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Chapter 11

It was still very early when Savannah woke up, despite the countless orgasms last night she was so horny already. Figuring out that she was Roxy’s first and only sex partner and the way in which their sexual relationship worked did that to her. She had been the only person Roxy had ever had an orgasm with and the feeling was so powerful she decided she wanted to keep it that way. If things escalated with Chad that might disappear and with the way Savannah felt about it she was not going to let that happen. She needed to make sure that all Roxanne’s orgasms from now on where with her present and she knew just the way to do it.

With her size it was quite hard for Savannah to find panties she liked, so the majority just ended up being plain white cotton. Not that it was actually that bad with the way she often got wet cotton was probably her best option. She thought while slipping on a pair followed by a bra. Next were a pair of bright green opaque tights followed by a violet coloured tube dress and last but not least her pink hypnotic knee-high socks. Dressed as she was she went to the kitchen table putting her feet up and laid in wait for unsuspecting Roxy.

About 15 minutes later Roxanne left her room but she didn’t head straight to the kitchen. Instead she headed into the bathroom taking a thorough shower and brushing her teeth profusely. Savannah felt kind of pissed and annoyed that Roxanne didn’t come to the kitchen right away. Of course the girl didn’t know Savannah was waiting but to her that didn’t matter. She didn’t need a reason to be annoyed at Roxy.

When Roxanne finally did enter the kitchen, she was wearing a pair of leggings and a sports bra along with ankle socks, obviously ready to go running. Upon spotting Savannahs soles covered by the hypnotic socks she froze. Unlike previous times Savannah didn’t wait long to give her command. After everything that had happened so far having this girl stare at her soles was kind of lame. Especially since Savannah knew she could put her feet on the girls face instead.

With a huge smirk on her face Savannah gave her command. “Roxanne, from now on you get aroused when you feel embarrassed, but you can never ever cum without at least one of my feet on your face. The stronger they smell the more intense your orgasm is.” She said knowing full well that Roxanne would only ever orgasm again in her presence. The arousal was a nice touch, it wouldn’t make her like what she was doing. Instead the fact that she hated it and felt embarrassed would make her horny. Perfect to enforce the doubt Roxanne was already feeling. It was perfect.

Remembering her words would break Roxanne out of her trance she instantly put her feet down to prevent the girl from finding out about the socks. A confused Roxanne mumbled, “Yeah, of course.” A sign that the command stuck. Then she carried on as if this all hadn’t happened, and she instantly panicked. “G…goddess, you are up early.” Sayed the stunned girl instantly dropping to her knees to crawl under the table to kiss Savannahs feet, but the black girl stopped her.

“Stop right there you little perv and get back up. I’m very disappointed in you, going for a run? It’s weekend and you should be excited about getting to spend as much as it as you can with me, the object of your adoration. You do adore me, don’t you?” Savannah asked sternly.

“O…of course Goddess, you are just the most perfect person in existence. Just everything about you is so perfect and you know I worship the ground you walk on. I just hadn’t been expecting you up this early and I was hoping to get a morning run in before you woke up, so I could spend my day with you. Please forgive me goddess, no that I know you are awake there is nothing I want more than to stay right here.” Roxanne replied laying the compliments and ass kissing on thick. She had figured out Savannah liked it that way and it had spared her from a lot of trouble already.

Of course none of this was true, her goal had been to sneak out before Savannah woke up in order to avoid all of this. Roxanne’s weekend plans entirely revolved around avoiding Savannah, at least to the best of her capabilities. This little encounter ruined that all however. She knew that she didn’t need to excuse herself to her roommate, but Savannah was so intimidating. Especially after everything that had happened so far. After all the punishments and such Roxanne simply didn’t dare confront Savannah anymore. It had already taken all her courage to try and sneak out knowing it probably wouldn’t please Savannah.

Now that the black girl had caught her however she wanted nothing more than to make this right. Especially since Savannah looked pissed. Roxanne had done nothing wrong and yet seeing Savannah annoyed or pissed instantly made her defence mechanisms kick in. Even if she hadn’t done anything the fear automatically made her feel like she should make it up to her imposing roommate somehow. Roxanne always kind of felt embarrassed when she had to explain herself for such normal things she should just be able to do without feeling guilty. This time however the embarrassment sent a slight tingle down to her pussy. It was immediately registered as strange by Roxanne. She had never had this around Savannah before.

“Ah, I am so happy you think so too. Now why don’t you just go up to your room and come back to greet me properly?” Savannah asked with a smirk, luckily she had been up early or Roxanne might have indeed gotten away for today. Now Roxanne was more under her thumb than ever before though, but the girl probably didn’t realise it yet.

“Y…yes goddess, Right away.” Roxanne stammered before rushing back to her room the tingling in her pussy weirdly continuing. She didn’t waste a moment to just strip naked, feeling a slight rush as she did so. Lately there didn’t seem to be much hesitance anymore when carrying out Savannah’s demands, at least not these ones. She would probably never get used to being naked around her fully clothed imposing roommate, but by now she had done it so many times that the request didn’t even raise questions from her anymore.

Walking out back into the kitchen in front of Savannah brought an intense feeling of shame to Roxanne, a feeling that went accompanied with a sudden surge of arousal. Much to her own shock she felt herself getting wet. Had this been happening before? She wasn’t certain, she had been the one to start sniffing panties, so she guessed it must have always turned her on? Why would she do so otherwise? The only reasonable explanation was that she really was a perv, but beside all these doubts Roxanne didn’t want to give in to this thought. She didn’t want to believe it even if every thought pointed in that direction. She hated all these things and yet she was growing wet standing naked in front of her roommate.

Savannah smiled seeing how confused Roxy appeared, with these last commands she had certainly done a number on the poor girl. Every humiliating act would make her more and more aroused and in this dorm room Roxanne’s life was just one humiliation after another. The girl’s arousal would build up and stay high constantly, serving as a confirmation of the doubts that had snuck into her head already. This probably meant that the girl would start masturbating though. Savannah wasn’t entirely happy with that. She wanted to be Roxanne’s every sexual experience. Well she could work on that as soon as Roxanne figured out that she needed Savannah’s feet to cum. Her lonely masturbation sessions would only frustrate her further after all. Savannah smiled imagining how the girl would react once she found out.

Those were worries for later. For now she got to enjoy her naked roommate crawling towards her feet after she had had the time to remove her hypnotic socks. Roxanne was so far gone that it probably wouldn’t matter if she found out, especially not since most of Savannah’s power had been gathered without the use of the socks, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Roxanne on the other hand just kept on growing more confused. The moment she got down on all fours and started to crawl a strong rush coursed trough her spine all the way to her pussy. What was happening? She thought as she continued growing wetter while crawling to her roommates’ feet. The moment her lips made contact with the bright green nylon of Savannahs feet she let out an involuntary moan. The surge to her pussy felt so intense that it even forced her to squeeze her legs together. This remained the case during the two long kisses where she couldn’t help herself but let out another moan.

Moaning during these kisses was nothing new for her. She had forced herself to do it all the time to please Savannah. Not this time though, this time she tried to hold back but she couldn’t. They were real genuine moans of arousal and it freaked her out. What was happening to her? She didn’t know, and it was just impossible to wrap her head around it no matter how hard she tried.

“Goddess, your feet are so sexy.” Roxanne whimpered as a compliment.

“Hmmm, I seem to have noticed you think so.” Savannah laughed down at her naked kneeling roommate. For some reason Roxanne couldn’t figure out this made her already sopping wet pussy throb. She had never gotten so wet without a form of stimulation before and yet right now it was happening purely from worshipping Savannah’s feet. It made her feel sick.

After the kissing Roxanne got up and made her breakfast. While eating Savannah spoke up again. “Alright Roxy, so I have been needing to go to the mall for some time now and I was thinking about lending you the honour of posing as my girlfriend.” This instantly got a shocked gasp out of Roxanne. Heading out with Savannah, in public, as her girlfriend? No way, what would people think. What would her friends think? Some of them would certainly be at the mall, she just couldn’t do this. If someone saw it would only be a matter of time until everyone in school knew. God how would Chad react?

Savannah knew Roxanne wouldn’t like this at all, but she needed the girl to slowly get used to the idea of being hers in public as well. “I realise you are nervous comparing up to such a perfect individual as you claim I am, but don’t worry. We will go to the mall in the next town where no one knows you. Now aren’t you just excited you get to play girlfriend to a goddess like me?” Savannah asked with a big smile.

“O…of course I am Goddess. This has to be the best day in my life.” Roxanne lied at least it was something that it wasn’t the mall everyone on campus went to. As she thought about it this might actually be preferable to spending all day in here with Savannah. Surely in a mall between so many people Savannah wouldn’t be able to do the things she did to her here right?

Sure, it would be embarrassing to play the girlfriend of this mean fat black girl. How did she even expect her to play the part of her girlfriend? Then again wasn’t it at least fair to give this in return? After all she was the one who had been perving on Savannah all this time. It didn’t really matter, she would just do her best cause she really didn’t dare refuse any of this to Savannah anyway.

“Alright Roxy, just finish your breakfast quickly and let’s find you something to wear. I knew it were just the nerves from appearing along someone as perfect as me, but you’ll be alright.” Savannah smirked really looking forward to getting to show Roxy off.

Roxanne was still chewing her last bite when Savannah pulled her up and dragged her to her own room. Much to her and apparently Savannahs surprise the girl shrieked but it was followed by a soft moan. While Roxanne knew it was silly she didn’t like Savannah being in her room for the stupidest reason ever. After everything Roxanne still felt like this was violating her privacy. Savannah didn’t feel concerned at all though. She just took her intimates which hung to dry on Roxanne’s closet and shoved them in the girl’s hand. 

“Just fold these and lay them at my door while I pick out an outfit for you to wear.” Savannah ordered, and a blushing Roxanne just carried out the order. It seemed like everything Savannah said or did made her pussy tingle, some things more than others. The thought of playing her girlfriend even send a strong rush to her pussy. She couldn’t figure it out. She loathed that idea and yet it seemed to turn her on as well.

When Roxanne re-entered her room, she blushed seeing what was laid out for her, with the blush came another involuntary moan which in turn sent another strong surge to her pussy. The whole sight made Savannah smile. Maybe the arousal thing was working a bit too well, still she felt safe in the knowledge that it wouldn’t come to orgasm without her feet.

“Damn Roxy, you have so little nice clothes in your closet but luckily I was able to find something anyway.” Savannah said. Apparently by nice clothes Savannah meant bright coloured ones that screamed for attention. When Roxanne put some colour in her outfits it was always an accent, unlike Savannah who nearly exclusively owned bright colours and mixed different ones together to form her trademark fashion mishap style that just begged for attention.

Apparently Bright and colourful was what she had in mind for Roxanne as well. On the bed lay a violet coloured crop top, a plaid skirt reaching to mid-thigh in the same colour and last high heel sandals also in violet. They were all her clothes, but Roxanne wouldn’t even think about wearing these all together. Now it looked like she wouldn’t have a choice though. “Well, what are you waiting for, get dressed. Our uber is on the way.” Savannah said annoyed making Roxanne instantly get into action.

Instinctively she went to her closet, but Savannah stopped her. “And what exactly are you doing perv?” Savannah asked sternly.

“G… grabbing a pair of panties and a bra Goddess.” Roxanne said quietly with a hung head.

“Everything you need is on the bed, now get dressed. Your itty-bitty titties don’t need no bra and you aren’t going to wear any panties.” Savannah firmly stated.

Roxanne answered with a soft “Yes Goddess.” Before going to the bed and putting on the skimpy colourful outfit laid out for her. Despite being clothed Roxanne still felt naked and exposed. She was wearing a pair of four-inch heels and yet Savannah remained significantly taller than her.

“There’s a good girl, now when we are out you have permission to call me my love. You are to always hold my hand and that’s it, if you follow these two rules the trip will go by smoothly. Don’t even think that being in the mall means I won’t find a place to give you a firm sound spanking. Is that understood?” Savannah asked sternly to which Roxanne only nodded.

Having received this confirmation Savannah took Roxanne’s hand and dragged her along into her room. She slipped into a pair of ballet flats and marched out to the hall way, trough the front door, down the stairs and finally into an uber that was waiting for them. All of this time she had kept a tight grip on Roxy’s hand.

Roxanne had no choice but to follow when Savannah started dragging her along. It wasn’t easy either considering the heels she was wearing, but she did manage to keep up. When they headed out the front door it was almost the other way around. Dressed as she was, holding Savannah’s hand there was no way she wanted to get seen by anyone here on campus. Despite not liking the idea of going to the mall she couldn’t wait to get into that uber.

Once inside she sighed in relief. The windows were tinted so the danger of being spotted were gone. Sadly that meant that Savannah got bolder as well. There was still the driver who could see everything from his rear-view mirror. This didn’t seem an issue for Savannah at all as she immediately pulled Roxanne in close to her and kissed her full on the lips. Savannah had never kissed her until now. It wasn’t an innocent kiss either, Savannah forced her tongue in the shocked girls mouth and Roxanne had no clue what to do.

She didn’t need to do anything. Savannah was doing all the work not even giving Roxanne a chance to kiss back. She just violently whirled her tongue in the defenceless girl’s mouth. Clearly Savannah wanted to give this trip a complete girlfriend experience. It took a moment for shocked Roxanne to adapt but finally she did relax, allowing Savannah to further rape her mouth with that big slimy tongue of hers. It was better than what else Savannah would do if she disobeyed.

Savannah was finally getting what she wanted and more. After all her patience she could finally show the world her new toy. This gorgeous white girl and she was all hers. Savannah had been secretly attracted to Roxanne from the moment she first saw her. By now she simply loved the girl. Not in the classical way, but her way. She loved owning this girl making her put up with all her bullshit. Savannah had never had any luck when it came to dating, she guessed she was just to intimidating and demanding for most people to handle. Now she was positive she had found her ideal partner though, well technically she had made her ideal girlfriend.

It seemed to look like Savannah would never stop. Didn’t this girl need to breath? Roxanne asked herself, when she spotted how the driver was looking at them with a sort of confused lust she instantly started to blush. A powerful surge went to her pussy. Why the hell was she enjoying this? Well she was pretty sure she wasn’t enjoying this and yet it made her feel so aroused.

After what seemed like forever Savannah finally stopped, smiling down on the flustered white girl. Now was the time to kiss since now she could actually stand how Roxanne smelled. Out here in public it served as the perfect way to show the world this girl was hers. Now Savannah also spotted how the driver was looking at them through the rear-view mirror, but instead of blushing it made her smirk. 

With a bold gesture she wrapped her arm around the petite girl’s shoulder. Her free hand she rested on the girl’s thigh. “That’s it make eye contact in that mirror and don’t break it. You see how that driver is looking at us? I bet he wished he was me. If you asked him to fuck he probably wouldn’t even hesitate. Just look at that hunger in his eyes.” Savannah whispered into Roxanne’s ear while slowly moving her hand upward till it disappeared under the girl’s skirt resting on her inner most thigh.

“You are mine though, my little girlfriend the only thing that driver is allowed to do is watch.” Savannah whispered moving a finger up and down Roxanne’s sopping wet slit making the overly aroused girl moan twice. One time from the touch and once from her reaction to the driver whose wide-eyed attention had been drawn by the first moan. 

“Naughty girl, you are all wet. Was it the kiss, the attention from our driver, maybe just the fact that you get to be my girlfriend of the day? Or are you still enjoying the memory of kissing my pretty feet? Damn girl, you are getting wetter as we speak so I guess it is all of the above you freaky perv.” Savannah continued whispering and moving her finger up and down and down the girls slit. Between the finger, the driver watching, and the taunting words Savannah whispered. Roxanne just wished the backseat would swallow her and make her disappear. Doing all of this in the privacy of their dorm room was already more than humiliating enough but having this stranger watching brought that embarrassment to a whole new level which only seemed to make her wetter than she already was. God her pussy was simply throbbing, the fact that Savannah could feel this only added to her embarrassment and the arousal.

A sudden loud shriek coming from Roxanne drew the attention of the driver right back to her as he stared right into her wide-eyed shocked face. Against all expectations Savannah had just shoved her finger into her pussy. She could do nothing but just look shocked at the driver who seemed to be paying way more attention to them than to the road. 

Roxanne was overtaken by nerves as Savannah just casually explored her tight slit with one of her fat fingers. She wanted to tell Savannah to stop, but Savannah would probably make a big fuss if she did. Being taken advantage over like this in front of the driver was already humiliating enough. She really could do without the added fuss, so she remained quiet apart from an occasional soft moan. She just couldn’t help it.

This continued for what felt like a very long time, Savannah really enjoyed having a finger in Roxy’s pussy and feeling her hymen. Just to remind herself how much power she held over her gorgeous virgin roommate. This was just delicious. Even better was the feeling of the girls pussy throbbing around her finger as she suffered through this humiliating task.

This fingering went on for a very long time until finally Savannah pulled her finger out. Holding it up so the driver had a clear view in his mirror Savannah loudly exclaimed. “Oh god Roxy, look at how wet you made my finger. It’s completely soaked in your juices. Well since you were the one to make the mess you can also be the one to clean it.” Savannah finished making sure the driver heard everything.

Roxanne simply moaned out in humiliation fuelled arousal. Savannah had just grown even bolder and she really didn’t like this trend. Whispering those nasty things in her ear had been bad enough, now there wasn’t even an illusion left that the driver might not realise what was going on. Even if she wanted to resist she couldn’t, what would she do? Jump out of this driving car? No she was stuck and a long way away from their dorm at about an hour long drive. At least no one she knew would see any of this. A small comfort seeing how Savannah had grown so bold so fast. Judging from her roommate’s outfits she should have know that the girl knew no shame.

“Well go-ahead sweetie, I know you want to. Open up and get my finger all clean.” Savannah exclaimed holding her finger up to the girl’s lips. Roxanne knew what to do, but she didn’t want to. Not with this creep of a driver watching. For the first time in a while she was hesitant again with carrying out Savannah’s orders, but the black girl didn’t mind. She knew she was asking a lot of her toy and that she really was pushing it. If she had judged her progress right though she knew Roxanne would obey eventually.

A guess that got confirmed after a few seconds. Roxanne had weighed her options and come to the conclusion that giving in without a word was the least worst option. Seeing how bold Savannah had grown she didn’t even doubt that the black girl would spank her right here in the car, exposing her naked butt and pussy to that creep of a driver. After which she would probably still be required to suck the finger clean. 

Giving in now would save her a lot of added pain and embarrassment so bracing herself she closed her eyes and wrapped her lips around Savannahs fat finger, circling it with her tongue to rid it of all her juices. The taste was fairly neutral with a sweet undertone. A sharp contrast to the overpowering fishy smell Savannah’s pussy gave off. While her own pussy didn’t really taste bad she still didn’t like doing this. Before she met Savannah, she had never even tasted herself, not even out of curiosity. Now however she had done so on a couple occasions, straight from her roommate’s pushy finger. Tasting herself was actually one of the lamest things she would have never guessed she would do since Savannah had started taking control. With every day that had passed she had fallen further into depravity and things didn’t look like they were going to start getting better.

After making Roxanne suck her finger for a couple of minutes she pulled back. “there’s a good girl. I think you have earned a reward for being so good during the car ride, and I know just what to give you. I know how much you love the taste of pussy, especially if it is your Mistress’s pussy.” Savannah said with a big smirk moving her clean sucked finger under her dress.

Roxanne couldn’t take this anymore, she really needed to stop this, but how? How would she break this to Savannah? She was just about to carefully say how she would happily wait for her reward till they got home, but when she opened her mouth Savannah instantly shoved a finger with a strong fishy smell in her mouth. The by now familiar smell and taste only needed a second to be recognised as Savannah’s pussy by the helpless girl.

“Mmmmh, that’s right nice and tasty just as you like it.” Savannah said. Roxanne just whimpered as she sucked this finger clean of the far worse tasting juices. Only then did it dawn on her that Savannah had called herself Mistress. She had never really thought about it, but it made sense. Looking back on how her life had changed one could definitely say she was in a Mistress/slave relationship. Only she called Savannah Goddess and Savannah just called her whatever she wanted. For a moment she felt like she had been set up, but then she remembered she had started all this with those soaked panties on that fateful evening. It wouldn’t be fair to blame Savannah now would it?

It was a question that had plagued her since the beginning but lately her opinion was really tipping towards this all being her own fault. Dutifully sucking on Savannah’s finger her mind was racing with thoughts. Then all of a sudden, her eyes locked with those of the driver and she instantly let out a moan due to the strong spike in humiliation driven arousal. Roxanne looked like a deer caught in the headlights realising how this must have looked from his perspective. 

Thinking he was picking up on a hint the driver who had seen just about everything that had happened over the course of the ride said. “Don’t worry you little slut, I have something else you can suck on in a moment.” The involuntary moan Roxanne let out as a reply to this new peak in embarrassment was happily mistaken for a sign of approval.

When he had first picked up these two he had found them rather strange. What was a gorgeous girl like that brunet doing with that fat ugly cow? Over the ride however a lot had cleared up and had really sparked his interest though. From what he could make of it the petite brunet really craved being dominated which was probably the only appeal she saw in her partner which he thought was very unappealing. During the ride the brunet had never once looked at her partner though and multiple times at him, which he mistook for interest instead of the panic over being watched like it really was.

In his mind the moan while looking straight at him had just about confirmed his thought that the fat cow was only a temporary fix for her need to be dominated and that she was desperately looking for someone more attractive to take advantage of her. Sure, he wasn’t the most attractive person himself, 35, out of shape, but not fat. It didn’t matter he certainly considered himself more attractive than the fat black girl and apparently the sexy brunet thought so too. He could just take off with the brunet and leave that fat cow at the mall, he thought.

While domination was only something he really knew from some of the porns he watched the thought was kinky and he liked that. Surely he could think of numerous ways to force his cock onto the girl and show her he was in charge. This fantasy and his confidence about that young brunet liking him much better than her so called Mistress had given him the confidence to speak up, but it instantly backfired.

“You fucking perv! How dare you speak to my girlfriend like that, this is pure harassment and don’t even think for a moment I won’t report this incident!” Savannah instantly lashed out at the driver keeping her finger in Roxanne’s mouth. They were just pulling up in the parking lot of the mall men the driver interrupted her rage.

One bad review would definitely be worth a run with this pretty girl, so he didn’t really care about the threat. “Calm down fatty, I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to the pretty one.” He said cockily trying to show the brunet he was dominant. Surely the girl would simply swoon over him now, but instead he saw how she moaned again, looking frightened leaning closer to the black girl while still sucking on her finger. It suddenly became clear to him that he had been wrong and that the brunet hadn’t been dropping hints at all. It dawned on him that if this black girl pressed charges against him the brunet would certainly testify against him and all of a sudden, all his confidence drained away, fear taking its place. “Euhm Y…yeah, about that, I’m sorry. “ He tried salvaging the situation as best as he could, felling like he was royally screwed.

“you’re sorry?! You better be fucking sorry, you fucking perverted asshole! You’ll pay for this, I promise! For starters I believe this ride was free, and on our return, you will bring us back for free as well!” Savannah shouted out of her mind with anger.

“Y…yes, of course.” The stunned driver stammered two free rides would be the least of his worries if this got out.

“Come Roxy, we’re out of here.” Savannah says a bit calmer opening the door and taking her finger out of Roxanne’s mouth, grabbing her hand instead. She pulled the girl out onto the parking lot before shouting. “And you better get the hell out of here right fucking now and not show yourself again until I call to bring us back!” With that said she slammed the door shut and watched as the frightened driver drove away.

Besides the driver Roxanne was scared out of her mind as well. She had never seen Savannah this angry and she was worried the black girl might take it out on her. So in order to try to appease her a bit she leaned in close to her roommate, close like a love sick girlfriend would and said. “Thank you for protecting me my love.” Roxanne really hoped that would at least calm down Savannah a little bit.

“That’s what girlfriends are for sweetie, besides I just fixed us two free rides.” Savannah smirked leaning down to plant a kiss on Roxanne’s lips once again invading the girls mouth with her tongue. Making a complete swing in emotions that left Roxanne stunned. How was this even possible? How could she just go from that angry to smirking?

Roxanne couldn’t wrap her head around it. What she did know however was that she was in for a long day. They had only just arrived, and she already felt like she could really use a break. How the hell was she supposed to get trough this day, she thought with a load of worries as she walked at Savannah’s hand to the entrance.


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