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The Boss Show - December 2016

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-12-23.


Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

You have to get well soon. Ofcourse you are worth the monney else i wouldn't suport you. Oh and you must have a happy merry chrismass


This has been the best year of throwing change at someone's junk I've ever had. Can't wait for the next one!


Thanks for being you. Have a merry Christmas.


If there was ANY way I could have made 2016 any better, then I'm a goddamn magician! :)

RantingGryphon (edited)

Comment edits

2022-05-12 22:15:58 しょうたくん、グッジョブ! 電話の向こうのママ友からしたら、完全に旦那からエッチなことされてると思われますよね
2016-12-24 11:01:11 I will try my best! Merry Christmas to you!

I will try my best! Merry Christmas to you!


Agreed on the 2016 thing - I haven't talked to ANYONE who 2016 wasn't a dumpster fire for. I'm thinking I'mma give it the hotel '13th floor' rule and pretend it doesn't exist. Merry Christmas though, dude! Hope you're starting to feel better, and that you're getting plenty of rest.


I'll put it this way: I was over at my mom's Friday and Saturday, where her cable TV package has hundreds and hundreds of channels, and I was scrolling through them struggling to find anything that wasn't total shit. I don't know what she pays per month for that steaming load but it's a lot. On your channel people can pay as little as $1 per month ("for just pennies a day, you can sponsor a hungry gryphon who would have nothing but empty pizza boxes and old VHS tapes to eat...") and get great daily entertainment from someone who's hilarious as a comedian, very fun and interesting to listen to, and who makes great content. You are worth every penny per day that we spend. Plus there's always reruns by going back to older videos in your channel! I'm sitting on the Ori collection for when I have nothing else to watch. That totally sucks about the cold, bird! I hope you're able to get over it soon and can move on to some better flavored mucus to cough up. I hope you've had a great christmas! And in response to your reply to Schtolteheim Reinbach, NO, let's not have a do-over on this year! I wouldn't want to sit through another Trump campaign...that made me throw up so much I have a good idea what my colon tastes like.


Gods, I am fat! But, cheese burgers be so good. :)


Gods, I am fat! But, cheese burgers be so good. :)


The funny part was when I was watching the video, Pepper popped out of nowhere (one of those sub-space cat tunnels they have) and looked up at the speakers and then at me. I would swear she was thinking "Where is he? I thought I got rid of that portal switching nuisance." :)


2 the fact you come out and call yourself on not making videos is enough for me to be happy to support you. ive mentioned before ive been following you since my sophomore year in highschool so 2007 at the latest and you being such an honset and entertaining uploader maked me so happy to support you. also as a broncos fan tell your friend fuck the seahawks


the cow death joke made me giggle so much since i remember that from the gas rant. fuck man you you are the best part of nostalgia and awersmoeness ive spent money on and worth every penny


Hey, sometimes I fuck up. And when I do, I'll freely admit it. I may not be happy about it, but I'll admit it.