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I LOVE legos (the only appropriate way to start this off). It’s one of my favorite activities I do to relax and wind down and just treat my mind. So I saw these come out and got SO excited, so I went to a few different locations (this was quite the journey, so many were out lol) and managed to grab a few to give away! I’ve been wanting to do giveaways on just here on patreon for a long time but wanted it to be something that feels like it really gives back & is more personal for what you guys do for me. I wanna do alot more of this with other things, so if you’re not a BTS fan I promise other giveaways are coming! so keep on the lookout!

Ok so if you want the chance to get one of these (as you see I have 3) all you have to do is leave a number down in the comments of this post, between 1-500. I’m going to randomly pick numbers (I have a way in mind) and whichever 3 people get a match get the Lego set! Making it super fair & random. I’m also going to film me doing the lottery & selecting the winner! (Could be a long vid depending how many people submit 😅) I’ll put it in the beginning of the next BTS reaction vid I do. If you see a number in the comments already obviously choose another one! Also if I draw a number no one has chosen, I’m just going to keep drawing until I get a chosen number, so you can’t get price is righted out of your number, don’t worry. Ok hope this makes sense, if you have questions leave them here! (International)

Hope everyone is doing well!! Or trying their best. And if you aren’t, being kind to yourself until you see light again.

Love, Bev ♥️




13 since bts debut was June of 2013 and jimins fav number and his birthday which is tattooed on him.




224 :)


Thank you Michael!




309 (not sure if this is already taken or not!)