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Vlog #35 - Another Day Off

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-04-30.



Good to hear it's slowly progressing forward!


only telephone could squeak her way through an episode. from what i understand about the honey helping, its more for the irritation in the throat rather than the vocal choards themselves. i am probably wrong


Squeeky 2 sounds adorable o_o


The Tea with Honey thing is because Honey's a natural analgesic/anti-inflammatory. It won't necessarily help your vocal cords outright, but it will soothe the throat a bit and make it so there's less stress on them. The tea part is basically for something warm, which A) Helps Soothe as well, and B) Melts the honey down to make it easily drinkable so it can coat the throat. So yeah, Matthew pretty much has the right of it.

Crimson Fhang

If your going the tea rout go with peppermint tea or add some peppermint extract to it, but only one or two drops as it's pretty strong stuff. It will help sooth things much better then just honey.


In the UK we have this Lemsip stuff for sore throats and colds, which is like a tea and cold medicine in one. Don't know if they are in the states, but it's nice lemony way of making your sinuses feel better. Get well soon!


I don't know how drinking something helps but it does. It's like when you're really dry and your voice starts getting hoarse, but just a sip of water makes everything smooth right out. Since there's a lot of the anatomy involved in making speech than just the vocal cords, drinking something probably helps those other parts while not reaching the vocal cords directly. Anyway, a friend of mine swears by eating extremely spicy (hot) foods to get rid of a cold. His reasoning is that the hot spice kills the bugs. I'm not willing to torture myself to test that theory. Of course, when you feel a cold coming on you could always take Zicam to help the symptoms go by quicker and lighter (it actually seems to work for me). Just don't tell Uncle Homeopathy :P