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This is about to be the messiest of mess


Portia Crain

The best season to date I think this is where the show really started to flourish


I just started and I'm dying at your facial expression when Dan came around the ambulance!!! 😂 Sorry, buddy.


spent a few days fighting a war in my mind and i just got a 2 hour reprieve 😭🫂🤍


Yeah, they never explained where Haley was for 3 months, but she didn't move in with Brooke until Brooke got back 3 months after Haley got back. They could have just said she stayed with Lucas since both Karen and Brooke were gone. Something was probably cut out.


also lol nathan scott definitely sits alone in his room and listens to cleaning out my closet

Desiree Mclaughlin

I always assumed that when Nathan went to High Flyers, Haley decided to go back to the tour for the summer, but yeah, I don’t think they ever really address it and it is a little confusing.


1:13:41 😭😭😭 lmaooo


Or maybe she visited her parents. That's my head cannon lol. But either way, it's not really important to anything going forward.


I loved Nathan and Haley's conversation on the beach. I thought it was really honest and mature, especially for Nathan, who I love, but he can act really childish at times. (I mean he is a child, so it's expected.) It is tough to watch him be so cold with her considering she was the only person he was never like that with. I've got to give it to Haley, she's been a trooper and has been understanding and is taking it well. She's letting him feel what he needs to feel and act like he needs to act and is not being petty or defensive about it. Obv all of Nathan's behavior with Haley is justified. It's just refreshing that Haley accepts that as well. She knows what she did. I don't think Haley was saying she would wait for him, just that she wasn't going anywhere. A big thing about her going on tour was her leaving him/abandoning him, (He's got issues from when his mom did the same.) so I think a part of his lack of trust in her is about this. I felt like she was trying to reassure him that she will be there and she won't leave again. Nathan said, "Okay" like he heard what she was saying. I love Lucas and Haley's friendship! It's nice we're getting back to that this season. I thought that they sacrificed Lucas and Haley a little last season to build up Nathan and Lucas. That said, I don't like to see Nathan and Lucas at odds. 😥 I love their friendship as well! Brooke and Haley as roommates! I like Karen, but she's a little boring. Her slang talk w Lucas was cringe. I prefer messy Deb lol. She's more interesting to me, more layers. I did love the Karen and Dan scene. "If someone did try to kill you Dan, I'm sorry that they failed." Savage. I love it! I want more of this Karen. 🤣


What a start to Season 3. These two episodes, especially the first one really set up the rest of the season. I can say so so so much, but as usual, I can't because I don't want to spoil anything. I do have to say one thing ... I can't believe you didn't realize that Peyton's dad got recast. I was actually waiting to see if you picked up on that though, but nope. I mean ... I get it since her dad was hardly in the first two seasons, but still something I thought you'd pick up on. I love Kevin Kilner as her dad. He really put his all in these scenes in these two episodes. I don't think the first dad would've been able to put in the same emotions as he did. But anyways, GREAT REACTION!!!!!!!! Can't wait for you to continue.


Yeah I thought seasons 1 and 2 did a great job of setting up the show and they hit their stride after.

Desiree Mclaughlin

So I agree to a certain extent with Peyton’s dad, especially when it comes to him defending his late wife. That scene between Peyton and Larry was *chef’s kiss*. However, I do think there is a certain level of hypocrisy with him acting all protective now when he’s been MIA, leaving his teenage daughter alone to fend for herself for months at a time. I mean, he tells Peyton it’s her choice whether or not she wants to get to know Ellie, but then confronts Ellie and tells her he isn’t going to allow her to be in Peyton’s life. Meanwhile he’s probably just home long enough to do his laundry and run off to his next job.


From what we've seen, her parents have the only stable-loving marriage on the show. I always thought it sucked that they bounced when she needed them the most. She definitely could use their advice and guidance, about marriage, but maybe not parenting lol.



Giorgia M

God, this season is so juicy already!!! One thing I super love about the episodes already is Lucas and Peyton being besties after their summer together. I just think they have such a great friendship and I’m glad to see it after all the drama!!! They seem to just understand each other well, in a different way that the other characters do. I think it’s an interesting dynamic. Also, I think people kinda hate Peyton but I’m a Peyton stan till I die. I love a complex, complicated, angry woman !!! Sue me !!!! But everyone’s relationships are so messy and complicated !!! And interesting!!! I love it.


I love Peyton!!! I get why people dislike her at times but I also don't get it at the same time.


I really like the whole scene with Nathan and Haley when she comes into the bedroom and he tells her he still loves her but he just can’t trust her. The emotions are so raw in that one. I also loved their conversation on the beach. Although, I didn’t agree with the way Lucas confronted him about not talking to Haley. I mean, I get it. Nathan can ice people out and be stubborn, so it probably did help to give him a kick in the ass in order for him to see that he does need to communicate with her where he’s at. But Lucas telling Nathan that he just needs to forgive her and get over everything that happened right now is naive and really not his place. Especially after he saw how much pain Nathan went through. I could not believe Dan survived that fire the first time I watched this! I’m so glad Haley is back! Also, I love Brooke and Haley being roommates! Such a fun and different dynamic.


Too bad no Korok popped up. Guess he must've placed the stone slightly wrong.


No way Dan's alive 😭😭😭 Okay after the first episode I had a theory that maybe Lucas actually took him out of the fire because Dan said something about remembering suddenly lying outside on the floor, plus Lucas having that note Dan was clutching. And the episode started with Lucas saying he did something he couldn't take back, so maybe he was regretting saving him LMAO. But with the ending of this 2nd episode that theory doesn't stand. Unless... Dan remembered Lucas' face through the fire because he saw him through the fire when he was saving him... I don't know, because Lucas also had no reason(?) to be there at night. Anyway, I'm excited for this season, let's get it!