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(sorry for any confusion)



can't believe there's only one atla upload left! so glad you enjoyed the journey and that you could develop such a liking and attachment to toph (': i freaking love all the canon couples. used to be zutara shipper when i was a kid and these episodes were still coming out, but getting to watch with you again and seeing you point out and defend little kataang moments makes me feel so validated LOL


I want Toph in my pocket too!!!!!!!!


katara being able to blood blend like that when it's not even a full moon is so badass yet so scary. she really is the greatest water bender of all time and i'd hate to ever be on her bad side. fun fact the blue spirit that zuko uses to portray his ninja side is a character from the play love amongst the dragons that was mentioned in the episode. zuko's a theater kid lol. cant believe there's only one more upload left! so sad to see it end but the journey has been so fun!


i related a lot to katara growing up so when the common knowledge is that shes the greatest waterbender of all time is saif often, it just makes my heart feel so happy, i love her sm


she really is so great and im sure you are too 💜


i think one of the coolest things about the ember island players episode is how the writers used it to poke fun at themselves, for instance: completely skipping over the great divide since it as widely viewed as a weaker filler episode, recognizing and addressing that it was unclear if jet died, and there have been a few episodes (especially in season 1) where zukos scar appeared on different sides of his face, hence his conversation with the little kid about his scar :) i think it’s brilliant. it also accomplishes all of that while recapping the show and giving a really cool insight into propaganda and how narratives can be manipulated based on who is telling the story and what agenda they may have. anyways, it isn’t new news that the show is amazing lol, can’t wait to watch the finale with you! <3


honestly i live for rage fueled women representation that katara serves


It was a full moon though, they showed the moon before they got in the ship.


(legend of korra spoilers!!!!) following up after tushar's reply - yeah katara isn't able to blood bend without a full moon; idk if you watched lok but referencing s1 where amon + his family were the first (that we know of? i think) to blood bend freely. doesn't take away from katara being a badass waterbender though


Love watching this with you. Again, I'm mad at my younger self for not watching the final season. What was she thinking?? LOL can't wait for the last upload. Can't believe we're at the end already.


just commenting to say I’m so behind on these but will be back for this 🙃😂

Emi Wan

Just so you know, this post doesn't have the Avatar tag, I almost missed it, great series though


(After hearing your absolutely correct opinions and reasonable thoughts about The Southern Raiders, I just have to vent!) Aang forcing his Monk ideals on Katara for the Southern Raiders episode really messed me tf up tbh, Bryke really ended up butchering his character towards the end just to get him paired up with K and live out his child fantasy. Comparing her mother's death to Appa getting kidnapped for like 2 weeks is so wild, in any other instance comparing trauma's would be seen as toxic, Aang was so bold for that and it really rubs so many the wrong way. Really reminds you he's just a kid and lacks alot of emotional intelligence, you're so right that killing the Raider would've been too much for Katara's character and maybe even completely OOC but as you saw in the next few episodes, the rest of the group aren't vegan pacifists like Aang, so he can't be expecting that kind of behaviour from the Gaang and/or get mad at them when they differ as people :// Alot of these weird Kataang missteps in the finale are actually a result of the fandom (and other writing staff) being huge Zutara backers, Bryke used to openly make fun of Zutara fans at conventions, I hope the Netflix live action crew makes it canon for a twist just to spite him for leaving the project tbh!!


Saying all of that (I'm so sorry, lots of words, forgive me King) the whole cast just has sm chemistry with each other which is really one of the main highlights at the end of the day, and especially Zuko who has chemistry with everyone... SPOILERS IF you intend to read the comics (although this alters nothing you'll see in Korra and no solid lore, just trivia) but you might be interested to know there isn't only a strong Zutara/Taang portion of the fandom BUT there's also a solid Zuko/Suki club due to their interactions in the comic stories post-finale!


fyi this one is missing the avatar tag

Janel Davis

Hey Michael! Just FYI, this one is not in the playlist for ATLA reactions. I got really confused and was worried you hadn't recorded these two episodes or something! :)