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Chapter 10

Roxanne woke up with a big sigh as usual. Her face still stunk of Savannah’s feet and the taste of her roommate’s pussy was still present in her mouth. Two things she had become way too familiar with over the past weeks much to her embarrassment. She still had some trouble with the new rule about walking around naked. Afterall getting dressed in the morning had been a routine of hers for as long as she could remember. She knew getting dressed would mean trouble however so instead of getting her clothes out she just picked Savannah’s tights and panties from two days ago off her closet handles.

Looking down at the intimates twice her size in her hands she remembered how these tights had spend so much time on her face and how she had sucked these panties clean off Savannah’s fingers. She blushed realising that while clothes were off limits for her these intimates had become a huge part of her life now. Mournfully she folded them and lay them by Savanah’s door. Apparently, she was still sleeping which was a good thing.

Normally a shower was also one of the first things she did in the morning, but today she just continued smelling like feet. She just didn’t dare to risk having to head out smelling like feet and since she only got one shower it had to be taken as late as possible. With that in mind she started eating her breakfast. At least it helped her get rid of the awful pussy taste in her mouth. Roxanne might have started to grow familiar with the taste and smell but she would probably never get used to it. They stayed just as bad as the first time. Yet she hadn’t been able to help herself but sniff it over and over. Those first panties were what had gotten her in this mess. Maybe Savannah was right and she really was a pervert. Maybe she just deserved this. Maybe deep down she really loved all these things and Savannah saw her for what she was while she continued lying to herself. Why else would she have done all those nasty things Savannah didn’t tell her or force her into? Things like starting to suck those nasty panties all on her own last night.

These questions really bothered Roxanne. Rationally she knew that she was normal but trough all of the mind twisting and trickery she had been subjected to she really didn’t know what to believe anymore. Savannah’s plan was clearly working. The only clear thought in Roxanne’s mind was that she wanted to avoid worse at all costs which meant doing whatever her roommate demanded.

Now with the rule of those daily sample spankings that were actually quite harsh a reminder of why Roxanne should go out of her way to try and make her roommate happy was never far away. This mentality caused her to raise to her feet instantly as soon as Savannah entered the kitchen. She had been nearly done eating but instead of finishing her breakfast she chose to instantly greet Savannah. 

Not with a greeting or with words like other people. No Roxanne got down on her knees and crawled underneath the table waiting for Savannah to sit down so she could give her roommate’s feet their morning kiss. Savannah was wearing the exact same outfit as she had been wearing yesterday which actually made her feet smell pretty bad already this early on. Roxanne dreaded how they would smell after two days of wear. “Goddess it is an honour to kiss your feet when they already smell this great in the morning. I am really looking forward to this evening.” Roxanne said with a blush paying her mandatory compliment.

Once she was finished she didn’t get up. Instead she looked up to the intimidating Savannah with a bright blush. She really didn’t want this and asking for it was so humbling and humiliating but if she didn’t want to get spanked right before her date she had to ask for it now and she knew it. “G…Goddess, would you please be so kind to give me my daily spanking right now?” Roxanne asked shyly.

“Well of course my little perv, let’s get right to it.” Savannah smirked shoving her chair back which Roxanne took as a cue to lay over the black girl’s lap. She felt so degraded, but it was for the best she told herself.

While Roxanne was suffering, nervously waiting for her roommate to start the spanking Savannah was having a blast. She was in the best mood in like ever things just kept on getting better and better. Sure the slow approach had been frustrating at times but it was all worth it now that she was starting to see the results.

She always thought Roxanne was gorgeous and yet she had hated the idea of having to live with this stuck-up white bitch. All these over privileged white girls were the same in Savannah’s eyes but now she had one firmly under her control and it was just the best thing ever. Seeing this gorgeous white girl jump and interrupt her breakfast just to make out with her feet she knew stunk horribly all while carrying her initials in her heart shaped pubic hair had been a joy to watch.

Even better was how the girl had looked up at her and almost begged to be spanked. The scared pleading look in her eyes had really sent a thrill down to Savannah’s pussy. She knew how much Roxanne hated all of this and yet the girl had pleaded and gotten over her lap without even as much as a hint coming from Savannah. Roxanne clearly was getting in the mindset she wanted and that only from a few minor hypnotic nudges. This had all mainly been Roxanne giving in on her own, well tricked by Savannah ofcourse but the fact that Roxanne wasn’t forced by the socks to do all of this made it that much sweeter.

Savannah took a moment to enjoy the powerful sensation of having this pretty girl bend over her thick red nylon covered thighs. With her big black hand she gently stroked and even groped the perfect juicy white globes of flesh that were still slightly discoloured from yesterdays spanking. Soon they would feature a new layer of red, all at Savannahs hand.

Before all of this Savannah had thought that this girl even smelled pretty, the perfume she used, her soap, her shampoo, the creams,… It all smelled so nice. Lately however the only smell hanging around the girl had been that of Savannahs dirty socks and while that wasn’t a nice smell at all Savannah highly preferred it. Every time she smelled the girl running around smelling like her laundry basket she got a thrill of excitement. For Savannah this was a sign of her complete dominance.

She already looked forward to the moment where she could let the girl smell like that all the time, the moment she would be hers completely even in public. Savannah did realise that would take time though. A lot of time. Until now everything had been behind closed doors, no one knew. It was the reason the blackmail worked. Making this public at this point in time would probably make Roxanne break down and give her the courage to break free from the control Savannah had gradually build. Going public was a huge step and just like everything so far she would need to be careful to approach it with one small step at a time.

At least now Savannah had something to be frustrated about again. A frustration she instantly took out on the girls bottom in ten loud hard spanks. Unlike other times however Savannah kept the girl pinned to her lap even after the spanking. She gently stroked the girls glowing backside which brought whimpers out of her. After a minute of this she proceeded to let her middle finger slide between the girl’s thighs up and down her perfectly shaped pussy lips. This got an instant shriek out of Roxanne but much to Savannahs delight she didn’t try to get away.

All she did as protest was making up an excuse. Not even daring to let Savannah know that she was crossing boundaries and she really didn’t want that. Not that Savannah would allow real protest but still it was another testament of her current mindset that she didn’t even try to argue, instead sucking it up despite her obvious discomfort. “P…please Goddess, I need to get going because I don’t want to be late for class.” She pathetically whimpered.

Savannah didn’t listen and this made her just give up, trying to steel her nerves to endure this humiliation. Savannah had no plans of backing down. Instead she took her time rubbing up and down Roxanne’s slit a couple off times before pushing it inside slowly which got another shriek out of Roxanne. Savannah just kept on pushing till she felt Roxanne’s hymen with the tip of her finger. Roxanne really was still a virgin and it brought a huge smile to Savannahs face. She really was still a virgin and if it depended on Savannah it would stay that way.

Roughly she pulled her finger out and held it in front of Roxanne’s face. “Alright perv, you can suck my finger clean and then you may get ready.” Savannah casually announced.

“Thank you Goddess for giving me a sample of what will happen if I ever disobey.” Roxanne whimpered before she forgot before wrapping her lips around her roommate’s fat middle finger covered in only a little of her own pussy juices. It tasted sweeter and less strong than Savannah’s pussy she thought as she sucked and circled her tongue around the gat finger getting a moan out of Savannah which only made her blush harder.

Savannah was obviously enjoying this. She left her finger there in place for a full five minutes during which Roxanne didn’t dare to pull away. Instead she dutifully kept on sucking even if the finger was already as clean as it would get.

Once Savannah did pull her finger away Roxanne took it as a sign that she could get off her lap. With a bright red bottom she crawled underneath the table back to her seat where she finished her breakfast standing. After clearing the table she crawled back underneath the table gave Savannah’s feet a goodbye kiss and rushed to the bathroom to shower after paying the needed compliment.

A few minutes later Roxanne reappeared showered, clean, sweet smelling and all dressed up ready to pretend she didn’t belong to Savannah for another day. Savannah just smirked watching the girl leave.

During classes Roxanne’s mind often wandered off reliving the memory of how Savannah had pushed a finger in her pussy. It had felt so weird, so alien to have someone else touch her there and it made her shudder each and every time. She really hoped this wasn’t some new kind of evolution, but she knew not to get her hopes up too much. At least today she had a nice thought to counter her nerves. Every time her mind went to a bad place she just thought about her date this evening and how wonderful it would be. Chad really was the love of her life. Her light in the darkness.

The day flew by rather quickly and soon she was on her way back to the dorms. Just approaching the one she shared with Savannah made her nerves sky rocket. Entering the dorm room Roxanne dutifully stripped naked before moving further inside. She had a favour to ask and she was actually quite scared to do so. Being on her best behaviour would be key for this to succeed.

Like always Savannah was already waiting on the couch making Roxanne wonder if the girl even went to her classes. Not that it was any of her business. Dutifully she headed over to savannah and slipped the red ballet flats she was wearing off her feet. A very strong scent. Stronger than ever before hit her as a slap in the face making her gag again for the first time in a long while. This didn’t stop Roxanne from burying her face into the damp yellow nylon of Savannah’s ruffled ankle socks anyway, giving both of them a passionate kiss. 

“Just as expected your feet smell divine Goddess.” Roxanne forced herself to say which made Savannah giggle. Great smelling Roxanne was right back to smelling like a pair of worn socks. “A…Also I have a huge favour to ask of you Goddess. I have a date tonight at 7 o’clock and I was wondering if you would allow me to kiss your feet goodbye before I get ready.” Roxanne asked quietly almost too scared to even ask this favour.

Savannah smiled, the fact that Roxanne nearly asked permission just to go on her date was too precious. She was tempted to deny her, but instead decided to play the long game here as well. “Hmmm, a pretty huge favour indeed. Tell you what, you have been somewhat good lately and I see you are starting to learn so consider your wish granted. I do believe however that it is important that you get to satisfy your perverted urges enough otherwise you might not be able to control yourself again and go behind my back. We really can’t let that kind of transgression happen.” Savannah said in a serious tone.

“Yes Goddess, absolutely Goddess. Whatever you say Goddess.” Roxanne instantly replied the worry audible in her voice. She really didn’t want to run the risk of her date getting ruined.

“Alright, so as a counter measure I suggest you get underneath my feet right now.” Savannah said while lifting her feet. Roxanne instantly got the hint and got down on her back allowing her roommate to place her feet on her face. Something Savannah didn’t even hesitate to do. The smell was way stronger than ever before and even after spending so much time under Savannah’s feet already Roxanne still had a hard time dealing with this.

“Glad you agree, It’s almost 4 o’clock now and I estimate that half an hour to prepare must be more than enough which means you can spend the next two and a half hours right here underneath my feet. Isn’t that great? Ofcourse when you come back no matter how late you need to come see me as well just to be certain.” Savannah cheered looking down at the girl underneath her feet. Well her body at least. Roxanne’s face was entirely covered by her horrendous smelling feet. What a wonderful sight this fit body, those nice perky breasts, and best of all the pubic hair carrying her initials.

Laying underneath Savannah’s feet always seemed to last forever. Roxanne had nothing to do, and the smell and humiliation were horrible. Occasionally Savannah would rub her breasts or pinch her nipples under her toes. Once she even let her foot rub over Roxanne’s pussy, but those were the only small distractions Roxanne had during those long two and a half hours of horrible smelling waiting. The distractions only really served to humiliate Roxanne even further.

After the long two and a half hours Savannah finally lifted her feet up allowing Roxanne to get up. As she did the smell of Savannah’s feet quickly followed, emanating from her sweat covered face. Even Savannah had to admit that she could barely stand the smell up so close which made her laugh. She knew her feet smelled pretty quickly but she hadn’t known it would get this bad. Not that it was her problem. If she had thought about it she could have known that wearing tights, socks and flats two days straight in warm weather would have such an effect, but truth is she didn’t really care.

Instead Savannah just laughed as a nearly sick Roxanne hurried towards the shower. In the shower Roxanne took a lot of time to make sure she was really really clean. The current state of her pubic hair sucked but she knew shaving Savannah’s creation would mean hell to pay. No the only important thing now was getting rid of the horrid foot smell even if it meant not being able to spend as much time doing her make up as she liked.

When she finally came out of her room dressed and made up Savannah had to admit she looked gorgeous. The way her brown hair fell perfect in a wavy fashion, just a touch of makeup enhancing Roxanne’s natural beauty, making her bright blue eyes really pop out. The small black cocktail dress accentuated her figure in all the right ways while the sheer black pantyhose and black high heels really drew the attention to the killer legs the girl had. Fuck Savannah thought Roxanne would definitely get laid tonight hell with how she looked no guy would even care about what the letters in her pubic hair meant. She had to put a stop to this but how? She had given Roxanne her word and that meant a lot, if she broke her word her whole plan might fall apart. Yet she wasn’t ready to let Roxy lose her virginity.

Then suddenly an idea struck her. “Roxy, come here a moment. I have one more important thing for you.” Savannah said instantly prompting Roxanne to nervously approach her. “Since you have a date I am worried that you might not be able to act out your perversions enough but I have thought of something. Lift up your skirt for me you little perv.” Savannah said with a smirk.

Nervously Roxanne did so revealing that she was wearing a sexy lace pair of panties underneath the pantyhose. “All right, I want you to stay exactly like this until I tell you you can go.” Savannah said. With a huge grin Savannah bend forward to take off one of her ruffled ankle socks. She then proceeded to slip down the girls pantyhose and panties and laid down her nasty sock right in the crotch. With a swift motion she pulled the girls panties and pantyhose back in place trapping the sock tightly against her pussy. “There you go, I know it isn’t a lot but this way you can stay in touch with your perversions. Have fun on your date.” Savannah smiled. There was no way Roxanne would ever let it go far enough to end up in a situation where there is even a small chance she would have otherwise taken off her panties.

This small measure would ensure that Roxanne would come back a virgin still. It was simply genius even if Savannah said so herself. The fact that Roxanne would stay a virgin due to her nasty sock only made things better. So much better. It was just precious to see her roommate head out the door all made up yet with a pale shocked face. Only she and Savannah knew she had a nasty smelly sock stuck to her pussy. There was no possible explanation for that.

Roxanne walked out the dorm mortified. With every step she took she could feel the ruffled border rub against her pussy and thighs. It was quite itchy but she had to endure, afterall scratching between her legs was something she really didn’t want to do, she didn’t want anyone to grow suspicious either.

The short walk to the restaurant she was supposed to meet with Chad was very awkward. She felt so stupid with that sock between her legs hopefully no one would see or notice it. Or worse even smell it. One thing was certain she would sit as still as she could and cross her legs in order to contain whatever smell might escape. To think she had felt so confident and sexy in this her outfit to begin with, now all that confidence was gone.

When she met up with Chad she appeared quite shy and nervous. Luckily chad just found it cute that even though they were a couple Roxanne was still nervous about their first date. If only he knew where the nerves had come from he would have probably just stopped their relationship then and there. They went inside and as they got talking Roxanne started to feel more and more at ease. The more time went by the more confident she grew that Chad couldn’t smell the socks. Chad also just managed to make her feel at ease. There was just something about his way of talking and behaving.

Roxanne was madly in love with Chad and even managed to forget about the sock in her panties. The way he looked into her eyes, the way he held her hand, it just made her heart race. After a couple of hours the meal drew to a close, chat payed for everything then held her hand and looked deep into her eyes. “Look Roxanne, you really are the greatest person I have ever met and I was wondering if you would like to go back to my dorm. We could watch a movie make our self at ease and close out this evening as perfect as it has been so far. What do you think?” Chad asked.

She wanted nothing more than to scream yes. It had been what she had secretly hoped for when she got dressed. To be invited along and maybe just maybe even lose her virginity. She wouldn’t push it, but she certainly wouldn’t stop it either. She really felt like Chad was the one she wanted to give her virginity to. Savannah’s nasty sock completely changed this however. Taking off her dress was a no go since it would definitely lead to discovery. The lacy panties were too small to fully contain the sock and the pantyhose to sheer to hide the bright yellow nylon.

If she said yes the possibility that Chad would get touchy was real and while she really craved his touch she knew she couldn’t risk it. With pain in her heart she said. “Look Chad, I really, really, really love you a lot but I can’t go back to your place. I am sorry but I…” Roxanne said clearly disappointed.

Chad just interrupted her with a shushing sound before kissing her on the lips and saying. “You don’t need to be sorry Roxanne, you don’t even need to explain yourself, I know you love me and I love you back with all my heart. I had a great evening with you and nothing will change that at least allow me to walk your back to your dorm building.”

“You’re the best Chad, I would love for you to walk me back.” Roxanne said giving Chad another kiss. Like that the couple walked out of the restaurant hand in hand, Roxanne’s head resting on Chad’s shoulder. Upon reaching the front door of the building they said they’re goodbyes with another passionate kiss before Roxanne climbed the stairs to the second story entering her and Savannah’s room butterflies still raging within her stomach.

That all ended the moment the door opened, and Savannah cried out. “Oh my god Roxy, you are home early. I take it you and your date didn’t fuck.”

Roxanne was taken completely by surprise. She hadn’t expected her roommate to be this direct, in fact she had hoped Savannah would already have gone to bed. It was only 10 o’clock on a Friday evening so she guessed it wasn’t that surprising that Savannah was still up, still a girl could hope right? “N… no Goddess we didn’t” Roxanne admitted embarrassed sounding quite sad. Then all of a sudden she remembered her rules and dropped down on her knees in front of the black girl to give her feet their welcome back kiss. One to the still socked foot and one to the foot covered only by the red tights. “Your feet are so beautiful, just like all of you Goddess.” Roxanne complimented.

“Oh don’t be so sad, you know what? I know just the thing to cheer you up. Since you didn’t get to have sex you get something even better, I’ll give you permission to masturbate with my socks again. Knowing what a perv you are that must be way better than sex with some guy right? Trust me a good orgasm and you will feel so much better. Now strip for me cause I believe you have sock number one.” Savannah smiled taunting her roommate over the fact that she had to masturbate with socks instead of having sex with Chad. Sure she still played the good guy but she knew the impact this had on Roxanne and she loved it.

Roxanne was devastated, not only had she missed a huge part of what could have turned this wonderful evening into an unforgettable one. Now she was supposed to masturbate with Savannahs nasty socks all while she could have lost her virginity to the love of her life. The thought deeply saddened her. So much even that she started to cry lightly while stripping down. 

The moment the dress went off Savannah could instantly make out the bright yellow around the girl’s crotch. Her plan had worked more than perfectly. Savannah waited patiently for Roxanne to remove her pantyhose and finally her panties, the sock coming down with them. “You really are in luck tonight Roxy. I still have a sock fresh from my foot for you to smell. Now get down on the ground here in front of me, carefully peel of my sock and get going.” Savannah ordered from the couch.

Roxanne felt miserable she still wasn’t over the fact that she had had to deny both Chad and herself but now Savannah wanted her to masturbate with the reason why she had to do it. She was no where near in the mood to masturbate, but the fear of what would happen if she didn’t was a good enough motivation to just do as Savannah said anyway.

Reluctantly she got down on the ground in front of the couch and peeled off her roommate’s other sock before pulling it on her left hand and the one from her panties on her right hand. She looked ridiculous with her bright yellow hand and the ruffles around her wrists. Yet all she wanted was to get this over with so she could call this a day and go to bed. It was what she had wanted since the disappointing ending off her date and yet her she lay at her roommate’s feet rubbing her pussy with a sock covered right hand while pressing the other one to her face and inhaling the disgusting cheesy sour smell with every breath she took.

It didn’t really do anything for her but humiliate her to her core. She knew from last time that eventually the physical stimulation would get to her but that would require a whole lot of rubbing. Especially now the socks smelled nastier than ever. Dutifully she continued however thinking about Chad didn’t really help this time. It only made her feel sad knowing that she could have been having sex with him right at this moment instead of rubbing her pussy with a ridiculous looking bright yellow sock.

Savannah on the other hand was having a blast. Seeing this sexy girl masturbate would have been great to watch even trough a key hole. There was no need for that however Roxy was really only masturbating for her using her dirty socks, a sight that would probably never get old. This was only made better by the knowledge that this and last time had probably been the girls only masturbation and sexual activity over the past two weeks. Savannah doubted that the girl had ever been in the mood not that it mattered. She liked the thought of having full control over the girls sexual activity. Even better was the fact that this was all the sexual activity she had ever had with another person.

Last time Savannah had forced herself to just watch but right now she felt secure enough in her control to join in on masturbating without the worry that the girl in front of her would find the courage to say or do anything about it. Savannah just whipped off her dress and bra and promptly slid a hand down into her tights and panties before starting to finger her own pussy. She nearly instantly had a first orgasm just from the power of openly masturbating to her roommate who was masturbating using her smelly socks. 

The orgasm didn’t stop Savannah how ever she just kept on fingering her pussy which was now making soppy noises with every thrust. These noises alerted Roxanne to what her roommate was doing and instantly made her eyes go wide in shock while she continued rubbing her own pussy. Savannah obviously loved the reaction as Roxanne witnessed her roommate having another orgasm right then and there. Instead of doing anything Roxanne just closed her eyes and tried not to think about it which was hard with the soppy noises continuing.

After her second orgasm Savannah used her free hand to start massaging her big breasts and large nipples. She had always loved the added sensation it provided along with the fingers in her pussy. This gave her another idea. Feeling on top of her game she figured that she could take the liberty of massaging Roxanne’s breasts with her tights covered feet and she did. She loved squeezing the soft mounds of flesh underneath her soles and pinching and pulling the nipples with her toes. She had also guessed right that she could. Roxanne had only softly whimpered but continued to masturbate as ordered.

Like this the duo continued to masturbate together Savannah overlooking everything and having multiple orgasms. While Roxanne lay underneath her feet busily rubbing hoping to just achieve an orgasm, so this humiliation could end. She hadn’t liked the addition of Savannah’s feet but as she finally started to get a bit aroused she had to admit to her great shame that it actually kind of felt good.

It took nearly an hour for Roxanne to cum like this but when she did she was so relieved that this would finally end that she moaned extra loud making sure Savannah knew she had achieved the goal. This in turn set Savannah off to have her ninth orgasm of the evening. Both girls fell back panting trying to regain their composure after the long intense masturbation session.

A few minutes later Savannah spoke up. “God Roxy I was afraid you would just keep on going you perv. Look at what you’ve done.” Savannah pulled four fingers out of her tights, the ones that had been in and on her pussy this whole time and showed them to Roxanne. They were all wrinkled and glistening with juices smelling strongly of Savannah’s unwashed pussy.

“Come suck them clean you little perv.” Savannah ordered after seeing the shock on Roxanne’s face. She just leaned back spread her legs revealing that she had managed to soak trough her panties and her tights onto the couch. Savannah rested her hand onto her belly letting the fingers stick out in front very close to her soaked crotch. In her post orgasmic horror Roxanne nearly lashed out. She really didn’t want to do this but the memory of this mornings spanking was still fresh motivating her to get to it anyway.

In order to reach the fingers Roxanne had no choice but to rise to her knees between the big black girls’ legs. With a loud whimper she took the girls index finger between her lips and started to lick and suck like she had done this morning. Only this time there was actually a lot of juice on it and it tasted horrible. Tangier than the grool she had had to lick out of the panty crotches every evening but just as bad.

“Mmmm that’s it Roxy, you are doing a good job.” Savannah moaned just leaning back and further enjoying her post orgasmic bliss. She really enjoyed having her fingers sucked on and so she only switched fingers every five minutes, five long minutes that tired Roxanne’s mouth bringing a renewed strength in taste every time she stared on a new finger. Due to the position of Savannahs hand her face was nearly pressed against her roommate’s soaked tights crotch which emanated a strong fishy smell. 

After nearly 20 minutes of finger sucking Savannah pulled her hand back at last. Most of the aftermath from her nine orgasms had died out and now she just felt tired cumming that much had really had taken it’s toll on Savannah, not that she minded she might not have gone out clubbing but she had one of the best Friday nights ever.

“Alright Roxy, you can skip your good night kiss. Just help me out of my tights and panties and we can call it a night.” Savannah said softer than usual. Obediently Roxanne started helping her large roommate out of her tights, a feat that was impossible without getting her own hands wet with Savannahs juices, which became even worse when she had to literally peel off the soaked panties off her roommate’s hairy pussy. Due to the still ingrained hypnotic commands Roxanne couldn’t help but give both items a thorough sniffing while she fully well knew she didn’t have to do so.

This made Savannah laugh. “Oh you little perv, you really can’t get enough can you?” taunted the naked black girl, even naked she was very intimidating to Roxanne. “Well go ahead, you can suck the crotch of my tights and panties clean as well, they both soaked up a lot more of my juices.” Savannah smirked.

Roxanne just looked at her lost for words. The last thing she wanted to do was suck up even more of savannahs pussy juices. God why had she even sniffed those awful stinking things, the knew perfectly well how they smelled. She couldn’t even deny she had done it and so she had no argument not to do as Savannah had just “permitted”, her way of giving an order. With the thought she had brought this upon herself she started sucking the juices out of Savannahs tights under the black girl’s supervision.

Savannah just looked on saying a simple, “Next!” after having watched Roxanne sucking the crotch for five minutes. Reluctantly Roxanne switched to the panties which she sucked for five minutes as well before Savannah got up and just left her there still sucking on the soaked fabric of her big panties. At least it meant she could stop now and she gratefully did.

Roxanne’s head was spinning, she had just sucked Savannah’s pussy juices from various place for nearly half an hour after one of the most intensely humiliating masturbation sessions ever. She was quite exhausted herself yet she couldn’t leave this place with all the discarded clothes. So dutifully she collected everything and threw it in the laundry before going to bed. The weekend had started, and Roxanne was worried what that would mean. Neither she nor Savannah had classes but she certainly didn’t plan on sticking around the dorm at all. Being out was her only escape from this mess and she knew it. Worrying about tomorrow Roxanne eventually managed to fall asleep.


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