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BRRRRAT | SUPERFLIGHT #1 Who me? Just eating mountainsides with my face. Anatomy of 2 Gryphon T-shirt: https://artworktee.com/collections/premade- designs/products/anatomy-of-2-gryphon Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon Want the game? Get it here! http://store.steampowered.com/app/732430/Superflight/


Russell Tuss

Meh, people who have to use the word "Cuck" because they heard it on the internet and it seemed offensive make me laugh and cry at the same time, laugh because seriously, it's 2018, and that's the best insult their feeble little mind could come up with? But also sad, because it heralds the the death of language, there are far more entertaining insults to be used. But these people are so uneducated and pathetic, that they can only squeak out a four letter word. . . This game looks hilarious. I like a good burger; sometimes you don't care, it's delicious meaty meat noms. Sometimes though, you wanna kick it up a notch to remind the tastebuds that murder is the way of things. 3 lbs of ground chuck, 1 lb mild ground pork sausage, two scrambled eggs, a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, maybe a teaspoon of fresh ground pepper, all mixed together and folded over and over till you get perfect patty material, then put on the grill, with a slight toasting of the bun for deliciousness.


Bird rambling