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Mikayla McCord

rumors of a 2025 animated adult aang gang movie/tv show that I saw a couple weeks ago! i don’t think anyone official has posted about it yet so it still could be rumors. but! the live action netflix show has been cast (with like actual POC) so it’s definitely happening! and should be much better than the other live action lol.


we don't know much about the adult aang show but mike and bryan did show some official art for it at cinema con a few weeks ago! it got take down pretty fast but i do have it lol. after the 2019 resurgence mike and bryan started working on a lot of stuff. there's a zuko movie and a few other projects besides the adult movie. and there's the live action movie that's been worked on for a few years now and is actually almost done i believe. should be better than that disgrace a few years ago. i have mixed feelings about it all but excited to see what's to come cause i miss them too!

Olivia Sophia

Waiting for the reaction of those episodes was soooooo worth it! I loved it! General Iroh is actually Zuko's grandson and the youngest general in the forces' history and we couldn't be more proud. And yeah, The Makko-Korra-Asami stuff, everyone wants to get that resolved asap (or in 5sos terms SOON), but the endgame will be worth it in my humble opinion. The flashback of Aang, Lin's sacrifice and now the arrival of Iroh made these episodes some of my favorites, but the final two? They are just wow. I love how the season picks up in the end, you're not ready. Can't wait to see your reaction!

Ida Lisby

Loved this 😍 can we be so lucky that you are listening to subtract with us?

Rochella Duijs

hi, I just started watching this, but it seems this video isn't working. it shows me a blank screen and then the text: Sorry. This video does not exist.