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Sometimes in life, some things just can't be explained. And you know, maybe that's good. Anatomy of 2 Gryphon T-shirt: https://artworktee.com/collections/premade-designs/products/anatomy-of-2-gryphon Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon Want the game? Get it here! http://store.steampowered.com/app/264710/Subnautica/


Russell Tuss

Thanks for bringing Story Time back :D


are these videos patron only? I don't see them on your youtube channel, but they're not marked preview.


I think I just forgot to mark them as previews this time. Sorry about that. :) Yeah, they're previews. They haven't been released yet.


The only real ghost story I can tell is from some weeks or months after my cat died in 2001. One night as I was laying there trying to get to sleep, something made me sit upright in my bed, and there she was. My cat was there, standing with her paws up on the bed and feet stretched back to the box frame (I had a twin mattress in a waterbed frame). In the dark she was clear as could be, lit up by the outdoor light from across the street. I knew she wasn't just an image burned into my brain from a dream because I hadn't been asleep yet, and she was fully 3-dimensional as my head and eyes moved around. Over several seconds she faded away to nothing, as if she was never there at all. I've had other experiences where I feel dead loved ones visited me in dreams, but those would be too easy for someone to dismiss as nothing more than a dream. Seeing my cat with my own eyes while I was awake and sitting up, I can't just dismiss that. I totally know where you're coming from with that description of the loved one dying over and over again every time you realize or remember they're gone, as you also described in RFP #2. I had that bigtime about a week after my dog died, when I was driving and reached into the back seat of the car to pet him, only to look back and realize that he was gone. For a split second in my mind he was alive and laying down behind me, and the next second he was dead again. Something similar happens whenever there's a nice warm day and I think of going golfing with my dad, and then I remember. I'm also a skeptic and concede that I don't know whether or not there is a soul of some sort, but I tend to think that there is something intangible there that gives life consciousness beyond just the collection of chemical reactions that make up every part of every cell in the body. For chemistry to have thought, not just stimulus-response, to feel emotions, to rise to the intelligence to have the knowledge and awareness that it is only chemistry, to have thoughts and concepts of things that don't even exist, and the fact some chemical reactions can make the choice to end their own experiment despite a few billion years of evolving reactions perfecting the process of replicating, I think shows there is some kind of intangible life force behind it. Again, I don't know for sure and nobody will ever know until after we die, and in that regard I tend to think that either there will be something there, in which case that's cool, or there will be utter nothingness and nonexistence, in which case I won't exist to lament my lack of existence. And if there is something on the other side, I promise to haunt you to let you know.