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Vlog #41 - Close Call

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-05-15.



Nobody will force you to make more than 2 videos per day. At least, I guess so. Even I am more than satisfied with one lets-play per day, regarding the length of your vids. Lots of popular youtubers are common to upload videos which are half as long as, what you are showing us regularly. :>


im plenty happy of 1 vid per day o.o alot of "catch up" because i work really much so i think 1 vid per day o.o


Pushing the 'on' button and nothing happening can be a moment of both fear and annoyance. Glad it's all sorted now though. Don't over stretch yourself however, do 2 vids if you can, but aiming for the 1 is find. Plenty of big LPers do one per day or less, so don't worry about doing more too much. Any thoughts on maybe doing the Spec Ops play through? You mentioned it a while ago, but not again since. Also, did you check out VNV Nation? What do you think of them? Keep up the good work, hope your throat heals fast!


You're out put in videos per day is up to you sir, what ever you feel you can handle. Just don't burn you're self out, Any way i am glad you're feeling better and can't wait to see what comes next .


Well, I don't want them to be TOO long or they get dull after awhile. But I also don't want them to be less than 15 minutes or it just doesn't seem like enough.


A lot of people who watch the channel apparently wait till I finish a whole series, then watch the whole thing in one go. :)


I still plan to do Spec Ops. It's actually in the queue, waiting to be LPed. And yeah, I did check them out! They're pretty good!


After last night, I'm just glad that I'm not going to have to rebuild half my computer just to make more videos. :)


As everyone else us saying, don't overwork yourself! You're doing so much already it's really plenty as it is! Your dedication is amazing though, I do admire all the work you put into your channel, 2!


Glad you enjoyed your sandwich! <3


People would be pretty shallow and petty to hate you over something like that, when you're doing everything you can to keep things up and running. I'm sure most of us can definitely relate to having a computer suddenly stop working right and having to figure out what went wrong. What's really important: have a backup drive, or a couple of them. Setting up a raid system of some sort with multiple drives in your computer is important, even if it's a raid 0 that does basic mirroring, and it's always good to have an external backup drive that you only plug in to make your backups and then unplug and set aside. If the motherboard fails, you can always move drives to another computer. BTW, if you have computer problems where you can't upload videos, you can always put the youtube application on your phone so you can record a quick phone vlog and upload a video to keep your fans up to date on what's happening (if you don't already have it for your phone vlogs).


It's what I've always wanted to do. I'm just frustrated right now because I can't do more. But once my voice is back to 100%, it'll be time for more rants and stuff!