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Vlog #44 - Toast Update

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-05-31.



Damn, that sounds like such a stupid thing to happen ... That sounds almost too easy of a mistake to make :/ I suppose it's hard to say exactly how severe it might be in the eye of the feds without the specific details (how he found it, what kind of site it was hosted on, how it was labeled etc) but either either way I sure hope it'll all work out well in the end.

Tyro Thunderdrone

The internet is a dangerous place to be drunk on


There are a LOT of forums out there that just have user image dumps, .zip files, or links to torrents...Man, click on the wrong thing and you could find yourself with all kinds of crap. I can imagine how easy it is to accidentally happen upon shit like that, gives me the creeps thinkin' about it.


If you have reason to believe you've downloaded something illegal, my advice is to back whatever data you want to save UP, run a military grade shredder on your HDD (You can typically find a few by googling 'military grade file shredder'), then format and reinstall.<br> It sucks, and it's time consuming. But if you do something by ACCIDENT, better safe than sorry. And if there's anything to be learned here, it's this, people: Morbid Curiosity is perfectly normal, but should be curbed. There's no sense risking this exact situation. Treat internet usage like the TSA: the FBI does NOT screw around with it.<br> As always, my best wishes to you and Toast, 2. I hope things end amicably (and for all we know, if he's found guilty, given the circumstances he could end up doing house arrest or even something more lenient, since it WAS an accident).


This is a really shitty thing that's happened. I really hope that the prosecutors just decide they don't have enough of a case and drop it. If it was a windows computer newer than Vista, then the NTFS logs should show when the files were downloaded, and when they were deleted, so it shouldn't be hard to make the case that he simply didn't know what he was downloading until he saw what it was. Idunno, I'm no lawyer but I think if it was really deleted so shortly after download, I don't think any jury would hold that against him, and even most reasonable judges shouldn't or wouldn't. Again, I'm no lawyer, but I don't think they have a leg to stand on in this case.


That is just insane. Definitely hoping for the best.


*huggs however this turns out dont worry we are always here to support you *huggs*


Thanks. Though for now, life must go on. And I have a lot of videos to make, which always puts me in a better mood. :)


We'll see. It'll honestly depend on whether or not they actually care if it was an accident or not. Only time will tell.


Strangely, I remember Toast considering throwing the hard drive away just in case. But he ultimately decided that it was unlikely anything would come of it, so he kept it.


Yeah, you have to be really careful about what you're downloading out there. In some cases, a virus could be the least of your problems.


I'm not sure of the details myself. I wasn't actually there to see when he downloaded it or what was in it. He only told me what happened after he looked in it. We'll just have to see where it goes.


Oh man that totally sucks. Sorry to hear about this - hopefully this can all get sorted out. I'll try to keep some sanity if I hear people talking about it.

Tyro Thunderdrone

We need that Don't drink and internet on a t shirt or something


Our internet laws need serious update and revision... From what it sounds like, Toast didnt do more than your average torrent user, yet he's going to have a label like being accused of being a rapist from now on because of it, and we've seen how even court-provenly-innocent 'rapists' have been treated. D=


Is it really that strict over there? Sheesh...you would think in this day and age the justice system wouldve managed to account for the fact that you do not always know whats in a file before you download it. Sounds like they really need to patch that logic gap, considering the opportunity for someone to put illegal files under otherwise harmless names and on non-illegal-stuff sites. Crossing everything that can be crossed that he gets sent home and that the end result does not end up as grim as it looks now.


Many people think the child pornography laws need to be changed quite a lot. You can actually get as much time as someone who molested a child, just for having a picture of a naked child. I mean... sure, there should be some punishment for hording child porn, but it seems quite a bit unbalanced currently.


That sounds downright horrible. I just hope he fights the charge in court and doesn't accept a plea bargain. Registration is arguably the most insidious lifelong punishment and looks like it's basically guaranteed for anything short of an acquittal. Best wishes to the both of you.


The sex offender list in the US is probably the harshest of sentences one could get, even worse than prison time. And the reasons for being put on it are beyond ridiculous. Even public urination. It's absurd. I wouldn't wish that on anyone and if it's an option I would just leave the US entirely at that point. You can't build a normal life while your name is on that list, period. I wish him the best of luck, this is a shit situation to be in. But if I may give some advice, 2; I understand your desire to help him and to support him through this time. But after this is done and he goes to serve his sentence, cut off all ties you have with him. Say your goodbyes on the day he goes in, because if you stay in touch with people like this (the kind that make bad decision after bad decision) there will come a point where he drags you down with him. You are lucky right now that this was not done on some computer you two shared, or you could be right in there with him right now. And it's important you understand that even after he serves his sentence, this could very well happen again or worse. Don't become a victim of a person like this, no matter how well his intentions might be, or how pure his heart may be. Sooner or later his problems will turn into your problems and you don't want that. Good luck to both of you!


I agree with you. And that's pretty much what happened between he and I at the beginning of the year. Toast is a great guy, but he makes really terrible decisions that affect those who are close to him. Sometimes in a close relationship, that kind of thing will just happen. But when it happens over and over and brings severe consequences and no effort is made to STOP making these decisions that affect those who care about you, then it's time to disconnect. Toast and I are still friends. But I can't be close to him again unless he gets his life in order.