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Yeah, it's finally time for the first entry of my bestiary area.

Since there will be a lot of creatures introduced in the next story arcs I want to feature them in a separated glossary that was one of my initial ideas for my website. I always loved to read the ingame monster glossaries in JRPGs or the enemy overview in the manual or walkthrough handbook of several games. Naturally I also got inspired by the artwork of Monster Hunter and designed the bestiary layout like they were presented in the artbooks.

The initial idea for featuring my own monster artworks were actually the enemy designs of Dark Souls which still fascinate me since this day. I like the roughness and dark tone which the designs express and wanted to adapt that. However, it was not my first time that I drawing fictional creatures back then. I started to create my own monsters during the years when Pokémon and Digimon became really popular in Germany and came up with own profile entries like the originals were promoted in their franchise. The presentation of my fantasy creatures became a little bit edgier when I started watching and playing "YuGiOh!", one of few childhood franchises I really still enjoy nowadays for several reasons. You will realize the strong influence of "YuGiOH!" regarding my chaos creature designs soon enough.

The only chaos creatures appeared up until now were the gigantic sea creature at the first pages and the floraptors that invaded the warship. As for the floraptors the coast and sea were not the natural locations in the world where they used to live or were shifted from the chaos realm ( I will go into the details of the vortex warp at another time). In case as it was presented in my prologue chapter those floraptors were spawned by the so-called alpha invador - a term for a strong chaos creature that is able to lead and control other minor chaos creatures. At some point those florators became assimilated and preserved by the alpha chaos creature within its body. The mysterious fluid of its breeding blossoms makes the contained floraptors more aggressive and stronger, sensitizing their hunting instinct.



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