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thought I was recovered but I'm not this show may have shortened my lifespan so final upload up on 12/16! 


Bangtan is life

The Bent Neck Lady and Two Storms are my favorite episodes! Two Storms is a masterpiece, easily one of the greatest of all time🙌🏼❤️ The father is a better dad then what people give him credit for. He’s doing his best under impossible conditions ! It’s so easy to judge when you don’t know the whole situation 😛

Aninha Silva

I've watched ep 6 a few times and i just noticed that the Steve actor has a minor slip up during one dialog, it's amazing how he very very quickly corrects himself and carries on with the scene

Jayde Ritchey

The entirety of the show is great, but the back half of the season really takes the cake for me. Eps 5-10 are just perfection. I love the way all the pieces are slowly coming together. Very excited about the last 2!

Sav Miller

Thanks for reading out my comment! I’ve been really under the weather lately with an ear infection but that really made my day. 😊 Looking forward to watching these reactions—episode 6 is one of my favorites.

Sav Miller

The falling of the chandelier was the first cut in episode 6. It was a crazy long one-shot. They even built the hill house set so it connected to the funeral home set just so the dad could walk directly from the funeral to hill house without breaking the single shot.


feel better soon !! i had an ear infection bc of covid a month or two ago and the two combined was horrible.


ep8 really had the worst jumpscare out of all of em..

Amanda M.

Something no one else has mentioned yet is that the jump scare in episode 8 scared the shit out of the actors, too. In the scene itself, Nell wasn't supposed to pop forward until later in the dialogue, but the director told her to jump in when she wanted, so the reactions from the actresses are genuine in that moment. You held it together so well, I'm so proud of you! I think it helps that it goes from this massive, heart attack inducing scare, and immediately goes into Theo's heartbreaking explanation.


This is my favorite little fun fact because personally if I were Theo or Shirley (the actresses) I would have absolutely started sobbing right then and there 🤣🤣🤣 I get scared so easily and I tend to like try to hit whatever jumped out at me it would not have been good lolllll


steve not telling his wife about his vasectomy and then watching her go insane monitoring herself and trying so hard and thinking he was being kind.... ??? that is an ridiculous assessment of that situation


I forgot about the jump scare . That scared me so much.😅

E Han

I noticed it too! But it makes the scene that much more realistic because oftentimes I do mess up my words when I’m in an argument just because my mouth can’t move as fast as the thoughts in my head.

Ellis Hale

Continuously so proud of you for braving the scares 😅 I’m the ‘can each family member handle this piece of media’ person for my family as the resident horror fan and so many of them simply would not make it through this show! I honestly cherish the Nell jumpscare - finally she managed to make them stop arguing and notice her for once!

Julie B

That jump scare made me throw me earbuds on my desk. Yikes.


Episode 10 made me really annoyed when I watched it. I am curious to see if I will hate it less this time around when watching it with you