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Chapter 20

When Savannah came back into the living room of their dorm she smiled broadly. Roxanne was still kneeling there, naked with a face soaked from muff diving countless of times today. It was clear that she was waiting for her Goddess to return and it filled Savannah with joy.

“Just look at you Roxy. You look perfect waiting there like the perverted pussy munching pet you are. I am so happy for you that you have finally found your true calling in life. I bet if it depended on you, you would spend so much time licking pussies that your face would never really dry, isn’t that true?” Savannah teased triumphantly.

Roxanne just blushed quietly as she felt a surge of excitement course through her body. This was no reason for excitement at all and yet she couldn’t help it. Her imagination ran wild giving her a rather vivid mind picture of a constantly wet face due to licking countless pussies of countless different women. She really was a perv if this was turning her on, but that had been quite clear already. There were more than enough examples that even she couldn’t deny to herself that she was a huge perv any longer.

“Now Roxy, beside the minor setback when it came to opening the door I think you have been rather well behaved today. So much even that I think I will allow you to have an orgasm yourself.” Savannah said acting like she was giving out a huge favour, while she secretly just loved making the girl cum for her feet.

Despite knowing that it meant burying her face into Savannah’s nasty feet Roxanne wanted nothing more. It was even more embarrassing to realise how excited she actually was about that prospect and her body automatically reacted by sending another powerful surge to her pussy. God, She needed that orgasm so much.

In reaction to Savannah’s revelation Roxanne’s face had visibly lit up. So much even that Savannah instantly burst out laughing. “Oh my god. Look at you Roxy. Such an insatiable slut for my feet. Just look at how happy the news that you would get to mash your face into them made you.” Savannah taunted.

Roxanne was so excited about the prospect that she didn’t even care. It just brought another rush of arousal which made her answer with an eager nod. It made Savannah laugh again. It couldn’t be any clearer that her petite roommate was completely infatuated with her. Sure, she had forced a lot of changes for the girl with her hypnotic socks, but she had never made the girl like and adore her like it looked she was doing right now. 

Her roommate had started believing she liked this abuse, and even started to crave it all on her own. It was a joy to watch. Even if they would split up now for whatever reason, Savannah was sure that she would have left a lifelong impression on the girl.

She had played so many tricks on her that she was sure that Roxanne would actively look for something like this again no matter what. That’s how convinced she had gotten her roommate that she was a kinky pervert. Of course Savannah was nowhere near done with the girl.

“Like I have pointed out before though Roxy, the privilege of getting to cum with my feet in your face which apparently is the only way for you, needs to be earned though. So before you get to excited I want to point out that you have merely earned a chance to earn so special time with my feet.” Savannah announced with a smile.

Roxanne looked positively flustered, yet she found herself asking. “What can I do to earn the privilege off spending time with your wonderful, delicious, divine feet Goddess?” She asked laying it on thick. She really needed that orgasm even if it cost her her dignity. Not that she had much of that left with her roommate.

“I am so glad you asked Roxy. I think this is a good opportunity to show off what you have learned. So your task consists of making me orgasm using only your tongue in under 15 minutes. Make sure to use the tricks you have been taught and I am sure you will do fine. If not, then it’s good practice. Besides, I’m sure for a pervert like you getting to lick yet another pussy is a reward in and of its own.” Savannah said with a wink.

With that said Savannah instantly started wiggling her tights and panties down to her knees. The sight wasn’t sexy in the slightest. The movement itself looked inelegant which was only worsened by Savannahs obese figure.

Yet as Savannahs overtly hairy pussy came into few Roxanne felt her mouth involuntarily water as she got another rush of arousal. Savannah might not have had the slightest sex appeal for anyone, to Roxy she truly was a Goddess to be worshipped with her whole being.

Savannah had barely been able to sit down as Roxanne already pushed her head between the black girls’ meaty thighs and started hungerly lapping at the hairy pussy. The fact that Savannah’s pussy stunk to high heavens after not being washed for a couple of days didn’t seem to bother Roxanne. 

The smell did bother her though. Especially up close with her nose buried in the dense pubic bush that only seemed to enhance the smell. It was still more than enough to make Roxanne’s eyes water, to make her feel a little light headed and nauseous. Only due to the confusing signals her body send her she misinterpreted those feelings for perverted arousal.

Savannah just started cackling watching it all happen from high up on the couch. “Easy girl, there is enough pussy there to last you a life time. I haven’t even been able to set the timer yet you eager cheating slut.”

Her roommate’s taunts send another huge rush through Roxanne’s body, but she wasn’t planning on stopping at all. She had put her mind on getting that orgasm and it was all that mattered right now. With a ton of enthusiasm that came naturally with the huge motivation Roxanne carried out the tricks she had learned as good as she could.

She stuck her tongue as deep as it went into Savannah’s nasty pussy and started tracing letter after letter up between the meaty pussy lips of her roommate. Every time she was done with a letter, she circled Savannah’s clit before going back down and starting over with a different letter.

It wasn’t long before Savannah let out her first moan. She had to admit that even over these short few days Roxanne had made a world of improvement. The girl didn’t hesitate anymore. She overflowed from enthusiasm and the way she worked in her two tricks in one motion really helped as well.

The moans encouraged Roxanne to put even more effort forward. She had no idea how much time had passed, but she was going to make her roommate orgasm within the time she was given. She just had to. Her pussy was already pulsing just imagining how great it would feel.

While Roxanne was busy spelling out words like great, tasty, divine and Goddess. Savannah just leaned back into the couch completely content. She was quite sure she was settled for life. One of the most beautiful girls she had ever met had become hooked to her. A girl she could treat however she wanted without ever having to worry about things like working out, what to wear or even showers. She could live exactly how she wanted, and the girl would never leave her.

A couple of minutes in Savannah felt the orgasm wash over her. She started shuddering. Her thighs clamped around Roxanne’s head and she bucked her hips forward driving her pussy even tighter against the girl’s face.

For Roxanne the thighs clamping was a sign that her roommate was about to cum. She tried bracing her as much as she could but trapped between Savannah’s fat thighs there wasn’t a whole lot she could do other than letting her roommate’s juices wash over her face which was half dragged into the sopping pussy.

Savannah took a long time to come down from her orgasm and to release her roommate’s head. As soon as she did Roxanne started gasping and coughing, doing her best to suck in as much air as she could. It made Savannah giggle while she realised that she should be careful as well. After all she wouldn’t want to accidentally kill her roommate now that she had the girl right where she wanted.

“You did good Roxy. You finished well in time and I believe that means you get to have an orgasm as well my little slut.” Savannah cooed in dreamy post orgasmic voice. Even now she wasn’t planning on just handing it over to her roommate. No, she wanted to use this opportunity to once more solidify the fact that Roxanne needed her feet.

The big girl leaned forward looking down at her roommates practically naked body and overtly wet face covered by her juices. The sight instantly made Savannah smile. Even more so with the very excited look plastered on Roxanne’s face.

“Here’s how it’s going to go. You will lay down right here in front of me, your head between my feet and start to masturbate. We can test once more whether or not you can actually manage to cum on your own. So after 5 minutes I will grant you the privilege of begging me to put my feet on your face. You can take as long masturbating on your own as you will though.” Savannah said casually already knowing what the outcome would be. It was just fun letting Roxanne try to prove that she wasn’t a pervert while being set up for failure from the start.

For Roxanne the whole explanation sounded rather embarrassing. Yet she was also glad about how this was going to go. Surely she should be able to just cum on her own right? Either way she was glad to get an opportunity to cum after her misstep earlier. That alone was reason enough for excitement.

As fast as she could Roxanne got onto the floor like ordered, placing her head between Savannah’s feet. Due to how her tights and panties were still around her knees the crotch part of the tights was dangling not to far above Roxanne’s face.

It didn’t matter to the petite girl. She was so aroused that nothing but an orgasm mattered to her and so she started to ferociously rub her pussy. She was already so close that it felt like she would cum at any time. God it felt good. So good that she actually thought that she might actually manage to cum on her own this time. She was convinced she was a pervert getting aroused over all of this, yet being able to cum on her own would be a huge victory. As much as she accepted the fact that she got turned on beyond believe by Savannah, she didn’t like the fact that she depended on Savannah entirely for her orgasms.

The longer her orgasm stayed out though the more that hope got crushed. Roxanne was determined not to beg for Savannah’s feet. She had this. This orgasm was within grasping distance. She knew it, only a little more and she would experience that explosive bless she so craved. God it would be so good to regain this small piece of autonomy.

Savannah was truly enjoying the show beneath her. She had to give it to Roxanne that the girl did have a lot of willpower. Her masturbating was going on for more than 20 minutes so far. Savannah had expected her to cave in much faster, but she didn’t really mind the way it was going now. The heaped-up frustrations the girl must be experiencing would only make the begging that much sweeter. She was sure of it.

With the frustration of not reaching that orgasm that seemed so close in her grasp, failing to achieve it every time she felt like she would tip over the edge, Roxanne’s doubt grew. Maybe she couldn’t do it on her own after all. The more time passed the more worried she became.

Eventually it took just short of half an hour for the desperation to grow too much for Roxanne to handle. With how long it had taken Roxanne to start begging it seemed to have come out of nowhere. Especially with how desperate and over the top it instantly sounded.

“Mmmmmm please Goddess, bless me with your divine feet on my face. I beg you. Please rest your feet on my face so I might be able to cum. I would be forever in your debt. There is nothing I want more than your feet in mmmmmy face.” Roxanne moaned while lewdly continuing to rub her pussy.

Savannah just laughed “Haha, okay Roxy, if that is what you really want, I guess I can bless you.” She joked repeating the words Roxanne had used in her overtly horny desperate haze.

With a highly dramatic movement, Savannah slowly lifted her feet. She positioned them right above Roxanne’s longing face before putting her Red nylon soles down until they covered the entirety of her roommate’s face. 

It was just as if a switch had been turned in her roommate. Savannah’s smelly feet had barely made contact yet and Roxy already started quivering and moaning loudly, clenching her legs together while still rubbing her pussy as she experienced another mind-blowing orgasm underneath Savannah’s feet. The wave of orgasm kept crashing through the girl’s body for what seemed like an eternity. While this was happening Savannah just carelessly kept her soles on the girls face until the rubbing stopped and she was just breathing heavy underneath them. Inhaling lungs full of her foot scent with every breath.

When Savannah finally pulled her feet away off her roommate’s face Roxanne was completely embarrassed. A strong surge of arousal coursed through her body even right after her orgasm. As the girl realised she really was severely addicted to her roommates feet. How else would she explain how her roommate’s feet had instantly made her orgasm? 

She really couldn’t get over it. There couldn’t be a bigger prove of the fact that she was a foot addict than this. It wasn’t like she hadn’t known before. Yet this reconfirmation still hit her quite hard never the less.

After enjoying the look of embarrassed horror on her roommate’s face for just a moment, Savannah leaned down and picked up the leash that had been attached to Roxy’s collar all day. Giving a few not too gentle pulls on it she grabbed her roommate’s attention.

“Alright Roxy, I am heading to bed, so I guess it is time to introduce you to the new night time ritual. Don’t worry, I will always lead you around. You just need to remember what to do at each step.” Savannah said as if she was doing the girl a favour.

The big black girl didn’t even wait for Roxanne to really come to her senses. She just started walking ahead. Forcing Roxanne to get up on her hands and knees as fast as she could in order to prevent the leash from getting too tight around her neck. Her legs were still a bit shaky from the intensity of her orgasm, but she managed.

Savannah’s gate was a bit wobbly, mostly due to the fact that she hadn’t bothered to pull her tights and panties back in place. Their first stop was the bathroom. Savannah headed straight to the toilet and sat down.

“I guess since we had to skip this step this morning, we can go over the toilet routine now. Whenever I use the toilet you will come along. You will instantly lay down in front of me so I can rest my feet on your face, so I don’t need to dirty them on the cold tiled floor okay?” Savannah asked looking expectantly at her roommate.

Roxanne couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Savannah really considered herself too good to put her feet on the ground? That good that she should use her face even? Was she really supposed to serve as nothing but a foot mat? It shocked her yet she also couldn’t deny how aroused it made her feel. Why did she even like the idea of serving as her roommate’s footrest while she went to the toilet. Was she really that fucked up?

It didn’t really matter. She knew what was expected of her and she knew she better act quick. After all her arousal was rapidly growing again and she was convinced now that Savannah’s feet were the only things capable of making her cum no matter how fucked up that actually was. If she wanted the chance of another orgasm any time soon, she knew she should be on her best behaviour.

So instead of protesting about how undignified that was she instead got down on her back and displayed her nearly naked body on the cold tile floor in front of her roommate. Resting her head right against the place where the toilet bowl connected with the floor. 

The position made her feel completely degraded, especially since she was used as a footrest for going to the toilet. Yet some way it also turned her on, even more so when Savannah lifted her feet and rested them on the girls face and even more when she heard the powerful stream of piss hit the toilet bowl right above her.

Much to her own shock Roxanne momentarily considered masturbating at this very moment. Her arousal had risen severely already even this quick after her initial orgasm. Having Savannah’s feet on her face would also mean she would be able to get off. In the end she decided not to do it however. She was aghast that she even thought about something like that given her situation, and she was scared of what consequences might be bestowed upon her.

Savannah peed for what seemed like forever, but eventually Roxanne could hear the stream die down to a trickle before stopping completely. Patiently she waited for her roommate to take her feet off her face so she could get up and wipe her clean. Another wave of arousal hit her as she realised that was her job now.

“I’ve been thinking Roxy, this morning when I sat on your face after peeing it seemed to turn you on even more than just worshipping my pussy. When I said wiping me was your duty now I said so mainly because I thought it too gross even for you to do anything more than that. Now that it turns out that you are in fact such a huge pervert, I have decided that you can wipe my pussy using your tongue and only that going forward. A soft warm tongue feels better than rough toilet paper anyways so it’s a win win don’t you think Roxy?” Savannah explained high and mighty from her toilet bowl still resting her feet on Roxanne’s face.

Roxanne was shocked hearing Savannah’s new demand. Her shock wasn’t quite as big as it got when she felt her own pussy quiver in arousal imagining just that. God how could she be this perverted? The fact that Savannah had been very open to her perversions but admitted to being surprised by this herself only made it worse. 

For a moment Roxanne considered resisting this request. Sure, Savannah might be right that she got off on this, but that didn’t mean she needed to give in to her own perversions, right? That matter got complicated though when Savannah said she thought it would be a win win, announcing that she preferred a soft wet tongue to toilet paper. 

She might be able to deny giving in to her own perversions, but if Savannah got something out of it as well, she couldn’t. Roxanne felt like she couldn’t deny her roommate anything, she needs her. She needed the orgasms Savannah’s feet granted her. Especially with how horny she constantly was lately. Denying anything to her roommate would lead to tons of frustration. Especially since Savannah had said Roxanne needed to earn her orgasms.

Roxanne didn’t get a lot of time to think though. Savannah just Pulled her feet off the girls face and dragged her up using the leash. The girl was dragged up and closer until her chin was resting on the edge of the seat. Scooting her hips forward Savannah smiled down. Her pussy wasn’t even an inch removed from her roommate’s face and knowing what she had just done it made her so hot.

“There we go, now be a good girl and use that pervy tongue of yours to clean my pussy. I know you want to. I bet you are getting horny already isn’t it you insatiable slut? Well what are you waiting for? Get licking or would you prefer to clean me up when providing me with my bedtime orgasm?” Savannah asked with a huge smirk. This was perfect, Roxanne would lick her pee-soaked pussy no matter what and they both knew it.

For Roxanne the whole thing was tearing her apart. She wanted to run in disgust, yet at the same time her pussy was pulsing more than ever before. God it turned her on so much to be this close to her roommate’s hairy pee-soaked pussy.

Not even being an inch removed from her roommate’s pussy Roxanne experienced the full foulness of the situation. The musky scent of Savannah’s pussy was as strong as always. It mixed with the pee fumes rising from the toilet bowl right beneath her nose. Up-close she could distinguish all the individual hairs in Savannah’s thick pubic bush as well as the big droplets of pee stuck all over. The droplets she knew she needed to lick up. 

Even after everything she had done, this situation was still gross enough to make her feel nauseous. Savannah was right though. It was either now or in a few minutes. So reluctantly Roxanne stuck out her tongue and targeted every droplet she spotted. A strong taste off pee filled her mouth as she worked her tongue all over her roommate’s pubic hair licking off all the pee she found before finishing with a couple of broad laps over her pussy just for good measure.

“Good girl!” Savannah praised patting Roxanne on the head a few times before relaxing the leash, allowing the girl some more freedom to move her head.

With a sudden shove of her foot to Roxanne’s chest, Savannah pushed her still flustered roommate to the ground. Reaching down she ran one of her fat fingers between the girl’s defenceless pussy lips without a care of her personal space. She raised the finger high up in the air in a dramatic way before calling out. “Just as I expected. Licking up my pee really does make you all hot and bothered now doesn’t it Roxy?”

Roxanne was mortified. She wanted to deny it, but she felt it herself and the evidence was clear on Savannah’s finger. There was simply no way she could even deny it. Not really. If she did, she wouldn’t even believe her own words and she certainly wouldn’t convince Savannah so what was the point.

When Savannah pointed her finger down into Roxanne’s direction, the girl meekly got up and started sucking it clean of her own juices. No command was needed to get her to do so. It did earn her a praise though. “Good girl, at this rate you might get another orgasm tomorrow.” Savannah laughed.

Once her finger was cleaned to her satisfaction Savannah got up still not bothering to pull up her tights and panties. She just wobbled to her room dragging Roxanne behind her. Once there she sat down on the bed. 

“Okay Roxy, the bed time ritual is pretty much the same as last night. You help me strip out of my clothes, then you crawl under my covers and give me a good licking until I have another orgasm. After that you can go to sleep yourself. Every night I will let you what time I want to be woken up. For tomorrow that’s 8 am.” Savannah explained casually.

“Yes Goddess.” Was Roxanne’s meek reply.

“Good, I have also decided to make your life a little easier. Since underwear is something that isn’t exposed anyways, the smell does stay underneath the other clothes. Like a dress, or within shoes. So since wearing already worn underwear doesn’t really have an effect, I decided you can stop handwashing mine. It should save you a few hours a week I think. A few hours more you can spend with me, isn’t that great?” Savannah asked with a smirk.

Roxanne just looked shocked. Sure, not having to spend that much time Washing Savannah’s worn underwear was good, but the consequence wasn’t. If Savannah’s underwear didn’t get washed, she didn’t even want to imagine what it would start smelling like. Especially after sampling so many times how bad her smells got after even a single wear. She swallowed visibly.

“Evidently we will keep my worn underwear in your room Roxy. I don’t want my room to stink up and you seem to get turned on by the smell. Also hang them out somewhere so they can air out a bit. Now let’s get ready for bed, shall we?” Savannah asked looking down at her roommate expectantly.

Still shocked thinking about the consequences of Savannah’s newest demand Roxanne crawls forward. Thinking wasn’t doing her any good. It was better to just focus on her Goddess. Not thinking about how drastically her life had changed was best. She wasn’t fully sure if it had just changed for better or worse though. After all she had never experienced so much pleasure in her life as she did right now, Serving her Goddess.

With Savannah being done talking Roxanne slowly crawled forward and started sliding her tights and panties slowly the rest of the way down. She made a point out of kissing every inch of skin that became exposed when doing so. It seemed to turn her on and she got an approving grunt from Savannah as well. It made her heart flutter. Doing something back for her Goddess who had done so much to help her in her journey of self-discovery was great. Of course it also helped that it earned her credit towards the next orgasm she was already longing for.

When the garments were all the way down and left Savannah’s feet, she made a point of giving every toe a separate kiss. They smelled terrible, yet for a moment Roxanne considered wedding her nose between her roommates’ toes and masturbating. Her last orgasm was only a few minutes ago and she was already craving the next one. With how limited her orgasms had become and how her roommate’s feet seemed to be her only source of orgasms, Roxanne couldn’t help but think about masturbating whenever she got close to them.

Now that Savannah’s underwear had been removed Roxanne got up on her feet for the first time in a while. She had to, to help her Goddess out of her dress. It was a harsh task to get the tight fitting dress off of Savannah’s fat body, especially with how the black girl didn’t even bother to help. After the dress came the bra and just like that Savannah was completely naked. 

She didn’t say thank you or anything, she just proceeded to get under the covers and get comfortable. Roxanne sighed. She didn’t know what she was expecting. Maybe she just wanted some acknowledgement of how she did or anything really. Like it was now she felt more like a tool but then again wasn’t that what her live had become? Serving as a tool for her Goddess just to get her own perversions satisfied where her Goddess deemed them useful or likeable.

A deep sigh escaped Roxanne’s lips as she crawled to the foot of her roommate’s bed just so she could make herself useful as a living breathing fuckboy for her Goddess. The thought actually aroused her as well. Crawling underneath the covers in the overtly tight warm space was hard, but eventually she did manage to feel her roommate’s hair pussy lips with her own lips. 

The task was hard, even more so since she couldn’t see, she had to feel her way around Savannah’s musky pussy with her tongue. Once she got a good orientation of what was up and what was down, she started her licking routine. The same one she had used earlier, tracing praises with her tongue deep inside her roommate’s pussy, taking her clit along at the end of each letter.

Savannah had to admit that Roxy was learning rather quickly. The girl seemed to spend special attention to spots that made her quiver. Beside her routine and the tricks she had learned she had also picked up on subtle hints that made her pussy worshipping skills that much better. With a happy moan Savannah thought about how she had life all figured out.

With the cab driver and the rent from Leila she would be getting after taking care of her boss tomorrow she would have a small but steady basic income, one she would look to supplement further as time went by. On top of that she had her own gorgeous pet slave, ensuring that she would be able to live a life of pure pleasure. Oh god there were so many things she still wanted to do with Roxy, but for now drifting off to sleep with a nice orgasm was perfect.

The orgasm didn’t take very long to arrive either. Roxy was certainly developing skills. In time she would teach the girl how to give her instant orgasms as well as how to keep her on edge for that extended peak. She could already envision just sitting on the couch and spending hours getting her pussy carefully manipulated.

Another thigh clenching orgasm later Roxanne’s job was finally done for today. Trying not to disrupt Savannah she wiggled out from under the sheets. She then picked up the girl’s tights and panties and Carried them to her room hanging out the soiled garments to air out.

She slowly unclasped her leash and laid it on her nightstand. Her face was still wet from Savannah’s musky juices as she thought back to what was expected from her tomorrow morning. With that on her mind she slowly drifted off to sleep.


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