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Chapter 3

It was still night when Lisa first woke up. She could tell from the lack of light coming from the edges of the curtain. Despite her early bed time she had laid awake so long that she wasn’t well rested yet. No, the reason she woke up was a way more disturbing one. She needed to pee, and she needed to pee badly. Normally she always peed before going to bed, even if she didn’t have to. Since her arrival here she hadn’t been allowed to visit a toilet however. Since she didn’t have to pee it had all been fine but now that big bottle of baby formula had made its way through her system the pressure on her bladder was nearly painful.

Suzan was still loudly snoring and with the penis shaped pacifies stuck in her mouth she couldn’t make enough noise to wake her. Since waking Suzan didn’t work she tried the crotch flap of this stupid onesie again, but between the limited movement the sleeves allowed and the heavy padding in the mittens she was helpless to do anything.

Not being restrained with anything else than the onesie Lisa tried standing up as a last resort. Getting out of this crib was the only option she still had left that could potentially lead anywhere, to an escape or even just out of the crib to get Suzan’s attention to bring her to the toilet. Anything would be good enough as long as she would not have to use this stupid diaper.

While standing was the option that could lead to the biggest pay off it still the one she tried last. She had tried standing a few times before, but it had all resulted into nothing. The pressure in her bladder made her desperate enough to try again anyway.

First she got up on her hands and knees unable to keep herself from thinking up in crawling position. From there she rose up to her knees lifting her arms as high as she which was only about an inch above her head. It was just enough to reach the top of the bars from her crib. At least that was a hopeful sign. This was the furthest she had gotten so far.

Due to the mittens she couldn’t really grab hold of the top bar but pressing down on it did give her at least some semblance of support. She certainly hoped the support would be enough to allow her to stand and get out of this thing. Slowly but surely, she was able to rise form her knees to an awkward unbalanced squatting position. It was as far as the onesie allowed her to go. Her head was now well above the bars, and this made pressing down on them for grip a bit easier. 

All she needed to do now was swing her legs over the bars and she would be out of the crib, once she accomplished that she could plan further, but now getting out of the crib was the only thing that mattered. With a considerable amount of effort Lisa lifted her right leg. The awkward squatting position was impossible to hold on only one leg however. She had only barely raised her leg when she lost her balance and fell down.

Much to her horror the impact of the fall was enough to force her overly full bladder to give away. Lisa was mortified as she realised what was happening. She could feel the warm wetness of the seemingly unending stream of piss soak into the bulky material all around her crotch and ass. The overly bulky diaper had no problem soaking it all up, but it did swell considerably forcing Lisa’s legs slightly further apart.

How? How could Lisa have let this happen? Why couldn’t she just control her bladder. While rationally she knew that it was due to the hours on end without a toilet and the big bottle of formula she had been forced to drink. Lisa still couldn’t believe or accept that she had actually peed herself. The evidence was tight there though tightly stuck around her whole bottom giving her a constant feel of the nasty deed she had done.

Full of disgust Lisa started sobbing. It went on for a while until she eventually sobbed herself to sleep, tired enough to sleep through that icky wet feeling around her bottom. 

Lisa managed to catch a few more hours of sleep before Suzan woke her up wearing a quite worn out white bathrobe. “Good morning sleepy head, I hope you had a good night’s rest. I decided to let you sleep in a bit. You know since yesterday you only got into bed at 9, well it is 9 again because every baby should sleep a full circle of the clock.” Suzan said with a look that radiated both affection but also lust mixed with something sadistic.

The girl couldn’t do anything but look up at her captor with her big blue scared eyes. She was still somewhat sleep groggy, but that grogginess quickly cleared up as she realised her current position. In Suzan’s eyes Lisa looked perfect. Without makeup she looks that much more innocent especially with that big pink pacifier shield over her mouth and fear was a nice change from the girl’s usual arrogance.

With a big smile Suzan reached down in the crib and picked the girl up, placing her on her hip like a mother would with a baby. Despite Suzan being larger than average and Lisa being way shorter than average the sight still looked comically out of proportion. Despite how childish the outfit and hairdo maid her look it was not hard to tell Lisa was in fact a fully-grown woman.

Lisa sitting on her hip caused the bulky diaper to be squeezed much to Lisa’s horror since it somehow made it feel wetter. It also allowed Suzan to instantly notice what had happened during the night and she didn’t plan on letting this opportunity slip at all.

“Uh oh, it looks like my little Lizzy has had an accident, but that’s alright, babies have accidents all the time, and you are nothing but a big baby. I mean why else would you pee yourself? Luckily I thought about putting you into diapers in the first place.” Suzan taunted attacking the girls sorest point directly.

Until now everything could be pinned on Suzan but wetting her diaper had been extra humiliating for Lisa since she had done so on her own. She might not have had much of a choice but in her mind that didn’t really matter. She felt terribly embarrassed about it and Suzan’s taunts only made it way worse.

Lisa couldn’t even try to defend herself or anything. The big penis shaped teat of the pacifier that was tied around her head made sure of that. All she could get out were some soft moans and groans of protest while Suzan kept on carrying her around stripping her of all her autonomy.

“I bet you are wishing for a change by now, but mommy can’t do that. Mommy barely has enough money to make it to the end of each month despite working very hard and Diapers, especially the special diapers you are wearing are very expensive. Then I’m not even talking about all the other stuff I’ve had to buy. Mommy had to go in debt to get everything she needed for her baby, so you understand why I can’t change you right?” Suzan said to the rich girl sitting on her hip. Not waiting for an answer, she hooked her finger into the ring attached to the girl’s pacifier shield and pulled up and down forcing her head in a nodding motion.

“Glad we are on the same page Lizzy.” Suzan laughed before pressing a kiss to the mortified girl’s pacifier shield. Its frustrated Lisa to no end. Her name wasn’t Lizzy and she certainly didn’t want to get changed. All she wanted was to get out of al this crap and sooner rather than later. God, she wanted to hit this stupid fat ugly old bitch and hit her hard for violating every inch of her personal space, but between the too short sleeves and the padding in the mittens all she would be able to do was give her a nudge.

Within her shameful embarrassment rage started to slowly grow but with all her limitations all it was able to do was boil inside her. Suzan knew how Lisa was probably feeling about all of this, but she didn’t care. Everything had been carefully planned to keep Lisa under her absolute control all weekend she wasn’t really worried about the girls rage or anything. 

If everything went right she would never have to worry about it cause this weekend was meant as an introduction to her weekends from now on and Suzan would make sure to gather enough dirt and other things on the girl to make sure she had no choice but to come back next weekend. 

The thing about not being able the diapers since they were too expensive was a lie as well. It would not have been a lie just yesterday, but since she had access of the girl’s phone and thus her linked bank account she had royally repaid her expenses as well as allowed herself a wage of sorts. Suzan could already imagine Lisa’s look when she realised she had been paying for everything including Suzan’s time. That would only be Sunday night when the weekend was over though, for now the girl was still blissfully unaware of all the changes that had already happened.

Suzan’s real reason for keeping Lisa in her wet diaper was to teach her a lesson in more than one way. She wanted the girl to feel what it was like to be poor, not to be able to buy everything she wanted and needing to cut back on expenses that directly affected her like diapers should do the trick. It also served as a nice punishment and of course a great way to enforce the mindset Suzan wanted. Every baby should be used to sitting in wet diapers for at least a while after all. 

Arrived in the kitchen Suzan place Lisa in the highchair once again. With a few swift motions she trapped the girl’s arms underneath the table of the highchair and went over to the counter to start running a can of coffee. While the coffee ran through she prepared another big bottle of formula and placed it in the microwave. 

“So, about the diaper changes. You will get changed every time the diaper is completely saturated and thrust me these can hold a whole lot of liquid. If you go poopy in your nappy however you get changed immediately.” Suzan said.

Alarm pings instantly went off in Lisa’s head. Poopy? Did this crazy bitch actually expect her to shit herself as well? There was no way in hell she was going to let that happen, even if it meant she had to hold her bowel movements all weekend. This was just plain sick, but all she could do was look at her captor in disgust, trapped in a highchair with no way of communication. 

What Suzan said next however really haunted the girl. It was way more disturbing than even the prospect of possibly shitting herself. It was just plain sick and instantly prompted her to struggle against the highchair. Apart from a slight creaking of the frame nothing happened. It was clearly build to withstand whatever struggle it was put through.

“You know I have checked the images of the infrared camera in my room to see if you have been good tonight and I was shocked to discover you have tried to escape. That is very ungrateful don’t you think? After all I’ve done for you.” Suzan said once again pulling the ring in the pacifier shield to make Lisa nod.

“Such naughty behaviour is definitely more than deserving of a punishment. The thing is if I would give you another spanking, even one with a hairbrush you probably won’t feel a thing due to your diaper and as you already know we can’t take it off not unless it is fully saturated, so another punishment is in order. Trust me when I say you are just going to love it, it will help a great deal in achieving your goal of getting a nicely saturated diaper.” Suzan laughed sadistically.

Suzan disappeared from view for a few seconds before reappearing holding a sort of cup with some tubing at the end. “I have yet to go to the toilet this morning, but I know the perfect place to go and I see you know so too.” Suzan laughed before kneeling in front of the highchair.

With how tight the seat was, especially fitting around that diaper it took her some time to open up the crotch flap of Lisa’s diaper, but once she did she didn’t waste a minute feeding the tube-end in the waistband of the bulky thing. Lisa could feel it hold tightly between the diaper and where her pubic bush used to be.

Lisa’s eyes went wide in fear when she watched Suzan opened up her robe revealing her fat sagging body as well as the thick mat of salt and pepper hair between her legs. Slowly she raised the cup at her end of the tube up to her pussy, her eyes not once looking away from her captives big pleading blue eyes. God Suzan was so hot right now along with her lesbian tendencies she had apparently been supressing some real perverted feelings.

Feelings that were hitting her full force now that she had a subject to force them upon. Deep inside she felt ashamed of what she was doing. She did feel way too good to stop doing it however. Besides, it was not like this bitch didn’t deserve it. No, she deserved this, and Suzan liked it, so she rationalised that they must have been made for each other.

“You know Lisa, I haven’t yet gone to the toilet since I woke up and it is kind of urgent by now. I bet it is more than enough to help you along a long way on your quest to a saturated diaper. Anyway, that’s enough talking, I’m sure you can’t wait to get changed so I won’t wait any longer to help you out.” Suzan said sadistically.

All Lisa could do was whimper from behind her pacifier and wiggle lightly in her highchair. The next thing she heard sent chills of horror down her spine. There was a loud hissing noise and even without looking Lisa knew it came from Suzan’s pee hitting the cup. 

At first, Lisa didn’t feel anything. She didn’t want to look down at Suzan’s pubic area either. No that was just disgusting, she was just grateful that Suzan had maybe changed her mind, maybe this was all just meant to scare her or something.

That changed immediately the moment she felt something very warm and wet on her own pubic mound, streaming down along her pussy and soaking into the padding all around her bottom. Instantly she tried even harder to scream or move away, but it didn’t matter the stream kept flowing as tears brimmed her eyes.

Peeing herself had been horrible. It was still nothing compared to what was happening right now however. She couldn’t even imagine anything more disgusting than feeling someone else’s pee on her. The way she could feel it flow made her skin crawl. The fact that she could feel it soaking in her diaper only made things worse. Remembering Suzan’s earlier statement about the diaper changes she realised she would be stuck marinating in this disgusting bitch’s pee.

Things were only made worse when Suzan pulled out a camera and started recording the whole thing. Another horrible video on the pile of blackmail material Suzan had over the girl. Lisa couldn’t even start to imagine what it would mean if this ever got out.

The torment seemed to go on forever from Lisa’s point of view, in reality it did last about two minutes. Two long minutes of Suzan’s piss flowing over her crotch. Lisa felt miserable, but at least the torment had finally stopped.

Suzan efficiently pulled the cup away letting the last of the pee in the tube flow down into Lisa’s diaper while she wiped herself clean. A few seconds later the tube got pulled out of Lisa’s diaper and got carried away to the sink. Lisa could feel the new warmth and increased wetness inside her diaper, a constant reminder that she was now sitting in Suzan’s piss. She really wondered how long it would take till this damn thing was wet enough. One thing was for sure, whenever she felt the need to pee she would just let it go cause there was no way she was going to sit in this diaper any longer than necessary, if she had to pee herself again to get out then so be it. She had done so already, and it wasn’t like holding her bladder really mattered in the first place. It didn’t look like she would be allowed to use a toilet when she was here at all. She couldn’t even get to one and use it even if she wanted dressed as she was.

Unintentionally Suzan had given Lisa a strong motivation to pee herself whenever the need rose. No more holding up, no more trying to control her bladder. Neither of them realised it but this punishment had just sparked a slow road to incontinence for Lisa.

“Now now my little Lizzy, are you happy mommy helped you along in filling your nappy for you?” Suzan asked sweetly despite the sadistic message. Once again, she made the helpless girl nod by her pacifier.

“I knew you would be, now would you like mommy to keep helping you? If we both use your diaper you can get changed twice as fast, isn’t that great?” Suzan asked, taking a firm grip of the pacifier ring to prevent the girl from shaking her head. It took a little more effort to get Lisa’s head moving this time, but eventually Suzan managed to force her into another nod.

“Alright sweetie, then from now on your nappy is the only toilet that will be used in this house. You know, I am kind of shocked you want this, but you seemed to be nodding so enthusiastically that I just can’t deny you that favour sweetie.” Suzan said only to further rub in how completely at her mercy Lisa was. Even gestures which were currently one of Lisa’s only means of communication were controlled by Suzan and it really stung. Especially with the realisation that this hadn’t been a onetime thing. 

If Lisa had known what would happen here she would have never come her in the first place. Her own pride and preservation of her ego had gotten in the way though and look at where it had gotten her. She was definitely at an all time low in her life.

“Alright Lizzy, I’m going to remove your pacifier now, so you can have your bottle. I don’t want to hear a single word from you though or you can be certain that I will give you a whole new definition to the word sorry. Is that understood?” Suzan asked in a stern serious tone. She didn’t grab a hold of the pacifier this time, she just let Lisa nod on her own.

What other choice than to nod and do as she was told did she really have? Sure, she could scream for help or curse at Suzan, but what good would it do? Apart from being able to speak again nothing would change with the removal of the pacifier, she would still be stuck in the highchair and Suzan could just replace the pacifier again. 

Lisa also didn’t dare Suzan on her threats. The punishments she had had so far were awful, she was still shocked about the latest one and while she didn’t know what worse could happen she was sure Suzan would find something worse. After this morning’s events so far, Lisa had pretty much given up on resisting. Suzan had said this was only for the weekend and it made sense. Otherwise someone would notice she was gone and if it got reported her dad would make sure that the entire police force focused only on finding her. 

If they did that it wouldn’t even take a day to find her here. Afterall going over everyone who could have access was a logical first step and Suzan as the maid certainly fit that group. Over the weekend no one would probably report her missing though. Sure she had thrown awesome parties and paid round after round of cocktails and champagne at night clubs. She had surrounded her with people who gave her attention and were as friendly as possible towards her, but she now realised she didn’t have a single person she could really call a friend. It had never bothered her, but now it did. She realised now that she had acted pretty bitchy to most of those people and the only reason they put up with it was to attend the parties. Never before had she worried about the fact that people only liked her for her money. Sitting here stripped of all money and power she had Lisa truly wished for someone to genuinely care about her.

Since she didn’t have such a person she was stuck here for the weekend and she had pretty much made up her mind. She would try to get through this as good as she possibly could and once she was free she would figure out a way to put a stop to Suzan and her blackmail. Unless she had a really good chance to escape she would just have to wait this one out cause Suzan had definitely proven that disobedience was punished harshly. It was only Saturday morning and she realised this would be a long hard weekend, but she just had to push through it. Not like she had another choice. The only choice she had was how much she tried to resist and consequently how much harder she would make this on herself.

A few seconds later Suzan unfastened the buckle at the back of Lisa’s head that kept the pacifier in place and slowly pulled it out. Instantly Lisa started stretching her jaw and tongue. The penis shaped teat had filled her mouth for more than twelve hours now and having it removed allowing for movement felt great. 

At first Suzan’s reaction was to shove the thing back in thinking Lisa was trying to talk or yell, but as soon as she realised what she was doing Suzan just grinned and said. “Good girl, now you stay quiet and wait for your bottle and I won’t have to punish you.”

Suzan walked to the microwave and pulled out the large bottle of formula with its big penis shaped teat. Just looking at it made Lisa feel embarrassed, especially in the knowledge that she would soon be sucking on it.

“Open up sweetie, breakfast is ready. Now be a good girl and drink it all up, show mommy how big a girl you are, or mommy is afraid she will have to punish you again. Afterall we can’t afford to waste anything.” Suzan said sweetly pressing the tip of the teat to Lisa’s lips.

Reluctantly yet realising she had to even for her own sake Lisa took the bulbous tip of the penis shaped teat in her mouth. She felt embarrassed about the connotation it had. The fact that Suzan once again started to slowly push and pull on the bottle making it look like she was giving a blowjob really didn’t help either.

Never the less Lisa started sucking she didn’t like the sickingly sweet taste of the formula, especially not now that it was warm. She knew that it was the only way to make this stop however. The drinking on its own was a bit easier than yesterday, but it still took her at least 15 minutes to finish the bottle. By that time her mouth once again felt quite fatigued.

After being done with the feeding Suzan put the bottle in the sink and poured herself a big mug of coffee before sitting down at the kitchen table. The aroma of coffee was strong, and it made Lisa crave a cup of her own. She always had coffee in the morning, well not the off-brand coffee Suzan used. Hell, she didn’t even own a coffee machine. She always got herself a special coffee at Starbucks. Sometimes even going as far as having a coffee delivered to her. 

Yet the fact remained that she loved coffee and she could really do with one now. The chance that Suzan would allow it was non-existing though, but it didn’t stop her from staring at the mug. It didn’t take long for Suzan to catch on to what she was looking at either.

It was strange, the bottle was so much that she felt bloated and yet she really wanted a mug of coffee as well. “You want some coffee to little girl?” Suzan asked teasingly, she just thought that Lisa looked so cute with her big blonde pigtails all helpless in her high chair.

Lisa couldn’t believe Suzan actually asked her. She almost said, “Oh god yes!” but she quickly reconsidered and just nodded remembering the warning about speaking. She really didn’t want to fuck up and get punished. Especially not now that she might actually get something she wanted. Sure it was only a mug of coffee, but it were the little things that counted in her current state. She was happy with anything she could get.

Suzan smirked seeing how the girl refrained from speaking up. Lisa was docile and obedient, just like she wanted. Oh the wonders proper motivation could do. That and the fact that she knew it was only for the weekend. If she hadn’t had a prospect of getting out of this she would probably still be fighting with everything she got.  Oh well, there was always next weekend, and the weekend after that. Suzan knew Lisa would probably do everything she could do make this the first and last weekend but there was no way Suzan was going to let that happen.

The girl had been good so far this morning though, so it might pay off to give her a small reward every now and then. Still Suzan wasn’t planning on just giving away the reward for free, Lisa would have to work for it first. Nothing much, just a bit of self-inflicted humiliation would do the trick. Still seeing if she could get the girl to do what she wanted would be fun.

“Hmmm, alright. You have permission to talk but only to ask mommy nicely what you want. So go ahead Lizzy, what is it that you want?” Suzan asked with a smirk.

There were a ton of things Lisa wanted at the moment, like a way out of this whole mess. She wanted to scream how her name was Lisa, but she realised she would probably just get punished if she said or asked about any of that. Right now was the first time she might actually be able to accomplish something and she would not screw this up.

“Can I have a mug of coffee please… mommy?” Came Lisa’s question. There was a slight hesitation before the word mommy, calling Suzan that was just plain wrong and humiliating, but it didn’t matter. She was so transfixed on that mug of coffee that she managed to do it.

“Well, you are way to young to be drinking coffee already my precious Lizzy. You have been very good this morning however so how about a reward? Mommy can dip your pacifier in her mug to allow you a taste however, but only if you promise it will remain our little secret, is that alright?” Suzan asked with a smirk.

“Yes mommy.” Lisa said with a bright blush Suzan had just radically lowered the reward and still Lisa kept agreeing. By now it was more so out of the need to accomplish getting something she wanted from her captor than the coffee itself.

“Alright then Lizzy, promise to mommy that it will remain our little secret and you can have it.” Suzan said.

“Mommy, I promise it will remain our little secret.” Lisa said embarrassed going along with the game. Suzan didn’t respond again. She just took the pacifier, dipped the penis shaped teat into her mug of coffee and held it before the blonde girls’ lips.

Lisa instantly opened her mouth and let Suzan slide the pacifier back in place before buckling it behind her head again. The taste of coffee was way more bitter and less aromatic than the coffees Lisa always got herself and yet she was happy. In her mind it had been a victory to get something from Suzan she had asked for. For the first time she had taken control of something instead of just following along with everything Suzan wanted.

She had been so focused on achieving the coffee though that she didn’t really think about how she just had allowed Suzan to manipulate her into basically asking for her pacifier. Nor did she think about the fact that she had accepted it as a reward. In her mind that was not what had happened and that was all that counted.

Suzan just smirked and finished her coffee. Things were going great. It made her wonder how far she would be able to control the girl over time. Which in turn let to her fantasising about all the dirty things she could do with her. Now that the cat was out of the bag anyway she might as well enjoy her perversions.


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