout as the egg relentlessly kept buzzing. He was absolutely mortified, his face turning as red as his bottom.

“So I take it that means you like all of me, well Kim, you know what to do if you want to look just as sexy as I do. If not you can just keep on admiring me for now till you make up your mind. Lets allow you a bit of a better look shall we?” Kimberly smirked as she fully stepped out of her pants, removed her socks and finally unsnapped her bra letting her big breast swing free before working herself out of her panties revealing the dark heavy pubic bush between her legs, the musky sweaty scent of her arousal wafting in Luke’s face yet he couldn’t stop moaning.

He really had to fight the urge to gag so he wouldn’t anger Kimberly and as a result he could no longer fight the urge to moan as the strange device taped to his cock kept vibrating. His moaning was near constant now much to Kimberly’s delight. Satisfied with how this all was going and completely naked she sat down in her beanbag before Luke, spreading her legs wide to reveal her hairy pussy to him.

“Time to repay the favour Kim, I allow you the pleasure to see me naked like this, a lot of pleasure apparently if your moans are anything to go off. So it’s only fair you provide me with such pleasure in return. Now let’s see, your cock is busy, your hands aren’t available either which leaves you with one thing, that tongue of yours.” Kimberly grinned not leaving him any chance to reply as she grabbed his hair and mashed his face in her pussy, firmly holding him there. The vibration on the remote on the other hand was dialled down to a light buzzing, it would keep him aroused, it would keep the pleasure going, but it wouldn’t be enough to let him cum. She didn’t want him to cum after all.

Luke’s first reaction was to try and struggle away, but Kimberly held him firmly in place. His struggle only managed to make her moan she was soaking wet already and he hadn’t even started licking yet. The wetness, the smell, the feel of Kimberly’s hairy pussy, it was all horrid. He usually didn’t shy away from some cunninglingus but he simply couldn’t bring himself to perform it on Kimberly. It was just too horrid despite what his moans said.

Kimberly didn’t mind much, his struggle and moaning felt pretty great already and she had all the time in the world. She could keep his face against her pussy all day if she wanted to. It was something Luke also started to realise after a while. Eventually he couldn’t help but just give in. Maybe if he made Kimberly cum this ordeal would be over, so applying all his skill he started licking as if his life depended on it. The taste was worse than the smell, but it was too late to go back now as he licked and moaned.

Not long after he first started licking his efforts got rewarded by Kimberly who didn’t take long to cum at all. After only a minute or two she squirted right down his throat and all over his face. Luke’s tongue felt absolutely amazing, better than anything she ever felt before. She instantly knew she wanted more. Destroying Luke’s hopes that he would be done after one orgasm. Kimberly simply kept him in place demanding more.

It ended up taking over an hour and eight orgasms for Kimberly to finally have enough. Completely satisfied and spent she just pulled a still moaning and frustrated Luke’s face away. Over the past hour or so Luke’s disgust had changed to frustration. That egg had just constantly kept him on edge not allowing him an orgasm which he had never wanted but now craved. His hope of reaching one was destroyed as the device shut down completely. The sudden stop to all pleasure forced a whimper out of him.

“Poor Kim, I know you can’t get enough of me, but I’m spent.” Kimberly laughed knowing full well what he wanted. Leaning down she removed the tape and device from his now rock hard leaking cock before stepping out of view.

When she returned Luke’s frustration turned to horror. Kimberly was holding a mean looking funnel and some cans of something. Not wasting any time she squeezed his jaw hard until he opened his mouth only to shove the funnel down his throat. “After all this fun I couldn’t let you go hungry now could I Kim?” She laughed as she opened the first can, a can of some thick cheesy soup and poured it down the funnel straight into his stomach.

Luke was forced to struggle underneath the funnel, unable to get away from the strange object jammed in his throat which felt very uncomfortable. Soon his stomach was feeling very uncomfortably full as well after Kimberly had poured three cans of whatever it was down the funnel. Plenty of calories to start fattening him up, especially since he wouldn’t working out like he was used to anymore. It was one change he would go through whether he begged for it or not.

Done with the feeding Kimberly pulled the funnel out of Luke’s throat as he instantly started coughing, his throat feeling quite sore after the ordeal. Kimberly was proving herself to be crazier and crazier with the minute.

“There we are, all fed and taken care off for the day. Now there is only one thing I need to do and I’m out of here.” Kimberly said putting the funnel and empty cans away before returning to him and grabbing onto his once again soft cock. She loved how it made him whimper as if begging for release, release she wouldn’t grant him, not yet at least.

Instead she fastened a dark purple steel ring behind Luke’s balls before sliding a same coloured tightly fitting metal thing over his cock, locking it to the ring with a silvery looking skull shaped pad lock. A perfect emo cock cage to keep his cock safe and at her mercy. “Cute don’t you agree, really fitting with your future style Kim, it’ll also prevent you from rubbing that thing of yours against anything, we wouldn’t want that now would we.” She smirked cruelly putting the key on her necklace before getting dressed again.

“So Kim that was all for today, I’ll be back tomorrow and we can do all of this all over again. The Goddess worship, the feeding, the teasing oh and the spanking. In fact you’ll get a spanking every day going forward until you beg me to help you look as pretty as me Kim. Until that time no orgasms or food for you to eat either, only denial and forced feedings.” Kimberly explained with a smile before leaving without another word, leaving a shocked Luke behind violated in every way, left to think about what just happened and what would become of him.


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