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Chapter 10

Lara got up like she did on so many Saturdays, only this time she felt rather nervous. All the looks and stares yesterday, the attention she got had relaxed her, but waking up in an empty bed there was no one to give her attention, no one to praise her.

She just went through her normal morning routines, showering, eating, getting dressed. Just like what had become usual for her by now she applied a rather heavy coating of makeup and put on a dress a little too short for a casual Saturday, her seamed stockings were pretty much on full display from the tops to where the Cuban heel disappeared in the back of her shoe.

Fully dressed and ready Lara went to her usual weekly appointment at the salon. Only this time unlike many other times she actually was nervous. Her toenails had been bothering her for a long time and it was a problem she really needed to deal with. While she was terrified of anyone having a look at her ungodly feet she did need professional help. There would be no other option than to ask Rosa for help, she knew her feet very well and so she would know how to do this best.

As usual the pretty Hispanic girl greeted Lara enthusiastically the moment she walked into the salon. Lara had always been one of her least favourite clients. She was incredibly demanding and she just had a way of looking down at her when she did her pedicure that made her feel so low somehow. She really looked down on her both literally and figural. Lately that had stopped, hell Lena had even insisted on not having her pedicure done a couple of times, still her general feeling with this woman remained bad. Two less terrible visits didn’t make up for all the previous ones.

“Good morning Ms. Carter, I suppose you want the same as usual? Or would you like to make any changes to your appointment?” Rosa said with a big fake smile. She might not like Lara, but that didn’t mean she showed it. She couldn’t as being rude to clients could cost her her job.

“Good morning Rosa, please call me Lara, there’s no need for those titles and such. I would like the same as always and like last time no pedicure please.” Lara said, the fact that someone superior to her addressed her like that felt just plain wrong to her. She didn’t ask to be taught how to do her own nails just yet as she was very nervous about it.

Rosa was kind of surprised. She had always taken Lara as the kind of woman who’d rather be called Goddess than Ms. Carter, she certainly wasn’t one to bring herself down on equal footing. There also was something strange about her, apart from the fact that she looked more like a slut than a respected lawyer with her makeup and short dress, there was just a hint of nervousness about her. At least that was what Rosa thought.

“As you wish Ms. Uhm Lara, I have already reserved your spot if you could please follow along.” Rosa said, as things grew even weirder. For some strange reason Lara giggled. It made her appear a little airheaded to Rosa who just ignored it. Lara certainly was acting strange, but it was better than bitchy Lara so she didn’t really mind or care that much.

While walking to her seat Lara took in the sights around her. Half of the women here had their feet out and she couldn’t stop herself from observing and making mental notes about all of them. The personnel was simpler to remember as they all wore the store’s uniform, a casual chique white blouse dress fixed at the waist with a wide black belt. Underneath they wore black opaque pantyhose and a pair of white lacquered heels.

Arrived at the chair things pretty much happened as usual, Rosa gave Lara her manicure, and touched up the woman’s hair while engaging in small talk. Lara giggled a lot throughout their talks and it weirded Rosa out even more, but she remained professional.

The biggest surprise however came as they headed to the counter and Lara paid the bill. “Uhm Rosa, I have a bit of a strange question. I was wondering if the salon offered to teach how to do one’s own pedicure as well? If not would you happen to know someone who could teach me? It’s rather urgent. Of course I am more than willing to compensate that person for their time.” Lara asked hopefully and nervously.

It was a request that made Rosa raise an eyebrow. Was this woman who was a successful lawyer and felt so much better than everyone else asking her to learn how to do a pedicure? This had to be the strangest thing to happen to her all week long. Did it have something to do with her nails? Did Lara have an infection on her foot or something? There had to be a reason why she had kept refusing pedicures right? Especially since that seemed to be what she like most before. Rosa could think of no better option than shame over an infection or something. She was right on the shame part, but there was no way she could know what was going on.

While the salon offered no such service Rosa had to admit she was intrigued. Mainly she was curious about what was going on with Lara. The thought of her doing nails was definitely a funny one. She could already imagine Lara on her knees working on some feet. The mental image alone was enough to bring a smile to her face.

One thing was for sure she didn’t want to miss this and she certainly didn’t want to miss an opportunity to tell Lara what to do, being paid for this was just the cherry on top. So without much hesitation she said. “I’ll do it, I’m free as soon as the salon closes. I can come by your place and teach you all about how to do a professional pedicure. How much do you pay though Lara, just so I know.” Rosa asked, emboldened after this strange request.

“Well I don’t really know what the prices are. A pedicure is 60 dollars right? So how about I pay you 300 dollars would that be fine?” Lara asked after giggling once more. She had no clue how much something like this would cost, but the last thing she wanted was to be cheap. She was honoured that a superior like Rosa wanted to give her her time so she should be well compensated.

Rosa was stunned, 300? She had to work three days for that kind of money and Lara offered it to her to teach her how to do nails? A job she wanted to do anyways with how she wanted to see Lara do such a thing herself for once. There was no way she could turn this offer down. This was awesome, obviously she wouldn’t show that, she didn’t want Lara to think that that was way more than she would have asked. Not that it mattered that much, rich as Lara was she could probably miss the money.

“Alright, I’ll do it for that price. I’ll send you a message as soon as I get off work so you can text me your address. I can use they number in your client registration right?” Rosa asked, still in disbelief over this amazing offer. 300 bucks just to see Lara do her nails and give some instructions. That would be awesome.

“Great, that’s the correct number indeed. Thank you so very much that you’re willing to do this. It means a lot to me.” Lara said before they said their goodbye’s and she headed home. It really did mean a lot to her with how those nails had been bothering her so long already. Finally her nails would look good again, or so she hoped, was it possible to teach this in one session? She’d just have to trust the professional. Right now she still had a lot of work to do.

Just like with her appearance she wanted her house to look perfect to receive a superior guest. Not only her look, but also how her house looked reflected on others perception of her. Since she already felt so low on the totem pole Lara did feel the need to compensate. Her maid came by on Tuesdays and Thursdays while she was at work so the place could do with a quick cleaning once again. Living on her own the place never really got that dirty, still she wanted to impress Rosa.

On her way home she stopped by at a speciality shop to take home some fancy snacks and wine. Refreshments were important as well when it came to impressing a guest right? After grabbing a quick lunch she went home to prepare for Rosa, picking up a vacuum cleaner for the first time in ages. This had to be perfect, her reputation was on the line. It was especially important to her since she hadn’t yet received any praise of interested looks. She was getting increasingly nervous because of it.

It was early evening by the time Rosa let her know she was done at work. Promptly Lara texted her address, going over everything a last time. Clean hall and living room, check. Snacks and refreshments, check. Makeup and clothes, check. Now all that was left to do was wait for Rosa to show up. Nervously Lara waited in the hallway, not wanting Rosa to have to wait when she rung the bell.

About fifteen minutes later that time arrived, Rosa had come here straight from work. This neighbourhood really was impressive she thought as she pulled up in her small car on the huge driveway to Lara’s house. She was still in her work uniform, carrying a pedicure set as she walked up to the door.

She was taken by surprise as the door nearly instantly opened. Weird, had Lara really been waiting on her that much? “Hey Lara, I’m here to teach you about Pedicures, you know like you asked back at the salon. If you could just show me to where you want to do this we can get started.” Rosa said somewhat awkwardly, feeling as if she had entered the lion’s den.

“Great, I have been waiting for you, please follow along.” Lara said with another giggle as she led the way into her living room. Rosa looked around in awe, this place was so much bigger than her modest apartment. Things did take a really strange turn when she entered the living room though. Waiting for her was a salon table full of fancy snacks, an assortment of cured meats, olives, artisanal chips, filled mushrooms,… It looked like it was more than enough to count as dinner for two. The two wine glasses made it look more like Lara was expecting a date than an instructor on how to give a pedicure. It kind of weirded Rosa out.

“Uhm Lara, What is the meaning of this? I thought you were free tonight. Look if you’re expecting a date then we can do this another time, I mean I can always drop by tomorrow evening or something.” Rosa said a little awkwardly as Lara giggled again.

“No silly, this is for you, I’m expecting you. I mean we did agree that you were willing to teach me how to do my nails right? I would feel bad if I didn’t have anything on offer.” Lara said with a broad smile as Rosa just looked even more confused and for some reason not happy. Did she say something wrong?

Rosa gorgeous as she was had had a fair share of men and even women try to ask her out or take her on dates. She rarely agreed and certainly not when it was a woman asking her out. She was only into men, always had been. This whole thing was starting to feel a little too much as if Lara had used the pedicure as a ruse for a date. It surprised her as she had never taken Lara as that kind of woman, especially not with how much of a bitch she had been to her, but then again she had been acting strange lately.

“Look Lara let me be blunt. I am not interested in women so if this is your idea of inviting me in on a date then I think I better get going right away. This is not what I’m here for.” Rosa explained annoyed that she hadn’t seen through it and somewhat angry that Lara thought it only took 300 dollars to buy her company for an evening. 300 dollars was a lot to teach her how to do her nails, but her body and company weren’t for sale.

Suddenly it seemed to get through to Lara why Rosa wasn’t as happy as she thought she would have been considering the effort she had gone through. She had to rectify this situation immediately. “Oh no, Rosa it isn’t like that I swear, I was just wanted to make this as enjoyable for you as possible. I mean you are so generous to teach me so the least I could do was provide you with a bite to eat and something to drink. You are offering your evening to teach me and I would feel awful if that meant you couldn’t have a relaxing evening.” Lara said with a giggle. Since Rosa clearly wasn’t into her she didn’t even try flirting, which didn’t mean she didn’t want to be of service any other way. She needed to earn her superior’s time and hopefully her appreciation.

“Alright then, this is weird, but I guess you’re serious about this not being a date. You didn’t have to go through this much effort just for me to teach you how to do your nails though. It’s just weird.” Rosa said a little apprehensively as she took a seat on the couch.

“I realise how it must look now and I apologise, but I do hope you appreciate the snacks and since I got them you might as well enjoy them right? Also what wine would you like? White or red?” Lara offered with a blush, she could hit herself over the head. How could she have been so stupid. The last thing she wanted was to make Rosa uncomfortable.

“Well I guess I might just grab a bite indeed, and I’d like a white wine.” Rosa said still a little uneasy as she grabbed a piece of cured meat which she had to admit was amazing. In the mean time Lara had made her way into the kitchen and poured the both of them a glass of wine.

Handing the glass to Rosa she apologised once more. “Look Rosa? I’m really sorry about this, but anyways, could we get started, I would really like to know how to do a pedicure my nails are in terrible shape so it’s rather urgent.” Lara admitted, quite embarrassed.

“Right so why don’t you start by slipping out of your stockings and heels. I’ll have a look and guide you from there. I’ll also suggest you buy a set of tools and polishes if you plan to do it yourself.” Rosa said as she opened her bag of tools. Much to her surprise she saw the panic on Lara’s face grow.

“Uhm well, here’s the thing, I was hoping you might show me another way. Maybe I could try it on your feet.” Lara offered, terrified of showing her own feet. Besides she’d love to make a more thorough inspection of Rosa’s feet.

This took Rosa by complete surprise. Were Lara’s feet that bad, that she even didn’t want to show them in the privacy of her house? It would really surprise her as Lara had one of the prettiest feet of all her clients, at least as far as feet could be pretty. She did have to admit however that the idea of Lara slaving away at her feet in stead of the other way around was a fun one. She wondered how far she could push this. Lara really genuinely just seemed to want to please her and Rosa wondered to which extend she did. There was only one way to find out.

“Hmmm I don’t know Lara, what you’re asking is quite I don’t know weird I guess. I also just had my nails done and I don’t really trust you to do such a good job as is currently on there so I guess you could use my feet to learn if you pay an extra 60 dollars for my pedicure. Also I have to warn you, like said before I just came from work and after being on my feet all day long I imagine they can be quite sweaty and smelly.” Rosa said, she did her nails herself so it would just be extra cash really. She was just curious to see how much Lara was willing to put up with.

“Oh uhm yeah of course, that goes without saying you shouldn’t have to walk around with a bad pedicure for helping me. Also I am sure you are exaggerating. I’m sure they can’t be that bad.” Lara argued, she was no fan of feet and definitely not of how they smelled, but at this point she was pretty much convinced that no feet were worse than hers. In any case she would now be able to get a better look at them.

“Alright then, first things first. You can start by taking off my shoes.” Rosa said as she held up her white heels. It was something she could easily do herself without even having to get up, but she wanted to test the waters. She still couldn’t believe why she was here and she definitely couldn’t believe Lara hadn’t reconsidered after what she had said before. Lara really seemed out to please and she was planning on taking full advantage of it.

Eager to get started Lara sunk down to her knees in front of Rosa and removed her white heels. The girl definitely hadn’t been kidding when she had said her feet tended to smell after work. A strong cheesy odour instantly wafted in her face, it nearly made her gag yet instead of thinking about putting a stop to this she thought about how she would make a note about their smell. It wasn’t really positive, but better than her own feet for sure.

Rosa couldn’t help herself but take a sneaky picture of a kneeling Lara removing her shoes, affected by their scent but not saying a thing about it. Instantly she sent it into the group chat she and her colleagues had, the one in which they gossiped about clients. “Girls, you won’t believe where I am right now and what is happening. This bitch actually asked me to teach her how to do a pedicure and she wanted to do it on me instead of on herself.” The accompanying text with the picture read.

Right after that text Rosa put her phone to the side though, oh she was going to savour this moment. After grovelling at the feet of this bitch for so long the tables had finally turned. She didn’t know how or why, but she certainly loved it.

Getting up she smiled down on Lara as she quickly reached underneath her dress and pushed her thick black tights down to her knees, sitting back down right away. “Could you get those next please? Oh and usually we start a pedicure with a relaxing foot massage, it isn’t really a necessity and doesn’t have anything to do with the actual pedicure. That being said I would very much appreciate it if you wanted to take that step as well as my feet always get sore after being on them that long.” Rosa said, curious to see how Lara would react. Was this pushing it too far?

A couple weeks ago Lara would have laughed in your face if you had even suggested she would stop looking down on her pretty pedicurist. Things had changed drastically though. In Lara’s eyes this girl was vastly superior to her now and as such she was more than happy she could do anything to please Rosa. Sliding off her tights she instantly went to work massaging the girl’s feet, kneading them with her thumbs. “Sure thing, I hope this is alright for you? If you need me to apply a different technique please say so.”

“Mmm that feels great Lara, you can carry on like this, I’ll tell you when my feet are relaxed enough to start on the pedicure. You’re doing great so far.” Rosa replied, a bit weirded out by Lara’s giggle, but she didn’t mind. This was the live. Never in a million years she would have seen this coming, enjoying a foot massage and a glass of wine like those rich women’s pedicures she did.

Unbeknownst to her she was playing right into Lara’s programming. The praise gave Lara a huge rush and brought so much relief compared to how she had felt most day long. It was a situation she would have never gotten herself in before, but now she was so happy getting to massage her pedicurist’s feet. They were very pretty and the white nail polish on her tan toes looked stunning.

After a while though, a while longer than she had intended at first Rosa spoke up again. “That will do Lara, now for the pedicure. A first important step is disinfecting the feet. You can use this product as it doesn’t dry out the skin. Then you can spread the toes using these foam pieces. Next you can use this to remove any nail polish currently applied. With this tool you can push back my cuticles. Using the file you can shape my nails where needed. Then you can start applying a base coat in the colour you want. Let’s go for this, the same colour I had before. After that base coat is dried you can add a next coat, once again letting it dry before applying a final clear coat for protection and added shine. Use steady strokes from bottom to top while painting my nails.” Rosa explained.

Without complaints Lara went to work as instructed while Rosa just looked down on her giving some tips and pointers. Most of all she was just enjoying having Lara at her feet, working like she had done countless times before. After Lara had applied a first coat that wasn’t really as steady as it should have been it came time to dry and  Rosa was curious to see if she could push this well respected lawyer even further. “At the salon we have these special machines to dry the polish quickly. Here we’ll just have to wait I guess. If you wanted to speed it along however you could always blow on them.” She suggested.

“I guess I could do that if you’d want. I imagine it would allow you to go home faster. The choice is yours Rosa. I can imagine you’re not quite comfortable with me blowing on your nails.” Lara said with a blush. This would be very strange, but if that was what Rosa wanted she’d do it.

“It would allow me to go home faster indeed which I would really appreciate.” Rosa said surprised that Lara still didn’t tell her off, this was amazing, something she would never in a million years do, not even for a well paying client if the machine broke. The fact that Lara was paying big bucks just for this made it even better. The woman on her knees didn’t even reply. She just actually started blowing.

Taking her phone Rosa couldn’t help but make another pic. The ladies back at the salon were going to love this. While Lara blew on her nails Rosa went through her phone, smiling ear to ear as she read all the messages from her colleagues, after that first picture the chat had simply exploded. Many asking what kind of blackmail they must have on Lara. Rosa simply replied. “I meant it when the bitch asked me to do this, she’s even paying big buck for the opportunity. I’ll see if I can’t get her to do any of you as well, so you can see for yourself.” Rosa texted back.

“Thank you Lara, that’s great, I think they’ll be dry by now.” Rosa said as Lara repeated this same process on the next coat and once more on the final clear coat. The results looked decent as Lara had done this job with full concentration, wanting to give Rosa a good pedicure despite the fact that she would probably have it redone.

“They look really good for a first try Lara, Not perfect, but good. I really advise you buy a professional set of tools and you’ll be set for a really long time. Also buying a whole array of different colours can be fun. If you do them yourself you can change colour as much as you want. I do advise waiting at least a day or two though as constant reapplication can do more harm than good. Other than that the best tip I can give you is to get a lot of practice in. If you want I could ask my colleagues, provided you pay for their pedicure afterwards for a potential bad result I believe they’ll be happy to let you practice.” Rosa explained as straight faced as she could.

Lara just giggled. “That would be great Rosa, getting a lot of practice in will be easiest if I have different volunteers if you say constant reapplication can be bad.” Lara said genuinely grateful. Apparently Rosa hadn’t managed to push the woman to far, maybe she could start a bet among her colleagues, they would all be more than happy to let Lara do her nails, it could be fun to see who would manage to push her to refusal first.

If not out of sheer pleasure to see this bitch fall of her high horse she was certain her colleagues would love to get paid to get their nails done. The job Lara did was good enough to pass really so Rosa wouldn’t reapply it. In that regard it was just another 60 dollars extra.

“Great, I’ll post your number in our groups chat so they can contact you and you can come to an arrangement of when it would suite the both of you to meet up. I’ll probably be able to make it back here next Saturday if that’s alright. In any case I believe that’s it for now. Unless you have any questions I’ll get going.” Rosa said as she slipped her shoes back on, for going her tights, just taking those in hand. With a fresh relatively decent pedicure, a stomach full of amazing snacks, fancy wine and 360 dollars richer Rosa left Lara’s house with a big smile.

It didn’t take long at all for texts to start flowing in. For the remainder of her evening Lara was stuck answering texts and making appointments for the women working at her salon to get their nails done by her in the name of practice. She would only be able to get started on someone else’s nails tomorrow and her own as well for that matter since she didn’t have the tools yet, not even polish.

By the time she had answered everyone her schedule for the coming week was starting to look busy already. As it stood now she would be stuck doing nails every evening apart from Fridays. For at least the coming week. Back from work all her free time would be filled doing various women’s nails.

Despite all of this Lara was rather happy and stress free when she went to bed. Rosa had praised her a couple of times and as such she felt great.

When waking up on Sunday Lara immediately got dressed and ready for the day before heading out to the store to buy her supplies. Wanting to be as prepared as she could be Lara ended up buying every colour they had on offer. It was quite an investment, but if so many women would come to her to get their nails done she needed to be ready.

From the nail supply store she headed out to the speciality store to stock up on snacks once more. She still had a lot left from yesterday, but if she needed to provide for the entire week she would need more. Grabbing another quick lunch she headed home again to prepare. She didn’t need to prepare that much as she knew what needed to happen after yesterday, but it paid of to check at least.

With most of her afternoon left to herself Lara got a workout in then went to work on her own nails. It was a relief to see her chipped polish go. The new French tipped pedicure she applied was not quite as good, as it usually was which gave her stress, but it was a lot better than when it had been chipped already. In that regard her new pedicure was a relief. That and no one had had to see her feet in the process.

Now that her own nails were done and she had worked out she got showered and dressed again. Ready for the next woman working at the salon to come and get her nails done so she could get some practice.

The woman showing up at her doorstep was a petite Asian woman. Form the looks of it she also came straight from work, dressed in the same uniform as Rosa had been. She was a little shy and awkward at first. While she had been excited to make use of this offer herself, to see Lara taken down a peg, now that she was here it felt a little awkward. She was afraid that Lara would be the bitch like she had always been.

As the evening dragged on however that fear disappeared gradually. On her knees massaging her tired feet Lara didn’t look that threatening at all anymore. She wasn’t comfortable enough to push things further than Rosa had pushed them, but she did go for the same treatment including the blow-drying of her nails, sending pictures to the others throughout.

Just like Rosa this woman felt great heading back home, 60 dollar richer with a full stomach and a new red pedicure. Lara in turn felt great as well, she had gotten some more pointers and it had went a lot better than yesterday already. This woman had also paid her some compliments so with a smile and at ease Lara headed to bed, ready to face a new work week.


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