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Jess E

This show is so powerful, and I would argue these two episodes are the hardest to watch by far. It's made so beautifully but... yeesh. It's so hard to watch sometimes. I think Laurie (the drug dealer lady) DID give her morphine to help with the withdrawal and was planning to lock her in the apartment and 'get her money back'. I noticed during that scene that they kept panning to the birds in cages and there was a definite sense of dread, along with the lines about "that's the good part about being a woman, you still have something people want." At the end of the 6th episode when Leslie says she thinks Rue was doing heroin (because of the puncture marks that Laurie made over and over) that was why the hospital was rejecting Rue to be an in-patient and that was Laurie's plan: make Rue dependent on her so that she wouldn't be able to get clean and would have no other resource. I'm not 100% sure that's the intention, but that was my interpretation. Incredibly dark stuff and I look forward to watching the rest of the episodes!

Tomasina Hill

I missed it when I watched too but apparently in episode 6 when they randomly focused on the alarm clock, it was to show there was a camera recording. So the lady Maddy has been babysitting for, has seen her trying on her stuff.


These two episodes were so emotional and all I wanted to do was get through them as fast as possible because it was so heart wrenching. Also I’m so glad that Gia finally got some attention because she needs it. And I truly think Nate’s mom is simply racist and doesn’t like Maddy for that reason. She didn’t like her from the beginning, even before the chili scene meanwhile she barely knew the girl that Nate went to prom with and Cassie and still told him she like them. The whole family simply needs therapy but the therapist would definitely need a drink after.

Janet Michelle

Laurie is definitely a s-x/human trafficker. If you listen there's scratching behind that door with the padlock like someone is behind it. She also had a huge suitcase of pills, but gave Rue the Morphine and she only woke up early because Rue lied about the usual amount she takes and she told Laurie less than she usually takes, so even though Laurie gave her more so she'd stay asleep Rue was lucky and woke up because of her lie. You also see how bruised Rue's arm is? That's a trick where they'll poke the person's arm many times, so even if Rue went to the police saying this woman had done something to her she'd look like someone whose been shooting up drugs for a long time/be an unreliable witness and apparently the parrots are used to hide noises in houses of people who traffic humans. They make a good excuse for weird voices/noises coming from places. That scene was also originally much more sexual with her grooming Rue, but the actress asked not to do that and to get the scariness across in other ways. I'm really glad she said something, because that would've been too much for me to watch, personally.

Janet Michelle

The subtitles even say, "Scratching Noises." So terrifying. Also notice how she says, "Ruby Bennett". She knows Rue's government name. I definitely think rewatching that episode just keeps getting scary and scarier.


I agree with the Laurie and “getting her money back”. But with the heroin, Rue has been doing heroin the whole season. She was just snorting it, rather then injecting it. That’s what she is snorting at the beginning when she gets Fay’s container.


Ep 5 is a masterpiece!! Zendaya is just incredible. So excited for your reactions to the next 2 eps!


yeah, i totally agree. these two episodes were fantastic and some of the best writing/acting on the show. really excited for your reaction to the last two episodes. all i can say is just prepare yourself for the craziness that ensues

Adam Geiser

this latter half of euphoria season two definitely is some of the best television i have seen. i’m also excited to hear the “official” season two soundtrack that labrinth is coming out with on the 22nd. should be interesting to hear it complete from start to finish after watching it all. :)

Ashley O

Did you notice the “smile you’re on camera” poster in Maddys room when Nate was there with the gun? I’m thinking they’ll do something with it in season 3.

Angelique Juliette

Remember when Laurie said that if Rue didn't pay the money back, she'll have her sold to some really sick people? I'm assuming the "sick people" are human sex traffickers.