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I'm so invested already wow

Working on a schedule for these, should have it next upload!


got1x1&2patreon (720p)


Mikayla McCord

watching this for the first time now - I'm too afraid to watch all of the violence alone so this feels like I'm watching with a friend lol

Bangtan is life

I used to love this show when it was new, and I think I’ve watched all the way up to season 6, I don’t remember if I have seen season 7 , and I know I haven’t seen the last one because I was told how it ended and I hated it lol but I figured I could just rewatch GoT with you and then see what I think of the last season myself!

Mary Higgins

Are the new links for game of thrones available somewhere else?

Victoria Chinaka

rickon is the youngest and fifth stark child (not including Jon Snow).


i'm so glad you're watching this because i was interested but i could not watch it by myself lol


I’ve been meaning to rewatch GOT for a long time. I was going to start next week but I’ll watch it with you instead :) PS. I couldn’t stop laughing whenever you called Geoffrey, Malfoy. Pls make that his name😂. I used to call Jamie (the pretty brother) Prince Charming (from Shrek). Also, I’m happy that you compared Viserys to Loki, i’ve been saying it for years.


I don't know if someone's mentioned this already, but the opening credits show all the places that will be shown in that episode on a map, so it's pretty cool and changes from episode to episode

Susan Deans

Omg I am so excited to rewatch all of this show along with you! Upgraded to this tier just to rewatch this. I LOVE this show! You done so well keeping up with what was going on in this so early on! It’s really not one you can let your mind wander off with you really need to pay attention lol. I remember sitting down with my mum after the first season to try and explain and she literally had no clue 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


I am with you Michael. I avoided this show till now. I think we are the only two people who never saw this show

Anthony Jackson

Decided to watch this with u while i wait for stranger things!! should be fun!

Anthony Jackson

very entertaining first 2 episodes! You're a great reactor really enjoying these. trying to catch up. I've only seen the first 3 and half seasons myself.


one of my fav things about watching with you is you making up names for the characters like triple H, aquaman, Croco for Drogo, and Lyrion for Tyrion. They’re seriously the best, probably bc i do that too sometimes. I really try to learn character’s names, but sometimes there’s just too many of them lol


Just wanted to pop in and say I love your GMM hoodie; of course you’re a mythical beast!

Indre Duobaite

I finally decided to watch this show and I'm so happy to watch it alongside you even though you have already finished it. These reactions will help me so much with retaining all the info!