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Today, for the first time, I actually started feeling fully conscious.


Dave Sanders

With awareness comes actual bird movements. :)

Russell Tuss

"I haven't needed that in 3 weeks." Seriously, that's kinda awesome. Plus, yay clarity. Goodbye Puke Bottle. You're regaining your dignity. I'd be careful about 'taking no shots' just yet. Keep taking the vitamins, there's no problems with nuclear yellow. Plus, Awakenings has Robin Williams, and it was bathed in the goodness of his acting.


It's just great to see you getting better.

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

2 I told you i whanted you to be at 0 and you did it! I am so happy and proud. However be carefull and listen to your boddy and doctors.


Yeah, I am. That's why I'm not staying at zero. I'll be taking my shots today, even if I don't want them. It could be dangerous if I don't.


Most of my life my mother was either drunk, getting drunk, or hung over. When I was 18 they diagnosed my stepfather with hepatitis C and he had to give up drinking( He was just an after work beer kind of guy) My mother quit drinking in solidarity. It was amazing to finally get to meet my mother. She is an amazing person with out booze. I am so happy to be able to watch you get sober. Makes me realize how hard that must have been for her. I know when she started she would occasionally cheat by drinking cough syrup but she stopped that after a few months. I am also really excited to see what you can do when you are free of this and awake all the time.


I got some camera gear I still want to send you to help you with the tired arm thing. :)


Bird, dude! You're looking great and sounding great! This is really cool what kind of positive effects you're having from all this (the blind spot and gimpy hip aside). I've seen "Awakenings" and that really is a great movie. Just be glad your alcohol wasn't like the medication in that movie, where you consistently need more and more of it to achieve the clarity you're loving so much. It seems like getting rid of the alcohol is lifting a smog that didn't let you see how much needing a puke jug was a problem. Keep on going! I'm really happy for you :D BTW, speaking of nuclear-yellow piss, one time I had to get an eye exam from a specialist to study the capillaries in my retinas. They injected me with a dye so the blood vessels would be more visible in their scans. Later that day when I took a piss it came out looking like liquefied orange Jello. It took about 24 hours to get all the dye out of my system.


Glad to see your back among us. You look like you did when you were doing 2 sense with jibba. Maybe even better.


I'm feeling like I can finally brain again on some days. I can't wait until it's every day.