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It's a little later in the month this time, but I have some important updates on what's going on in the studio. Hope you enjoy!


The Boss Show - July 2017



I say that the con idea is worth a shot. Even if it falls on its face, you can say "


Whoops posted that to quickly. To continue previus post. you can say" Hey I did a thing, it didnt work but hell i tried"


Honestly I'd love for 2 sense to be a podcast so I can listen to it on my way to work. Discord is also a fantastic idea. Though I would suggest finding a few people who can moderate the server. Con might be a pipe dream, but it's a pipe dream we can hope comes true!

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

Nop Skype and capturing software do not work togather. Non will due to both whant access to camera and windows aren't able to do this. I have only seen one program that worked togather with Skype and it is Facering. It has a function where you can "send" it to Skype and that way have your animated figure in Skype. Else i think you need to grabe video hardware to capture. Yeah finaly we will play FFXIV? Yeah I know not your kind of game but could not resist mate ^_^ Patron con yeah it would be fun if I could join. I live in Sweden.....


Well, the thing is, I'd need some dedication to it. I wouldn't be able to get the convention space without folks pre-registering.


I will find some moderators, however keep in mind that the only people there will be the patrons here. I'd like to think there wouldn't be a need to moderate them. :)

Robert Seth

A pod cast would be awesome or any type of radio show would be amazing. I could listen to them at work or on the road. As for the con idea; I think it would be worth a shot just to see. Also your looking and sounding a lot better since you started dealing with your problem. Keep up the great work 2.


I love the con idea


Have you ever tried world of warships ? Also glad you like the plaque i made for you


So count me in on the Discord chat. As for 2 Sense being a podcast, that is something I think is an excellent idea. Some of the other podcasts I listen to have sections for the podcast art where the listeners can submit art for the shows, and over time a nice little evergreen pool of podcast art builds up to select from. Also helps you out with the show since your listeners are also the producers of the show in part. Really excited for the 2 Sense show, I can't remember how many times I have listened to the old shows. And Jibba! Who the fuck couldn't be excited for the return of our favourite flaming black guy?! Now I am a REALLY excited derg. >;)


hell yes. just to everything. would love to join in on the discord chat con you name it. i like the idea of 2 sense being a podcast because thats the kind of thing i like to have as background when im driving or playing games. the con is definitely a pipe dream but hey youre in a good area relatively centralized in the country. would be cool to meet and hangout with you adn all the other patrons. all in all keep doing great work 2


I'm all for 2 Sense being a podcast again. I always used to listen to it at work when I could get away with it. As for 2 Con, I'd go if I had the money. Hopefully I will by the time it becomes a reality. When it comes to Discord, I have channels for a few you tubers already and it's great to get to know other fans as well as chatting with you once in a while. Thanks for everything 2. You're amazing.


2 you totally rock. I love listening to you, watching you. I've been rooting for you with the sobriety thing. As for the little con...if Had time off and money sure i'd love to meet you in person, hang out. Keep chugging along!


2 Sense Podcast would be awesome. would totally have it playing while i'm in my workshop working on things. is usually when i listen to the Dragget Show ^_^ 2 Sense would be awesome to add to that rotation in my phone


2 Sense would be amaze no matter how you did it. Yes on the Discord, I'd show up. Yes on the con, I'd crawl over hot coals to show up (And sell my body to afford to go).


A discord room? Sure, I'm game.


Discord would be great. And I'd love to come to a 2 Con, if I can get Leave. I would definitely suit! :D


I would sell organs (Mine and others) To see 2 con. I would support the hell out of that and when i get out of the military i would attend every year hell or high water. If i couldn't get a plane i would drive and if i couldn't drive i would walk. I am behind that a thousand percent. Hell if you need security ill do it. ill move shit and set up and do what ever. You and the other fans are one of the few things keeping me going, its nice to see a group of people that rely care and in general aren't dicks. Gives me a little faith in humanity.


Hmmm. Maybe I should hunt around for a little venue somewhere nearby some fun things to do around here.


It will be 2 years before i can go reliably but i would love the hell out of it. Know others would too.


I think BirbCon would be a great idea, though sadly I'd be unlikely to be able to make it. It would be a cool thing to have for people who could, though!