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They way these were going & how netflix has these episodes lengthed and separated I felt it made sense to stop at that last one! I'm going to do one vid for the next two episodes then one final upload (🥲) for the last4 episodes which is on Netflix as one long movie basically. 



joining in on the unexpected voice actor topic, if you do eventually watch Korra (which i HIGHLY recommend you do as its amazing and a more grown up version of ATLA i´d say) Steven Yeun has a pretty significant part in it!


YEEESS Zuko team Avatar era let's gooooo!!


Can you imagine the type of Red (Mai's version) we could get?! LOLOLOL but for real I'm so happy you like the show, but I just have to say we got the BEST quotes from you here in the Firebending Masters episode: "You must be LGBTQ allies in order to firebend again." You sir, are iconic.


boiling rock pt1 and 2 are my fav eps (with zuko alone) it just has a bit of everything! it's also the beginning of azula's spiral with the mai and ty lee betrayal, as a former perfectionist with trust issues i really felt for her


this episode is why mai & ty lee turned out to be some of my fav characters in the show by the end of it. mai's loyalty to zuko was incredible; despite her being hurt by him TWICE (when he left the fire nation & when he locked her in that room, even though his perspective was completely understandable), she still chose to save him knowing the cost. and then ty lee, who agreed to join azula out of fear way back in season 2, going up against her to save mai. the "i love zuko more than i fear you" line is great regardless, but i always felt it fit ty lee as well. she loved mai more than she feared azula. ALSO i adore ur toph merch & ur overall love for the character! that's exactly how i feel about aang (my fav character in the show & honestly one of my fav characters of all time). i actually have a shelf devoted to all of my aang figures, funkos, & plushies! (:


boiling rock is one of my favorite episodes of any tv show. I can quote it. It has Suki, Zuko and Sokka??? And then the Mai moment at the end. The shot of Mai's eyes in the prison :'( she genuinely loves Zuko and Ty Lee always loved Mai more than Azula. I love there wasn't a second where Ty Lee hesitated in defending Mai.

Ray Criswell

I love that you mentioned The Beach episode at the end (sry here I go again lol) bc I think the end of the boiling rock w/ Azula, Mai, and Tai Lee calls back to that episode very well. That struggle with fear vs love is a theme throughout the show and it has different meanings for every character, its such good writing! You could see how Azula's whole façade cracked after Mai mentioning that her love for Zuko trumps her fear for Azula. That fear she had of ending up on that beach alone came true all in an instant. Beautiful plot development.


Now I'm kinda mad at my younger self for not watching this season lol. Great reaction!! :)


Here to chaotically admit I shipped zuko and katara when i was younger and i still see the vision (don’t boo me!!!)

Sophie H.

This is just a fun little music fact but when Zuko and Aang are dancing with the dragons at the temple in ep.13 (The Firebending Masters) the music in the background is a mix between Aang's theme and Zuko's theme. It shows that they have finally let go of their strife and had come together to learn and grow. It's an amazing scene visually but knowing about the music just makes it a little more special for me so I thought I would share. There is an amazing video on Youtube by Sideways that goes into more detail (but I wouldn't recommend watching it until after the show is completed because there are spoilers)!


Zutara! I love Aang x Katara and also Zuko x Mai, but I’ll always have a soft spot for Zutara.

Rana Orsan

gonna be even more chaotic and admit i shipped zuko and sokka especially after that boiling rock episodes, they just have such a fun dynamic

Dandy Welosky

Would love if the next anime is attack on titan or demon slayer both on crunchy roll

Aishwarya Majumdar

I have to say one thing about Katara being particular harsh with Zuko - yes, Aang's her man and she gonna protect her man, but at the end of season 2, she was the first and only member of the gAang to hear Zuko out, empathize with him, and give him a chance. She was going to use her magic healing water on his scar even, that's how serious she was about it, and she directly Personally got betrayed by him in the consequent turn of events. So for the rest of the gAang it's their first time giving him a chance but she's already done that before and had it backfire, making her extra wary. Don't want her motivations here to just be surrounding her romantic arc, because it also is a direct reaction to her empathetic personality that you mentioned!


I know this was posted a while ago, but I was wondering what happened to episodes 14 and 15 of book 3. Episode 14 specifically was one that I really wanted to hear your thoughts on.

Kayla Brunton

yea, where did the southern raiders episode go and the ember island players episode?