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Greetings Bosses!

Well folks, this was supposed to be a normal first-of-the-month type update where I fill you in on the things that have been accomplished last month and the new things that are to come. Normally, I like writing these because they're usually positive.

Unfortunately, yesterday afternoon after recording some new videos, lightning struck my yard and my computer suffered damage. With the string of bad luck I've been having, I know some of you must think I'm making all this up at this point. But nope... lightning. Literally lightning this time. I'm starting to think God doesn't want me doing Youtube.

I'm currently using an older computer I've had laying around for awhile. It's much slower and less powerful and right now, I don't know how it's going to affect my ability to make videos. I'm not entirely sure what all has been damaged on my newer system, but I suspect at least the motherboard.

I'm going to start ordering replacement parts ASAP and if there if I have to leave a period with no videos on the channel, I'm going to work to make sure it's as short a time as possible.

I'll keep you all updated!

- 2 Gryphon



I was out of town this weekend, so I didn't see it happen, but my boyfriend tells me lightning struck the swimming pool and somehow fried our modem... Guess it's a good week for lightning.


Well balls. Hope you can get yourself back on your feet soon 2; I assume you have people technically capable to assist or are comfortable enough doing your own diagnostics?


Holy shit man.. That's just messed up with all the bad luck happening to you as of late :v


Man...when it rains it pours, and then you find out it's been peeing on you the whole time. For just such a possibility, that's why I always unplug my computers and modem when thunderstorms are approaching. I don't trust surge protectors to keep a spike of freakin' lightning from frying something. Do whatcha' gotta' do, bird! We'll still be here when you get back up and running. :D


I can do it myself. I actually built the system with my own hands. All my computers are hand-built.


I usually do the same thing! But in this case, even though it was raining, there was no thunder. Not until it hit about 30 feet outside my window. :/

Anthony Blanker

Well... At least it's your computer and not you just happening to be standing out in the yard. Hope things start getting better soon, though. This bad luck streak is starting to get silly.


The weather HAS been pretty crazy. Up north a good few days ago we got some intense lightning. I think it probably found its way to you and beyond, last night my friends in Phoenix said there were looming storms lookin' to hit some day soon. Here's hoping you didn't lose anything, birdman, you work really hard as it is! Lightning is pretty metal, so at least there is that. Keep fightin' the good fight.


Damn, man, nothing but bad luck so far huh? Anyways, if you need anotherIT brain to help with diagnostics, let me know, and if there's parts that you need that can be bought at Best Buy (power supply for example) even more let me know. This wolf is here to help.


Wow. The joys of living at altitude... At least when things improve, it'll feel that much better though. :)