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Chapter 19

Roxanne could see that Savannah was indeed very serious about her opening the door naked as she was. Still she couldn’t actually do it. She had put up with a lot, but this was going way to far for her. She might be a huge pervert, but that didn’t mean anyone else had to know. 

Savannah could see the inward struggle Roxanne was dealing with. She could even understand it. Honestly she had expected the girl to refuse at some points now that she had decided to push things further. She wasn’t even truly a pervert, so Savannah knew how horrified the girl must feel. To her it was just amusing though. Cause along with the horror and embarrassment over all those terribly perverted deed Roxanne couldn’t help but feel overtly aroused constantly due to her earlier suggestions. 

“Roxy! Are you going to open that door or what? Don’t make me get angry girl. You have been very good so far, but I advise you not to spoil that.” Savannah said sternly trying to get Roxanne moving on her own accord after all. She just stayed quiet and looked down at the ground however. Clearly not planning to move an inch.

It was a joy to see how Roxanne couldn’t find the strength within herself to talk back. The girl was still not doing as she was told though and so Savannah needed to take matters in her own hands. 

“Alright, since you are clearly refusing to cooperate you leave me no other choice but to do this myself. After all we can’t keep our guest waiting, now can we?” Savannah replied with a mock tone of annoyance lifting her heavy butt off the couch. Raising high above her naked kneeling roommate.

Instead of going to the door like Roxanne had expected though the girl stooped down and grabbed a tight hold of the leash attached to the collar she couldn’t take off by herself. Before Roxanne fully realised what was happening, she felt a strong tug at her neck. She tried to stay in place, but Savannah’s pull combined with how her neck wasn’t that strong left her no other choice than to quickly crawl behind her roommate to try and relieve some of the painful pressure.

Roxanne realised full well that she was going to appear at the door naked and crawling as she was. It enveloped her in a deep sense of dread, but there was nothing she could do to prevent it. With the taut pull she couldn’t detach the leash, and her collar could only be removed with the key dangling from Savannah’s anklet. She was doomed, and she knew it.

Once again Roxanne had defined her Goddess, and once again she was sorry. She was mainly angry at herself for being so stupid and not thinking far enough. After all even if Savannah had gone to open the door she would still be naked in the living-room so being seen really was inevitable.

Now she would just appear at the door all the same, but she would surely get punished for it. She always got punished when she did something Savannah disapproved of and she doubted this was going to be an exception. Despite all the dread she felt however her pussy was simply throbbing. As bad as this all was it turned her on greatly which only added to the girl’s shock.

“Okay Roxy, you get another shot at redemption. This won’t make up for your disobedience completely, but it is a start. If you sit nice and upright on your knees, arms by your side when I open the door I will forgive your infraction partially.” Savannah spoke down at her roommate once they arrived at the door.

With a bright blush on her cheeks and a throbbing pussy Roxanne did exactly that. Her plight was already bad enough as it was. Denying Savannah again would only make things worse. Upon taking the position she realised it made her perky breasts stand out completely showing them off to whoever would be behind that door. It also showed off her heart shaped trimmed pubic hair with the letters showing. Savannah’s ownership clearly readable.

Savannah looked down at her roommate, or better her pet toy. It really was a better description for what Roxanne was now. You couldn’t call them equals by any stretch of the imagination anymore. Just a look at them like how they stood there at the door said more than enough about the the place in this strange partnership they both held.

While Savannah was all smiles Roxanne just looked straight ahead at the door dreading the moment it would open. Not longer wanting to keep the tension for anyone involved Savannah opened the door to reveal Leila, the Latina nail-technician they had met yesterday.

The voluptuous girl was dressed in a white summer-dress that contrasted big time with her sheer nude glossy pantyhose, the black thick cotton over the knee socks, and the old worn out Uggs she was wearing. The dress was light and rightfully so since it was still quite warm outside. The girl’s foot and leg wear were more suited for a very cold winter-day however. Roxanne just couldn’t make sense of it.

At first Leila looked shocked. She had known about the strange relationship between Savannah and Roxy from when they went to the nail-salon she worked at yesterday. Still back then they were both pretty normal looking at first. Savannah still looked like her unfashionable self, but Roxanne looked anything but normal sitting there naked apart from a pair of red stockings, a collar and a leash.

The shock quickly disappeared from Leila’s face and got replaced by an ear to ear smile. This sight was just delicious, and she was so happy she had been allowed to come on over. Oh she was going to have so much fun at the girls expense. It had been pretty much all she had been able to think about since she had seen the girl the first time at the salon.

“Hello Roxy how is my favourite client?” Leila asked smirking down at the naked girl while ruffling a hand through her hair like one would do with a dog.

Turning her attention towards Savannah Leila said. “I am so happy you invited me over, and I have to compliment you big time. Your girlfriend is really well uhm… trained I guess is the right word.” Both girls erupted in a long bound of laughter at Roxanne’s expense. Despite not being able to laugh along, Roxanne got pleasure in the form of a throbbing pussy out of the situation. 

Roxanne remained very nervous as the two girls above her made fun of her. Savannah hadn’t bothered to close the door, yet which meant that any passerby could see her. The hall wasn’t usually busy, but still she wanted to have that door shut as fast as possible.

“If I remember correctly Roxy here just loves feet, right? Especially smelly ones, right? Well I have kept on my work tights from yesterday and I have looked through my closet to find the warmest socks and shoes to pair with them. I’ve had these Ugg’s since high school. I barely wear them anymore though my feet just get too bad when I wear them but when I thought of Roxy I instantly thought of these shoes. I’ve worn them all yesterday evening and this morning. My feet are practically stealing out of these shoes.” Leila explained gleefully.

“You hear that Roxy? Aren’t you just one lucky girl to have guests over who bring you such thoughtful treats? Why don’t you thank our guest? I mean it is the least you can do right? Now that I think about it, you haven’t greeted her properly yet either.” Savannah exclaimed with a huge grin. 

Roxanne didn’t want to do any of that, Leila’s initiative to make her feet extra smell horrified her, but with the open door she didn’t want to make a fuss. It would only extend this tormenting that was the last thing she wanted. Just obeying was the fastest way to getting that door closed.

With a bright red face and a madly throbbing pussy Roxanne looked up at the nail-technician. “Thank you Leila, and good morning.” She said, the embarrassment was simply seeping through in her voice as both her tormentors stood over her smiling. 

“You can call me Miss Leila.” The nail-technician said immensely enjoying the superiority she was feeling. A girlfriend like Roxy is what she had always fantasised about. Playing with the girl was the next best thing though and she already had plans for a fun little game she wanted to play with the girl.

“What are you thanking her for Roxy? I didn’t really get that part, and that wasn’t a proper greeting now was it? You weren’t done yet right?” Savannah added with glee.

Roxanne looked up with pleading eyes, but it only seemed to make the two other girls smile even more. Savannah had stayed awfully vague with her demands as well. She really wanted to do this good just to get it over with, but what would be good enough for her roommate? That was the million-dollar question. Eventually she decided to just lay it on as thick as she could come up with. It wasn’t anything she wanted to do, definitely not in front of this open door, but she wanted to avoid having to do it again at any cost.

“Thank you so much for coming by and preparing your gorgeous feet in such a delicious way for me Miss Leila. I want to wish you a very good morning and I am so happy to see you.” Roxanne did her best to gush as excitedly as she could before leaning down and planting a big kiss on the toes of both Uggs. Her pussy was dripping madly, so bad that she was nearly sure there would be a wet spot on the floor beneath her.

Savannah smiled widely while Leila gushed back. “Oh Roxy, I am so glad to hear that. It’s nice to hear just how much you appreciate the effort I went through. That isn’t my only treat for you though, but the other one is still a surprise so be patient.” Roxanne had no idea what to expect from said surprise, but she could already say for sure that she wasn’t going to like it. More like it would be something she thought she would hate but end up loving probably. Lately it really seemed like her perversion knew no limits and that was worrying to say the least. 

“Alright, let’s go to the couch so we can talk, shall we?” Savannah said finally pulling the damn door shut, much to the relieve of Roxanne. Then she extended the handle of the leash out to Leila. “Would you like to take Roxy please?” She asked with a big smile already knowing the answer. 

“Absolutely!” Leila answered enthusiastically, god this had to be the best day of her life, really a dream come true. Just seeing this gorgeous naked kneeling girl in person was great. Having her gush over her stinky feet was even better and leading her around by a leash even if it was only for a few steps was literally the best, or the best yet. Planting her feet in the girl’s face would be even better. 

While Savannah just strode towards the couch and sat down Leila was enjoying this opportunity way to much to do the same. She was going to make the most of it. After all how many times did one really get the opportunity to walk around a girl on a leash like this.

“Come on Roxy, up! Heel!”Leila shouted down at the girl in a cheerful tone as if she was training a puppy. Roxanne didn’t really know what to do except follow the commands no matter how embarrassing that was. With a throbbing pussy she raised up to her hands and knees and took a step forward until her head was just beside Leila’s foot. 

At least the Latina seemed pleased with it as she said a praising, “good girl” before walking towards the couch. She didn’t go straight for the couch though. Instead she walked a whole circle around the living room before finally sitting down with a big smile. 

“That’s a very good girl, that deserves a treat, roll over!” Leila cheered a bit confused Roxanne rolled on her back in front of the couch only to see Leila’s hand go down and rub her flat stomach. It was all so embarrassing that Roxanne couldn’t help but let out a soft moan out of sheer arousal. God she was such a perv she thought.

Both Savannah and Leila burst out laughing when they heard the moan. “I think she likes me.” Chirped an enthusiastic Leila jokingly.

“I’m sure she does, after all you brought her the most delicious treat a pervert like Roxy could ever ask for.” Savannah replied closing her phone after having made yet another perfect video of poor Roxy. She really should put some work into making it all into movie. She could already imagine how satisfying it would be to look back at Roxy’s gradual downfall while the girl herself was licking her pussy.

Savannah really enjoyed the company of Leila, the girl certainly knew how to embarrass and treat Roxy. Kind of like an ally who also just loved completely dominating another. She also seemed to respect that Roxanne was her toy, and respect her in general for what she had accomplished. She felt that Latina really looked up to her. It also just felt awesome to be able to show off her pet toy.

“So Leila, why don’t you rest your feet from that terrible ordeal you put them through? You know so Roxy has something to enjoy as well when we talk.” Savannah said with a smirk enjoying the instant smile it brought to Leila’s face contrasting perfectly with the horrified shock that appeared on Roxy’s face.

The Latina didn’t have to be told twice. In an instant her Uggs were off and her feet wrapped in glossy nylon and thick black cotton were placed promptly on Roxanne’s face. She pressed down hard not leaving Roxanne a chance to even get away from them no matter the struggle she could put up. Leila had been sweating so much that the soles of her feet positively felt moist leaving what Roxanne was sure were two cringe worthy sweat prints on her face.

A strong acrid all overpowering smell instantly assaulted Roxanne’s senses. They smelled terrible, so bad even that they just numbed her sense of smell all together. Roxanne couldn’t smell anything but those nasty feet. She was used to something by now, but Leila’s feet still managed to bring tears through her eyes. They were awful and yet Roxanne couldn’t help but moan again.

“Phew Leila, you really weren’t kidding when you said your feet smelled. I can barely stand it and I am sitting at least 10 foot away. Roxy really is one lucky girl.” Savannah laughed the intensity of the smell was really something else. If she would want to keep doing this she would have to find something against this, but for now she would just have to deal with it. After all Savannah wasn’t getting it anywhere near as bad as Roxy did.

The Latina just giggled. “Oh yeah, I really did my best didn’t I? I was somewhat worried that it would have been too much, but well I have to say I am surprised with how truly perverted your roommate is. I mean she even moaned the kinky slut.”

“Oh yeah she definitely is the most perverted girl I have ever met. You certainly don’t have to worry about anything regarding smell being too much for this little perv here. I don’t even think there exists something as too much when it comes to smell for this little slut.” Savannah said knowing full well that Roxy was struggling a lot right about now.

“Anyways, I have a  question for you Leila I can see that you just love playing with an obedient pervert like my Roxy here. If you could choose out of anyone, then who would you pick as let’s say your own Roxy. With anyone I mean anyone.” Savannah asked casually as if it were a normal subject.

Leila looked confused for a moment, then she looked like she was thinking hard before finally answering “Well if I could pick anyone at all I think I would pick my boss at the nail salon, Sarah. I don’t really get along all that well with her and her haughty superiority complex, but it would feel so good to just push my feet in her face and having her kiss my ass literally. I mean you can also say what you want about her but damn that girl is pretty.”

“Logistically it would come in handy as well I guess, I mean if she really did everything I told her she could start doing my work and I can spend my days greeting the customers. She also has this luxury flat within walking distance of the salon which would definitely be better than my current flat, but there is no way this would ever happen, I mean she is a nasty rich domineering bitch and as straight as an arrow.” Leila continued half angry.

“Hmmm, how much rent do you pay in your current flat?” Savannah asked.

“Uhm about 600 dollars, why does that matter?” Leila asked growing very confused. This question was so far removed from the current subject it had caught her completely off guard. Besides should she really be sharing this information with a customer she only knew since yesterday?

“Well Leila, I’ll make a bet with you. If I can make Sarah obey you completely, no matter the command you give her then I’ll get 600 dollars from you each month. I mean it is your rent you have to pay anyways, but it would give you a nicer place to stay, a better job and let’s not forget a fantasy come true. What do you say does that sound like a fair deal?” Savannah asked feeling smug. 

Leila just looked at the black girl in disbelief before muttering a confused. “Yeah, I guess so. I mean it isn’t like I have anything to lose right? So yeah you can try, but there is no way that will ever happen, I am quite sure about it.”

“Oh so you don’t believe in me? In that case I want live long free mani pedi service for me and Roxy on top of our deal, if I succeed that is.” Savannah said in mock offence. 

“Haha if you can really do that, then sure, but I have to see for myself first. Anyways, you’ve got yourself a deal. You seem so sure of yourself that I am actually starting to think you might actually succeed.” Leila laughed

“Alright, we have a deal then. No more pussying out now. You can expect your results somewhere next week. ” Savannah said confidently, she knew that with the help of her special socks it would be an easy feat, or rather feet. All she would have to do was getting Sarah to look at her soles and the girl would be sold. It was a nice favour she wanted to do for Leila because she liked the girl, but also simply for her personal gain.

She had already had a text from the taxi driver explaining his first evening of his new cock sucking life in explicit detail. So she was quite sure that by next weekend she would get a deposit of at least 500 dollars out of that guy. A weekly deposit along with the 600 she would get monthly from Leila. Which made a total of 2600 dollars a month. She certainly could manage to live from that together with Roxy. There probably would arise even more opportunities to increase that budget even further. These socks really had been the best investment she could have ever made.

“Well, I am looking forward to it. I am really curious to see if whatever you are planning will actually work.” Leila grinned imagining what her life would be like if she really had control over Sarah. It would be like getting to play with Roxy but every day and say more satisfying as well.

“Alright, another question. This one is a little more personal, at least for Roxy here.” Savannah laughed as she looked at her naked roommate who was passively laying underneath Leila’s feet. From where Savannah was sitting she had a clear view on just how soaking wet Roxy’s pussy was.

“Shoot, I would love to find out more about my little foot rest here. She really does make an awesome foot rest you know. It is soft, nice and warm and best of all she has this little point for scratching your sole if you have an itch.” Leila said with a big smile rubbing one of her feet back and forth over Roxanne’s nose to demonstrate.

“Well you know what they say if you can live doing what you like you are lucky. So I guess you could say Roxy is one of the luckiest girls alive. Anyway, what I was about to ask. You still remember how Roxy explained how she likes to masturbate right? Well we found out yesterday that as a consequence of living out her perversions that doesn’t work anymore.” Savannah explained.

“Of course I do remember that, and what do you mean it doesn’t work anymore. Isn’t she a real pervert after all?” Leila asked. 

While the two girls where talking Roxanne was suffering. Apart from a few toe squeezes she got from Leila she was completely ignored and more aroused than ever. The fact that she was really treated like nothing, but a footrest was insanely embarrassing, especially now that they were discussing her like she wasn’t even there. At the same time that made her pussy throb heavily however. Leila’s feet also smelled terrible, the stench even surpassed that of Savannah’s feet and it constantly kept her light headed making her unable to really focus on anything but that awful all overpowering scent.

“Oh on the contrary, it seems that Roxy is such a huge perv that she can’t seem to cum anymore unless my feet are literally pressed to her face. Just socks don’t seem to do it for her anymore. Which brings me to my question, would you mind if we tested out now whether Roxy is just addicted to smelly feet, or mine in particular?” Savannah asked with a huge grin already knowing the answer. She just wanted it to be clear to Roxy that she wouldn’t be able to cum anymore without her and this was the perfect opportunity.

“Of course I don’t mind, not at all actually. I have wanted to see her masturbate with socks since she first told me, but with my feet in her face? That’s even better. I do have one condition though.” Leila said excitedly.

Savannah just raised an eyebrow, not expecting Leila to get demanding. She didn’t really like that change. “And that is?” She asked letting her displeasure sound trough in her voice.

“Well, I don’t think this counts as a good experiment unless we give her the full experience. So I want to stuff my socks in her mouth so she has to both smell and taste my feet while masturbating so we know for sure that if she doesn’t cum it was enough foot for her.” Leila adds with a giggle.

Instantly Savannah’s face cleared up, where she was first starting to get mad at Leila for making demands she now rather wanted to praise the girl. Her idea was genius, it would really ensure that Roxy had no way to deny the results. Besides, after being able to smell those nasty sweat drenched socks from so far away Savannah was eager to see them in her roommates’ mouth. 

Roxy had fallen really low from the point where she had been looking down on Savannah, judging her for being lazy and all that. To now where she was laying naked on the floor while Savannah and a nail technician she barely knew were discussing the terms of how she would get to masturbate in front of them. 

“You are right Leila, it’s best to test these things very thoroughly so go ahead and stuff them in her mouth. May I suggest you shove the foot part in first just in case her mouth isn’t big enough to fit in two whole over the knee socks? I mean we have to make sure she can make most of the taste, right?” Savannah added, licking her lips in excitement.

“Awesome, you heard that Roxy? Open wide, I have a tasty surprise for you.” Leila chirped getting her feet off the girl’s face which simply looked wet from all the time beneath her overheated feet. Helped by the smooth material of the sheer nude pantyhose the over the knee socks were off in a heartbeat.

Roxanne looked pretty pale, and the last thing she wanted right now was to taste those nasty socks that had made her suffer for what seemed like forever. Both Savannah and Leila were looking down on her however to disobey. Especially since she already had a hard time disobeying without the added pressure recently.

Eventually it took her a few seconds before she slowly opened her mouth. It hadn’t even opened completely yet before Leila eagerly shoved the sweat soaked salty, musty tasting cotton garment between her lips. Leila made sure to put the sole part down so that it was the part rubbing against Roxanne’s tongue. She repeated the same process with the other sock before she started stuffing the leg parts in as well.

As predicted the two socks didn’t fit completely. There was still a big part of leg from both socks dangling out of Roxanne’s mouth, but it was thoroughly stuffed to the point of stretching her jaw uncomfortably wide. As the sweat from the socks mixed with her spit the taste only grew stronger. Her mouth was so stuffed that she couldn’t even move her tongue anymore, so without the help of her hands there was no way she would be able to get those socks out of her mouth.

Leila was barely done stuffing those socks into Roxy’s mouth before she already place her nylon covered soles who smelled just as bad on the girls waiting face, wiggling them around slightly to get comfortable. “Alright, I am ready. I can’t believe this is actually happening. Aaah this is so exciting.” Leila squealed.

“Well Roxy, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and masturbate, your pussy is so wet that you can’t really hide you want to so start working that perverted cunt of yours. Let’s see if you’re addicted to smelly feet or MY smelly feet.” Savannah laughed loud enough for Roxanne to hear.

Not really having another choice Roxanne moved her hand in between her legs and started playing with herself. It was the most embarrassing thing she had ever done. The combined taste and smell of Leila’s feet was horrible and yet she was more aroused than ever before. She had felt like she would explode even before she touched her pussy, but just like yesterday she never seemed to be able to push herself over that edge between overtly aroused frustration and an actual orgasm.

Both Savannah and Leila were engrossed in watching Roxanne’s fingers try to stimulate her pussy to a climax. It was a lazy attempt at first, too embarrassed to really give it her all. That soon changed as the frustration was driving her crazy though. All of a sudden the embarrassment didn’t seem to matter any more as her fingers just seemed to pull out every trick they knew just to have that orgasm.

It was a fun transgression to watch, but eventually after more than half an hour had passed Leila and Savannah were growing bored. In the end Savannah spoke up. “Alright Roxy, you can stop now. I guess the experiment has wielded it’s result. It really seems like you’re only able to cum with my feet pressed in your face.” 

Roxanne cried out in frustration as her tired hand dropped sideways. Not that anyone could hear or see since her mouth was still stuffed and her face covered. How was this possible? What was wrong with her? She really was a terrible perv, and she realised now more than ever that she would have to cherise her Goddess Savannah or she might never cum again.

“Well to make the experiment complete I guess we’ll have to find out if that still stands as well wont we. I mean we have proven that she can’t cum from my feet despite being terribly aroused, but that still doesn’t proof the fact she will cum with your feet does it?” Leila asked sceptically clearly wanting to see Roxy cum. 

“Oh, but we already established that yesterday. Haven’t we Roxy? Apart from this little test Roxy doesn’t deserve to cum. The reason you had to wait that long at the door was because Roxy here refused to open up. Which brings me to a next question. She still has to be punished, I believe a thorough spanking is in order. Since you were the one inconvenienced it is only fair to give you the chance to administer the spanking. If you want to at least.” Savannah said sternly making Roxanne shudder.

Roxanne really wanted to cry. She had started to really need that orgasm only to get it denied now? This was so unfair. Well not really, she was already so consumed in the idea of belonging to Savannah that she actually thought it was a reasonable decision. She really believed that she really didn’t deserve an orgasm. Which didn’t make it an easier to deal with, certainly not with the knowledge that she was getting a spanking instead. 

“Oh my god, poor Roxy. I am probably going to rub myself sore when I get back home. I can’t imagine being that aroused and not allowed or even able to cum. Well I guess it’s because I’m not a huge pervert.” Leila laughed.

“You are right though. Naughty girls don’t deserve rewards. What would that teach them? To be spoiled little brats. No Roxy needs to learn that rewards have to be earned and I would be more than glad to deliver her punishment.” Leila continues in a gleeful tone.

“There is something else you might be able to help with while you’re here. You see I think Roxy would be honoured to help you out with your orgasm. No need to get your hands dirty. Roxy would love to thank you properly for the treat you brought, and what better way to say thank you than a good pussy licking?” Savannah asked with a smirk. 

“Oh my god, really?! I will definitely take her up on that offer then. I mean you are right, until now everything has been about Roxy living out her fantasy. It is only fair I get something from this deal as well. First I would like to give her that spanking though, a good way to get in the mood for a nice licking even more.” Leila said excitedly.

Roxanne felt so embarrassed. She was basically lent out as a sextoy to someone who was pretty much a stranger. Worst of all was the fact that she felt it to be just however. The constant reinforcements of how bad of a perv she was combined with how clouded her brain was from the sheer arousal really made her belief that everything that happened had been about her and that repaying the favour was only right. Her mind had been so corrupted that she couldn’t even determine that she had just been used and abused. 

“That’s settled then. I have to warn you though, Roxy is an inexperience and honestly terrible little pussy muncher. She has only done it for the first time yesterday, but she is an eager learner and she really wants to become the best pussy muncher on campus. To help her achieve that goal I have started to teach her one trick daily, but above all you know what they say right? Practice makes perfect. If you want to learn her todays trick you can use her for as many orgasms as you like.” Savannah explained. 

“Don’t worry, I will be glad to teach her a trick and let her practice some. After all who am I to get in the way of such admirable and ambitious goals. First we have that spanking coming up though. So come and get over my lap you naughty girl.” Leila said before removing her feet from the girl’s face. 

Roxanne knew better than to protest. Especially now, it would only make her punishment worse and after learning she had to earn her orgasms from now she was even more motivated to be on her best behaviour. God she had never been sex craved or nymphomaniac, but it sure seemed a lot like that lately. Something which she could really only explain with the fact that she was finally living out these deep-rooted perverted fantasies she had never known about.

Reluctantly Roxanne got up and pulled herself over Leila’s nylon clad thighs knowing full well what was about to happen. Almost instantly she was rewarded by one hand coming to rest on her lower back, and another one on her butt making her shudder. A soft moan escaped, caused by the intense feelings of embarrassment.

“Are you sure this is even punishment? I mean Roxy here seems to like it.” Leila laughed moving a hand between the girl’s legs and passing a finger over her overtly wet pussy causing another moan. “Oh my, the slut really likes it. She is soaking wet.” Leila added before wiping her wet fingers on Roxanne’s exposed back.

With a quick movement Leila brought her hand in front of Roxanne’s face and pushed some more at the socks stuck in the girl’s mouth. “Hmmm let’s keep those in place so you have something to comfort you during your punishment, and of course to keep the noise down.” Leila mused before returning her hands to the girls back and butt.

“Alright, let’s make your bottom match your stockings, shall we?” Leila asked not that Roxanne could answer with her mouth stuffed full of sweaty socks. Since no reply came Leila just raised her hand and brought it down hard on the girl’s defenceless bottom making the cheeks shake while a muffled cry was barely audible through the sock gag.

After the first spank Leila really got a taste for it as she brought her hand down over and over making Roxanne’s butt cheeks dance for her. She was so absorbed in the moment that she just kept on going without breaks until she eventually stopped to catch her breath somewhere well past the 50 spanks mark.

“Phew, that was a lot more intense than I was expecting. I could really use that licking now after such a work-out.” Leila said in complete disregard of the fact that Roxanne was sobbing heavily after her brutal spanking.

“What are you waiting on then? You can just shove her off your lap, I do it all the time.” Savannah said, not at all bothered by the way Roxanne was being treated. Why should she be? It was true, it was how she treated the girl all the time and she actually believed she liked it.

“If you say so.” Leila said happily as she just shoved the girl off her lap completely disregarding how she might feel about it. With Roxanne off her lap she stood up and pulled off her pantyhose and panties, lifting the skirt of her dress to reveal a clean-shaven pussy that was glistening wet.

“Alright Roxy, you can pull those socks out of your mouth now. I know you would probably like to suck on them all day long, but your tongue is required elsewhere.” Leila taunted rubbing in just how much of a pervert she thought Roxy was.

“Now why don’t you show me what you have learned so far, so I can teach you a new trick. Get your tongue right up in my snatch. I know you want to.” Leila continued taunting. The idea of making the girl she had just spanked, the same one who had just been denied an orgasm she had been so close to for so long, give her an orgasm was a feeling of ultimate power. 

Best of all the girl didn’t even protest, she just got up on her knees with tear shot eyes and shuffled in-between Leila’s legs bringing her mouth towards her pussy lips before starting to lick. Leila could smell her own feet off the girl’s face which made this whole ordeal even more intensely powerful. 

Roxanne herself couldn’t even smell or taste the voluptuous Latina’s pussy, simply because the smell and taste of her feet were still overtly present. She tried her best to make Leila feel good, despite everything that she had put her through. She wiggled her tongue deep inside the girl’s pussy and moved it up and down between her lips, circling her clit once each time she reached the top.

It didn’t take long for Leila to reach a first gushing orgasm on the girl’s face. Roxanne noticed because she had the exact same thigh clamping reaction as Savannah. Making everything go black to the point where she was afraid she would pass out. The Latina’s pussy tasted way more sour than Savannah’s pussy. It was just as unpleasant, but in another way.

Savannah just grinned, she recognised Leila’s reaction all to well. Roxy might not be a good pussy muncher but dominating her completely tended to get her and apparently also Leila so worked up that she did manage to cum within minutes either way. It was a second orgasm that made it harder for Roxy and her limited skill. That or one first thing in the morning when Savannah hadn’t gotten worked up yet.

After a minute of letting her orgasm die down Leila opened her legs again with a deep sigh. “mmm, I think I can do something with this now that I know what I have to work with. I also know exactly what tip to give you. Roxy, you can keep on licking up and down, but while you do that I want you to imagine that my pussy is a piece of paper and that your tongue is a pen. Write words to declare your love and adoration while you are moving up and down.” Leila explained in a dreamy voice.

It was a strange thing to imagine, but either way Roxanne tried her best to comply. Suddenly licking Leila’s pussy required a lot more concentration from her as she tried her best to form letter after letter while still circling the clit every time she reached the top. “Y O U R P U S S Y T A S T E S A M A Z I N G” was the first thing she tried to write. It was a lie, but Roxanne was paranoid that Leila would actually be able to tell what she was writing so to speak.

While the words or letters didn’t really matter all that much Leila was very satisfied with how her tip worked out. She had no idea what the girl between her legs was “writing,” but it was nice to imagine she was attempting to write compliments. The formation of the letters also ensured that the pattern in which the girls tongue moved constantly changed which felt like heaven.

Her orgasm didn’t come nearly as fast as the first one had, but it didn’t matter too much to her. In fact she preferred this slower build up to an equally amazing orgasm. In the end Leila enjoyed two more orgasms before she shoved the girl away by placing her foot between the girl’s breasts and pushing. 

Seeing Roxanne’s soaked face instantly made her burst into laughter. “Oh my god, that pussy whipped look really suits you Roxy.” She joked. “Anyways, it was awesome meeting the two of you again, but I think I should get going. You know what they say, it is always best to leave after the climax.” Leila said electing a laugh from both her and Savannah. Roxanne was the only one who wasn’t really laughing.

“Alright, I’ll show you out cause even Roxy can use a small break from time to time. Don’t forget about our deal okay? If I succeed in making Sarah obey you completely I get your 600 dollars a month you used to spend on rent plus live long free nail appointments for me and Roxy.” Savannah said confidently.

“Oh you can count on It. To be honest I really hope you will win the bet. God that would be so fucking awesome, but sadly too good to be true I fear.” Leila replied with a dreamy smile imagining doing the same thing to Sarah as she had just done to Roxy.

“Great, now Roxy, why don’t you give our guest a proper goodbye kiss on her lips before she goes?” Savannah asked with a smile. Leila looked somewhat confused not really wanting to kiss the girl with how her face currently smelled, but she was pleasantly surprised when a blushing Roxy crawled towards her and moved her head under her skirt to plant a sloppy kiss on her pussy. 

“Goodbye Miss Leila.” The girl said shyly which made Leila burst out laughing.

“Oh my god this is just precious. Goodbye slut, I definitely hope I will be seeing you again some time soon. I wonder how much your pussy munching skills will have improved by then.” Leila said before gathering her things, not bothering to put anything but her Uggs back on.

With that Both of Roxanne’s tormentors headed to the door leaving her naked with an overly aroused pussy, a very sore bottom and a well-used thoroughly soaked face.


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