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Chapter 12– Express Travelling


The Month of August, 2007,

Potter Manor, England

The last one month before Hogwarts passed quickly for Harry. Then again, when you are progressing rapidly, time tends to fly away quickly. And Harry was progressing rapidly. He was definitely progressing rapidly.

His day usually started with a big breakfast on the dining table, where everyone gathered together to eat, including his surly sister, Dorea.

After that, James will leave for his office in ministry, and Lily will be busy with her own stuff; which ranged from potion/spell making to checking the answer sheets of students who've attended this 'Owls' exam.

At first, his mother had tried taking an extended leave from her job to spend all her time with Harry. But that was something he could not accept, preferring his own company and privacy.

Thankfully she seemed to respect it, and limited herself to checking up on him only every hour or so, instead of wasting his time all day.

Both of his parents still tried to desperately connect with him, and Harry rewarded their efforts and growing affection by being more open about himself, giving them bare bones of his life and experience that he'd went through before joining Shield.

Shield was another subject that he'd quickly made a decision upon. Now that he knew exactly how famous he was, there was no point in playing hide and seek with the behemoth organization. It was simply logical to maintain positive relationship, and do as they'd asked him to.

Though he did reveal their existence to his parents. Lily and James were incredibly powerful wizards, both being higher leveled than Captain Ares. Should Hydra or Shield try to drag him back in their world, his parents shall provide him with ample protection.

So around the third week of August, after a lot of deliberation and discussions with his parents, he finally sent them a letter using his very new owl, Hedwig, informing them of his admission in Hogwarts.

Originally he'd been quite skeptical of Hedwig (And was cruelly pecked by the bird for verbalizing his doubts) but his parents assured him that these magical owls can actually travel between continents, just taking a much longer time.

But this way, Harry could be assured that his messages wouldn't be hacked by the moles present in Shield, as the letter was directed to Ares himself.

The Shield business however, was a very minor subject of his life at this point. Cause most of his attention was taken by the wonders and powers of...Magic.

The things that magic could do...it almost made one feel like a god. Even the most boring spells created some interesting effects. Spongify for instance, could turn something as hard as a metal rod into something as soft as rubber. He could imagine a dozen uses for this just from the top of his head.

Then there were the more exciting spells, like the severing charm– Diffindo, which he found could be multiple times more powerful than his magical blade if fueled with malicious intent.

Something he was particularly good at.

Unfortunately, he also quickly realised how absurdly vast magic was. Just the first year spells kept him busy for the remaining month of August, as he'd sworn to level all of them up to 10 atleast.

This meant that his original plan to learn everything in a single year before permanently leaving Hogwarts was bound to fail.

Even with his Gamer's abilities, he would be hard pressed to discover and learn everything magic had to offer in a single year.

'But that's fine.' Harry comforted himself. 'It's still simply a matter of time.'

Just a matter of time before he learnt everything this world had to offer, a matter of time before he out leveled the maximum level on this world, and most importantly...

It was simply a matter of time before he surpassed even the most powerful beings of this world.

...Though through all this, he couldn't decide where Rosalia fit in his plans.

Since that fateful day when he'd comforted her, the little midget seemed to have made it her life's goal to follow behind him like a loyal puppy.

Normally he would've already kicked her off to some random room and shut her away, but the idea of having his own loyal puppy who'd bark and bite at his command had seemed like an interesting task at that time.

Unfortunately, he was coming to regret his decision now.

Cause Rose made them get in all sorts of trouble everyday. May it be breaking stuff while learning new spells, or hurting each other due to botched charms; everything was in her repertoire, and he was directly affected by it.

Though his parents were often amused instead of annoyed. So it all worked out pretty well.

Still, he made sure to diligently train his loyal guard, and was pleasantly surprised when his sister's affection quickly came to match Lily's.

Now, he had two people who held him to a position of reverence.

Plus, Rose made for an excellent target practice. And while he couldn't quite bring himself to use any harmful spells on her for some reason, his other utility spells had grown rapidly.

By the time the last day of August hit, Harry had already finished devouring the first year spells, and leveled all of them to atleast lvl 10.

It was hard, simply because there were so many spells, but he persisted. Especially with the use of those self-repairing wooden dummies in the training room.

When the fateful day came, he was ready.


1 Sept, 2007,

Potter Manor, England

"Everyone ready?" James asked, as they all stood around the fireplace in a circle. "Got everything in the trunk? Your books, your wand, your quills and ink? And of course, the most important, your Nimbuses. Oh Hogwart's really not ready for you. Make sure to give them hell!"

At half past ten, they finally flooed over to a muggle booth which was close to the king's cross station, with 4 large trunks and owl carriages They walked the rest of the way to the station, coming to a stand in front of the barrier which stood between platform 9th and 10th.

"We are here." Lily announced. "Dorea you go first. Harry, Rose, watch carefully. It's not difficult but you need to have some faith."

His sister pushed her trunk forward and calmly walked right through the barrier, vanishing on the other side.

"Alright kids, your turn. The trick is to not be scared of crashing into the wall." James said. "Just keeping walking and you'll be on the other side. Don't stop in between though, just keep going. Give it a little run if you aren't feeling confident. Go on harry, you first."

He nodded and trudged on. The wall was right in front of his eyes as he steadily walked towards it. He felt a moment of hesitation as he took in how solid it truly looked but remembering his vanished sister earlier, he pushed on. There was a moment of black void in between before he was on the other side, a scarlet steam engine blowing it's horn as it stood there, packed with children and their smiling parents.

A sign overhead said 'Hogwarts express, Eleven o'Clock. He glanced behind, expecting to see a black hole or something, but was instead greeted by a wrought-iron archway with a board announcing 'Platform Nine and Three Quarters'.

He moved on from the archway, not wanting to block the way for his sister. She came in with style, screaming her lungs out and her eyes closed, almost running him over with her trolly.

"Midget, be silent." He ordered the girl.

She opened one of her scrunched up eyes, peaking around cautiously, before a happy smile lit her face up. "I did it!"

"Yeah, congrats." Dorea drolly stated, coming to stand beside them. "I can't believed you did it so easily. Really, very impressive."

The sarcasm in her voice was thicker than a knob of butter. Obviously it went right over his twin's head. Or so his elder sister must've thought.

"Thanks! I couldn't believe it either! But look at me now, hehe." She gave a cheeky bow, and Harry could see that familiar glint of intelligence marred with mischief in her eyes.

Dorea muttered something under her breath, and started pushing her trunk towards the train. He followed after her, dragging the midget along.

Their parents soon caught up to them, taking ahold of their trunks.

"Keep your eyes open for Remus and Sirius." James said, dragging Rose's trunk.

They found them towards the front of the train, with Sirius trying to push two trunks inside one of the empty compartments.

"Prongs!" He exclaimed on seeing them. "You're finally here. Come on, I'll help you with the baggage."

"I'm going to sit with my friends." Dorea announced suddenly, dragging her trunk and owl with her as she began to move deeper inside. "I'll be back before the train leaves."

Sirius stared after her with a frown, before glancing at him and his twin. "I hope you two are sitting here?"

"Of course!" Rose yelled. "You don't have to ask that. C'mon brother, we're sitting with friends!"

Harry swatted away her approaching hand, picking up his own luggage and owl as he entered the compartment.

"Oh don't worry about..." Sirius started forward to help, only to fall in a shocked silence as Harry picked up the trunk with one hand and gently placed it to the top. It weighed less than 20 kgs so it wasn't much to him.

For a normal human however...

Well, Sirius being the clown he is, tried to replicate Harry, letting go of the trunk to balance it in one hand. The trunk wobbled shakily, making Sirius stumble ahead as he lost it's balance and let it fall.

"Careful." Harry snapped, catching the trunk in mid-air with sure hands. "There's a Nimbus in here."

Sirius stared at him with wide-eyes, amidst the giggling of Lily, and the howling laughter of James.

The adults then spent quite a bit of time in giving them entirely useless advices as the time to depart came close, ranging from 'Don't use your wand to pick your nose' to 'Try coming back in one piece'.

Eventually, thankfully, the time of departure was at hand and the train let loose a steamy honk just a few minutes before 11.

"Right, we'll be leaving now kids. Take care and keep a steady supply of letters going, Alright?"

Dorea joined them for the last farewell as they exchanged hugs and promises to keep contact. Lily and Remus wouldn't be traveling with them due to having to report at the castle earlier than students.

The Hogwarts express finally left the station exactly at 11, with the three kids and a reluctant Harry waving their parents goodbye.

Harry also absently noted a red-headed girl running beside the train in tears and laughter, before he finally took away his attention and closed the curtains.

They were off to Hogwarts, and he hoped the place wasn't a disappointment. If he did not recieve the promised reward, he will book another ticket straight out of England.


A Few Hours Later...

Harry was in heaven. It couldn't be anything else.

He'd expected the rest of their trip to pass with the midget chattering their ears off, but unusually, the girl was quiet as a mouse, staring outside the window with her head pressed up against the glass. Perhaps she no longer felt the need to maintain her mask now that their parents could no longer keep a constant eye on them.

Whatever the reason for her quietness may be, the fact remained that their compartment was soaked in silence. Just the way Harry liked.

Unfortunately, he was sharing the compartment with two more girls other than his sister. And the two weren't as comfortable with silence as he was.

"So," Susan awkwardly started, trying to make a conversation. "Um...do you guys know which house you'll be going to?"

"Ravenclaw." Came the swift answer of Andrea, only to turn awkward as she gave wince. "...But you already know that, I told you yesterday of course. Though I've been thinking... Gryffindor isn't bad either."

"But you want to be with Dorea." Susan stated.

"Yeah. What about you? Did you decide yet?"

"I don't know. I want to be in Gryffindor, but I'll probably end up being in Hufflepuff. What you you think Harry."

Harry smothered down a sigh of exasperation. 'Was he the only one who truly treasured peace here? Why can these kids not understand how worthless everything they speak of is? It would be better if they simply sewed their mouths shut.'

"I'm uncertain. But I will accept wherever I am."

"Really?" Andrea asked, eyebrows raised. "Even Slytherin?"

He gave an absent shrug, done with the topic. "Yes."

"Uh, well... that's...ok." Susan stuttered out in discomfort.

A momentary silence ensued in the compartment, and Harry patted himself on the back for shutting down the two so easily...

Unfortunately he celebrated too soon.

Andrea cleared her throat, blatantly turning to Rosalia. "What about you, Rose?"

His sister jerked up, as if someone out of a trance. She glanced at Andrea and shrugged. "Wherever he goes."

"Oh. I see."

Their worthless line of conversation came to a blessed close when the door to their compartment was suddenly opened by a bunch of redheads, one of whom looked completely exhausted, and the other two looked to be twins and most likely were their seniors.

"Uh, hey." The youngest of them stuttered out, his ears going red as he gained attention of three girls. "I'm R-Ron."

"Very smooth, brother dear." One of the older twins said.

"Look at the girls swooning." The second one continued. "Almost made us die of envy."

"S-Shut up!" The blushing boy snapped, before taking a deep breath and looking at Harry. "Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full."

'No, fuck off.' was what, Harry wanted to say. But that would be rude. And kids get quickly offended.

So he settled for a sigh and waved him in. "Take a seat."

"What's that?" One of the twins asked, pointing at his scar.

"Is that–?" The second one exclaimed.

"Blimey, are you–?" The first one asked.

"He is!" The second one exclaimed again, and Harry tried making sense of the two. "Aren't you?"

"What?" He asked.

"Harry Potter!" The twins chorused.

Harry sighed once more. 'Hopefully this is the first and last pair of twins in this school.'

"I am, indeed." He indulged them patiently.. "Anything else I can help you with?"

All three of them gawked at him, before letting lose a rainfall of questions.

"Is it true you gave Dumbledore the slip?" The first twin asked.

"Or that you and him had a duel where you kicked his bloody arse?"

"And bullied him to become the minister of magic?"

"Do you remember You-know-who?" The younger brother asked suddenly, and everyone in the room turned to him, including his sister.

Harry closed his eyes, maintaining his calm by feeling the soothing flow of his magic. "No to all of them. Now, I must ask you to be silent and move on. You are blocking the way."

That seemed to break out everyone, and the moment passed on. Ron quickly settled in with them and the twins introduced themselves as Fred and George Weasley. He curiously took a look at their level, just to get an idea of students here.

Fred Weasley

Age: 13

Level: 21

Reputation: Friendly

Affection: 66

Mana: 600/600

Health: 130/130

Stamina: 100/100

George Weasley

Age: 13

Level: 21

Reputation: Friendly

Affection: 67

Mana: 600/600

Health: 130/130

Stamina: 100/100

A level lower than Dorea. And quite a bit lower than him. So he was atleast stronger than a third year in levels.

But their magical reserves, on the other hand, were almost equal to his own.

A very unsatisfactory piece of information. He will have to quickly do something to surpass these wizards. If even their children could match him, the adults would outmatch him by a lot. Simply unacceptable.

Hopefully Hogwarts will bring him some new opportunities.


The awkward silence in the compartment was soon broken as the girls started talking and the midget returned to her original form. Her sheer renewed presence seemed to break the ice as she chattered their ears off. They talked about quidditch, Hogwarts, houses, famous wizards...almost everything really. When the midget gets going, there was no lack of topics.

Halfway through the ride Ron brought out a broken set of wizarding chess, instantly capturing Harry's attention.

"You play chess?" The boy asked him, eager to have something in common with him.

"No." Harry responded. "But I would like to learn. And you shall teach me."

The dejected boy perked up with a grin. "Sure mate, I'd love to!"

Wizarding Chess was a complicated but fun game. The pieces suggested moves and strategies of their own, depending on how good it's user was. Harry quickly devoured the rules, creating the skill 'Chess'. Ron was a strong player, and playing against him rapidly made him level up.

The group found a good way to pass time with chess. Especially when Susan revealed her own chess set, which was much more pristine and impressive looking than Ron's, making the boy terribly embarrassed.

Something harry found idiotic but didn't comment.

So for the next few hours, they played chess and ate their tiffins. Their parents did give them around 50 galleons to spend on whatever they wanted but Harry was more than satisfied with the fried chicken burger Lily had packed for them.

Their peaceful harmony was broken once again when the compartment door opened once again, and in came two first years.

One was a girl with bushy hair, already dressed in her Hogwarts robes. The other was a chubby boy, looking ten times more nervous than Ron, with watery eyes that were seconds away from crying.

Even as he scanned them calmly, Harry couldn't quite manage to stifle his rapidly growing irritation.

Did a closed door not mean anything in this train?

"Anyone seen a toad around here?" The girl who'd just entered demanded with a commanding tone, irritating Harry further. "Neville's lost one."

Her large front teeth did nothing to sooth that irritation.

Harry was sure there must be a spell to find lost objects but it wasn't in his repertoire. Yet. Not that he was going to help this girl anyway.

"Oh, a toad!?" His twin answered for them. "We haven't seen one but I'd love to get my hands on it. Are you making a potion? I've seen mum cut up a few toads you know? They make this really bad smelly smell though so I wouldn't recmend..ah...recommend it."

The boy, Neville, stared at his sister with wide fearful eyes. "D-Do you think... someone used him in a p-potion?"

"Don't be silly." The bossy girl snapped. "We'll find it here somewhere."

"Harry, checkmate in three." Ron cut through the chatter, his concentration fully on board.

He stared down with a frown, quickly calculating the moves, before accepting his fate with a sigh. "I resign."

The boy gave a whoop lf joy. "You hear that? I beat Harry Potter in chess! Again!"

"Count your days, Weasley." Harry's lips curved up in a slight smirk as the familiar sound of a skill leveling up rang in his ears. "I'll be beating you consistently before this year is done."

"Yeah you probably will, mate" Ron admitted with a sigh, surprising him. "I've never seen someone improve so fast. And I've played chess since I was five. Not because I wanted to, mind you. But cause we had this chess board lying in the attic an–"

"Are you really Harry Potter?" Their conversation was interrupted by the bossy girl, as she stared him up and down. "I'm Hermione Granger by the way."

"Why are you here still?" Harry asked with a frown.

The girl wasn't listening as she took a seat beside them. "I know all about you, of course. I got a few extra books for background reading, and you and your sister are in 'Modern Magical History', and 'The Rise and Fall of Dark Arts', and 'The Great Wizarding Events of Twentieth Century'."

He glanced at the midget. "We are?"

"Goodness, didn't you know?" The buck-toothed girl interrupted. "How could you be so ignorant? I would've read everything I could if I was in your place."

"You want to read fictional stories about yourself?" He asked drolly, his annoyance through the roof. "Quite narcissistic, aren't you? I suggest you leave before you make a bigger fool of yourself."

She jerked back as if struck. "I'm...I'm not.."

"What's a narcisit?" Ron muttered.

"I think it's some kind of jam." Rose whispered back. "Or butter. A muggle butter."

The girl turned around in a huff. "C'mon Neville. We are clearly not wanted here."

"The boy is welcome to stay." Harry stated, dismissing her away. "You aren't."

He could see tears well up in her eyes as she stared back in venom.

"Fine." She spat and left, though still dragging the boy with her.

"Blimey, mate." Ron exclaimed. "That was savage."

"That was bad, brother." Rose mumbled at him. "You made the poor girl cry and run away."

Harry couldn't careless. "She was annoying me."

He had just come to a realization that it would be very difficult to act civilly with everyone. He cannot go to this school expecting to talk with mature, understanding people. No, he was going to stay with a branch of humans he had the least experience handling: Children.

And he was beginning to realise that treating children like adults will never work. So, he simply couldn't care anymore.

He was here to learn magic. If in the process he makes enemies, inconvenient though it may be, he must simply deal with them as he does his targets:

With extreme efficiency.

"Good riddance, I say." Andrea commented as things went back to normal in their compartment. "Didn't you hear how she talked? Like she knew better than all of us."

"She was just nervous." Rose argued. "You saw how she was already dressed in uniform? Poor girl must've wanted to impress everyone."

"That doesn't give her the right to say whatever she wants to," Andrea countered. "If she can dish it out then she should be ready to take it back twice as harsh. You shouldn't go around insulting people if a simple few words could make you cry."

"Or we could've been a little bit patient and made her feel more welcomed." Rose spoke passionately, and Harry couldn't help but notice as the mask finally slipped. "We're going to be in this castle for the next seven years. Why can't we try to be friends instead of enemies from the start? Regardless of our houses?"

Andrea sputtered a little, not seeming to have any argument, before pointing a finger at Harry. "He was the one to make her cry, you know? Why are you saying this to me?"

Harry frowned, surprised at having his name thrown around. "You will not question my actions. I did what I felt like doing. If any of you want to be friends with others, you will do so outside this compartment. All of have freedom to do whatever you wish to, do you not?"

"...I s'pose." His midget twin muttered, seeming to shrink into herself as she visibly lost her fire, looking like a chastised baby.

"Bet you, she's going into Ravenclaw." Ron cut in as their chess board reset itself, unaware of what just transpired. "They're all like that. I heard my brothers say they will happily backstab each other for a few extra marks."

"Dorea isn't like that." Andrea muttered under her breath. "How do your brothers know that anyway? Are they in Ravenclaw too?"

"Goodness no!" Ron exclaimed. "Everyone in my family is Gryffindor. My mum and dad, my five big brothers, all of them. I hope I'm too."

That was a huge family. He couldn't remember ever meeting a family with six children.

"Your brothers are still in Hogwarts?" Harry asked, though his eyes were on the chess board as he opened with pawn to E4 once again. He didn't know anything else with white pieces.

"Nah, two of them graduated." He replied, playing E5 on board. "Charlie's in Romania studying dragons, and Bill's in Africa doing something for Gringotts."

"I see." His attention was on board. He'd just played bishop to c4, and Ron responded with queen h4. It was a trap that he'd already fallen for once, may it be losing a pawn or even getting checkmated. But he wasn't one to repeat mistakes.

"Queen to E2." He commanded, and his happy queen quickly moved in front of his king with a cheer.

"Oh that's smart." Ron muttered. "Bishop move to c5."

He thought about it for a second. Black's bishop and queen were now both targeting his F2 pawn. But it wasn't in danger. If black queen takes f2, then his white Queen will take the queen. If bishop takes his queen then king can take the bishop. Ron will be down two points.

"Knight go to f3." He commanded, without worrying about his pawn.

The horse jumped over a pawn to take its new position, and stared at the black queen threateningly.

"Merlin's pants mate." Ron swore. "How did you improve so fast anyway?"

Harry smiled, enjoying the sport. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

The boy huffed and shook his head. "Queen come back to e7."

Ron's queen was definitely pissed because she made a few threatening gestures towards him as she furiously retreated.

The door to their compartment once again slid open but this time it wasn't the bossy girl. Three boys entered inside, with the middle one looking like a blonde ferret. The two were large, even taller than him, and seemed to be the blonde's body guards, which was quite comical for Harry.

"Is it true?" The blonde asked. "They're saying the Potters are in this compartment."

His eyes shot a dismissive gaze at Ron before looking at Harry and Rose. "It's you, isn't it?"

"What do you want?" Harry asked bluntly.

He was done with these moronic children. If this bunch did not leave soon...

The boy didn't seem to take the hint, appearing unbothered by his words as he pointed at his Stooges. "I'm Draco Malfoy, and these are Crabbe and Goyle."

Ron coughed lightly in his hands, his shoulders shaking from suppressed mirth.

The blonde turned to him with a sneer. "Think my name's funny do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford."

Ron blushed in anger and embarrassment, though kept quiet.

"You know some wizarding families are better than others, don't you Potter?" The boy said, extending his hand. "You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you here."

"Leave." Harry commanded. "Now."

He will not tolerate another kid advising him on how to behave.

Did everyone in this Hogwarts think they know the best for him? 11 years he'd lived on his own, only to get life advices from stupid children.

His rebuttal made the boy take back his hand, while his face turned a dark shade of red.

"I would be careful if I were you, Potter." The boy warned with a stupid scowl. "Your parents didn't know what was good for them either. Look what happened to them, becoming vegetables for six–"

Harry didn't lose his temper easily, but this day was really testing his patience.

And he decided to let loose a bit.

Before the boy could say another word, Harry was already out of his seat, taking two quick steps to approach the boy.

What a shame he didn't have his wand on his person. He'd love to get familiar with the Cruciatus again.

"Crabbe! Goy–"

Before the two giant boys could move, he launched a jab to the boy's throat.

The blonde ferret stumbled back from the light hit as if Harry had struck with the force of a truck. He chocked on his words, looking unable to breathe, while his hands desperately clawed at the air for help.

His two stooges were rooted on the spot, as were his own group.

"Pl-please..." Malfoy gasped out at them, his face red and sweaty.

Harry wasn't satisfied.

He brought up his second hand and slammed into the downed blonde's nose with a satisfying crack.

Blood spurted in the compartment, and the ferret's widened eyes stared at the red liquid that dripped down his hands incredulously, before slowly losing light as he entered the world of unconsciousness.

"Take him and screw off." Harry waved them off. "And close the doors behind you."

He then turned away, quite done with the day's bullshit. Approaching back his position, Harry quickly pulled down his trunk as the doors slid shut.

He'd just realized that he didn't want his wand to be away from him.

"Bloody hell mate, that was wicked!" Ron exclaimed, though he looked queasy at the sight of blood spots on the floor.

As did the rest of the kids with him. Except Rosalia. She seemed to have stars in her eyes as she stared at him.

'Very surprising.'

He would've thought his midget sister would be the first one to criticize him.

"Are you not angry?" He asked the girl, glancing at her from the corner of his eyes as he picked out his wand.

"No, why would I be?" She said. "He deserved it. No one should call our parents vegetables. Cause I don't like Vegetables. Now if he'd said they were chocolates on the other hand..."

Harry sighed. He was coming to truly care for his midget sister; she was loyal, obedient, caring, helpful, and quite talented in magic...but sometimes she still said things that his brain would have trouble comprehending.

He had a mind to just call her out on her frankly amateur acting. The only reason he hadn't was due to his own understanding of how comforting it felt to hide behind a mask.

But if she kept giving him brainspams like this on a daily basis, he may just start not caring about her privacy anymore.

After retrieving his wand, he put the trunk back up and turned to the door.

"Colloportus." He intoned with precise movements of his wand, and an invisible wave of magic locked the door up tightly.

"Oh the locking Spell!" Rose exclaimed. "That's so smart! How didn't I think of that?"

"Well you just said it's smart. How could you think of that?" Harry asked 'seriously', barely suppressing a smirk.

"...I'm smart too." She mumbled out softly. "You said so yesterday."

"Of course you are." Harry agreed. "But only when you try to use your brain."

He tucked his wand inside his Jean's pocket. The eleven inch thing still poked out from the pocket so he made sure to sit carefully.

A few minutes later a prefect came and knocked on their door, unable to open it. Harry shot a quick Alohomora, though the prefect didn't seem surprised. He informed them to change into their uniforms as Hogwarts was close and left.

He and Ron went outside to give the girls some space, then the girls did the same for them.

"We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes!" A voice echoed throughout the train. "Please leave your luggage on the train. It will be taken separately."

Suddenly the mood in the compartment changed completely. Harry could only stare in confusion as his friends got pale and nervous. Even Rose. Though hers was an excitable kind of nervous.

The train soon began to slow down and they opened the door to join the crowd of students thronging the train's corridor. Their compartment was one of the first ones so they were relatively close to one of the exit doors.

The train finally came to a stop and Harry quickly clutched his midget sister's hand and dragged them out to a tiny, dark platform.

Night had completely set in, and the cool outside air caressed his skin in comfort. Though Rose seemed to shiver under it so it most likely wasn't for everyone.

Still, they were finally at Hogwarts as last.

And while he didn't show it, Harry was even more excited than his twin.

'Finally...my future calls.'


AN: Finally! Hogwarts is here, and Harry's at Hogwarts.

For the first year, there won't be any overarching plot as I'm going to show the changes that I'd made to the world, while Harry will start exploring his new gamer abilities and learn new magic.

Basically, think of this as a training arc where our Mc is finally getting his hands on some big guns.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and Harry's relation with Rose. Also, don't be disappointed by Harry being rude to Hermione. This does not mean he and Hermione will be enemies or anything, just that they had a rough start to what could eventually lead to a beautiful friendship.

Thanks for reading today's final chapter.

Next chap's on 21 btw, see ya lot then.

Till then, Goodbye and Good day!


Orion Chung

I’m guessing Harry is either going to be Ravenclaw or Slytherin because he’s definitely not Gryffindor


Thanks for the chapter


Probably ravenclaw because he is there for the knowledge