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Bangtan is life

I get that people feel bad for Will, but it kinda seems like so many is mad at Mike for not reciprocate his feelings and that’s not right to me. As far as we know Mike is straight and doesn’t see Will that way. And either way I think people are hating on Mike a little too much anyway, like come on he’s just a teenager. There’s worse people in this show that deserve yours hate more ..

Bangtan is life

YOU NEED TO WATCH THE LORD OF THE RINGS AND THE HOBBIT!! If you really are a nerd, you just have to!

Bangtan is life

As much as I love the OG cast, Joseph and Jamie really did it for me! And I really wish that Eddie was in more scenes 😕

Talía Caraveo

Oh my good! 3 episodes!! Wow!! Thank u Michael! Finally finished rewatching them, For me all of this season was the best, incredible. But yeah episode 7 is incredible, as well as 4 and 9, the final episode it's just insanely good. Love love love, Eddie's character and his friendship with Dustin. The scene with will and mike broke my heart, again, it was so well done. The whole reveal of henry/one/vecna is so good! Hopper and Joyce hug gave me life. Can't wait for you to see the last one!! :)

Julie B

When the gang went to the Creel house a few episodes ago, Steve asked why Vecna was obsessed with time. Dustin made fun of him, but he was spot on! When I saw Eden for the first time, I had to look her up on imdb because I thought she might be Ally Sheedy's daughter (she is not.) Then Vicky shows up at the War Zone looking like Molly Ringwald. Then I started thinking about Eddie, Jason, and Fred. All new characters this season, all fitting the profile of the criminal, the athlete, the basket case, the princess, and the brain. I haven't read this anywhere else, but I wondered if the Duffer Brothers were dropping some subtle references to the Breakfast Club this season. My heart goes out to Will. I don't know that coming out is ever easy, but definitely not in the middle of the AIDS crisis of the 1980's. Recently, we saw some nastiness directed toward gay men in regards to the spread of monkeypox. Take that nastiness and multiply it by a million and you begin to understand what it was like to be a gay man in the 80's.


the whole situation with will's painting made my heart hurt so bad. he can't admit to mike that he created it from his own heart, so he says to mike that el commissioned it for him. in the first episode of season 4, el tells mike in her letter that will has been working on something but he won't show it to anybody. i was screaming at mike to put the pieces together, but sadly, mike is a still dense this season </3


after you finish stranger things maybe you could watch the enola holmes movie for millie bobby brown!


yes !! the whole cast was so good and the timing is perfect with the sequel coming in november, i hope he watches !!

Kamdin Holley

Will your HSMTMTS season 3 reactions be coming soon?

Alyssa Raybourn

you should listen to Joe Kerry's band DJO! they have a full album and have a few singles!

Lexsi (canyonlwt28)

Hi, so I’m assuming you’ll be reacting to Joshua’s new Ep and I just wanted to let you know a few things before listening to it bc I want you to get the full experience. So this is what josh said about the upcoming ep. “Sad Songs In A Hotel Room comes from a transient period of my life, when I was constantly moving from hotel to Airbnb to a friend’s place, while also juggling some intense personal growth and change” “Each of the songs in this EP tell a different part of the story from that time; each with a different perspective. In some ways, these songs feel like a bridge from one chapter of my life to the next, and I felt an urgency to put them out as I finish my debut album.” So on the ep we haven’t heard the title track yet it’s the only one we don’t know. LA is on the ep. Also smoke slow he released already and the other a few of the other songs he put most of it out on tik tok months ago so we’ve heard it and also tonight was his first show ever and he preformed every song from the ep except title track. All I can say is you will be emotional. One thing I do want you to know is there is a song written for his mom on there it his the second to last song. It a tough one. Also the cover of the ep josh is wearing the same outfit from the set me free mv.


seconding this! if not a full album listen maybe to the single "figure you out" off of it. it's my favorite from this album from what we've seen so far. it seems like the album is really going to touch on joe's struggles with fame and how the public perceives him because of it and i just know the full album is going to emotionally wreck me on friday 😭

Yenelly Tejada

You should check out Anne with an E! The girl that plays Vicky is a main character there and it’s such a wonderful show !