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Had to pause already right at the 4:28 mark 🤣 Joon specifically didn’t release or confirm lyrics on this album because he wanted people to connect with they heard and that beginning line is my absolute favorite example. People argue between if he said ‘feel like a torso’ and ‘feel like a torn soul’. I argue that it’s both and he new exactly what he was doing with that. I had first heard ‘feel like a torso’ because I was in a pretty numb state of existence and I think that’s such a perfect description … in that state where you don’t really have thoughts or feel your heart it’s just numbness, but heard ‘feel like a torn soul’ when I wasn’t in the numb state of depression but more struggling with the way the world is and who I was … both aspects of depression and/or having a hard time but different aspects of it and going into Pinocchio which not feeling human goes into both of those feelings … and … and … and … I could go on forever haha but on with the video.


Wow, my comfort Album Mono. This Album holds a special place in my heart. What a treat today!💜

julian kristiansen rundhaug

the line is "ash is a thing someday we all should be"and i think ist referencing that we all should die no one should live forever


i dedicated my first tattoo to forever rain, even though i always said i would never be the type to get anything show, music, or celeb- related LOL i just never loved any media as much as i did when this came out. this mixtape was probably the first to have such a gigantic impact on me and it was probably also what first helped me realize that i was going thru depression at the time,, i forever owe namjoon for this!


I have this album on heavy rotation in my playlists because it is oddly sad yet soothing and feels like RM is right there beside me in my struggle. I have so much respect for him. I am glad you felt the connection you did to this special piece of work. 🤗

blue side

I really needed this, I've also been having a hard time like the past month and a half for several different reasons, and it's been a while since I heard these songs all together. mono is such a space for comfort for me and so many people. Namjoon's words always make me feel like I'm not alone. Something I find comfort in are metaphors about nature and I loved that he used them in everythinggoes, because we come from nature and if we observe it, the cycles, it's always the same; even if we may not believe that things can change, nature proves to us that the most certain thing in life is that absolutely everything is always changing, that's why it's so comforting. It's like he's saying ''if you don´t believe me look outside''. I like to interpret ''ash'' as mortality, when he says we all should be ash or ''ashy world'' Ithink of it as everything should come to an end eventually, which is a topic he talked about in his previous mixtape ''life is more beautiful because everyone has death as collateral'' which also goes with the whole concept of darkness and light, ying and yang. Life is about balance, if you think about it, we love because we're not eternal, same as we are able to feel joy and gratitude because we also feel sadness and pain. Life is about the contrast, the contrast is what defines our reality, if everything was pure light or pure darkness we wouldn't be able to make up anything, and literally speaking, we wouldn't be able to see. If we lived forever, nothing would have a point anymore, same as if we were happy forever, happiness itself would lose any meaning. That's why I feel this album is so special, it highlights the contrast of life in so many ways, and how important it is. Even tho we may hate it sometimes, it's necessary, and hearing and being reminded of that it's so incredibly comforting. I'm glad you listened to this album at this exact time Michael.


i wasn't even an 'army' yet, just had started casually listening to bts and heard RM had an album so I turned it on one day while I was cleaning -- I started crying before the first track was even over. It captures so much sadness and so much comfort all at once. You are not the first person to describe it as a 'hug'. It carries so much sadness without being "dark". It's.... yeah..... it's everything. I'm sure by now you've heard the saying "we find BTS when we need them most." Maybe you found "mono" when you needed it most. 💜 thank you for sharing it with us About his first mixtape RM -- a few comments have said the lyrics aren't as good or the main point of it, etc., but i strongly disagree. I love that album lyrically too. Even though it is braggadocios, it is also deeply introspective. And his 'bragging' is so clearly fighting back against a hatred and trying to stand up for himself. Sometimes that's exactly what I need in a day. He also works a lot with paradox and contradictions as he always does. He's so good at capturing how we often feel two contradictory things at the same time. Anyway - just wanted to shout out his first mixtape! even if he wishes he could erase it, I'm so glad it exists and I gain a lot of strength from it.


Mono is my comfort album and Rm is my comfort artist. When ever I'm going through a hard time I throw on this album and cry with RM. At the end I feel like ive just gotten a big warm hug. I will always love and be so grateful to RM for sharing this with us.


what a treat, been waiting forever for this one. as someone who is also going through a garbage time personally im glad this album has found you when it needed to (also re moonchild - studies have shown people with adhd have a delayed circadian rhythm compared to neurotypicals so we tend to be more active at night)


If you’re not deep in your feelings by the end of mono did you actually even listen to the album? Whenever I listen to it (or any bts album but the feeling is strongest with mono) I always feel like I’ve flailing my hand out desperately as I try to make it through a dark point in life and then suddenly someone is holding my hand. Not to save me but just for comfort, to feel that someone else is going through it with me - the good and the bad. You can just FEEL down to your bones that you’re not alone in whatever you’re experiencing. It’s been an everthinggoes on loop sort of week for me so this was particularly timely. Thank you for a great video!

Hailey Lee

omg, im so glad you finally reacted to this. This album is my comfort album. I adore him so much.

Caroline B.

god that album is just soooo comforting... he's not telling you to get better or get over it, it's just him telling you "i see you, i understand you, i'm with you" and it makes all the difference

valeria castillo

Every time I feel sad or depressed I listen this album, and I always end up crying, but after that I feel sooo much better. For me it’s my comfort album. Also it’s definitely one of my fave projects of the boys.


This album - Forever Rain specifically - brought me through the worst moments after my 21yr old fur baby died. It was right around there that I watched the Save Me MV and fell headlong into the rabbit hole.


Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable with us. It's not the easiest thing to do. Seeing you so affected by this album brought me right back to when I first heard it. I really do think Mono is a masterpiece. It's my number one album out of all BTS related albums (group and solo). My dad passed away a week before Mono came out and it got me through that time and for that reason I don't think any will ever beat it.


Finally, the masterpiece that is mono. It made me so sad that RM could have possibly regretted mono. I believe mono deserves a Grammy. It’s so good. And I knew right away when I first heard and listened to it non stop and still pull it up whenever it rains or if I’m feeling down or reflective.


As far as I know he never said he regretted mono! Just his first mixtape! Though he did once say he didn’t quite ‘get it’ with mono but thought he did with indigo and I loveeee indigo but sir we do not take any mono slander even from you! She is a masterpiece. Lol


this is my favorite solo project as well! couldn't agree with you more- as a night owl myself and someone who has struggled with mental health for as long as i can remember, this is my comfort album. i always find myself coming back to it because it's relatable and uplifting without being too annoyingly optimistic, and he's perfectly captured what it's like to be a young person just trying to find their way in the world and all that comes with it: feelings of not being enough, not knowing who you are, dealing with hardships, facing your inner darkness, etc. it's a criminally underrated masterpiece in my opinion

Oleksandra Yakubenko

You really should check eAeon album Guilt-Free, this is one of the most sonicly interesting albums from korean musician i discovered thanks to BTS, i especially love songs 5 in 4, Drug and Bulletproof