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oh what is it with Haley and douchebags? First Nathan (although he's had an incredible arc an he's no longer a douche), now Chris, like girl do better.

Ashley Kinney

So happy to get another video so soon! Love these reactions and can’t wait until you get further in the show! Season 2 is generally people’s least favorite season

Elsa Reinsch

I disagree with this. For one, she didn't like Nathan because he was a douche. She liked him because he showed her a vulnerable side of himself. She liked him for his kind heart that he showed her even though he wasn't willing to show it to anyone else at that time. As to Chris she doesn't like Chris. As she says in this episode... she is jealous of him and his way of life. This isn't even getting into the realm of spoilers because it's something she says in this episode and I believe her. I even believed her when I first watched this episode. Also let's not forget that Chris is a fucking adult who is preying upon a 16 year old girl. He is a fucking pedophile for kissing a minor. He is taking advantage of her dream of pursuing her music career and he is trying to come off as more important than he is because he knows that his life is enticing to her.