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One of my favorite pieces of horror because like you said, they take the time to build on everything else, it isn't just a factory to produce jump scares. Really great story.

Jenny D

The actress who plays young Theo is a phenomenal actress. Every time she pops up in a show I'm watching, I get excited. She's great in the movie Gifted that she stars in with Chris Evans. She's amazing in Handmaid's Tale. She's also in Designated survivor and a bunch of other projects. You should definitely watch Midnight Mass by the guy who wrote Hill House. It's my favorite of the spooky series he's done on Netflix.

Sav Miller

I love the reveal of Nellie being the bent neck lady. This show does a great job of using horror as a metaphor for real trauma and grief. To me, the bent-neck lady is Nellie being haunted by her future suicide—something that feels like a very real representation of how coping with suicidal thoughts must feel.


the touch power that Theo has is because of that ghost's hand that held her hand when she was sleeping at the beginning of the ep, I think that's the main reason and also the fact that her mother is already sensitive in a way too , but she only acquired the skill of touch after the ghost held her hand

Amanda S.

The actor that played Nell’s therapist starred in the 1963 movie The Haunting, which is also based on The Haunting of Hill House book. The book and movie are pretty similar, while this miniseries took a different twist with it.


Didn’t she find the wine before that? I can’t remember now. Coming from a family who is also sensitive, they are all sensitive, just in different ways. Nell & Luke have the twin thing, Shirl has the dreams, the mom has the headaches, Theo has touch (like her grandmother), and Steven is so far removed from that part of himself I don’t think he’s in touch with it at all.

Julie B

I went back and watched Episodes 1 & 2 again. It was more clear that each child has a different sensitivity. When Theo and Luke were in the old lady's sick room, Luke could smell something that Theo couldn't. Theo is (obviously) sensitive via touch. Shirley sees visions, and so does Nell. After watching the first two episodes again, it struck me that the father did not hear all the portraits banging on the walls, and he said that "the children are hearing dogs at night." It seems like most of the sensitivity is coming from the mother's family. I was thrilled to hear Patty Griffin sing "Heavenly Day" at Nell's wedding. She has always been one of my favorite artists, and I am planning on sending you some Patty requests next year. Fun fact: she wrote that song about her dog. Lastly, it took me a while, but I finally recognized Russ Tamblyn as Nell's therapist. He also played a therapist on Twin Peaks, and he truly was a quack on that show.

Amanda M.

My interpretation about Nell, is that her fate was charted from the first night that she was in the house and saw the BNL. Her entire life from that moment on propelled her towards the suicide. Its important to note that the ONLY time she didn't see the BNL (her future ghost) was while she was with Arthur... if he hadn't died from the aneurysm, she may have never ended up there, but he did and that set her right back on her path to her fate. All the kids have some sort of sensitivity, but Theo is the only one with an outwardly obvious "gift" (although it could be argued its more of a curse, she found a way to use it to help children). Theo picks up feelings and only a few times has she actually glimpsed visual things, like with Olivia (mom). Which is part of the reason she avoids skin to skin contact, except in the moments she chooses to, like when having sex or working (it'd be pretty helpful though, to be able to feel what your partner is feeling and know you're...doing a good job lol.) As for Luke, I personally think he's being "haunted" by his addiction in the form of the Tall Man. Not to discount that the Tall Man exists, but I think when Luke sees him in the present, it's actually more likely he's seeing his addiction manifested as the Tall Man, always following him, pushing him towards self destruction. Remember what Steve said in episode one? "A ghost can be a lot of things. A memory, a daydream, a secret. Grief, anger, guilt."


Nell being the bent neck lady is one of the most interesting twists I've ever seen. It makes so much sense when you sit and think about it (which I did after watching that episode I sat for like 20 minutes just staring into space lol) she's essentially being haunted by her future. I also kind of think of it as Nell trying to warn herself of what's going to happen to her thinking that if she goes and sees herself as a kid and as an adult maybe that could be a sign not to go back to the house and to get away from it asap but it was always going to happen so she ended up becoming her childhood ghost.

Yenelly Tejada

and luke and nelly feeling everything the other feels so deeply is also not just a twin thing. I see it as a curse. Nelly felt everything luke felt with withdrawls etc. and look felt her dying, I felt horrible when he could feel her die poor luke

Janet Michelle

There is a very famous video of Henry Thomas auditioning for E.T. It's known as one of, if not the best child actor audition on tape. He is sobbing and it's incredible. Right at the end Spielberg goes, "Ok, kid, you got the job.", and the producers laugh. They were all sitting there in shock at this young boy's acting. Now he's the young version of the Dad after a LONG acting hiatus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA5giyG8E7g It's definitely worth a watch at only 3 minutes.


Michael I highly recommend the Disney movie Enchanted for you to watch! The Sequel is releasing tomorrow on Disney Plus!! Hope to see your HSMTMTS Commentary soon :)

Alexia Pollock

Could you please react to olivia rodrigo's cover of creep? you'll love it

Yenelly Tejada

what if the house is the reason they all triggered their sensitivitty. And basically their gifts it's what ruined them . Nelly was showing her little self how her older self was gonna end up which is crazy!! That's a craxy gift

Ellis Hale

Late comment as I’ve been busy for a while and catching up now. I watched this show all the way through twice in the same weekend - once alone, once with my family - because of this episode’s power alone. I still cry watching Nell and Arthur dance again. As someone who’s struggled with mental health (and sleep paralysis, funnily enough), the way the Bent Neck Lady comes full circle as a representation of Nell’s trauma and the impending threat of her own suicide really resonated for me. Arthur’s death is one final emotional blow and the BNL reappears and appears more frequently as she begins to unravel due to the lack of appropriate support from her therapist and family. Her own fear and trauma haunted her from childhood on. Incredible writing and a really unique take on a ghost story.


My man, tell me the slight horror moments haven't pushed you away from continuing this masterpiece of a show! Please come back sir! The house isn't finished with you yet...


I thought I would never rewatch this show because it scared the shit out of me, and I'm enjoying getting to watch you watch it even though it still scares the shit out of me