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Vlog #69 - Annual Christmas Death

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-12-24.


Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

Once again i wish for you to getbetter soon. I have found out that when your nose are like that sleeping in a half sitting position helps alot. Against the fever only thing ican recomend is Alvadon or similer. And yeah make this vlogs now and then it is fun to hear how you have it outside gameing


I had a fever dream about a week ago where I fought a very powerful swan.


I recent got over a rEally nasty flu that lasted 2 weeks. Hope yours isn't that long.


Fever dreams are the BEST! No? Just me?


Do you ever have dreams where you realize you haven't uploaded any videos and they're due, but you have to process them, but then you realize you haven't even filmed anything yet, and you can't find your cameras or anything?


Ooooh yes! I have those and the ones where I suddenly realize I'm supposed to go on stage for a comedy show in 5 minutes, but I've forgotten to write any material. Those are the worst!


ever had a nyquil and alcohol dream? ive done acid and waking up like that is not fun