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The first Poll of the month! Sorry it was a day late, my internet has been bust lately. Anyway, a very warm welcome to the new patrons, and the old ones who decided to stick by me for another month! Massive appreciation for all of you.

Now today's Poll is simple: Do you want X-men to be added in Mystique Soldier? Originally I had no plans for such, as the fic is a HPxAvengers crossover. But I've got some comments and PMs wanting pairings from mutant side, and it's sorta left me in a split. So, the decision is in your hands.

I know some of you might find the world getting too filled up and complicated, but don't worry. If X-men option is selected, I'll do my best to cook up a seamless plot for them, without making it too congested or leaving too many sub-plots around.

Also, this will affect Harry's future pairings, so vote carefully.

Now before you start voting, I had something else to discuss with you guys. I've been reading through the exit surveys of patrons who've left us, and one problem a few of them listed was me being too inactive. So I wanted to ask you lot, do you guys want me to post something daily? If so, what? Leave any suggestions in the comment and I'll consider them.

Another complain was the long update time. Those who are here for only 1 story have to wait 11-12 days for it to update, which is honestly a bit long. So, I'll now try to make the 'one chapter per 3 days' thing permanent, which means each of my story will get updated in 9 days. Hopefully that's more satisfactory (I might be forced to take an extra day sometimes but I'll try my best to stick to 3)

That's all for today, let me know your thoughts  and suggestions below. Also, Elder and True gods, I'll be making another separate Post for you, so don't forget to vote on both the Polls to enjoy double voting power.

Next chap will be tomorrow, so see ya then. Good day/night to all!



Author if updating gets too stressful we can wait because your stories are good and worth the wait as long as you don’t burn out


Np 😉