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Chapter 3

Waking up half an hour earlier than usual Hannah went to her usual morning routine, grabbing a shower, getting dressed and finally going for her breakfast. Maybe getting up this early wasn’t really necessary, but it would be better than risking being late again. She didn’t know why she lost so much time when eating, but it was best to take precautions.

As she prepared her usual breakfast, her yoghurt with a variety of grains and fruits she remembered what a mess she left before. Looking down at her light blue blouse she couldn’t risk having to change blouses as much as she had yesterday. At this rate she wouldn’t have anything professional to put on tomorrow.

Looking between the cup of yoghurt and her blouse she knew she had to do something. Surely she would be able to eat proper this time, she would pay special attention to it. Yet she wasn’t sure that would be enough to prevent her blouse from getting dirty. She needed to take her precautions here as well, but no matter how much she thought about how to take precautions, she simply couldn’t figure anything out. Nothing she wanted to do that was. The only way to prevent herself from spoiling her clothes she could think of was to just take them off. Obviously she couldn’t do that, now could she? No how would Nerissa react if she saw her naked? The thought alone made her shudder. She didn’t want to find out. She didn’t want to shock her roommate.

Still she couldn’t afford to get her blouse dirty the way she had yesterday or she would have to do the laundry every two days instead of every weekend. Eventually an idea popped in her head. She could just move into her office and eat there. Eating naked would be awkward, but behind a closed door no one would be any wiser, that and it would safe her from having to put on another blouse.

Moving into her office Hannah locked the door and cleared a big part of her desk. After all she couldn’t afford to stain her paperwork either. The desk surface would be easy enough to clean and so would her body Hannah thought satisfied. Still taking off her clothes even in her closed office remained awkward. Taking off her blouse and bra should suffice though Hannah thought as she stripped and neatly draped them over the chair to be put back on after her meal.

She then sat down and started eating, instantly blanking out and chewing with her mouth open. As she preformed the 20 necessary chews yoghurt spilled out of her mouth onto her perky breasts and cleared desk. Some slipped in between her breasts, slowly running down her flat stomach while Hannah just kept eating, blankly staring in front of her.

While Hannah was slowly working through her breakfast Nerissa also woke up earlier than usual out of sheer excitement over seeing Hannah eat naked or so she hoped. It was either that or staining her blouse Nerissa thought with a satisfied smirk. Either was fine of course, but she heavily preferred to see her roommate eating naked.

When she moved out into the kitchen to grab her own breakfast Nerissa was surprised not to see a sign of Hannah. After her longing anticipation it was a huge disappointment. Where the hell could that bitch be? Did she have a very early appointment or something? No that couldn’t be it Hannah never made appointments before the start of a regular workday. Still there was no sign of her here or anywhere in the apartment as far as Nerissa could tell.

Confused and somewhat upset Nerissa eventually just started on her own breakfast. Later tonight when she had Hannah under once more she would inquire where the fuck she was this morning. At least that was the plan until all of a sudden she heard the door to Hannah’s home office open. A fully dressed Hannah came out with an empty bowl of yoghurt and her brown contacts in.

It didn’t take long for Nerissa to piece together what had happened and when she did she could hit herself over the head for not having seen this coming. Obviously Hannah must have woken up early not wanting to be late. The fact that she came out of her office probably meant that she had felt self-conscious about eating naked and not wanting to be caught. At least the command had worked Nerissa thought although she couldn’t be certain.

“Hey Nerissa, enjoy your meal and have a nice day.” Hannah said with a smile as she saw her roommate. Noticing the clock she had some mixed feelings, but in the end it was just around the time she usually left home. Clearly that extra half an hour was needed that and eating naked as testified by the numerous wet wipes she had used to clean her desk and torso after eating. It looked like these precautions would be necessary until she figured out how to stop losing time while eating and how to eat cleanly once more.

“Yeah have a nice day.” Nerissa said a little absent minded as she watched her roommate go. All she was really thinking of while Hannah left the apartment was how on earth she would fix this. She had to figure out a way to keep Hannah from hiding all those shameful commands she implanted or the fun for her would be gone.

Well she still had all day to figure that out Nerissa thought as she finished her own breakfast and headed off to work herself. Her mind continued going over the question of how she would tackle this problem that had just come up. Before her plan of process had been pretty simple, just keep pushing Hannah deeper and deeper, but now was a valuable lesson of how one should be more careful and think of everything.

Aside form the rather embarrassing start of this morning Hannah’s morning passed by rather eventless. She just met her clients and everything continued as usual. After all her client meetings didn’t really require her to focus too much on small letters or anything so even in the headache department, she was doing pretty fine.

When lunchtime rolled around she once again stripped out of her blouse and bra after preparing her salad. This time she didn’t bother moving to her office to eat. Afterall the chance of Nerissa seeing her was non-existent. She never came home on her lunchbreak, mainly because it was too short to make it all the way from her office and back. In all essence lunch had been just like before Hannah took on a roommate and especially with her current predicament that was a huge relief, yet another motivation to keep her business booming so she could live alone again.

Just like her breakfast the countermeasures for messing up her clothes proved to be more than necessary again. When she snapped back out of her blank stare after eating her entire salad her torso and breasts were littered with oil stains and specks of salad. Surely Nerissa nor anyone was here to see it, but it remained embarrassing that she couldn’t figure out how to keep herself from messing everything everywhere while eating.

It couldn’t be helped no matter how much she tried to keep it in mind Hannah thought with a sigh as she started cleaning her torso and breasts. It was especially degrading having to rub her breasts clean. Although it was her body and she could do with it what she wanted it still just felt wrong somehow. She guessed it had to be because of her conservative upbringing. She had been taught that masturbation was wrong and so she had never really done it. Well she had when she was a teen, but the shame she felt over it made her stop.

After cleaning herself Hannah put her clothes back on, cleaned the table, cleared her plate and headed into her home office. It was time for the administrative side of her job. The headaches she had had yesterday didn’t even pop into her mind anymore. After all she had been so focused on them being because of her eyes, but Nerissa had made her forget about that with her commands.

Everything was going fine that afternoon at least for the first hour of work. The continuous concentration on the somewhat vague letters on her screen slowly started to get to her, causing her head to hurt. The first thing popping into Hannah’s mind was that it was because of the stress. She knew that if she didn’t take a break it would only get worse so rolling her chair back she looked away from the screen and closed her eyes.

One thing that always helped to relax were massages, a good massage in the right place could do wonders. Yet instead of travelling up to her head like one would normally do to rub away a headache, Hannah’s hand travelled down. She wasn’t even really aware of what she was doing it just felt like the right course of action to rid her from her headache somehow.

While Hannah kept her eyes closed her hand kept traveling down further and further until it reached the hem of her skirt at her knees. From there her hand instead of traveling further down travelled back up, up underneath the skirt, following her soft nylon covered thigh all the way up to her pussy. It was still covered by her pantyhose and panties, but that didn’t stop Hannah from gently rubbing it through the fabric.

Rubbing herself in that special spot felt great to Hannah, she didn’t even really think about what it was she was doing. She just continued rubbing herself with closed eyes, slowly getting into it more and more as her pussy moistened and before long Hannah let out a loud moan. It was loud enough to shock herself out of her relaxation and to pull her hand back in one quick motion. Blushing bright red she realised what she was doing and although her pussy was begging for further attention now that she had become so aroused, Hannah just straightened out her skirt and went back to work. Any sign of a headache approaching had disappeared.

Trying to forget about what she had done Hannah started focussing on her work once more. It worked for about another hour before the signs of an upcoming headache reappeared. Embarrassed over what had happened Hannah chose to ignore it, but the pain kept growing worse. It continued growing to a point where Hannah had to address it.

Wanting to avoid the same situation like last time Hannah started rubbing her temples for a solid ten minutes, but it didn’t help one bit. Maybe meditation would help? That seemed like an idea and so Hannah shoved her chair back again. Closing her eyes once more, she tried focusing on her breathing. In, out, in, hold and out. As she continued this mediation exercise, emptying her mind for complete relaxation, an exercise she usually did at the end of her yoga sessions, it simply didn’t work. no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t seem to relax, the headache kept going strong driving her mad.

Remembering how good her hand had felt and how she had managed to relax while rubbing her pussy massaging the pain in her head away, Hannah went back to it with a bright red face. She was ashamed over what she was about to do. It was shameful, but at this point she was ready to do just about anything to get rid of that nasty headache. She could probably take a painkiller, but she wanted to use medication as little as possible.

Closing her eyes Hannah’s hand once more travelled under her skirt and against her pussy. Her arousal from last time still hadn’t completely waivered and so the pleasure was pretty intense right out of the gate. How could something so wrong feel so good she wondered as she carried on rubbing her pussy. Slowly but surely the pain in her head disappeared as she got more and more turned on.

Hannah was quickly approaching an orgasm, her breath laboured and her pussy having soaked through her panties and pantyhose. Getting herself over the edge however was a step Hannah just couldn’t bring herself to take. With the pain in her head no gone there was no reason to continue what she was doing. Turned on out of her mind she straightened her skirt and tried to continue working. Concentrating was hard though with how aroused she was. The headache might be gone, but she couldn’t really work efficiently either.

While her arousal decreased and her concentration went back up Hannah was able to get work done once more, but then after another hour or so the headache started to rise again. This time Hannah knew better than to let it get out of hand. Instead of trying all kinds of things she just blushed as she worked her hand under her skirt and started rubbing herself yet again. Her arousal which had remained rather strong despite the stop in stimulation quickly returned full force with an orgasm fast approaching. Since she was only at the light start of her headache the pain quickly disappeared as well allowing her to stop just short of an orgasm once more.

After that Hannah was good for about another hour once more, having to repeat this process yet again so she could carry out the overtime she needed to get done with her work for the day. She was done nearly an hour later than usual and Nerissa was already home when she came out of her home office, her face flustered, obviously still aroused. Nerissa couldn’t help but smile as she saw her roommate.

“How was work Hannah? Everything okay? You look a little flustered.” Nerissa asked with a smirk knowing full well what must have happened. The look of shock on Hannah’s face when she asked was just priceless.

“Uhm I… I had a hard video conference near the end. I’m fine. Anyways, I’m going to shower, get to my workout and make something to eat.” Hannah said her face turning bright red as she walked in her room to retrieve he lavender coloured legging and sports bra combo before disappearing with them in the bathroom. Even though she was alone in there her blush only increased as she had to peel off her panties and pantyhose which were literally soaked. Throwing them and her clothes in the hamper Hannah took a shower and changed into her workout gear.

An intense home workout later she headed to the kitchen to make herself diner. For some inexplicable reason she had a craving for something sweet, crunchy and creamy. It was kind of strange as she hadn’t had sweets in a long time and she really didn’t miss them. Shrugging off the craving she started making herself a vegan burger with a side of sweet potatoes.

Nerissa was feeling great. During the day she thought she had figured out how to further command Hannah and fix the issues which had arisen this morning. With a sweet smile and the box of shrooms in hand she approached her cooking roommate. “Hey Hannah. You remember these mushrooms I got at work? There are still some left.” Nerissa said offering Hannah the second to last portion, not that it really mattered as she would get new ones from the dealer tomorrow.

“Oh yeah sure, those things really are amazing, thank you so much for reminding me. I nearly forgot.” Hannah exclaimed excitedly eager to use them and remembering how great they were even though she didn’t remember their existence until right before Nerissa suggested their use.

“You’re very welcome.” Nerissa said with a big smile as she saw Hannah stuff them between her burger. Everything was going right according to plan. It was hilarious to see Hannah so excited about the very things that had been making her life so hard lately. Of course the girl didn’t know that and Nerissa didn’t plan on letting her find out either.

Everything was going exactly as planned with Hannah finishing prepping her plate and grabbing cutlery. Nerissa was so looking forward to screwing her roommate’s mind some more, but then things went wrong. Instead of moving to the table Hannah moved to her office where she locked the door and just like that Nerissa felt her whole plan crumble. With Hannah in her locked office Nerissa had no way to reach her or to tell when the mushrooms were starting to work. Cursing under her breath she retreated to the couch. Had she screwed this up completely?

After pondering for about half an hour Nerissa finally got up and moved to Hannah’s office. Figuring everything was lost if she couldn’t get to Hannah she might as well try to fix this issue through a closed door. She didn’t know if Hannah was under already, if she would hear her clearly enough, but it was worth the shot. It wasn’t like she could do much else than to hope for the best.

Half an hour had passed since Hannah had moved to her office so Nerissa figured that now had to be the best time to catch her tripping. Placing her hands against the door in a cone Nerissa shouted. “Hannah can you hear me?!”

She then quickly pressed her ear against the door to wait for a response. She didn’t have to wait long as a faint “Yes.” Came back to her. It surely sounded flat enough so she guessed Hannah was tripping. Communicating like this would be very tiresome though.

Maybe just maybe she could get Hannah moving and opening this damn door. She didn’t know if she would be able to in her tripping state, but it was worth a shot. “Open this door for me and let me in!” She shouted before planting her ear to the door again. She did hear some stumbling which was a good sign she guessed and then eventually she heard something click in the door.

Taking a step back Nerissa waited with a broad smirk. Seconds later a blankly staring Hannah opened up the door, clad in only her leggings and sneakers. Her perky breasts on full display, hard nipples pointing in Nerissa’s direction. It was a wonderful sight to behold. The sight Nerissa had hoped to see this morning. It was the first time she saw Hannah’s breasts and a pang of jealousy hit her. Seeing the woman naked only further highlighted how perfect her body was. It was the body Nerissa had always wanted, one she was slowly but surely growing towards, but sadly not fast enough.

It didn’t matter now, she would get there eventually, but right now it was time to screw with Hannah. Screwing with Hannah worked like a charm to make Nerissa feel better about herself. Especially screwing with Hannah in the knowledge that some time soon she would look better than her roommate. God Nerissa already longed for that day. Seeing Hannah now she instantly knew the first thing she wanted to correct about her.

“When you strip out of your top to keep it from getting dirty when you eat it just won’t be enough. You won’t be able to eat until you addressed the matter entirely. Stripping a top is only half a job. From now on you only have two options. You’ll either strip completely naked or put on a full outfit. You won’t be able to get anything done until you made the decision to either put on a full outfit or to get naked. Let me help you make the choice this once.” Nerissa spoke as she stooped down to untie Hannah’s sneakers. She slipped them off, followed by her white ankle socks, then got back up and hooked her fingers into the waistband of both her leggings and panties sliding both down in one smooth motion.

After helping Hannah out of them she stepped back and gave Hannah’s body another once over. She looked so good although Hannah’s pussy was a little too bushy for her liking. It was pretty much wild growth except for where it had been shaped not to peak out of the panty lines. Much different than Nerissa’s neatly trimmed triangle of pussy hair. It definitely was something Nerissa would like to see changed, but she wanted to make it a little broader than that. First things first though she needed to solve the hiding problem.

“Much better, now Hannah, whenever you do something that you want to hide from your roommate you will completely forget about her. For a moment you will think you’re still living here on you own. That you don’t have a roommate and that you’re completely save from other’s eyes in the apartment. You’ll keep thinking so until you’re caught only to repeat this cycle over and over.” Nerissa commanded feeling quite certain that this would put a stop to Hannah feeling the need to eat in her office behind a locked door.

Wanting the ability to make small adjustments through out the day Nerissa decided to add a simple yet she hoped powerful command. In any case she planned to use it sparsely. Bigger commands she planned to make while Hannah was tripping just to make sure it would stick. “Okay Hannah, you really look up to your roommate Nerissa. So much that when she makes an explicit suggestion you won’t be able to put it out of your head until you’ve carried it out. Nerissa is the best and so her suggestions are very valuable to you.”

“Good, now I didn’t hear you complain about headaches anymore, I assume you found a way to keep them under control? Tell me about it, what do you do to keep them under control? How does it make you feel?” Nerissa asked having no way of knowing how that command went so asking Hannah seemed like a good idea.

“I managed to keep it under control by masturbating every hour or so. It felt horrible, it was so embarrassing. Masturbating is wrong. Luckily I managed to keep myself from driving it to a climax.” Hannah said in her flat far off tone. It was honestly quite surprising to Nerissa who thought Masturbation was the best thing ever. This shame did explain how prudish Hannah was though. In all honesty it was rather cute. She liked the idea of Hannah being ashamed over it all.

“Going forward you won’t be able to stop masturbating until you reached a climax. Until you reached a climax masturbation will be all that’s on your mind after you started touching yourself. Further more you’ll find yourself drawn to pictures on social media when you masturbate, pictures of women with Nerissa’s body type. She is your preferred go to for masturbating, but anything close in body type will do for you. Unless you’re looking at social media pictures you won’t be able to get off.” Nerissa said with a smirk.

It might be mean, but she loved it. Oh Hannah would be so much more ashamed going forward, forced to get off multiple times a day. She might make a proper sex addict just yet. Making her get off to women in the same body type as Nerissa was just a bonus. It would make sure her roommate idolized her no matter how she changed. That and the fact that such a prudish woman like Hannah only got off looking at other women was bound to make her more ashamed as well. Everything was falling perfectly into place.

Not knowing how long Hannah had been tripping for just yet Nerissa decided to finish for today. Better to be safe then sorry. “Alright Hannah. You’ll now get back behind your desk and when you comeback to your senses you’ll just continue eating like you never stopped. You won’t consciously remember what happened and you won’t remember about the shrooms until I suggest you use them once more.” Nerissa said as she watched her naked tripping roommate get back in her chair.

Satisfied with how she had managed to fix things Nerissa decided to create one last surprise before leaving Hannah alone. Taking a minute she collected all of Hannah’s discarded clothes and took them out with her, ditching them into the woman’s room on the way back to the living.

If everything had stuck the way she wanted it to Hannah should be bringing her plate back to the kitchen completely naked. After all she wouldn’t feel the need to get dressed if she thought she was alone in the apartment especially not if she didn’t have clothes around to immediately get dressed in the first place.

While waiting for Hannah to snap out of her trip and finish eating Nerissa got her own workout out of the way and had lunch herself. It took about an hour after her visit to Hannah’s home office for Hannah to come back through the living room to the kitchen to clean up her plate. She looked completely normal, no longer tripping or otherwise empty eyed yet she was completely naked just like Nerissa had hoped.

Not bothering to interrupt this wonderful scene Nerissa decided to just watch for a moment. She watched how Hannah put her plate away in the dishwasher, bending over to give her an amazing view of her ass, before putting the other utensils away. It was only when Hannah turned around that Nerissa decided to ‘catch’ her in the act.

“Uhm Hannah what the hell? Are you okay?” Nerissa asked staring right at her naked roommate with a look of feigned shock. Instantly Hannah froze in her tracks, taking a moment to figure out she had just been caught. She looked horrified and completely embarrassed, her face bright red as she rushed out of the living room to the safety of her own room. Nerissa had a hard time keeping a serious face. This was just too good, but she couldn’t let Hannah figure out something was amiss.

Shocked out of her mind Hannah didn’t know how this could have happened. She had especially moved to her office so Nerissa wouldn’t see her naked or making a mess on her clothes, but then somehow she had forgotten all about having a roommate when she carried away her plate. She hadn’t even noticed Nerissa in the living room when she came in. This had to be the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to her. She simply couldn’t wrap her mind around the how. All she could think of was how Nerissa must be thinking of her like some crazy slut or something.

One thing she knew for sure, she had to apologise to Nerissa and that as soon as possible. Going into her room she changed into one of the least sexy outfits she owned, her pyjamas. A pair of loose-fitting purple shorts and a white oversized T-shirt. Nervous out of her mind Hannah braced herself for the confrontation. She absolutely did not look forward to showing her face to Nerissa ever again but she had to do this.

“Hey look Nerissa, I’m really sorry about what just happened. I don’t know how I could have forgotten but for a moment I thought I lived alone again. Really I swear. I completely forgot you were also living here.” Hannah nervously but truthfully explained although she couldn’t help but feel like it sounded like a lie and not even a good one. Who forgot about their roommate who had been living with her for a few months already?

“Oh really so back when you were living alone you liked running around naked? Did you go eat in your office because you missed hanging around naked? Or did you deliberately strip to put your plate away to try and seduce me or something?” Nerissa asked with a raised eyebrow, acting like she wasn’t buying it.

Hannah just looked at her stunned. She had no idea how to reply to those questions. There simply wasn’t an answer. She never walked around naked before and she certainly didn’t want to seduce Nerissa, but what she had been trying to do she didn’t know. She had no better explanation than the one she already gave. “Nothing like that, I swear I just forgot about you. That’s all.” Hannah repeated in desperation.

“You really forgot about me? Now that’s kind of offending. I know you didn’t mean that though. You know what, until you figure it out and let me know I’ll just assume you were trying to seduce me. By the way one suggestion your pussy would look better when it’s shaven smooth.” Nerissa said with a wink and a laugh, loving the ever-increasing shock displayed on Hannah’s face.

Now Hannah really had no more reply. Her face turned beet red as she once again rushed off to her room, accompanied by the laughter of Nerissa. This time she didn’t plan on returning to the living room. Her head was spinning, was Nerissa a lesbian? God that only made this whole situation even more complicated. She couldn’t believe her roommates nerve to suggest shaving her pussy, but then again after having just been caught naked in the kitchen she couldn’t really Be mad about it. Instead she was just deeply embarrassed.

Meanwhile Nerissa carried on laughing. This was just getting better and better. Hannah’s look had been simply precious. Oh she already couldn’t wait for the next time she managed to ‘catch’ her doing something she shouldn’t. It was going to be great. With that in mind Nerissa went to her room. What had happened this evening was too good not to masturbate to and so that’s what she did, masturbating herself to sleep.

Meanwhile sleep didn’t come easy for Hannah. As mortified as she was over what had just happened, the main thing on her mind right now was how she should maybe consider shaving her pussy. Eventually she managed to fall asleep and in her dreams the Goddess came back to her, reinforcing everything she had heard while she was tripping.


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