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Ok this show has me at peak addiction officially

7. You Win or You Die

8. The Pointy End


got7&8 (720p)



This is not Game of Thrones ep 7. 8. Strange

Embodiment Of Fear

Hey you should watch Game of Thrones histories and lore season 1 after you finish this season. It will help alot with your understanding of the world, past events and the things the characters reference. Its on YouTube for free

Katie Jandrain

I know this is a while away but when you are through season 5, you need to watch Game of Thrones: The Musical on YouTube. It’s a skit with Coldplay and they turn the show into a musical and all the actors show up, it’s amazing. It’s shot like The Office.


Next week is so far away 😩

Giu Bressani

Hey, you got ir right, the youngest Stark is Rickon! And The Vale that you mentioned being confused about is The Vale of Arryn, the house of Catheryn and where her sister lives and rules!


Your comments during the show always crack me up! Your reactions to this series are so fun. Thank you! A few clarifying things to answer your questions (spoiler free of course): > Kings Landing is in Westeros! Just in the South! > The five Stark siblings in order: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon (+ Jon, who is not included when “Stark children” are referenced, unless they specially name him/say “the bastard” etc.) Rickon has only been mentioned and seen briefly a couple times maybe, so I don’t blame you for being confused lol, you got it right when you were looking back! pronounced “ri-con” as in “con artist” > “Call the banners” just means to call up all of their soldiers to get ready to leave and fight! “Banners” is more or less short for “banner men” which pretty much is just a general term any Lord can use, and has to do with the fact that they fly banners with house sigils on them when they go to battle, i’m order to identify who they are fighting for (so every house has their own “banner men”, which is just all the soldiers who fight for them! Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons, and so forth etc. all have their own sets of “banner men”.) > King Robert has two brothers, Stannis and Renly (who you saw talking to Ned). You’re right that you haven’t seen Stannis yet! Stannis is older than Renly and is why the throne would be going to him, were the true/correct order of succession being followed.

Adam Geiser

The house that Catelyn is apart of is Stark, but formerly before marriage to Ned, she was of house Tully of Riverrun. House Arryn is Jon Arryns house, Lysa (Catelyn’s sister) is married into that house, but before marriage was also a Tully. But the Vale is essentially the ‘Region’ that the Eyrie is apart of which is the castle that Lady Arryn is in currently. A similar comparison to this would be ‘The North’ as the region and ‘Winterfell’ as the castle that resides in the region. Just wanted to clarify :)

Kylie aka BallisticGal

Even though I've seen the series, I am absolutely with you on this journey again! I'm picking up things I didn't the first time - probably because I was hiding behind my hands with the gore or my brain was on major overload because I couldn't help but binge watch. Thanks for letting us come along for the ride - it really is/was a phenomenon of TV.

Tomasina Hill

My GOT ptsd is flaring up....I'm not required Michael to join us broken ones lol


I cannot wait for you to finish this season! Glad you've been enjoying it so far!

Julie B

I think that was a large and hairy deer that Tywin was skinning. Maybe an elk? It's got antlers.


It was just an adult male deer, a buck. Male deer have antlers during breeding season, they shed them every year. Elk are a lot bigger than that and usually have darker fur on their head and neck area.


It's fun symbolism when you think about what house has them as their house sigil.


can't wait for next week !! the last two episodes of every season are always jaw droping. I'm enjoying this so much


When Jorah is presented his royal pardon, the man said it was from the Spider. The Spider is a nickname for Varys.


I noticed that you thought Bronn was a new character and that his first appearance was when he volunteered for Tyrion but he actually first appeared way earlier and had scenes with Tyrion since episode 4. A lot of people reacting tend to forget that for some reason lol