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DISCORD IS ACTIVE EVERYONE. Bear with me as I am getting accustomed to it myself, but I look forward to being able to communicate with you all through there as well as here! All you have to do is click on your membership and there is a discord link that will direct you to my discord page! Come joinnnnnnnnn!!

OH AND THIS IS THE NEXT GIVEAWAY. A vinyl record player. To enter the giveaway there is a #giveaways channel on the discord, just go in there and click! (giveaway is international)


added the above link if it helps anyone!

<3 x a trillion




How fun!


I'm not finding the discord button. Any helpful tips? I followed the directions above btw


Not yet, there is no link. Once someone is IN the server, you can use the link the membership section to connect it to patreon for roles, but you first have to be in the server

Adam Geiser

Was just looking at this record player! I needed to upgrade mine so that I can spin some of the new boygenius record and lay flat on the floor! 😃👍


oh it's a fun giveaway! I won't be participating because I already have mine record player, from the same brand even! They're really good!


At this point we just wait. Once Bev gets and puts a link there, we can join, and then with the current link we can use it to get a "patreon" role to access specific patreon content on discord. I've modded and set up a ton of discords, where it's pretty self-explanatory once you know it, but at first there definitely is a learning curve to getting it all set up, so I'm sure he'll have it up shortly (:

Allison V

I was able to see it when i logged in through the web instead of the app, but yeah mine was already connected since I have a discord with other patreons, so go into discord first and make one if you haven’t yet!


this is a really solid record player, if i didn’t already have one myself i would enter! everyone who doesn’t have one definitely should

Stephanie Welper

I don’t have a record player and just joined and entered!


Oh what a great giveaway! I already have one but that is soo generous. Good luck to the participants!!!


I've heard good things about this one! I've been wanting to get a record player and this was one I was looking at. Good luck everyone!


This is awesome! Thank you! Just joined the Discord 😊


i just found a couple t swift vinyls in my closet in my parent's house from middle school and don't have a record player to play them on.... fingers crossed rn


OMG discord!! So exciting!!


a discord AND a great giveaway? Happy April everyone!


so so so generous!

Kelsey Haevermaet

Oh. This is awesome. I,ve been wanting a record player for so long. Thank you Michael!

Amanda S.

Oh how cool! I'm not too familiar with Discord. Hopefully I can figure it out. Thank you for all you do!

Melissa Ryan

I think I’m old. Can’t figure out how to enter the drawing. I’m not sure what to click on to get to it. I joined the discord and can see the giveaway, just not sure what to do past that.


Ohhh that is so nice!

Leah Goodman

This is so generous! Thank you!

Lady Roxette

wow! so generous of you with that giveaway! been wanting a record player for so long but not yet able to buy one because of other priorities, especially now that I am a first time mom. 🤩 I actually have taylor vinyls but cannot play them yet because I do not have a record player so fingers crossed 😅