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Vlog #40 - A Great Day

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-05-13.



Well, then you can come to my house and help me beat back the black berries and the grass.


By the way, I have mountains, too, but mine are green!


Could you fit 3.2 kids into the fridge? :P


BTW, you do sound a bit better, so the throat must be healing well. Must be nice to sit out on the porch not getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. Back here in Michigan, all those things I thought were snowflakes blanketing the land over the winter were mosquito larva, so already they're starting to come out just in time for the end of the biting black gnats. Would be cool to hang out with you!


We should totally chill sometime. Crack open a couple beers and just relax. Come to Europe sometime and such thing will be arranged!


I kinda had the idea of, what you said about the place filled with gravel, but not entirely. Maybe with some round spots filled with earth and some plants or flowers and some walkways or places, like a barbecue area covered with cobble stones. Yeah leave that tree stub where it is and put a bird house ore something like that on it. It's a nice idea to turn your garden into an area, where you can relax. Right now, your garden looks pretty wild. ^^


It only gets worse as the spring goes on. With no lawnmower, the weeds can get taller than me!


get a sheep they will nom all the grass in no time


Man, your place looks heavenly! What a nice view of the mountains, too! Having a yard is something have sorely missed since moving out of the southwest, despite how much I prefer the colder weather where I live now. I'll chill with you in spirit, 2! Cheers :3


You know, that's not a terrible idea. Though seeing as this is Colorado, they probably wouldn't last long. I've walked outside to see bears in my yard before. Yes, actual bears! :)