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Episode 5 is an all-timer




Kamdin Holley

so excited for your hsmtmts season 3 reactions!!


Great reaction as usual, and I'm so excited to get to the end of the season! Episodes 9 and 10 are my favorites of the entire series and probably my favorite episodes of all shows I've seen so far. Also I've seen some comments above about Edmund but nothing about Hodor so maybe I can explain a bit what happened because it's kinda fucked up. Bran was with the Three Eyed Raven in that memory but he died, killed by the White Walker. Then Bran started to hear Meera asking for help, and he warped into young Hodor to reach present Hodor through his mind (maybe because he was alone and without having fully control of his powers) so he can hold the door while Meera and Bran escape, which caused that seizure in past Hodor and left that brain damage. Also, I would like to tell that he didn't change the past because Hodor was Hodor when Bran was born. Bran only caused a past event which had already happened in his timeline, so it's time travel but he didn't create a new reality because the past is already written. It's a bit confusing but my point is that Bran can't go back in time and change things, he can observe or trigger things that already happened anyway. That being said, I hope we can have the next episodes soon!


This was awesome! The last 2 episodes of this season are my all time 2 fave episodes of the whole series... i cant.freaking.wait!

Adam Geiser

We see the word Hodor originating from ‘Hold the door’ when Hodor was having his seizure which was an event before Bran was born. If so, then can Bran control the past in some way at least? If not, then someone is in order to save someone who isn’t yet alive timeline wise. And if it’s not Bran then who is it? Or is it just a coincidence that the events happening at the seizure coincide with current events in order to create a complete and true timeline/story? Also if Bran is causing a past event then doesn’t that prove that he can have some control of the past? I’m not trying to pick at your response in any way, I just thought it was an interesting idea. Thoughts? I love this Hodor topic and the concept of time.

Hedda Dybvadskog

You said you would watch a GOT play, so just wanted to recommend the next best thing: Game of Thrones the musical. In 2015, during the airing of season 5, Coldplay released a 12 minute sketch entitled GOT the musical featuring original music and starring a lot of the actors from the show singing, as well as just acting in the sketch. It features hits like "Rastafarian Targaryen", "Wildling" and "closer to home". The whole thing is narrated by Liam Neeson and it was all done for charity- and best of all, it was released before season 5 even finished airing so you can watch it without any spoilers !


yess, so hoping he gets to this on the patreon!

Aninha Silva

Did he say anything about when more stranger things and the months requests are being uploaded??

John Brady

Nice, I'm all caught up! I started a week ago with Season 1 on YouTube (genius strategy btw!) and now I can't wait to finish this series for the second time with you.

John Brady

Lord Edmure is the guy who got married to Walder Frey's daughter Roslin at the red wedding. He and Roslin were carried out of the room during the traditional "bedding ceremony" right before the massacre started. According to "A Wiki of Ice and Fire" website, Edmure and Roslin consummate their marriage and Roslin is impregnated that night. Edmure is distracted by fiddlers outside his guest chamber and by Roslin within, and is taken prisoner immediately after.


Not sure if your opinion changed as I’m only up to Season 3 but you need to remember this was all set in a different time. Life was often dark like this. George R R Martin takes from history. For example the Red Wedding. And things we accept/consider normal here or strange here were accepted then and if you were born at the time you wouldnt think any different. Only now in hindsight do we think with our modern better viewpoints

Amanda Sargent

New here. Just binged everything to this one (never watched so fast!) would someone be able to let me know if there’s a schedule - looks like it’s every week just about. Looking forward to the next batch like everyone I’m sure, and just want to make sure nothing happened with his flight! ♥️


If I remember right I believe this was the first time we learned hodor reveal I think it wasn't written just yet in the books. When I first watched it omg I cried it was so heartbreaking.

Brianna Lord

Not me out here DYING for you to drop the last few episodes of this season 👀✨

Jai-El Watt

Yay! I'm finally caught up and can make comments that don't spoil, and you're more likely to see. I'm SO loving these reactions. You're so insightful and heartfelt. I'm excited to see you get through this. I'm interested to see what your thoughts are after it's all said and done. When you said the episode title and then "whatever that means," my heart twinged a little. I'm sending you light energy for your heart after this one... It was one of the worst, for me.