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I think all of us have been holding our breath till you saw this one and cringing every time you were so hopeful about them! The Red Wedding is just brutal and hard to believe when watching it that we still have 5 seasons more to go! I understand now logically, and I think you alluded to this too...there are so many characters and eventually they have to go just so we can keep up, but man does this one hurt!!


"I want every couple to be happy" well in a few minutes no couples are going to be happy.

Simon Falk

Orell is also a warg. When Jon kills him his raven comes down from the sky. The raven is the creature he always warged into to scout an area. We also knew that Bran could do that, but yeah. It is super hard to keep track of everything. You are doing a great job of keeping track of almost everything. And you do see quite a lot of stuff coming. You really did know that that Walder Frey thing could be bad...


Your love and hope for Rob and Talisa was so hard to watch 😢 But I totally agree with what you said about Robb, his eventual downfall was started by him breaking his oath, something sad to see after years following in his father’s moral footsteps. Can’t wait for season 4! 😁

Stephanie Orman

I’ve been so nervous to watch you experience The Rains of Castemere/ The Red Wedding. When I read the scene in the book, I recall promptly throwing it across the room. It doesn’t get easier to watch this episode, no matter how many times you do. If you rewatch the season at some point, the signs are easier to note. I think the novel does a slightly better job of explaining Frey’s motivation (that he has been looked at as a bottom tier noble by all of the other houses for decades, and his daughter being queen would have been a transformational moment, compared to the public humiliation of Robb reaffirming (through his marriage) that the Frey’s aren’t good enough). The bread and salt the Stark army ate when they entered the hall was a sacred guest rite, which is supposed to guarantee their safety while in Frey’s house. The fact that they were killed after that goes against every sense of honor in their society (and it was, at least in part, based on events in Scottish History: The Glencoe Massacre and The Black Dinner). So sorry you are feeling this, but I am very excited for you to keep watching.


When I first watched this show I didn’t see The Red Wedding coming either. I wanted to rage quit the show but I somehow managed to carry on and I’m so glad I did. This was the second time I learned it’s dangerous to have a favorite character on GoT.


Oh man... i had the day from hell, and my reward was crawling into bed to watch this.... NGL i have been dreading and yet anticipating this episode/reaction since Season 1 when you made the mistake of having favourite lol. jk i have favourites... but yes GoT is brutal to our hearts. it cares not who we love. but it is also brilliant so we forgive it. I am looking forward to you experiencing Season 4 ... it too is a good one... not my favourite, thats not for a while yet but the complexities kick right on up a notch. and the cinematography and Soundtracks going forward are world class. At any rate I offer some gentle comfort hugs from afar as your heart heals .... cant wait for more next season ! Also last reaction you had some comments and statements that i wont comment on yet but at a later date im sure they too will live in infamy (wont clarify which ones but there were one or two that stood out) lol


Also i think i have PTSD from this episode... i too cant hear the rains of castemere without going into full on body reaction. When i first watched this episode i was on a late night weekend binge and it was about 3am and i remember snot sobbing for ages and legit unable to sleep... truly a brutal episode. You handled it extremely well... but yeh to say it makes you speechless isnt far off being accurate The trauma is real from this episode... i feel like i should send my therapy bill to the showrunners and George R.R Martin

Julie B

Remember the first episode? Ned had to behead a member of the Night's Watch for desertion. Really, he had been separated from his party after they were attacked by White Walkers. It wasn't particularly fair, since they could have just sent him back to the Wall after he made report. Point being, Jon definitely has to go back to the Wall. If he is thought to be a deserter, his life is forfeit. In the books, the orchestra at the wedding was BAD. Because they weren't really musicians.


Like most other patrons are commenting, I have been hiding behind my hands waiting for this episode to come...When I first watched GoT, I knew a couple big spoilers, but this was not one of them. I felt just like you. It's unbelieveable, and it just doesnt stop. And then how it affects Arya and Sansa on top of it all? Total disbelief and heartbreak. This show knows how to pull real and strong emotions from its audience members...and The Red Wedding was just the beginning. GoT is ruthless and brutal like no other show I have ever watched, but maybe that's what made it so iconic and compelling.


This season was where I caught up with the show. Ah yes the pain is coming back to me...


I just wanted to throw out there that "Merry" had a whole two words of lines and idk I just really thought her delivery was so outstanding. I always rewind because the intonation and the facial expression make such an impression. The actress did a great job.