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Chapter 2

During her first free Thursday in a long time Suzan decided to sleep in late before doing some shopping for Friday. She had big plans for that little brat of a Lisa and she couldn’t wait to put them into action. Even just imagining how she would react brought a smile to her face. This was going to be perfect, revenge and realising a lifelong dream all in the same package.

As Friday arrived the nerves started to grow for Suzan as well, would Lisa show up? Was she really ready to go through with this? Afterall what she was about to do was illegal in more ways than one, so she had to make sure her execution was on point, so she wouldn’t get into trouble. After double checking everything a last time she sat down and crossed her fingers hoping the brat would show up to begin with.

Not having much of a choice Lisa showed up at the agreed address. An apartment in a shadier part of town she had never been in before. The girl stood out as a sore thumb as she stepped out of the taxi she took her. She was carrying a Louis Vuitton hand bag, a white dress and sunglasses from channel, nude pantyhose and a pair of expensive looking Strappy brown high heeled sandals. She was dressed to impress and that was exactly what she planned to do. Scaring her maid into deleting all evidence maybe throwing some money her way to seal the deal but Lisa certainly didn’t plan to stay long. In fact, she had already made plans to go out later tonight fully expecting to just finish up here quickly.

Lisa was annoyed to find out this apartment building didn’t even have a lift, she actually had to take the stairs up to the third floor before knocking at the apartment her maid lived in. When Suzan opened up the door the contrast between the two of them couldn’t be bigger. Suzan was dressed in a simple navy-blue dress, a pair of thick black tights and comfortable loafers. Despite the considerable heel on Lisa’s shoes Suzan was still quite a bit taller.

Just as Suzan wanted to greet her Lisa pushed past her into the apartment that could fit completely in her livingroom alone. “So Suzan is it?  Let’s get straight down to business, you have some pics that I want to see removed. Just name your price so we can wrap this all up okay?” Lisa said arrogantly in an annoyed tone.

Suzan couldn’t believe the arrogance of this brat, she came here needing something from her and yet she still acted like she owned the place, the nerve. If there had been any doubt in Suzan’s mind about what she was about to do Lisa had now certainly seen to it that it was erased. The brat deserved everything that was coming to her thought a shocked Suzan who just clenched her fists. Soon the brat would pay, very soon.

“Lisa, the thing is I don’t want your money. I just want to find out what exactly it is that drove you to dress up like that. Knowing full well that I would be there the following morning.” Suzan said calmly giving the brat a glass of green tea soda. The high-end brand she had seen around Lisa’s apartment. It had been very expensive for her to budget and she would never spend that much on a soda for herself. In order for her plan to work she did need Lisa to drink though and so she hoped it would end up being a good investment. 

Lisa took a cautious sip off the drink to make sure it wasn’t any off-brand garbage, but as she realised it was her brand she quickly drunk it all down. The sweetened taste and natural flavour making her completely obvious to the fact that her drink had been spiked. Suzan wasn’t stupid, and she realised that there was no way Lisa was going to go along with her plan with what little blackmail she had. The blackmail had served its purpose which was getting the girl here.

“Look, I don’t know how or why I ended up like I did, I was passed out drunk and I don’t remember nearly anything from that night. That’s the truth, I swear. Now can we just get this over with because I have better things to do.” Lisa answered annoyed.

Now that Lisa had finished her spiked drink Suzan became bolder. It was only a matter of time till the drugs did their work now. Lisa might not realise it just yet, but she had already lost, Suzan thought with a smile before speaking up. “I could have sworn you just dressed up like that because you wanted me to find you. Why don’t you just admit it, you are just a little perv who gets off on acting like a baby.” Suzan knew this was bound to get a reaction out of the brat, but it didn’t matter.

She was right as Lisa instantly lashed out. “What?! You’re crazy. That’s gross, how could anyone want something like that? That is not what I meant to happen at all. I didn’t mean for anything to happen at all, just waking up like that was bad enough!” Lisa screamed, her head starting to spin.

Suzan pressed on seeing how Lisa already started to look slightly groggy. “It’s a shame, you looked so cute like that. In fact it really made me want to take you in.” The older woman said matter of factly. 

“Whaaa that insaaaneee!” Lisa instantly shouted, her words becoming slurred. She tried to get up to leave this crazy woman but as soon as she rose everything became blurry. She didn’t feel all that steady on her legs either. Three steps were all she managed to take in the end before collapsing on the floor. The last thing she remembered seeing was a smiling Suzan standing over her.

Perfect, Suzan thought as she kicked her plan into action. She didn’t have a lot of time, but it should be more than enough to give the girl a huge surprise when she woke up. Suzan giggled wondering how the brat would react once she did wake up and find out what happened. With that in mind she started preparing the girl, taking a step back to admire her work once she was done. Now all that rested was waiting for the girl to wake up.

Lisa had been out for about half an hour when she finally started to stir awake. Her head still felt a bit fuzzy and she was beginning to remember what had happened. Remembering Suzan’s words and smile made her eyes shoot open widely. She had to get out and right now, she thought not yet fully aware of what had changed.

The first thing Lisa noticed was some sort of soft pink painted metal bar in front of her. Following it with her eyes from on the ground to the top made her realise it wasn’t all that high. She estimated that she would easily be able to climb over it. What worried her more however was that the object those bars belonged to seemed to resemble an oversized crib, reason the more to escape. Lisa was just attempting to get up when she noticed in panic that she couldn’t quite rise. When she looked down to see what was holding her back she was horrified. She looked to be wearing some kind of baby romper. It was a soft pastel pink with a hot pink heart in the middle that read “Mommy’s Angel”. This romper was made to include her legs and feet as well as her arms and hands. The sleeves ended in some sort of mittens bundling her fingers yet still allowing her to use her thumb separately. She would still be able to grab things but only if they were large enough. The romper overall was a rather tight fit so trying to worm out of it without help was impossible. The worst thing however was how both the arms and the legs of the garment seemed to be quite a bit too short. It made it impossible to stretch her arms and legs completely which in turn made it impossible to rise to her feet.

While the bars weren’t that tall the suit made it impossible to climb over it making her about as helpless as a baby. Lisa hated that thought, but there was nothing to be done about it. Well nothing but screaming at least which is exactly what Lisa started to do. “HELP! I have been kidnapped and some crazy person is holding me, help!” Lisa shouted, surely there had to be some one in this building which was probably poorly isolated who would hear her and call the cops right?

A few screams in Suzan walked into the room, “Oh sweetie, I see you’re awake. I firmly advise you to stop screaming. In a neighbourhood like this no one really cares. There are basically screams at every hour of the day anyway so save your breath.” Suzan said triumphantly.

Lisa’s screams for help quickly turned into screams of anger directed at the older woman standing in front of the crib. “You fucking bitch, let me out of this ridiculous outfit right now or I swear you are going to be so sorry. I will ruin your fucking live till you will praise yourself lucky to even have a cardboard box to sleep in.” Lisa raged. 

Before Suzan would have been scared but now that the girl was helpless it just made her smile, once again giving justification to her actions. Suzan knew that in her current outfit Lisa was harmless and she certainly planned to keep her that way all weekend. If she kept the girl all the time she would soon be filed as a missing person and since she was loaded the search would probably be very thorough. If she kept Lisa here she would be caught sooner or later but she only planned to make the girl be her baby on the weekends. She didn’t work weekends and disappearing each weekend was justifiable.

While the girl was out Suzan had unlocked her phone using her thumb and had let the friends she made plans with now that something else came up. She also took the time to install a parental control app on the girl’s phone. Babies didn’t need a phone and Lisa wouldn’t get it back until the weekend was over, but this app would allow her to have access to everything on the girl’s phone as well as the ability to do everything the girl did. Even shutting down her phone when she needed it.

“Now now, that’s no language for a pretty little baby is it? I am afraid we are going to have to take care of that potty mouth of yours sweetie.” Suzan calmly announced with a smile which only seemed to make Lisa even more pissed, more so when Suzan reached into the crib and picked up the girl under her armpits. Suzan was a lot stronger than she looked under all that chubbiness and her considerable height advantage really came in handy as well.

“Aaaah put me down right fucking now or I swear you will be so fucking sorry you stupid fat bitch, I hate you.” Lisa screamed trying to be as hurtful as she could. Suzan didn’t even bat an eye at this. Knowing how horrible the girl could be before all this she had been fully expecting her to lash out. Still, bad behaviour needed to be corrected. A good spanking and a mouth soaping would probably do wonders for making the brat realise she better behave.

Talking down on the girl wouldn’t help at all so Suzan didn’t say a word as she took the few steps from the crib to the foot of her bed where she sat down, placing the squirming girl face down over her lap. Without much fuss she snapped the buttons holding the back flap of the romper in place open. It was a huge flap that reached from the girl’s belly button to the small of her back. Allowing Suzan to easily access the girl’s crotch and bottom at all times without needing to remove the special romper.

Opening the flap gave access to Lisa’s cute pale naked bubble butt. Suzan hadn’t put a diaper on the girl yet because she wanted her to be awake for her first diaper. It also made the first spanking that much easier to deliver. Now that the girl’s naked bottom was exposed Suzan didn’t waste any time to deliver twenty of her best blows to it slowly turning the now kicking and screaming girl’s bottom a nice deep red colour. “Alright sweetie, are you ready to be my good baby and apologise to mommy for saying such a foul words?” Suzan asked sweetly.

Lisa’s bottom was in a world of pain. She had never received a spanking before in her life, but she certainly didn’t want to give in to this crazy woman. Just the thought of actually acting as her baby made her cringe. “Fu…fuck off.” Lisa stammered weakly, fighting back the pain. Most of the girls fight seemed to have left, however she was still fighting and that was more than enough for Suzan to get spanking again.

Ten spanks later Lisa had started sobbing. The kicking of her legs seemed to have toned down as well. Once again Suzan asked “Are you ready to apologise yet?”

This time Lisa seemed to be more agreeing. The added ten spanks had somehow felt worse than the first 20, possibly because her butt had already been sore. It was simply radiating heat now. “S…sorry, *sob* for using such foul language.” Lisa stammered defeated.

“Tsk tsk tsk, now that won’t suffice. I want you to say, I’m sowwy fow being such a potty mouth mommy, it won’t evew happen again. Pwease fowgive me. I pwomise to be a good baby fow you mommy.” Suzan said in a mocking little girls voice. Which left the girl stunned in silent horror. When even after a minute the words didn’t come out Suzan resumed spanking again.

It didn’t take long for Lisa’s sobbing to evolve into full on crying. By the time Suzan was finished adding an additional 15 spanks Lisa was crying her eyes out in pain. Suzan didn’t even need to re-ask her question. As soon as Lisa got a change not to be interrupted by cries of pain she shrieked out, “I’m sooo *sob* sowwy fow being such a *sob* potty mouth mommy, It won’t *sob* evew happen again. Pwease *sob sob* fowgive me. I *sob* I pwomise to be *sob* a good baby fow you mommy.” Lisa eventually managed to get out, interrupted by lots of loud sobbing.

“Good girl” Suzan said proudly placing Lisa down on the ground and forcing a bar of soap between her lips. “Now you can follow me to the bathroom, but that bar of soap stays in place for as long as I say so. Afterall we can’t let a potty mouth go unwashed, now can we? If the bar drops another spanking will follow.” Suzan said sternly. Lisa on the other hand was horrified. The soap had an awe full bitter taste, yet the threat of a spanking made her clench her teeth down on it none the less. She couldn’t afford to let the bar drop at any cost.

As Suzan started to walk away to the bathroom Lisa tried to get up to follow only to be stopped by that stupid romper. She could rise to some sort of hunched over position but not more than that. Trying to take steps in that position just made her fall forward. It took Lisa a minute, and even longer till she was ready to admit it and get on with it, but crawling seemed like the only good way for her to really get moving. Her face burned about as bright red in shame as her bottom did in pain as she crawled behind Suzan making her look even more stupid.

Suzan just rubbed in the girl’s embarrassment by laughing loudly when she entered the bathroom on her hands and knees. “Aaaaw look at you go, such a big girl roaming around on her own. Maybe in a few years mommy can teach you how to walk.” Suzan said before picking Lisa up and sitting her down on the edge of the tub.

“Now Let’s get you all prettied up shall we?” Asked Suzan taking a hairbrush from the counter. Lisa had a perfect view of herself in the bathroom mirror. She looked ridiculous her hair was messy, a blue bar of soap stuck in her mouth making her drool those awfully tasting bubbles  and the pink restricting romper. Her butt hurt having to sit down but with the soap stuck in her mouth she couldn’t complain. She didn’t dare spit out the soap either after Suzan’s threat of another spanking. Something her sore butt really couldn’t take at the moment. Upon waking she had hoped for this all to turn out as just a nightmare, but that hope had faded after the spanking didn’t wake her up.

As she sat there Suzan started carefully brushing out her hair parting it in the middle and bundling up the two sides in big voluminous pig tails which got quickly tied off using pastel pink ribbon matching the colour of her romper. The two pig tails made her look even more childish than before much to her shame but at least with that part over Suzan took hold of the bar of soap and pulled it out. “So Lisa, I really hope you have learned your lesson now” Suzan said waiting expectantly but Lisa didn’t answer. “Well, what do you have to say to that?” Suzan asked urging the girl on.

“Yes, I am sorry.” replied Lisa weakly. She wasn’t sorry at all this was bat shit crazy and she had all the rights to scream at Suzan yet now that she knew what punishment was like she didn’t dare lash out.

“That is Yes mommy to you young lady.” Suzan said sternly letting the brat know she better continue complying.

“Yes mommy.” Lisa replied embarrassed, she really didn’t like having to call this crazy woman that, hell she didn’t even want to call her own mom that anymore, but the threat of a spanking was a strong motivation to call her that anyways.

“Good girl, now Let’s get you into your nappy shall we. You might have a potty mouth, but you are nowhere near potty trained yet sweetie.” Suzan explained not breaking from her role as mother while enjoying the horrified look displayed on the brat’s face. This was just priceless finally she had what was coming to her. Once again Suzan picked the girl up but this time it was just to lay her down on her back on an oversized changing mat she had purchased.

“Hmmmm, we are going to need to get rid of that nasty hair though, babies don’t have hair down there.” Suzan said more to herself than to Lisa as she ruffled her fingers trough the neatly trimmed triangle of hair sitting above Lisa’s pussy. Lisa was mortified, no one had touched her in such an intimate spot before and now the first person was her maid, a woman way older than her. She wanted to scream but the disgusting soap taste and throbbing pain in her butt kept her from doing so.

Lisa had never liked the completely bald look. A bush was disgusting as well but she had always kept a nice landing strip at least. Compared to the other things Suzan had done to her this wasn’t a big deal, but it was one of the first things she wouldn’t be able to just immediately undo as soon as she escaped which was pretty much all that was on her mind.

With a huge smile Suzan approached Lisa, popping open a bottle of nair. She put a generous amount on her fingers before applying it very thoroughly to Lisa’s pubic area spending an excessive amount of time rubbing it in enjoying how the brat whimpered under her touch. Eventually she did pull back though and waited a few minutes before cleaning the girl’s pubic area with a wet wash cloth taking all the hair along. 

“As smooth as a baby.” Suzan laughed at her own joke running her fingers over the area she just cleared feeling very satisfied with the results. Suzan couldn’t help herself anymore as she gently ran a finger up and down the girls slit as well licking her lips as she did so getting a shriek out of the helpless girl. Suzan had never admitted it to anyone, she hadn’t even fully come to term with it herself but one of the reasons she had never been married was because there was always something wrong with every man in her eyes. Deep down she had always known she was a lesbian, but she had always suppressed those feelings. Having this young pretty girl at her mercy however brought Some of those feelings to the surface. Luckily for the mortified Lisa it stayed with just a single rub for now.

“Alright sweetie, now it is really time for your nappy.” Suzan cheered to the girl who was still frozen in shock over the fondling. Without much more fuss Suzan took a bottle of baby powder and sprinkled the girl’s crotch generously till it was completely white. It even made the girl smell like baby. 

Lisa couldn’t do anything at all this was wrong on so many levels. Thinking back to why she went here she realised she would have never come if she had known about all of this. Sure those pics getting spread would be embarrassing but she was quite certain it had just been a prank and most people would understand that. This on the other hand was just perverse. Lisa’s eyes went wide as Suzan took out a diaper out of a whole maxi pack. How long did this woman plan to keep her? She felt her bottom being lifted and as she came back down it felt like she was laying on a pillow. Those diapers felt very bulky, she couldn’t know this had been Suzan’s plan all along. She couldn’t know that Suzan had picked out the bulkiest ones at the speciality sexshop she had visited Thursday.

Suzan didn’t waste time taping the diaper shut and buttoning the changing flap back in place.”So, there we are sweetie, all safe and sound in your nappy. Follow mommy because it is time for your dindins it’s already 8 o’clock, your bedtime. Since we still needed to get you ready however you can go to bed a bit later. Only this once though. Babies need lots of sleep after all.” Suzan said before stepping out and heading to the kitchen. Lisa felt like she had no choice but to follow. Sure this was humiliating, did that bitch really have to call it dindin? Anyway, she would finally be able to wash away that awful soap taste. That had to count for something right?

As Lisa started to crawl she realised that it felt all that much more awkward now that she had something the size of a pillow stuck between her legs. It in voluntarily made her butt wiggle while crawling, something Suzan was very glad to notice when the girl entered the kitchen. 

As soon as Lisa entered the kitchen she got picked up by Suzan again. Lisa still got a small panic attack every time that happened. Getting picked up like that was probably something she would never be able to get used to, just losing your grip on the ground like that. It rubbed in the helplessness and her vulnerability each time.

Lisa got placed into an oversized highchair which had certainly not been there when she first entered the apartment. It only confirmed again how this had all been planned by Suzan from the beginning. The seat of the highchair was a tight fit now that she was wearing such a bulky diaper. After she was seated Suzan placed the accompanying table in place trapping Lisa’s arms underneath. There was no way Lisa could get out of this chair without help.

With the girl locked in place in the chair Suzan stepped behind her tying a bib with an image of two playing bunnies on it. With that done she went to the counter and took a big jar of something orange looking and a spoon before sitting in front of Lisa. “Alright sweetie are you ready for your dindins?” She asked with mocked sweetness.

Lisa just looked at the jar in horror what the hell was that stuff even? Whatever it was it certainly didn’t look like anything she ever wanted to try. It was about as far removed as possible from the restaurants she normally ate at. Yet as Suzan opened up the jar she knew she would have no choice but to eat it. Not that it was all bad. It would at least help to cover the awful tasting soap. Ofcourse Suzan once again had to go out of her way to make this as humiliating as possible. She took out a spoon full of bright orange mush. Instead of just offering it to Lisa she made tons of swirling motions with it announcing, “Here comes the plane.” Before pressing the overly full spoon to Lisa’s lips who reluctantly opened up with bright red cheeks. The near permanent blush only made her look even cuter.

Suzan kept making just about every possible variation to the plane as she stuffed spoon after spoon of orange mush in the girl’s mouth. Lisa clearly didn’t like the taste one bit. It was supposed to be carrot, but it didn’t really taste much like anything at all. It was very bland, and the texture felt rather revolting. To make matters worse Suzan always took way too full spoons in way too rapid succession to make eating cleanly nearly impossible. Much to Lisa’s shame the bib really ended up being necessary. 

Once the jar was empty Lisa felt quite full she had been forced to eat a lot of that mush and to her horror Suzan was now pointing her phone camera at her. “Smile sweetie!” is all she said to the girl who was just about to protest in wide eyed shock but as the flash went off she knew it was too late. The earlier pictures had been explainable but how the hell would she ever be able to explain this? Dressed up in a real baby outfit instead of Some makeshift stuff, with a mouth and bib covered in bright orange mush leaving little to the imagination of what had just happened.

Lisa now started to realise her situation was starting to look very dire. Suzan was creating pics of her that would prove impossible to explain. While the first pics had just been a bargaining chip to get her here these new pics were genuine hard blackmail material and she was unable to stop it at all. In fact she was nearly positive that there would only be more pictures just like this taken from her. A realisation that brought out a loud pitiful whimpering. “Smile for the camera my pretty baby.” Was all Suzan said with a cruel smile.

After taking a couple more pictures Suzan took a package of wet wipes and started cleaning Lisa’s mouth. “Alright, you’re all ready for your baba and your crib after. So be a good girl and finish it quickly. It is already late afterall.” Suzan said cheerfully before pulling out a huge baby bottle from behind her back. It was filled to the brim with what looked to be milk. Judging from the size of the bottle it had to be at least half a litre. The most dreadful thing about the bottle was the teat however. Due to the fact that it had been picked up in a speciality fetish store it was shaped as a penis, about three inches in length

Instantly a look of wide-eyed horror crossed Lisa’s face drinking from a bottle would be awful already but drinking from this specific bottle? She shuddered from the thought alone. Suzan didn’t leave her much room to get used to the idea either. Instead she quickly pressed the mushroom shaped tip of the teat against the brat’s lips. “Come on sweetie, take in that teat and suck you bottle nice and empty as a good girl.” Suzan encouraged her. 

Lisa continued refusing to open up so instead of further encouragement Suzan decided to go for a threat. “I wouldn’t want to spank my precious baby again.” She said with a cruel smile letting Lisa know that her still sore bottom would receive another spanking if she didn’t comply. It was enough to prompt Lisa to give in as she closed her eyes and parted her lips feeling the mushroom shaped head enter her mouth and stop just past her lips. 

Reluctantly Lisa gave the tip a suckle and instantly her mouth got filled with a warm sweet tasting liquid. It wasn’t quite milk, something which was quickly confirmed by Suzan. “Good girl, I bet you love your formula. It has everything a growing girl like you needs.” The announcement just made Lisa shudder but stuck in the chair and with the teat firmly stuck in her mouth she couldn’t move away from it even if she wanted to.

About a minute in the bottle-feeding Suzan fished out her phone and snapped a few more pictures before starting to record. As Suzan recorded she moved the bottle back and forth slightly making it look like Lisa was bobbing her head up and down the cock shaped teat while drinking. The whole thing looked utterly perverted, straight out of some fucked up niche fetish porn video if this ever got out Lisa would certainly be ruined. She realised Suzan’s grip on her was tightening and yet she couldn’t do a thing about it.

The bottle seemed nearly endless, Lisa’s mouth was getting tired from suckling for that long and yet the formula seemed to keep on coming. Already full of the baby food she felt like she was really about to burst now. It took her nearly 20 minutes to finish the whole thing and by the time she did she felt completely bloated. “Good girl, now it’s time for your bed. It’s already way to late, heaven’s sake it is nearly nine already.” Suzan exclaimed. 

Lisa just whimpered she was nowhere near tired yet. She couldn’t remember the last time she went to bed before midnight on a Friday evening.  Like with everything this evening however the choice wasn’t hers. Suzan just picked her up and carried her to the crib that was inescapable in her special rompers. Once there Suzan took out a pastel pink pacifier with another cock sized teat which she just rammed into the girl’s mouth, fastening it behind her head with two attached leather straps. It just buckled in place no lock or anything but with the mittens included in the romper it was as good as locked on for Lisa. 

The pacifier would keep the girl quiet, after all Suzan didn’t want her screaming all night. Her apartment only had one bedroom and the girl’s crib was located there as well as Suzan’s own bed. She knew the girl wouldn’t be able to sleep yet and when she finally went to bed she didn’t want to be kept awake by screams.

Checking everything a last time Suzan was finally happy with the results. There was no way Lisa could get out of the crib or her pacifier without help, Suzan’s help. “Goodnight my sweet angle, sleep tight Cause tomorrow will be a very busy day.” Suzan said with a huge smile kissing the girl on her forehead and leaving the room.

A few minutes later Lisa heard the television, she had a hard time not crying given her circumstances. Here she was laying alone in the dark with a bloated stomach. Her butt was still throbbing from the earlier spanking and the overly padded diaper felt so strange and alien around her crotch and butt. The rompers mittens made her hands useless and the short legs and arms severely restricted her mobility. She couldn’t even call for help with the cock shaped teat of her pacifier filling her mouth. All that while she knew she was supposed to have an epic night in the new club in town. It was still so early that she would have probably only started preparing by now and yet she was already supposed to sleep.

Needless to say that sleep didn’t come easily for Lisa, left in the dark wide away her thoughts only kept escalating. The more she thought about it the more helpless and scared she felt. What had that bitch of a maid meant by a busy day tomorrow? Lisa probably didn’t want to know but she would find out without a doubt. 

A couple of hours later Suzan entered the room. She didn’t pay Lisa any kind of attention acting as if she was already sleeping. To her horror Lisa saw Suzan strip in front of her. A sight Lisa really didn’t want to see. She wasn’t into women and her 48 years old maids’ body was less than desirable. Her breast while quite large were sagging, even her huge ass was sagging. Suzan’s ass and thighs were covered in cellulite and the woman had a huge stomach. Her meaty pussy was covered in a thick matt of thick salt and pepper coloured hairs. The sight was widely disturbing to the young horrified head cheerleader in the crib. Soon after that the lights went out again and Suzan got under the covers.

Suzan didn’t immediately start sleeping either, instead she shocked the girl even more by starting to masturbate. Lisa couldn’t do a thing but listen to the soppy sounds Suzan’s fingers made on her pussy and the moans her maid made. Lisa thought she was going to be sick. Especially once the room started smelling of musk with a slightly fishy undertone that had to be Suzan’s pussy. 

The moaning Eventually came to a climax with a loud cry and a series of quick panths afterwards. Panths that slowly died out and went over into a loud snoring leaving Lisa more horrified than ever. The room smelled like Suzan’s pussy and what she had just witnessed gave her so many more disturbing thoughts to think about. Eventually though after a couple of hours even Lisa fell asleep, frightened about what tomorrow would bring.


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