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I hope you're all staying cool. Some parts of the world are suffering intense heat waves. I wanted to check in as I did a year ago, time can sure fly by & it's always important to check in. To be transparent, & I mentioned this in a video briefly, last month was one of my worst mental health periods in quite some time. I look back & am quite surprised I was able to post as much as I did. I know some people prefer schedules, this is the reason I've never been able to adhere to one. Though I try. For those that don't know, I have bipolar disorder & every so often it really comes crashing down. That being said! I feel wonderful today, and hope to carry that feeling for as long as I can.

Below is a poll!! It's like the one I posted last year around this time. We've got some new faces so it's a good time to check in again, especially as I'm working on things more than ever outside of the channel. I just want to gauge what most of you are here for so I can try & spread or narrow down & improve the content in the best way I can! So just pick what interests you most :) (you can vote multiple times!) Also please feel free to add to what may not be on this poll in the comments! Just so everyone knows, I see EVERY message and EVERY comment :)

Junes custom request batch will be up in the next couple days


Dani May

Hey Michael, I wanted to thank you truly for how open and transparent you have been with you journey in discovering you're bipolar. As someone who spent over half of their lives inside psychiatrist / counsellors offices trying to find my correct diagnoses.. and getting so many misdiagnosis along the way (for me including BPD AND BIPOLAR and relating deeply so much to both diagnosis) until we finally discovered 2 years ago I was AuDHD.. I truly appreciate how draining the whole reality is. I don't think it's fully talked about or understood that getting a diagnosis is just the beginning.. a hard beginning at that because it is a life changing experience.. You may have always known or felt like you processed the world differently, or had more intense highs and lows then those around you but learning a name to the reason and having to like unravel your life.. go through so many pieces and memories and discover your real self through all of this is a resilience and strength that not many can comprehend. I have been a patreon for a while now, and you have been a very comforting presence for me, especially during hard times. You're honest, careful but true with your words and thoughts, and give a safe space for others to be able to unravel their own selves and get lost in the world of sharing a special interest with someone else. I am truly sorry you experienced one of your worst mental health months, and I want you to remember this is all so new to you so the highs and lows may feel different, maybe even more extreme then they have in the past. It can be consuming trying to gain knowledge on a diagnosis and trying to relate it back to yourself and the times you have experienced so far. Please be as kind to yourself, as you are to all of us.. If you need to take those breaks, and not post.. don't. We will all be here when you feel more like yourself and are ready to crush more reactions. As for how I found you, was your Olivia Rodrigo drivers license YouTube video.. I first stayed for all the amazing Taylor Swift, little mix, Miley Cyrus reactions, but my special interest is TV shows.. and getting to watch some of my fav along side you (one tree hill, game of thrones, house of the dragon) or discovering new TV shows that I am newly obsessed with (HEARTSTOPPER, queens gambit and sex education) It has been nothing but enjoyable. As always, I want to recommend a few shows as a parting gift, because like I said.. they are truly my special interest and I love watching others experience them.. 1) Normal people - on prime (in Canada) - it is a book adaptation, one season only.. you don't need to read the book, I watched the show before doing so.. it is raw, it is life changing.. I don't know how to explain it other then... it made me feel so many things 2) The OC - it came out the same time as one tree hill and they had to kind of compete against each other for ratings at the time. It lasted 4 seasons. It is really good. 3) new girl - for a cute sitcom.. 4) the marvellous mrs. Maisel - the show just came to an end but it was marvellous while it lasted. I could name so many more.. but I feel like this message is long enough already. So I will end with, Thank you and I hope today you're able to do something for yourself.. even if it's as simple as getting out of bed and making yourself a yummy meal. Sending love, Dani


do you have to pay extra for custom requests?


To watch them no, but to request something yes. It’s a tier he only opens every once in a while for people to join to keep the requests at a manageable level.

Tessa Noble

Just want to send good vibes your way because you deserve it. ❤️

Kelsey Haevermaet

All of the above🤭 hoping for some more pentatonix on the channel tho. And i love the movies and tv shows! Hopefully you have an amazing day!


after seeing your reaction to a greyson chance song a few months back i really think you’d love his full length projects, i would recommend doing portraits, trophies and palladium 🫶


Ok I'm a terrible disabled person because I forgot to say that it's also Disability Pride Month (July) so it would be cool if you did a reaction to a movie surrounding disability. If you need any suggestions on which one would be best or which ones to stay away from (there are some that nondisabled ppl love that the disability community don't support), you can message me! 🙂


I hope you’re feeling better now and I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been having a tough time!! Take your time with everything, your health comes first always 🤍 If there’s a new series poll coming soon could you please add the umbrella academy? I think you’d enjoy it!


As a fellow person with bipolar disorder, I know the struggle. This month has also been rough for me and I hope that you are on the upswing. I know that lately listening to Stray Kids has really been my lifeline. They just put out a new album 5 star that is so good you should really check it out. I know you've reacted to them in the past and I would love to see more but of course, your mental health is most important so no pressure. Just keep doing what you are doing because I know I'm not the only one that your videos provide comfort for. Hope you are feeling better!!!

Spooky Stephanie

hi michael!! would you ever consider reacting to dpr ian again? maybe one of his albums? i loved your reaction to his miito movie 1!

Aninha Silva

Michael you need to get into The Bear, it's fantastic!!


that’s what i thought but i wasn’t 100% sure, thank you!


Whelp, school is starting up again soon. Sadly, I’m going to have to take a pause on being a patron. 😔 I need to narrow down my focus. I’ll be back though! I felt weird just leaving without saying anything. Thank you for all your wonderful content and the community you’re creating! I’ll be looking out to support any music you might be showing to the world in the meantime!

Michael Beveraggi

❤️❤️❤️good luck with school Michelle!! hopefully catch you on discord! Appreciate your kind words and see ya soon!