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hosu11 (edited)

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2023-06-28 09:15:20 i can't believe we're almost at the end of the season!!! levi being the humanity's strongest soldier for 20+minutes straight is my favorite thing to watch honestly, together with mikasa! the pain after rewatching these episodes is real, it hurts 💔
2023-06-27 19:33:11 i can't believe we're almost at the end of the season!!! levi being the humanity's strongest soldier for 20+minutes straight is my favorite thing to watch honestly, together with mikasa! the pain after rewatching these episodes is real, it hurts 💔

i can't believe we're almost at the end of the season!!! levi being the humanity's strongest soldier for 20+minutes straight is my favorite thing to watch honestly, together with mikasa! the pain after rewatching these episodes is real, it hurts 💔


This is my first rewatch of this show and I'm kind of thankful for my poor selective memory because there are some scenes I didn't remember happening and I react just as shook as the first time 🤣

blue side

Levi is absolutely my fav character in the series. Probably a lot of people have already told you but, in case not, pleaseee react to Levi's OVA's episodes, there are just two and it's called No Regrets. It's a must before continuing season 2, it shows his backstory


when levi gave "ivan's" badge, it was actually petra's. he took it from her body to remember her. so i just love this little moment for levi, showing his humanity, letting go of a token he'd initially taken for himself just to comfort someone else (': also i'm not sure if petra and levi were together; don't think it was ever confirmed. i definitely thought it was implied by that marriage line as well when i first watched this and how these set of episodes focused so much on levi's reaction toward her death and dropping her body off the cart (and obviously taking her badge, as aformentioned) - but i think the general consensus was just that petra is the collective symbol of the team, and the parents misinterpreted her loyalty to levi as wanting to get married because they simply didn't understand how someone can be so devoted to their captain lol but i forever headcanon that they were actually engaged heh.. rewatching these episodes makes me freaking love commander erwin so much more (as a character, not a person haha). i first watched this season when it came out and i feel like i glossed over just how central erwin is in keeping the scouts together.


Yeah, I’ve always seen it as Petra’s father misinterpreting her devotion loyalty towards Levi as her wanting to marry him. I definitely don’t think there was anything further to their relationship then what was shown


My favourite series to watch on patreon let's goo


Yeah there were a lot of questions ab the marriage line from Petra's father when S1 started getting big. Personally, I quite like the headcanon that there was something going on there bc of what you said ab Levi compartmentalising his emotions and his sheer ability to keep his shit together in battle, it really shows how strong he is. Mikasa is fantastic but what she can match Levi with in terms of strength, he's still truly humanity's strongest soldier due to his mental strength and tactical ability, the combination of that AND his physical strength is what truly makes him an awesome and admirable character! So glad I gave watching this w u another go, the dub is still a bit painful but mostly only for Armin and Eren's VAs (Levi, Mikasa and Erwin are a treat!) and also the rewording of some common elements of the story ("the cellar" is too formal, nowhere near as catchy as "the basement" haha!) or 3D maneuver gear to omnidirectional mobility gear (even tho that might be more accurate?). Cannot wait for you to finish S1 and enter the madness that is everything beyond!


And yes, if you need more Levi in your life and want to see some different sides to his character, the "No Regrets" episodes are essential! "OVAs" are basically like extra episodes that come on physical copies of anime seasons, like DVD extras, but I have no idea why No Regrets was never included in an official season as its incredibly important to Levi's character. I suppose it would've been bad for pacing, but still, it's a shame many folks miss out on em just out of not knowing they exist. No Regrets is only two episodes, so easy to fit in before S2 as well. There are also other S1 OVA eps, but they're nowhere near as important to the plot and would just be a fun bonus maybe, to revisit these characters further down the line.

hosu11 (edited)

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2023-07-12 19:55:28 +1! no regrets is a must watch before season 2!
2023-06-29 13:28:44 +1! no regrets is a must watch before season 2!

+1! no regrets is a must watch before season 2!


i can ..somewhat.. get behind eren’s va. of course it’s got nothing on the feeling of pure honey and goosebumps that yuki kaji gives me - but as someone whose fav character is literally armin, i cannot empathize with him at all in dub LMAO


“Pure honey and goosebumps” me when Jean’s sub VA arrives 😳😳 HAHA AND what a way to put it you “cannot empathise” with American Armin, that is the best way to describe it all tbh. For a series that is so tragic and painful and dramatic, the US VAs really have a way with making it seem MELOdramatic and unnecessary oof :// Armin is my fav too I literally have that kid needled into my skin forever, but goddamn I don’t know how Dub VA quality hasn’t had a massive rehaul after all these years of us all complaining😅


I'm begging for this series