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Vlog #34 - I've Been Plagued

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-04-29.



Yeah, resting is good indeed! And honestly, what is a single video compared to your well being? Better to lose one day and fall behind just slightly than to overwork yourself and burn yourself out in addition to major health issues which would probably mean losing a lot more than just a day or two. Sick days happens and is part of life, nothing to feel bad about <3


dued if neexs be, take a week off and don't even think about patreon. we would rather have nothing to watch for however long it takes, than watch you put yourself out and suffer, possibly aggravating the illness.


Don't worry about the video's. Your health means more to me then the number of videos you put out. The last thing I need to hear is that you need or needed to visit the local hospital. Remember to put yourself on the top of the list of being taken care of and not the videos that you want to get done. Don't make me tell Mrs. C and I will if I have to. One thought have Uncle Kega and or his mother on one of you 2 sence show?


Jesus dude, absolutely. Take a break if you need it, yo. Sounds like you've got a little bit of laryngitis on the go. Orange juice and resting the throat is the way to go, maybe some lozenges too - if you can get some of the really shitty tasting mentholated ones, those work best if you can tolerate them. Get some rest, and get well soon, broseph.


Having Kage on one of the 2 Sense Shows is definitely something that can, and is likely, to happen... as long as it's cool with him.


Take this as a get well soon card: May the god of chicken soup and Gatorade shine their healing glow on your face. When I'm sick I like to stick on audio books, and I bet there's a few classic books you've never read. Even if you're sick, you can still do something educational. Or keep watching old sci-fi, nothing wrong with that either :P. Which Star Trek series is it?


By all means, 2, if you don't feel up to workin', then take the time off, you definitely seem like it would do you some good! Resting when needed will help you live long and prosper! Good vibes to you, fella.

Anthony Blanker

Stop worrying about your video scedule so much and get some rest. Your bosses are telling you to get better first. >.>


It's only fair! I and many other people get sick days from our job, so you're entitled to whatever sick days you need as well. And fair is fair even more...you recorded your video bottomless, I watched your video bottomless :P Get well soon!


Thank you for taking a break!